25 research outputs found

    Code-switching among EFL Teachers

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    This study examined the utilization of code switching used by teachers in English classes. The motivation behind this investigation is to discover the condition that acts as the baseline of code-switching use. This study was merely a qualitative investigation where the data are based on the quality, not quantity. The subjects of this study were 2 English teachers in SMP IT Az-Zahra, Takegon in two English classes in 2015. The data collection process was done by recording the teachers’ speech during teaching using a voice recorder to see in what condition the teachers employed code-switching. The result demonstrates that the recurrence of code switching for topic switch is what happened all the time for 30.4% in the highest rate. While the least used condition to employ code-switching is addressee specification which is only 7% usage from both teachers. Conclusively, the teachers assumed that utilizing code switching to facilitate the educating and learning process can help students grow their understanding, enable them to stick on the point, and help the students certain about conveying meaning


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    The objective of this study is to find out whether there is a significant difference in speaking performance between students who are taught using the Examples Non-Examples Technique (ENET) and those who are taught using the Grammar Translation Method (GTM). To achieve the goal of this study, the experimental design method was used with an experimental class and a control class. The sample of study was a class of 45 students as the experimental class and another class of 45 students as the control class. The instruments used for the study were tests. The data was analyzed through statistical formula including finding the frequency distribution, range (R), class of data (K), class of interval (I), mean, standard deviation, and Z-score. The results showed that the Z-score pre-test of experimental and the control classes was 1.3 (Z countZ table) in which the Z table was 2.04.  This means that there was no significant difference between the scores of both classes in pre-treatment. However, in post-treatment the Z-score for the experimental class and control classes was 5.1 (Z countZ table) which indicated that there was a significant difference between the experimental class and the control class in post-treatment. In conclusion, ENET can be applied as an alternative technique in teaching speaking. The research hypothesis (Ha) is also proven that the use of ENET provides a positive contribution for the development of students’ speaking performance


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    ABSTRAK   Modal  dasar pembentukan manusia berkualitas dimulai sejak janin dalam kandungan dengan memberi nutrisi pada ibu hamil dilanjutkan pemberian ASI ekslusif setelah bayi dilahirkan  yaitu memberikan ASI saja termasuk kolostrum tanpa memberikan makanan serta minuman tambahan kepada bayi sejak dilahirkan sampai  usia 6 bulan kecuali obat. Pemberian ASI sangat penting untuk tumbuh kembang bayi secara optimal,  baik secara fisik maupun mental serta kecerdasan, oleh karena itu pemberian ASI perlu mendapat perhatian para ibu dan tenaga kesehatan agar proses menyusui dapat terlaksana dengan benar. (Proverawati, 2009). Kabupaten Aceh Barat merupakan salah satu Kabupaten Di Provinsi Aceh, dengan cakupan pemberian ASI Ekslusif belum mencapai Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM).Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Aceh Barat terdiri dari 13 Puskesmas. Puskesmas Meurebo merupakan salah satu puskesmas dengan cakupan terendah yaitu 17,2 % pada  tahun 2016. (Provil Dinkes Aceh Barat 2017).Hasil wawancara dengan penaggung jawab program Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA) di Puskesmas Meurebo menunjukkan informasi bahwa Puskesmas sudah menjalankan program dalam upaya meningkatkan pemberian ASI eksklusif yaitu berupa penyuluhan dan kelas ibu hamilk. Tetapi program ini tidak berjalan dengan baik karena tidak dilakukan secara berkesinambungan dengan alasan keterbatasan tenaga pelaksana dilapangan.Disamping itu belum adanya Kelompok Pendukung ASI (KP-ASI) di wilayah tersebut, memberikan kontribusi negatif terhadap cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif.Melihatpotensidankondisiibuhamil  serta  meyusui diwilayah kerja puskesmas Meurebo, sangat penting dibentuk suatu programyang bertujuan untukmeningkatkan pengetahuanibuhamildanmeningkatkan kepatuhan  ibu  menyusui dalam dalam mewujudkan keluarga sadar ASI eksklusif melalui pendekatan   peer  group  yaitu pembentukan Kelompok Pendukung ASI (KP-ASI).Anggota Kelompok Pendukung ASI dapat direkrut dari kader yang aktif dan ibu  berhasil memberikan ASI eksklusif pada bayinya. Kata Kunci: Kelompok, Pendukung, Air,Susu, Ibu, Eksklusif, Keluarga   ABSTRACT   The authorized capital for the formation of quality human beings starts from the fetus in the womb by nourishing pregnant women followed by exclusive breastfeeding after the baby is born, ie giving breast milk only including colostrum without providing additional food and drinks to the baby from birth to 6 months except medicine. Giving breast milk is very important for optimal growth and development of the baby, both physically and mentally as well as intelligence, therefore breastfeeding needs to get the attention of mothers and health workers so that the breastfeeding process can be carried out correctly. (Proverawati, 2009). West Aceh District is one of the Districts in Aceh Province, with coverage of Exclusive Breastfeeding not yet achieving Minimum Service Standards (SPM). The Working Area of ​​the West Aceh District Health Office consists of 13 Puskesmas. Meurebo Health Center is one of the lowest coverage health centers, which is 17.2% in 2016. (Profil of the West Aceh Health Office 2017). The results of interviews with the responsibility of the Maternal and Child Health (KIA) program in Meurebo Health Center show information that the Puskesmas has efforts to increase exclusive breastfeeding in the form of counseling and classes for pregnant women. But this program did not go well because it was not carried out on an ongoing basis due to the limitations of the field staff. Besides that, the absence of ASI Support Groups (KP-ASI) in the region, contributed negatively to the scope of exclusive breastfeeding. Looking at the potential and condition of pregnant and breastfeeding women in the work area of ​​the Meurebo health center, a program which aims to increase the knowledge of pregnant women and increase adherence to breastfeeding mothers in creating a conscious family of exclusive breastfeeding through a peer group approach is the establishment of ASI Support Groups. . Members of the ASI Support Group can be recruited from active cadres and mothers successfully give exclusive breastfeeding to their babies. Keywords: Group, Supporting, Water, Milk, Mother, Exclusive, Famil


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    Purpose of the study: This study aimed at finding out the efficiency of traditional whiteboard use in classroom settings. It is known that there are a lot of advancements in teaching and learning tools, including the means of whiteboards which can be altered by using projectors. Methodology: This study was mainly under the qualitative design where the authors mainly weighed the data reliability on the quality of the respondents’ responses through the open-ended questionnaire set. There were 177 senior college students involved as the respondents, who volunteered to fill out the questionnaire set about the effectiveness and efficiency of whiteboard use in classroom settings. The data gathered from the questionnaire were then analyzed using percentages to see the students’ agreement on the statements in the questionnaire set. Main findings: The results indicate that students still perceive that whiteboards—despite its traditionalism—help assist their learning process. Applications of this study: However, there are several points that teachers need to justify concerning the whiteboard skills namely general writing ability including handwriting legibility, setting-up ability, making optimum use of whiteboards, and cleaning up compliance. Novelty/Originality of this study: This study takes into account the efficiency of conventional whiteboard uses in the globalized era. Although a lot of kinds of digital whiteboards and projectors are in use, students still consider that the use of conventional whiteboard is still necessary

    Determinan diare pada masyarakat di Gampong Cot Kabupaten Nagan Raya

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    Tidak baiknya kondisi lingkungan akan menyebabkan terjadinya penyakit water born disease salah satunya adalah penyakit diare. Digampong cot masih kurang tersedianya air bersih yang layak sehingga banyak masyarakat yang mengalami diare, selain itu jamban yang digunakan juga masih ada yang kurang layak. Tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan sarana penyediaan air bersih dan jamban keluarga dengan kejadian diare pada masyarakat di Gampong Cot Kecamatan Seunagan Kabupaten Nagan Raya. Metode penelitian adalah survey yang bersifat analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18 Desember 2019-13 Januari 2020, Populasi 159 KK dan sampel 61 KK. Adanya hubungan antara Sarana Air Bersih (Pvalue= 0,007 < α = 0,05, RP = 1,831) dan jamban keluarga (Pvalue= 0,000 < α = 0,05, RP = 2,339) dengan kejadian diare. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya hubungan antara sarana air bersih dan jamban keluarga dengan kejadian diare. Diharapkan pihak puskesmas agar dapat memberikan informasi kepada seluruh masyarakat seputar penyebab dan bahaya dari penyakit diare


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    Edukasi berperan penting terhadap kesuksesan anak dimasa depan. Orang tua dituntut untuk menjadi pendamping di rumah dalam menanamkan nilai dan cara-cara edukasi bahasa inggris yang mearik dan kreatif sehingga anak akan menyenangi belajar bahasa inggris. Salah satu metode pembelajaran bahasa inggris yang dapat diterapkan oleh orang tua dalam mengarahkan anak-anaknya untuk mampu memahami bahasa inggris dengan baik adalah Didactive Learning. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah memberikan edukasi dan memberdayakan orang tua sebagai madrasah pertama untuk mengajarkan bahasa inggris. Metode pengabdian terdiri dari persiapan, pelaksanan, dan evaluasi. Terdapat 20 khalayak sasaran yang terdiri dari ibu rumah tangga yang berpartipasi dalam pengabdian ini dan bertempat di Ujong Tanjong Kecamatan Kaway XVI Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Hasil pengabdian menunjukan bahwa 85% ibu-ibu rumah tangga mengaku bahwa setelah menerapkan metode serta langkah-langkah pembejaran melalui didactive learning, anak terbukti lebih menyukai bahasa Inggris dari sbelumnya. Oleh karena itu, ibu rumah tangga disarankan untuk memberikan perhatian penuh dalam melakukan pendampingan belajar bahasa Inggris karena dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan semangat belajar siswa di rumah

    “Don't sweep the floor!” Verbal and nonverbal taboo in Nagan Raya, Aceh

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    In daily life, individuals occasionally use language to connect with other individuals, and they have their specific manner to pick the language variety which can affirm their character. This language can be in the form of verbal and nonverbal language. This research aimed at finding out the types of verbal and non-verbal taboo, along with the mythical and factual reasons underlying their usage. The method used was qualitatively based. The data collection was done through several interviews with the participants who are the native speakers of Acehnese in Nagan Raya. Later on, the data were recorded using an android device and in the analysis, the three-step analysis was employed. The process was data reduction, data display, and data verification. Then the results show that, first, nine swearing taboo words are occasionally used by the people there. The reason for using these words is generally to express anger and disappointment. Second, concerning the non-verbal taboo, there were 10 data obtained concerning non-verbal taboo, and the reason behind using these nonverbal taboo is to threat the youth to get them obedient so that they can carry out the day safely


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    Sarapan pagi mampu memenuhi zat gizi anak sekolah 15-30 %, sehingga akan berpengaruh besar terhadap konsentrasi anak belajar. Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan kebiasaan sarapan anak sekolah di Indoensia tergolong buruk termasuk mutu dan nilai gizi masih di bawah Angka Kecukupan Gizi (AKG). Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan tiga tahap,tahap pertama dengan melakukan pretest pada kelompok sasaran, tahap kedua dilanjutkan dengan memberikan Komunikasi Informasi Edukasi (KIE) pada anak-anak tentang  pentingnya sarapan pagi dan jenis – jenis sarapan yang tepat sebelum kesekolah. Tahapan ketiga dilanjutkan posttest tentang sarapan pagi. Hasil penilaian dari kegiatan pengabdian menunjukkan tingkat peningkatan pengetahuan peserta meningkat sebesar 91,1, % atau 31 orang. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa setelah mendapatkan KIE adanya peningkatan pengetahuan siswa Sekolah Dasar tentang sarapan pagi. Kata kunci : Komunikasi, informasi, edukasi, sarapan, sehat ABSTRACT Breakfast is able to meet the nutrients of school children 15-30%, so it will have a big effect on the concentration of children studying. Various studies have shown that the breakfast habits of school children in Indonesia are classified as poor, including the quality and nutritional value which is still below the Nutritional Adequacy Ratio (RDA). The method used in this community service is carried out in three stages, the first stage is by conducting a pretest on the target group, the second stage is continued by providing Educational Information Communication (KIE) to children about the importance of breakfast and the right types of breakfast before going to school. The third stage was followed by a posttest about breakfast. The results of the assessment of service activities showed the level of increase in the knowledge of participants increased by 91.1% or 31 people. It can be concluded that after getting KIE there is an increase in the knowledge of elementary school students about breakfast. Keywords: Communication, information, education, breakfast, health


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    Penyebaran wabah pandemi COVID-19 yang sangat cepat memberi dampak pada perekonomian dunia, termasuk di sektor pangan dan pertanian.  Penurunan 1% pertumbuhan ekonomi Tiongkok di tahun 2020 bisa berdampak sekitar 0,3% terhadap perekonomian yang ada di Indonesia, tidak terkecuali di Aceh. Oleh karena itu stimulus ekonomi kreatif menjadi salah satu alternatif yang sangat tepat dalam mengatasi masalah perekonomian masyarakat, dengan pemanfaatan komoditi lokal melalui inovasi kaldu bubuk tempe sebagai ketahanan pangan keluarga di Desa Purwodadi Kabupaten Nagan Raya. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk memberikan pentingnya edukasi ekonomi kreatif pada masyarakat pesisir terutama pada keluarga miskin menuju ketahanan pangan keluarga dimasa pandemi COVID 19. Metode kegiatan yang digunakan melalui  pendekatan yaitu edukasi, diskusi, pelaksanaan (pelatihan atau praktek) dan evaluasi. Hasil pengabdian ini menumbuhkan jiwa kemandirian untuk membentuk Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) pada masyarakat pesisir, khususnya pada keluarga miskin, sehingga dapat menjadi salah satu upaya dalam menuju ketahanan pangan keluarga di masa pandemi COVID 19. Kata kunci: Covid 19, ekonom kreatif, UMKM ABSTRACT The very rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has had an impact on the world economy, including in the food and agriculture sectors. A 1% decline in China's economic growth in 2020 could have an impact of around 0.3% on the existing economy in Indonesia, including in Aceh. Therefore, the creative economic stimulus is one of the most appropriate alternatives in overcoming the economic problems of the community, by utilizing local commodities through the innovation of tempeh powder broth as family food security in Purwodadi Village, Nagan Raya Regency. The purpose of this activity is to provide creative economy education to coastal communities, especially poor families towards family food security during the COVID 19 pandemic. The method of activities used is through 5 approaches, namely coaching, formation, implementation, monitoring, assistance and evaluation. The result of this service is the formation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in coastal communities, especially in poor families, so that it can be one of the efforts towards family food security during the COVID 19 pandemi. Keywords: Covid 19, creative economist, UMK