762 research outputs found

    SLOPPGEN: A Problem Generator for the Two-Dimensional Rectangular Single Large Object Placement Problem With a Single Defect

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    In this paper, a problem generator for the Two-Dimensional Rectangular Single Large Object Placement Problem is presented. The parameters defining this problem are identified and described. The fea-tures of the problem generator are pointed out, and it is shown how the program can be used for the generation of reproducible random problem instances.two-dimensional cutting, defect, problem generator

    SLOPPGEN: A Problem Generator for the Two-Dimensional Rectangular Single Large Object Placement Problem With a Single Defect

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    In this paper, a problem generator for the Two-Dimensional Rectangular Single Large Object Placement Problem is presented. The parameters defining this problem are identified and described. The fea-tures of the problem generator are pointed out, and it is shown how the program can be used for the generation of reproducible random problem instances

    The Two-Dimensional, Rectangular, Guillotineable-Layout Cutting Problem with a Single Defect

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    In this paper, a two-dimensional cutting problem is considered in which a single plate (large object) has to be cut down into a set of small items of maximal value. As opposed to standard cutting problems, the large object contains a defect, which must not be covered by a small item. The problem is represented by means of an AND/OR-graph, and a Branch & Bound procedure (including heuristic modifications for speeding up the search process) is introduced for its exact solution. The proposed method is evaluated in a series of numerical experiments that are run on problem instances taken from the literature, as well as on randomly generated instances.Two-dimensional cutting, defect, AND/OR-graph, Branch & Bound

    SLOPPGEN: A Problem Generator for the Two-Dimensional Rectangular Single Large Object Placement Problem With Defects

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    In this paper, a problem generator for the Two-Dimensional Rectangular Single Large Object Placement Problem is presented in which the large object includes one or several defective areas. The parameters defining this problem are identified and described. The features of the problem generator are pointed out, and it is shown how the program can be used for the generation of reproducible random problem instances

    Capabilities und Theorie der Gesundheit – Übersicht und Kritik der Theorie von S. Venkatapuram

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    Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift befasst sich mit dem 2011 erschienen Werk „Health Justice“ von Sridhar Venkatapuram, in welchem Venkatapuram u.a. durch Weiterentwicklung des Capability Approach – insbesondere der Fassung Martha Nussbaums – eine neue Gesundheitstheorie aufstellt. Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht dabei in einem Dreischritt aus analytischer Rekonstruktion, Darstellung zeitgenössischer Kritiken und abschließender Beurteilung, sich Venkatapurams neuartiger Vorstellung von Gesundheit zu nähern. Neben der Darstellung des Aufbaus und der Eigenschaften einer als Meta-Capability verstandenen Gesundheit, werden normative Implikationen dieser Konzeption aufgezeigt. Anhand der Analyse zeitgenössischer Kritik lassen sich verschiedene Mängel des neuen Gesundheitsverständnisses herausarbeiten. Teil der Analyse bildet auch die Auseinandersetzung Venkatapurams mit Boorses Gesundheitskonzeption sowie mit derjenigen Nordenfelts. Letztere nennt Venkatapuram als Vorläufertheorie seiner eigenen Überlegungen. Nach Analyse aller gegebenen Positionen gelangt die vorliegende Arbeit zu der Ansicht, dass Venkatapurams neuartige Definition von Gesundheit allgemein als interessante und zeitgemäße Überlegung zu Gesundheitsfragen anerkannt wird. Insbesondere die Beachtung der Komplexität und Vielgestaltigkeit von Einflüssen auf menschliche Gesundheit wird positiv aufgenommen. Als Hauptproblem der neuen Gesundheitsvorstellung Venkatapurams zeigt sich ein zu breit gefasster Gesundheitsbegriff, dessen Definition weit mehr beinhaltet als gemeinhin unter Gesundheit angenommen wird. Diese Breite resultiert aus dem entscheidenden Fehler Venkatapurams, unter dem Begriff der Gesundheit Aspekte zu subsumieren, welche bislang gemeinhin als Einflüsse auf Gesundheit verstanden wurden, nicht jedoch als Gesundheit selbst. Die Autorin der vorliegenden Dissertationsschrift führt dieses Hauptproblem seiner neuen Gesundheitstheorie darauf zurück, dass Venkatapuram zwar eine Gesundheitsdefinition formuliert hat, jedoch zugleich eine Argumentation über Gerechtigkeit im Allgemeinen führt

    The Two-Dimensional, Rectangular, Guillotineable-Layout Cutting Problem with a Single Defect

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    In this paper, a two-dimensional cutting problem is considered in which a single plate (large object) has to be cut down into a set of small items of maximal value. As opposed to standard cutting problems, the large object contains a defect, which must not be covered by a small item. The problem is represented by means of an AND/OR-graph, and a Branch & Bound procedure (including heuristic modifications for speeding up the search process) is introduced for its exact solution. The proposed method is evaluated in a series of numerical experiments that are run on problem instances taken from the literature, as well as on randomly generated instances

    Advances in the development of dielectric elastomer generators for wave energy conversion

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    This paper presents a summary of recent progress towards the development and upscaling of an emerging class of electrostatic power take-off (PTO) systems for wave energy converters (WECs), called dielectric elastomer generators (DEGs). DEGs are electromechanical devices able to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy by exploiting the deformation of rubber-like dielectric materials. The high power density (in the order of hundreds of Watts per kilogram), good efficiency and ease of assembling, combined with the low-cost of the employed materials (a few euros per kilogram) and their intrinsic resilient/reliable response to mechanical shocks make DEGs a very promising option for the deployment of a future generation of WECs. In the last decade, some specific concepts of WECs based on DEGs have been devised and a considerable interest in the topic has been aroused in the wave energy community. Among the candidate DEG topologies for wave energy harvesting, recent studies have suggested that a specific layout, namely the axial-symmetric inflating DEG diaphragm, could be a very promising candidate for future upscaling. This paper first describes the operating principle of DEG PTOs and the effect of electro-mechanical material parameters on their energetic performance. With reference to the above-mentioned inflating DEG diaphragm topology, an overview of concepts for integration on WECs is then provided, with a special focus on advanced concepts enabling the achievement of dynamical tuning with the incoming waves. A general lumped-parameter modelling approach for the design of DEG-based WECs is proposed. Experimental activity carried out to date, i.e. dry-run laboratory tests, wave-tank tests and preliminary sea trials is reviewed, with the aim of showing the progression in the device's scale and performance. Finally, economical and technological considerations are outlined, in order to point out challenges, future research opportunities and to draft a roadmap for future research and technological transfer

    Synthesis and properties of the heterospin (S1 = S2 = 1/2) radical-ion salt bis(mesitylene)molybdenum(I) [1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4-c][1,2,5]thiadiazolidyl

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    The authors are grateful to the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Project 8.14), the Royal Society (RS International Joint Project 2010/R3), the Leverhulme Trust (Project IN-2012-094), the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Project 13), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Project of Joint Laboratories of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and National Research Universities), and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Projects 13-03-00072 and 15-03-03242) for financial support of various parts of this work. N.A.S. thanks the Council for Grants of the President of Russian Federation for postdoctoral scholarship (grant MK-4411.2015.3). B.E.B. is grateful for an EaStCHEM Hirst Academic Fellowship. A.V.Z. thanks the Foundation named after D. I. Mendeleev, Tomsk State University, for support of his work.Low-temperature interaction of [1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4-c][1,2,5]thiadiazole (1) with MoMes2 (Mes = mesitylene / 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene) in tetrahydrofuran gave the heterospin (S1 = S2 = 1/2) radical-ion salt [MoMes2]+[1]– (2) whose structure was confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD). The structure revealed alternating layers of the cations and anions with the Mes ligands perpendicular, and the anions tilted by 45°, to the layer plane. At 300 K the effective magnetic moment of 2 is equal to 2.40 μB (theoretically expected 2.45 μB) and monotonically decreases with lowering of the temperature. In the temperature range 2−300 K, the molar magnetic susceptibility of 2 is well-described by the Curie-Weiss law with parameters C and θ equal to 0.78 cm3⋅K⋅mol–1 and −31.2 K, respectively. Overall, the magnetic behavior of 2 is similar to that of [CrTol2]+[1]– and [CrCp*2]+[1]–, i.e. changing the cation [MAr2]+ 3d atom M = Cr (Z = 24) with weak spin-orbit coupling (SOC) to a 4d atom M = Mo (Z = 42) with stronger SOC does not affect macroscopic magnetic properties of the salts. For the XRD structure of salt 2, parameters of the Heisenberg spin-Hamiltonian were calculated using the broken-symmetry DFT and CASSCF approaches, and the complex 3D magnetic structure with both the ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AF) exchange interactions was revealed with the latter as dominating. Salt 2 is thermally unstable and slowly loses the Mes ligands upon storage at ambient temperature. Under the same reaction conditions, interaction of 1 with MoTol2 (Tol = toluene) proceeded with partial loss of the Tol ligands to afford diamagnetic product.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe