149 research outputs found

    Pediatric Oncology Palliative Care: Experiences of General Practitioners and Bereaved Parents

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    Objective: This qualitative study set in the West Midlands region of the United Kingdom, aimed to examine the role of the general practitioner (GP) in children's oncology palliative care from the perspective of GPs who had cared for a child with cancer receiving palliative care at home and bereaved parents. Methods: One-to-one semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 18 GPs and 11 bereaved parents following the death. A grounded theory data analysis was undertaken; identifying generated themes through chronological comparative data analysis. Results: Similarity in GP and parent viewpoints was found, the GPs role seen as one of providing medication and support. Time pressures GPs faced influenced their level of engagement with the family during palliative and bereavement care and their ability to address their identified learning deficits. Lack of familiarity with the family, coupled with an acknowledgment that it was a rare and could be a frightening experience, also influenced their level of interaction. There was no consistency in GP practice nor evidence of practice being guided by local or national policies. Parents lack of clarity of their GPs role resulted in missed opportunities for support. Conclusions: Time pressures influence GP working practices. Enhanced communication and collaboration between the GP and regional childhood cancer centre may help address identified GP challenges, such as learning deficits, and promote more time-efficient working practices through role clarity. Parents need greater awareness of their GP's wide-ranging role; one that transcends palliative care incorporating bereavement support and on-going medical care for family member

    Elizabeth River Water Quality Report

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    Water Quality in the York River

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    An Exploration of the Data Collection Methods Utilised with Children, Teenagers and Young People (CTYPs)

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    Background: The impact of cancer upon children, teenagers and young people can be profound. Research has been undertaken to explore the impacts upon children, teenagers and young people with cancer, but little is known about how researchers can ‘best’ engage with this group to explore their experiences. This review paper provides an overview of the utility of data collection methods employed when undertaking research with children, teenagers and young people. A systematic review of relevant databases was undertaken utilising the search terms ‘young people’, ‘young adult’, ‘adolescent’ and ‘data collection methods’. The full-text of the papers that were deemed eligible from the title and abstract were accessed and following discussion within the research team, thirty papers were included. Findings: Due to the heterogeneity in terms of the scope of the papers identified the following data collections methods were included in the results section. Three of the papers identified provided an overview of data collection methods utilised with this population and the remaining twenty seven papers covered the following data collection methods: Digital technologies; art based research; comparing the use of ‘paper and pencil’ research with web-based technologies, the use of games; the use of a specific communication tool; questionnaires and interviews; focus groups and telephone interviews/questionnaires. The strengths and limitations of the range of data collection methods included are discussed drawing upon such issues as of the appropriateness of particular methods for particular age groups, or the most appropriate method to employ when exploring a particularly sensitive topic area. Conclusions: There are a number of data collection methods utilised to undertaken research with children, teenagers and young adults. This review provides a summary of the current available evidence and an overview of the strengths and limitations of data collection methods employed

    The elements of end-of-life care provision in paediatric intensive care units: a systematic integrative review

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    Background: Deaths in paediatric intensive care units (PICUs) are not uncommon. End-of-life care in PICUs is generally considered more challenging than other settings since it is framed within a context where care is focused on curative or life-sustaining treatments for children who are seriously ill. This review aimed to identify and synthesise literature related to the essential elements in the provision of end-of-life care in the PICU from the perspectives of both healthcare professionals (HCPs) and families. Methods: A systematic integrative review was conducted by searching EMBASE, CINAHL, MEDLINE, Nursing and Allied Health Database, PsycINFO, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases. Grey literature was searched via Electronic Theses Online Service (EthOS), OpenGrey, Grey literature report. Additionally, hand searches were performed by checking the reference lists of all included papers. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were used to screen retrieved papers by two reviewers independently. The findings were analysed using a constant comparative method. Results: Twenty-one studies met the inclusion criteria. Three elements in end-of-life care provision for children in the PICUs were identified: 1) Assessment of entering the end-of-life stage; 2) Discussion with parents and decision making; 3) End of life care processes, including care provided during the dying phase, care provided at the time of death, and care provided after death. Conclusion: The focus of end-of-life care in PICUs varies depending on HCPs’ and families’ preferences, at different stages such as during the dying phase, at the time of death, and after the child died. Tailoring end-of-life care to families’ beliefs and rituals was acknowledged as important by PICU HCPs. This review also emphasises the importance of HCPs collaborating to provide the optimum end-of-life care in the PICU and involving a palliative care team in end-of-life care

    The role of Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs) in coping for patients with brain tumours and their parents:a qualitative study

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    Abstract Background When children and young people (CYP) are diagnosed with a brain tumour, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is key to the clinical management of this condition. This can produce hundreds, and often thousands, of Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs). Methods Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 14 families (15 parents and 8 patients), and analysed using Grounded Theory. Analysis was supported by the Framework Method. Results Although the focus of the research was whether paediatric patients and their families find viewing MRIs beneficial, all patients and parents discussed difficult times during the illness and using various strategies to cope. This article explores the identified coping strategies that involved MRIs, and the role that MRIs can play in coping. Coping strategies were classified under the aim of the strategy when used: ‘Normalising’; ‘Maintaining hope and a sense of the future’; ‘Dealing with an uncertain future’; and ‘Seeking Support’. Conclusions Coping and finding ways to cope are clearly used by patients and their families and are something that they wish to discuss, as they were raised in conversations that were not necessarily about coping. This suggests clinicians should always allow time and space (in appointments, consultations, or impromptu conversations on the ward) for patient families to discuss ways of coping. MRIs were found to be used in various ways: to maintain or adapt normal; maintain hope and a sense of the future; deal with an uncertain future; and seek support from others. Clinicians should recognise the potential for MRIs to aid coping and if appropriate, suggest that families take copies of scans (MRIs) home. Professional coaches or counsellors may also find MRIs beneficial as a way to remind families that the child is in a more stable or ‘better’ place than they have been previously
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