331 research outputs found

    A prospective study of outcome in infertility patients diagnosed with genital tuberculosis

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    Background: Tuberculosis is an increasing health problem worldwide with around 9.6 billion new cases reported every year. Female genital tuberculosis (FGTB) has a varying incidence ranging from a very low of 0.69% in developed nations to as high as 19% in developing nations like India. The average incidence of infertility due to tuberculosis is 5-10% worldwide.Methods: The study was a hospital based prospective clinical study, from September 2014-2017 with sample size of 355 infertility cases. Endometrial sampling and diagnostic hystero-laparoscopy were used for diagnosis. Endometrial sample subjected for both the test CBNAAT and HPR was used for confirmation of positive patients. Inclusion criteria were, infertile patients diagnosed with genital tuberculosis who were then given treatment. Patients diagnosed to have infertility due to causes other than TB were excluded from the study. Highly suspected cases and those who were willing underwent diagnostic laparoscopy.Results: Out of 355 cases of infertility, 83 were because of genital TB, received treatment out of which 32 conceived.  CBNAAT was very sensitive than histopathology or laparoscopy. The live birth rate and conception rate were 20.24% and 38.09 % respectively.Conclusions: CBNAAT is OPD based economical test (free by GOI), very sensitive and picked up more cases than histopathology or laparoscopy. The live birth rate and conception rate were found to be higher than other studies possible due to intervention at an earlier stage of the disease process. This test should be widely used by gynecologist for early detection of genital tuberculosis

    Applied aspect of Ashtasthana Pariksha w.s.r. to tools used in current era

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    Health is a state of equilibrium of the Dosha, Dhatu and Mala along with proper functioning of Indriya, Manas and Atma. To treat the disease, it is necessary to keep balance between Doshas and to bring back them into their normal condition. Ayurveda had described various tools to diagnose various diseases and one of them is Rog and Rogi Pariksha. For Rogi Pariksha, various Parikshas have been described like Dwividha Pariksha, Trividha Pariksha, Chaturvidha Pariksha, Panchvidha Pariksha, Ashtavidha Pariksha and Dashvidha Pariksha. Yogratnakara provides a clear picture of scenery of illness and healthy condition through Ashtavidha Pariksha. In current era, various diagnostic tools like urine examination, stool examination, tongue examination, auscultation, percussion, eye examination and gait examination are also very helpful in the prognosis of many common diseases. In current paper, attempts were made to study the relation of Ashtasthana Pariksha with special emphasis on tools used in modern era

    Emergency peripartum hysterectomy: a 3 year review at a tertiary care hospital in Vindhya region of India

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    Background: Emergency peripartum hysterectomy (EPH), although rare in modern obstetric, still performed as lifesaving surgical procedure to control haemorrhage that is unresponsive to conservative treatment. The objective of this study was to review the incidence, indications, and predisposing factors and associated complications of EPH.Methods: The present study is a retrospective study included 37 women who underwent EPH over a period of 3 year. The records were collected from medical record department.Results: 37 patients underwent EPH during this period making an incidence of 1.1 per 1000 deliveries. Most common indication of EPH in present study was morbidly adherent placenta (MAP) seen in 19 cases (51.4%). 36 patients (97.4%) patient underwent cesarean section at the time of their index pregnancy and 25 out of 37 (67.6%) patient had undergone prior cesarean delivery. 20 (54%) patients underwent total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) and 17 (46%) patients underwent subtotal hysterectomy (STH). Mean operative time, estimated blood loss, injury to urinary tract, febrile illness and duration of hospital stay was higher in TAH group as compared to STH group but difference was not statistically significant except for estimated blood loss. Maternal mortality was seen in 20% of cases and neonatal mortality was seen in 56.8% of cases.Conclusions: EPH although lifesaving but have devastating consequences. EPH should be performed with a multidisciplinary team approach. Measures should be taken to reduce caesarean section rate

    Histopathological evaluation of endometrium and its clinical correlation in patients of abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a very common, challenging gynaecological problem in all age group women. Neoplastic lesions are responsible for very less number of cases but they should be diagnosed early. Endometrial biopsy is necessary for histopathological diagnosis of endometrial lesions and to rule out any malignancy. In present study, we evaluated histopathological pattern of endometrium and different clinical parameters in AUB patients.Methods: A retrospective observational study done in Obstetrics and Gynecology department of SSMC Rewa, Madhya Pradesh in 2 year from 1st October 2017 to 30th September 2019. AUB patients who fulfilled inclusion criteria were included in study. All data were collected from department records in predesigned proforma and statistically analyzed by statistical package for the Social sciences (SPSS) version 20.Results: Total 366 AUB patients were included in study; most frequent clinical presentation was HMB (56%). Mostly patient’s age ranged from 24-84 years, belonged to 41-50 years age group (44%), multiparous (78%), and premenopausal (53%). On histopathological evaluation of endometrium most commonly nonneoplastic lesions (75%) were seen, out of which proliferative phase endometrium was most frequent. Neoplastic lesions were seen in 25% cases. Out of which benign lesions were noted in 7%, premalignant in 17.3% and malignant in 1% (all in >45 year patients).Conclusions: Endometrial biopsy should be done in all AUB patients >45 years and in selected premenopausal in order to get early diagnosis, to rule out malignancy and to help in management. Endometrial biopsy should be considered as first diagnostic modality

    Role of Panchakarma treatment in Avabahuka - A Critical Review

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    Avabahuka is an Urdhwajatrugata Vata Vikara caused by Kupita Vata Dosha localised around the Ansa Pradesh (Shoulder region) causing Shoshana (wasting) of the Ansa Bandanam (Shoulder joint complex), there by leading to Akunchana of the local Sira causing Bahupraspandanhara (Hampered normal functioning of the shoulder) and Shoola (pain). Due to its clinical manifestations Avabahuka can be compared with frozen shoulder. Prevalence of frozen shoulder is 2-5% in general population and Females are more affected than male. The incidence of frozen shoulder is 2- 4 times higher in diabetes then in the general population. Due to sedentary lifestyle, food, stress more population face these problems and incidence of disease increase drastically. Hence Snehana, Swedana, Uttarbhaktika Snehapana, Nasya Karma can be used for treating such patients

    Effects of leaf extracts of selected medicinal plants on blood against hypotonic solution by measuring optical density: An in vitro study

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    420-425The medicinal plant leaf extracts alter the morphology of the cellular components of blood, especially RBCs. However, information on biochemical changes occurring during these events in vitro is lacking. Here, we studied the effect of medicinal plant [Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Neem), Emblica officinalis Gaertn. (Indian Gooseberry or Amla) and Ocimum tenuiflorum L. (Holi basil or Tulsi)] leaf extracts as against the hypotonic solution by measuring the optical density of blood at various wavelengths at 0 and 30 min. The blood, exposed to hypotonic solution, showed cellular degradation and higher protein metabolism; higher glucose metabolism and oxidative cellular damage as well as higher oxygen absorption as compared to test samples. Among the three leaf extracts studied, the Amla extract treatment had comparatively more protective role for cellular components of the blood as against hypotonic solution. However, Tulsi extract significantly reduced hemolysis, heme catabolism and redox stress in RBCs. Tulsi also increased glucose metabolism indicating its antidiabetic property. To conclude, Amla leaf extract significantly reversed the effects of the hypotonic solution on the cellular components while Tulsi extract exhibited therapeutic role in maintaining homeostasis of cellular components in blood

    Bilateral symmetry and anatomical root variations of mandibular second molars in North Indian populations using cone beam computed tomography

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    To evaluate bilateral symmetry and anatomical variations of root morphology of permanent mandibular second molar using systematic evaluation of CBCT scans. This cross-sectional study involved the mandible which were imaged using serial axial cone-beam c

    Effect of Virechana Karma and Basti in the management of Sthaulya - A Case Study

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    Sthaulya (obesity) is a predominant metabolic disorder, which is described by Charaka in Ashtaunindita Purusha. Sedentary life, lack of exercise, faulty food habits, urbanization, psychological factors along with genetic predisposition play a major role in the aetiopathogenesis of Sthaulya. Females are more prone to obesity due to feminine factors like menopause and aggravating factors like delivery, I.U.C.D., O.C.P, and miscarriage. Being overweight and Obesity contributes to Diseases like Heart attacks, stroke, arteriosclerosis, Diabetes, Mental Retardation/affection like Mood swings, and even depression. According to the Ayurvedic text, Sthaulya is caused due to Medovriddhi which includes an abnormal and excessive accumulation of Medodhatu in the body. In the Sthaulya etiological factors mainly vitiate the Meda-Kapha. This vitiated Meda obstructs the path of Vata, which results in the provocation of Vata. In the Samprapti of Sthaulya, two factors are of prime importance, Tikshna Jatharagni, and Medodhatvagnimandya. Irrationality between two levels of Agni makes the disease Krichha Shadhya, but Panchkarma therapy can give a better solution for this problem. So, treatment modality should be planned considering vitiated Meda, Kapha, and Vata. Lekhana Basti and Virechana Karma are selected for the management of Sthaulya. &nbsp

    A case study on efficacy of Virechana Karma by Phalatrikadi Kwatha in management of Dyslipidemia

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    Dyslipidaemia itself harbour many future deadly diseases. Every 1% increase in cholesterol level is responsible for 1-2% increase in the incidence of Coronary Heart Disease. It is a lifestyle metabolic disorder because of faulty food habits, minimum physical exercise , stress etc. As there is no direct reference of Dyslipidaemia in Ayurveda . But due to resemblance of its etiopathogenesis and clinical features, it may come under broad umbrella of Santarpanjanyavyadhi,  Medopradoshaja Vikara and Medosroto Dusti. Virechana Karma is line of treatment for Santarpanajanya Vyadhi and Bahudoshawastha. The aim of this study was to treat Dyslipidemia with Virechana Karma. Lipid profile was opted for the assessment of Dyslipidaemia before and after the treatment. Phalatrikadi Kwatha was chosen as Virechana Karma drug as its contents has hypolipidemic properties. The present case had 24 years old female with complaints of weight gain, fatigue, drowsiness, heaviness in the body, hyperacidity since 4 years. Before Virechana Karma, total cholesterol, VLDL & triglyceride levels were high. After Virechana Karma, significant result was found on the level of total cholesterol, VLDL & triglyceride. There was complete remission of symptoms. Patient lost 7 kg of weight. This improvement may be due to the correction of Agni by Virechana Karma and removal of abnormal lipids from body and Ruksha, Tikshna, Srotoshodhaka, Lekhana, Kaphamedahar, Agnivardhaka properties of Phalatrikadi Kwatha. Hence from this study it can be concluded that, Virechana Karma is effective and can be safely used in the management of Dyslipidaemia