2,075 research outputs found

    Meaningful International Service Learning Experiences: Looking at the Reciprocal Nature of Reflection and Group Connection

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    International service learning trips can provide meaningful and deep experiences where students are impacted and challenged by these experiences. In order to maximize the experience, one must understand the reciprocal relationship between reflection and group connection. In this critical reflection I will explore the ways in which reflection and group connection reciprocate each other in an international service-learning context. I discuss three concepts that I believe play crucial roles in this reciprocal relationship and their roles in three different contexts of the service immersion experience. These three concepts are reflection, stability, and vulnerability. They are explained within the contexts of pre-trip reflection, self reflection, and group reflection. By bringing this relationship and its components to the attention of civically engaged faculty, students, and leaders we can work to create more challenging and meaningful service immersion experiences

    Axillary artery compromise in a minimally displaced proximal humerus fracture: a case report

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    Minimally displaced fractures of the surgical neck of the humerus are rarely associated with axillary artery injury. The innocuous appearance of the x-rays can be misleading and a missed arterial injury in these fractures could potentially lead to disastrous consequences. We report the case of a patient who sustained a minimally displaced fracture of the proximal humerus with vascular compromise requiring immediate investigation and referral to vascular surgeons. Despite spontaneous resolution of the vascular insult, it is important to remember the association of such fractures with vascular injuries in order to diagnose them early and prevent serious complications including amputation

    In-line monitoring and control of rheological properties through data-driven ultrasound soft-sensors

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    The use of continuous processing is replacing batch modes because of their capabilities to address issues of agility, flexibility, cost, and robustness. Continuous processes can be operated at more extreme conditions, resulting in higher speed and efficiency. The issue when using a continuous process is to maintain the satisfaction of quality indices even in the presence of perturbations. For this reason, it is important to evaluate in-line key performance indicators. Rheology is a critical parameter when dealing with the production of complex fluids obtained by mixing and filling. In this work, a tomographic ultrasonic velocity meter is applied to obtain the rheological curve of a non-Newtonian fluid. Raw ultrasound signals are processed using a data-driven approach based on principal component analysis (PCA) and feedforward neural networks (FNN). The obtained sensor has been associated with a data-driven decision support system for conducting the process

    Bepalen van de metaboliet methylisothiocyanaat van het grondontsmettingsmiddel metamnatrium, gebruikmakend van Tenax-adsorbtie gevolgd door thermische desorbtie - koudeval injectie

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    Doel van dit onderzoek is na te gaan in hoeverre de mogelijkheid bestaat om, uitgaande van de gaschromatografische en bemonsteringsomstandigheden voor dichloorpropeen, methylisothiocyanaat samen met dichloorpropeen te bepalen, gebruikmakend van Tenax-adsorptie gevolgd door thermische desorbtie/koudeval injectie

    Acoustic sizing of an ultrasound contrast agent

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    Because the properties of ultrasound contrast agent populations after administration to patients are largely unknown, methods able to study them noninvasively are required. In this study, we acoustically performed a size distribution measurement of the ultrasound contrast agent Definity®. Single lipid-shelled microbubbles were insonified at 25 MHz, which is considerably higher than their resonance frequency, so that their acoustic responses depended on their geometrical cross sections only. We calculated the size of each microbubble from their measured backscattered pressures. The acoustic size measurements were compared with optical reference size measurements to test their accuracy. Our acoustic sizing method was applied to 88 individual Definity® bubbles to derive a size distribution of this agent. The size distribution obtained acoustically showed a mean diameter (2.5 μm) and a standard deviation (0.9 μm) in agreement within 8% with the optical reference measurement. At 25 MHz, this method can be applied to bubble sizes larger than 1.2 μm in diameter. It was observed that similar sized bubbles can give different responses (up to a factor 1.5), probably because of shell differences. These limitations should be taken into account when implementing the method in vivo. This acoustic sizing method has potential for estimating the size distribution of an ultrasound contrast agent noninvasivel