135 research outputs found

    O pinhão na culinária.

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    Uma das formas mais originais de se consumir o pinhão são as ?sapecadas?. O pinhão é lançado ao fogo numa fogueira feita com as próprias folhas do pinheiro (grimpas), sendo posteriormente retirado e servido. Além das sapecadas, o pinhão ganhou espaço na dieta de milhares de brasileiros e hoje faz parte de série de pratos típicos, como o entrevero, a sopa de pinhão, a farofa e outros também renomados. O pinhão é um ingrediente exótico, saboroso, com textura diferenciada, com cheiro de memórias e gosto de história. No entanto, sua oferta no mercado tem sido restrita em decorrência do corte indiscriminado da Araucária angustifolia (pinheiro do Paraná). Várias tentativas têm sido envidadas para impedir essa ação, seja por meio de estratégias punitivas, seja por de políticas de conservação. Lamentavelmente, nem sempre os resultados são satisfatórios, de forma que é necessário ressaltar o seu potencial na alimentação, sua importância regional e suas diversas formas de aproveitamento.É neste intuito que a Embrapa Florestas apresenta o livro de receitas ?O PINHÃO NA CULINÁRIA?, enfocando a relevância do pinhão na alimentação. A publicação deste material é uma das metas do projeto ?Avaliação do Potencial do Pinhão na Alimentação e no Desenvolvimento de Novos Produtos?, cuja temática é prospectar a biodiversidade para o desenvolvimento de produtos diferenciados e de alto valor agregado, uma das missões da Embrapa Florestas.O propósito inicial desta obra era retomar as receitas clássicas de pinhão segundo movimentos mundiais de resgate de alimentos tradicionais. No decorrer do trabalho, descobriu-se a peculiaridade do pinhão, bem como as possibilidades de inovação. Decidiu-se então por incluir o pinhão na gastronomia moderna, tarefa factível graças a sua grande versatilidade.O produto deste esforço mútuo e sistemático foi esta diversidade de pratos, característica da culinária brasileira, personificada pela pluralidade geográfica e étnica. Nesta gama de sabores, o pinhão figura como componente marcante, combinando traços artesanais com requinte e arrojo.Trata-se de um compêndio com 100 receitas de pinhão, doces e salgadas, ilustradas, testadas e avaliadas quanto ao seu valor calórico e aceitabilidade. Todos estão convidados a tirarem proveito desta iguaria. Bom apetite!bitstream/item/214212/1/2020-Livro-Pinhao-na-Culinaria-2impres.pd

    Topical Analgesia with Lidocaine Plus Diclofenac Decreases Pain in Benign Anorectal Surgery: Randomized, Double-blind, and Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a topical formulation containing lidocaine plus diclofenac (CLIFE1) compared to CLIFE2 (lidocaine), to decrease pain in benign anorectal surgery (BARS) to date not evaluated. Background: More than 50% of patients undergoing BARS, especially hemorrhoidectomy, suffer from moderate and severe postoperative pain. This remains an unresolved problem that could be addressed with the new CLIFE1 topical treatment. Methods: A multicenter, randomized double-blind, active-controlled parallel-group superiority trial, was conducted in two Spanish hospitals. Patients undergoing BARS (hemorrhoids, anal fistula and anal fissure) were randomized at the end of surgery at a 1:1 ratio to receive first dose either CLIFE1 (n=60) or CLIFE2 (n=60) anorectal topical treatment, and after every 12 hours for the first three postoperative days and once a day from the fourth to sixth. The primary outcome was average of pain decrease after topical treatment, measured with visual analogue scale (VAS) by the patients themselves, the evening in the surgery day and four times daily for the first three postoperative days. Results: The results of 120 patients included out of 150 selected undergoing BARS show a decrease in pain after CLIFE1 topical treatment (7.47±13.2) greater than with CLIFE2 (4.38±6.75), difference -3.21 (95% CI) -5.75; -0.676; p=0.008), decreasing significantly postoperative pain (≥ 9 mm, VAS) in 35% of patients undergoing benign anorectal surgery, compared to 18.33 % treated with lidocaine. Conclusions: The CLIFE1 topical treatment shows better analgesic efficacy than CLIFE2 in BARS

    A new molecular breast cancer subclass defined from a large scale real-time quantitative RT-PCR study

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    BACKGROUND: Current histo-pathological prognostic factors are not very helpful in predicting the clinical outcome of breast cancer due to the disease's heterogeneity. Molecular profiling using a large panel of genes could help to classify breast tumours and to define signatures which are predictive of their clinical behaviour. METHODS: To this aim, quantitative RT-PCR amplification was used to study the RNA expression levels of 47 genes in 199 primary breast tumours and 6 normal breast tissues. Genes were selected on the basis of their potential implication in hormonal sensitivity of breast tumours. Normalized RT-PCR data were analysed in an unsupervised manner by pairwise hierarchical clustering, and the statistical relevance of the defined subclasses was assessed by Chi2 analysis. The robustness of the selected subgroups was evaluated by classifying an external and independent set of tumours using these Chi2-defined molecular signatures. RESULTS: Hierarchical clustering of gene expression data allowed us to define a series of tumour subgroups that were either reminiscent of previously reported classifications, or represented putative new subtypes. The Chi2 analysis of these subgroups allowed us to define specific molecular signatures for some of them whose reliability was further demonstrated by using the validation data set. A new breast cancer subclass, called subgroup 7, that we defined in that way, was particularly interesting as it gathered tumours with specific bioclinical features including a low rate of recurrence during a 5 year follow-up. CONCLUSION: The analysis of the expression of 47 genes in 199 primary breast tumours allowed classifying them into a series of molecular subgroups. The subgroup 7, which has been highlighted by our study, was remarkable as it gathered tumours with specific bioclinical features including a low rate of recurrence. Although this finding should be confirmed by using a larger tumour cohort, it suggests that gene expression profiling using a minimal set of genes may allow the discovery of new subclasses of breast cancer that are characterized by specific molecular signatures and exhibit specific bioclinical features

    Global Chromatin Domain Organization of the Drosophila Genome

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    In eukaryotes, neighboring genes can be packaged together in specific chromatin structures that ensure their coordinated expression. Examples of such multi-gene chromatin domains are well-documented, but a global view of the chromatin organization of eukaryotic genomes is lacking. To systematically identify multi-gene chromatin domains, we constructed a compendium of genome-scale binding maps for a broad panel of chromatin-associated proteins in Drosophila melanogaster. Next, we computationally analyzed this compendium for evidence of multi-gene chromatin domains using a novel statistical segmentation algorithm. We find that at least 50% of all fly genes are organized into chromatin domains, which often consist of dozens of genes. The domains are characterized by various known and novel combinations of chromatin proteins. The genes in many of the domains are coregulated during development and tend to have similar biological functions. Furthermore, during evolution fewer chromosomal rearrangements occur inside chromatin domains than outside domains. Our results indicate that a substantial portion of the Drosophila genome is packaged into functionally coherent, multi-gene chromatin domains. This has broad mechanistic implications for gene regulation and genome evolution

    S-Phase Favours Notch Cell Responsiveness in the Drosophila Bristle Lineage

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    We have studied cell sensitivity to Notch pathway signalling throughout the cell cycle. As model system, we used the Drosophila bristle lineage where at each division N plays a crucial role in fate determination. Using in vivo imaging, we followed this lineage and activated the N-pathway at different moments of the secondary precursor cell cycle. We show that cells are more susceptible to respond to N-signalling during the S-phase. Thus, the period of heightened sensitivity coincided with the period of the S-phase. More importantly, modifications of S-phase temporality induced corresponding changes in the period of the cell's reactivity to N-activation. Moreover, S-phase abolition was correlated with a decrease in the expression of tramtrack, a downstream N-target gene. Finally, N cell responsiveness was modified after changes in chromatin packaging. We suggest that high-order chromatin structures associated with the S-phase create favourable conditions that increase the efficiency of the transcriptional machinery with respect to N-target genes

    A High-Resolution Whole-Genome Map of Key Chromatin Modifications in the Adult Drosophila melanogaster

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    Epigenetic research has been focused on cell-type-specific regulation; less is known about common features of epigenetic programming shared by diverse cell types within an organism. Here, we report a modified method for chromatin immunoprecipitation and deep sequencing (ChIP–Seq) and its use to construct a high-resolution map of the Drosophila melanogaster key histone marks, heterochromatin protein 1a (HP1a) and RNA polymerase II (polII). These factors are mapped at 50-bp resolution genome-wide and at 5-bp resolution for regulatory sequences of genes, which reveals fundamental features of chromatin modification landscape shared by major adult Drosophila cell types: the enrichment of both heterochromatic and euchromatic marks in transposons and repetitive sequences, the accumulation of HP1a at transcription start sites with stalled polII, the signatures of histone code and polII level/position around the transcriptional start sites that predict both the mRNA level and functionality of genes, and the enrichment of elongating polII within exons at splicing junctions. These features, likely conserved among diverse epigenomes, reveal general strategies for chromatin modifications