28 research outputs found

    Novos iniciadores para detecção de Leishmania infantum pela reação em cadeia da polimerase

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    Leishmania infantum causes visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the New World. The diagnosis of VL is confirmed by parasitological and serological tests, which are not always sensitive or specific. Our aim was to design new primers to perform a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for detecting L. infantum. Sequences of the minicircle kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) were obtained from GenBank, and the FLC2/RLC2 primers were designed. Samples of DNA from L. infantum, Leishmania amazonensis, Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania guyanensis, Leishmania naiffi, Leishmania lainsoni, Leishmania panamensis, Leishmania major and Trypanosoma cruzi were used to standardize the PCR. PCR with FLC2/RLC2 primers amplified a fragment of 230 bp and the detection limit was 0.2 fg of L. infantum DNA. Of the parasite species assayed, only L. infantum DNA was amplified. After sequencing, the fragment was aligned to GenBank sequences, and showed (99%) homology with L. infantum. In the analysis of blood samples and lesion biopsy from a dog clinically suspected to have VL, the PCR detected DNA from L. infantum. In biopsy lesions from humans and dogs with cutaneous leishmaniasis, the PCR was negative. The PCR with FLC2/RLC2 primers showed high sensitivity and specificity, and constitutes a promising technique for the diagnosis of VL.Leishmania infantum causa leishmaniose visceral (LV) no Novo Mundo. O diagnóstico de LV é confirmado por testes parasitológicos e sorológicos, os quais nem sempre são sensíveis ou específicos. Nosso objetivo foi desenhar novos iniciadores para realizar uma Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR) para detecção de L. infantum. Sequências do DNA do minicírculo do cinetoplasto (kDNA) foram obtidos do GenBank, e os iniciadores FLC2/RLC2 foram desenhados. Amostras de DNA de L. infantum, Leishmania amazonensis, Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania guyanensis, Leishmania naiffi, Leishmania lainsoni, Leishmania panamensis, Leishmania major e Trypanosoma cruzi foram usados para padronizar a PCR. PCR com iniciadores FLC2/RLC2 amplificou um fragmento de 230 pb e detectou 0,2 fg de DNA de L. infantum.Das espécies de parasitos analisadas, somente DNA de L. infantum foi amplificado. Após sequenciamento, o fragmento foi analisado no GenBank, que mostrou homologia com L. infantum. Em análises de amostras de sangue e lesão de cão com suspeita clínica de LV, a PCR detectou DNA de L. infantum. Em amostras de lesão de humanos e cães com leishmaniose cutânea, a PCR foi negativa. A PCR padronizada com os iniciadores FLC2/RLC2 mostrou alta sensibilidade e especificidade, sendo técnica promissora para o diagnóstico de LV

    Genetic variability of populations of Nyssomyia neivai in the Northern State of Paraná, Brazil

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    The genetic study of sandfly populations needs to be further explored given the importance of these insects for public health. Were sequenced the NDH4 mitochondrial gene from populations of Nyssomyia neivai from Doutor Camargo, Lobato, Japira, and Porto Rico, municipalities in the State of Paraná, Brazil, to understand the genetic structure and gene flow. Eighty specimens of Ny. Neivai were sequenced, 20 from each municipality, and 269 base pairs were obtained. A total of 27 haplotypes and 28 polymorphic sites were found, along with a haplotypic diversity of 0.80696 and a nucleotide diversity of 0.00567. Haplotype H5, with 33 specimens, was the most common among the four populations. Only haplotypes H5 and H7 were present in all four populations. The population from Doutor Camargo showed the highest genetic diversity, and only this population shared haplotypes with those from the other municipalities. The highest number of haplotypes was sheared with Lobato which also had the highest number of unique haplotypes. This probably occurred because of constant anthropic changes that happened in the environment during the first half of the twentieth century, mainly after 1998. There was no significant correlation between genetic and geographical distances regarding these populations. However, the highest genetic and geographical distances, and the lowest gene flow were observed between Japira and Porto Rico. Geographical distance is a possible barrier between these municipalities through the blocking of haplotype sharing

    Laboratórios Municipais de Entomologia de Mato Grosso do Sul na identificação de mosquitos / Municipal Entomology Laboratories of Mato Grosso do Sul in the identification of mosquito

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    Avaliar os Laboratórios Municipais de Entomologia dos municípios do Mato Grosso do Sul na identificação de mosquitos para medidas de prevenção de arbovírus. Os laboratórios foram analisados de acordo com os parâmetros de qualidade e na identificação de larvas e pupas de Aedes aegypti e Aedes albopictus do técnico de laboratório, entre outubro de 2015 e outubro de 2016. Todos os laboratórios possuíam materiais consumíveis; apenas 26,67% possuíam estrutura física adequada e 29,33% dos microscópios eram bons; a média de respostas corretas do técnico na identificação de larvas e pupas foi de 77% ± 7,88. A baixa qualidade da estrutura física do laboratório e dos equipamentos de microscopia tem um impacto direto na identificação de mosquitos. Apesar do treinamento oferecido à equipe técnica, há uma baixa qualidade na identificação de mosquitos, comprometendo os Laboratórios Municipais de Entomologia

    Asymptomatic Leishmania infection in blood donors from a major blood bank in Northeastern Brazil: a cross-sectional study

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    This study has estimated the risk of Leishmania transmission via blood transfusion in one of the largest blood banks in Northeastern Brazil, where visceral leishmaniasis is endemic. Five hundred blood samples from donors were tested for circulating Leishmania spp. DNA by real-time PCR. Positive samples were tested by a species-specific conventional PCR targeting Leishmania infantum . Overall, 6.2% (95% CI: 4.1–8.3%) of the samples carried Leishmania DNA and in one sample the species was confirmed as L. infantum . No statistically significant differences were found in relation to gender, sex, education level, incomeas well as the place of residence between positive and negative blood donors. Our results confirm the presence of asymptomatic Leishmania carriers among blood donors in a large blood bank in Northeastern Brazil. Considering the studied population, we estimate that for every 1,000 blood donors screened, 41 to 83 will be positive for Leishmania DNA. This finding reinforces the urgent need for elaborating specific Blood bank guidelines to allow the early detection of asymptomatic Leishmania carriers among blood donors before their blood products are transfused to uninfected individuals

    Genetic variability of populations of Nyssomyia neivai in the Northern State of Paraná, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT The genetic study of sandfly populations needs to be further explored given the importance of these insects for public health. Were sequenced the NDH4 mitochondrial gene from populations of Nyssomyia neivai from Doutor Camargo, Lobato, Japira, and Porto Rico, municipalities in the State of Paraná, Brazil, to understand the genetic structure and gene flow. Eighty specimens of Ny. Neivai were sequenced, 20 from each municipality, and 269 base pairs were obtained. A total of 27 haplotypes and 28 polymorphic sites were found, along with a haplotypic diversity of 0.80696 and a nucleotide diversity of 0.00567. Haplotype H5, with 33 specimens, was the most common among the four populations. Only haplotypes H5 and H7 were present in all four populations. The population from Doutor Camargo showed the highest genetic diversity, and only this population shared haplotypes with those from the other municipalities. The highest number of haplotypes was sheared with Lobato which also had the highest number of unique haplotypes. This probably occurred because of constant anthropic changes that happened in the environment during the first half of the twentieth century, mainly after 1998. There was no significant correlation between genetic and geographical distances regarding these populations. However, the highest genetic and geographical distances, and the lowest gene flow were observed between Japira and Porto Rico. Geographical distance is a possible barrier between these municipalities through the blocking of haplotype sharing

    Detection of Leishmania (Viannia) DNA in leucocytes from the blood of patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis

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    ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a serious and global public health issue, with the potential of developing a mucosal form, occurring as subclinical cases, and showing recurrence despite previous treatment.METHODS:Polymorphonuclear and mononuclear DNA obtained from 49 patients was subjected to polymerase chain reaction for detection of Leishmania (Viannia).RESULTS:DNA was detected in mononuclear cells from two patients with active primary lesions positive for CL, with infection periods of 3 and 6 months, respectively.CONCLUSIONS:The DNA of Leishmania (Viannia) indicates probable parasite dissemination possibly explaining subclinical case emergence, lesion recurrence, and mucosal lesion appearance


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    SUMMARY Leishmania infantum causes visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the New World. The diagnosis of VL is confirmed by parasitological and serological tests, which are not always sensitive or specific. Our aim was to design new primers to perform a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for detecting L. infantum. Sequences of the minicircle kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) were obtained from GenBank, and the FLC2/RLC2 primers were designed. Samples of DNA from L. infantum, Leishmania amazonensis, Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania guyanensis, Leishmania naiffi, Leishmania lainsoni, Leishmania panamensis, Leishmania major and Trypanosoma cruzi were used to standardize the PCR. PCR with FLC2/RLC2 primers amplified a fragment of 230 bp and the detection limit was 0.2 fg of L. infantum DNA. Of the parasite species assayed, only L. infantum DNA was amplified. After sequencing, the fragment was aligned to GenBank sequences, and showed (99%) homology with L. infantum. In the analysis of blood samples and lesion biopsy from a dog clinically suspected to have VL, the PCR detected DNA from L. infantum. In biopsy lesions from humans and dogs with cutaneous leishmaniasis, the PCR was negative. The PCR with FLC2/RLC2 primers showed high sensitivity and specificity, and constitutes a promising technique for the diagnosis of VL