1,689 research outputs found

    The Status of the United States Population of Night Shark, Carcharhinus signatus

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    Night sharks, Carcharhinus signatus, are an oceanic species generally occurring in outer continental shelf waters in the western North Atlantic Ocean including the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Although not targeted, night sharks make up a segment of the shark bycatch in the pelagic longline fishery. Historically, night sharks comprised a significant proportion of the artisanal Cuban shark fishery but today they are rarely caught. Although information from some fisheries has shown a decline in catches of night sharks, it is unclear whether this decline is due to changes in fishing tactics, market, or species identification. Despite the uncertainty in the decline, the night shark is currently listed as a species of concern due to alleged declines in abundance resulting from fishing effort, i.e. overutilization. To assess their relevance to the species of concern list, we collated available information on the night shark to provide an analysis of its status. Night shark landings were likely both over- and under-reported and thus probably did not reflect all commercial and recreational catches, and overall they have limited relevance to the current status of the species. Average size information has not changed considerably since the 1980’s based on information from the pelagic longline fishery when corrected for gear bias. Analysis of biological information indicates night sharks have intrinsic rates of increase (r) about 10% yr–1 and have moderate rebound potential and an intermediate generation time compared to other sharks. An analysis of trends in relative abundance from four data sources gave conflicting results, with one series in decline, two series increasing, and one series relatively flat. Based on the analysis of all currently available information, we believe the night shark does not qualify as a species of concern but should be retained on the prohibited species list as a precautionary approach to management until a more comprehensive stock assessment can be conducted

    Using Cognitive Assessment Testing to Evaluate and Improve a University Program in Communication Studies

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    This article attempts to demonstrate how cognitive assessment may be used to empower both faculty and students by offering pedagogical and administrative strategies that enhance student learning in the U.S. The faculty limited its cognitive test, the Pre-Communication Assessment Measure to the four competencies--critical thinking, interpersonal, decision-making and theoretical competencies--common to two of five required courses. The components of the cognitive test are: critical thinking competence, interpersonal competence, decision-making competence and theoretical competence

    Predictors of Behavioral Competence and Self-Esteem: A Study Assessing Impact in a Basic Public Speaking Course

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    As evaluation in higher education receives increasing attention, the assessment of the impact of basic oral communication instruction is becoming more important. This study examines the impact of a public speaking course on undergraduates\u27 affective and behavioral competence. Using a pre- and posttest model, assessment was based on administration of the Communication Competency Assessment Instrument and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale at the beginning and end of the course. Communication competence and self-esteem were measured as a function of communication apprehension, gender, age, and ethnicity. Results indicated that the course generally impacted similarly on students regardless of their level of communication apprehension, gender, age or ethnicity

    Predictors of Self-Perceptions of Behavioral Competence, Self-Esteem, and Willingness to Communicate: A Study Assessing Impact in a Basic Interpersonal Communication Course

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    Considering the emergent role of evaluation in higher education, it is important that assessment procedures be developed for all communication courses. Courses such as public speaking already have well established assessment programs while other courses are in need of additional attention. This article describes an assessment program that examines the impact of an interpersonal course on undergraduates\u27 self-perceived behavioral and affective competence. Using a pre- and post-test model, assessment was based on administration of the Communication Behaviors Inventory, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and the Willingness to Communicate Scale. These outcomes were measured as a function of gender, age, and ethnicity. Results indicated that the course impacted similarly on students regardless of these predictor variables, with significant improvement being demonstrated for all groups of students. The article provides a description of the interpersonal course and its assessment procedures. The results of analyses of data are presented with a discussion of future directions for assessment in this course

    In-line monitoring and control of rheological properties through data-driven ultrasound soft-sensors

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    The use of continuous processing is replacing batch modes because of their capabilities to address issues of agility, flexibility, cost, and robustness. Continuous processes can be operated at more extreme conditions, resulting in higher speed and efficiency. The issue when using a continuous process is to maintain the satisfaction of quality indices even in the presence of perturbations. For this reason, it is important to evaluate in-line key performance indicators. Rheology is a critical parameter when dealing with the production of complex fluids obtained by mixing and filling. In this work, a tomographic ultrasonic velocity meter is applied to obtain the rheological curve of a non-Newtonian fluid. Raw ultrasound signals are processed using a data-driven approach based on principal component analysis (PCA) and feedforward neural networks (FNN). The obtained sensor has been associated with a data-driven decision support system for conducting the process

    Development and application of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 as a protein scaffold for the generation of novel binding ligands

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    AbstractWe have explored the possibilities of using human cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) as a single immunoglobulin fold-based scaffold for the generation of novel binding ligands. To obtain a suitable protein library selection system, the extracellular domain of CTLA-4 was first displayed on the surface of a filamentous phage as a fusion product of the phage coat protein p3. CTLA-4 was shown to be functionally intact by binding to its natural ligands B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86) both in vitro and in situ. Secondly, the complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3) loop of the CTLA-4 extracellular domain was evaluated as a permissive site. We replaced the nine amino acid CDR3-like loop of CTLA-4 with the sequence XXX-RGD-XXX (where X represents any amino acid). Using phage display we selected several CTLA-4-based variants capable of binding to human αvÎČ3 integrin, one of which showed binding to integrins in situ. To explore the construction of bispecific molecules we also evaluated one other potential permissive site diametrically opposite the natural CDR-like loops, which was found to be tolerant of peptide insertion. Our data suggest that CTLA-4 is a suitable human scaffold for engineering single-domain molecules with one or possibly more binding specificities

    Rotator Cuff Deficient Arthritis of the Glenohumeral Joint

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    Rotator cuff deficient arthritis of the glenohumeral joint, especially cuff tear arthropathy, has proved a challenging clinical entity for orthopaedic surgeons ever since Charles Neer originally detailed the problem in 1983. Understanding has improved regarding the pathophysiology and pathomechanics underlying cuff tear arthropathy. Surgical reconstruction options can lead to excellent outcomes for patients afflicted with these painful and functionally limited shoulders. Humeral hemiarthroplasty and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty have jumped to the forefront in the treatment of cuff tear arthropathy. As studies continue to look at the results of these procedures in cuff tear arthropathy, existing indications and treatment algorithms will be further refined. In this article the history and pathophysiology of cuff tear arthropathy are reviewed. Additionally, the clinical findings and results of surgical reconstruction are discussed

    Changes in Cross-Sectional Area of Spinal Canal and Vertebral Body Under 2 Years of Teriparatide Treatment: Results from the EUROFORS Study

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    The treatment of osteoporotic patients with teriparatide is associated with a significant increase in bone formation and gain of bone mass. The purpose of this post hoc analysis was to determine if the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the spinal canal and the vertebral body is affected by teriparatide treatment. Narrowing of the spinal canal might represent a safety problem, while widening of the vertebral CSA might improve mechanical stability. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scans of vertebra T12 were obtained at baseline and after 6, 12, and 24 months of teriparatide treatment (20 Όg/day) from 44 postmenopausal women with established osteoporosis participating in the prospective, randomized EUROFORS study. The CSA of the spinal canal did not decrease but increased marginally by 0.9% (2.6 mm2) over 24 months (P < 0.001), with a range from −0.5% (−2 mm2) to 3.1% (+8 mm2). Even when analyzing the spinal CSA on a slice-by-slice basis, no clinically relevant narrowing of the spinal canal was observed. For vertebral bodies, the CSA increased by 0.7% (5.7 mm2) over 24 months (P < 0.001), with a range from −0.4% (–3 mm2) to 1.6% (+14 mm2). Our data do not provide evidence for safety concerns regarding spinal canal narrowing. On the other hand, the increases observed for vertebral CSA apparently also only minimally contribute to the mechanical strengthening of the vertebral body under teriparatide treatment
