11 research outputs found

    Morphology of coronal mass ejections between the sun and the earth

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    The theme of my PhD has been to investigate the global shape and size of coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, as they propagate from the Sun towards the Earth. CMEs are large eruptive events originating from previously magnetically confined structures in the solar atmosphere. These phenomena are the single biggest drivers for geomagnetic disturbances at Earth. My research is focused on analysing spacecraft data obtained both by imaging observations and in situ instrumentation. The three pieces of work presented in this thesis are summarised below: Using the NASA STEREO mission, launched in 2006, I have analysed data from the Heliospheric Imager (HI) instruments. This new instrument is uniquely positioned to observe CMEs as they propagate away from the Sun into the inner heliosphere between 0.1 and 1 AU. Using this data I have been able to estimate the radial expansion of a single CME as it propagates in the inner heliosphere. Investigating another case study event seen by STEREO-B in November 2007, I have been able to show that the distortion of a CME can be directly attributed to a structured solar wind. By using a 3D MHD simulation of the solar wind in the vicinity of the CME, it has been shown that a bimodal velocity structure within this solar wind was driving the CME from behind and distorting it from a circular to a concave morphology. Using in situ data, I have also attempted to deduce the shape of CMEs in the inner heliosphere. To do this I analysed the shock wave driven ahead of the propagating CME, applying a technique previously used to predict the distance of the shock upstream of Earth’s magnetosphere - this distance can be predicted when the object’s shape (Earth) is known. I have carried out a statistical survey of many CMEs over a range of distances from the Sun, and compared them to theoretical predictions of their shape based on geometry

    Planar magnetic structures in coronal mass ejection-driven sheath regions

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    Planar magnetic structures (PMSs) are periods in the solar wind during which interplanetary magnetic field vectors are nearly parallel to a single plane. One of the specific regions where PMSs have been reported are coronal mass ejection (CME)-driven sheaths. We use here an automated method to identify PMSs in 95 CME sheath regions observed in situ by the Wind and ACE spacecraft between 1997 and 2015. The occurrence and location of the PMSs are related to various shock, sheath, and CME properties. We find that PMSs are ubiquitous in CME sheaths; 85% of the studied sheath regions had PMSs with the mean duration of 6 h. In about one-third of the cases the magnetic field vectors followed a single PMS plane that covered a significant part (at least 67%) of the sheath region. Our analysis gives strong support for two suggested PMS formation mechanisms: the amplification and alignment of solar wind discontinuities near the CME-driven shock and the draping of the magnetic field lines around the CME ejecta. For example, we found that the shock and PMS plane normals generally coincided for the events where the PMSs occurred near the shock (68% of the PMS plane normals near the shock were separated by less than 20 degrees from the shock normal), while deviations were clearly larger when PMSs occurred close to the ejecta leading edge. In addition, PMSs near the shock were generally associated with lower upstream plasma beta than the cases where PMSs occurred near the leading edge of the CME. We also demonstrate that the planar parts of the sheath contain a higher amount of strong southward magnetic field than the non-planar parts, suggesting that planar sheaths are more likely to drive magnetospheric activity.Peer reviewe

    Tracking the momentum flux of a CME and quantifying its influence on geomagnetically induced currents at Earth

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    We investigate a CME propagating towards Earth on 29 March 2011. This event is specifically chosen for its predominately northward directed magnetic field, so that the influence from the momentum flux onto Earth can be isolated. We focus our study on understanding how a small Earth-directed segment propagates. Mass images are created from the white-light cameras onboard STEREO which are also converted into mass height-time maps (mass J-maps). The mass tracks on these J-maps correspond to the sheath region between the CME and its associated shock front as detected by in situ measurements at L1. A time-series of mass measurements from the STEREO COR-2A instrument are made along the Earth propagation direction. Qualitatively, this mass time-series shows a remarkable resemblance to the L1 in situ density series. The in situ measurements are used as inputs into a 3D magnetospheric space weather simulation from CCMC. These simulations display a sudden compression of the magnetosphere from the large momentum flux at the leading edge of the CME and predictions are made for the time-derivative of the magnetic field (dB/dt) on the ground. The predicted dB/dt were then compared with observations from specific equatorially-located ground stations and show notable similarity. This study of the momentum of a CME from the Sun down to its influence on magnetic ground stations on Earth is presented as preliminary proof of concept, such that future attempts may try to use remote sensing to create density and velocity time-series as inputs to magnetospheric simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication 8th March 2013. Submitted 18th Dec 2012. 19 Pages, 10 figures, 2 Appendice

    A Plasma {\beta} Transition Within a Propagating Flux Rope

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    We present a 2.5D MHD simulation of a magnetic flux rope (FR) propagating in the heliosphere and investigate the cause of the observed sharp plasma beta transition. Specifically, we consider a strong internal magnetic field and an explosive fast start, such that the plasma beta is significantly lower in the FR than the sheath region that is formed ahead. This leads to an unusual FR morphology in the first stage of propagation, while the more traditional view (e.g. from space weather simulations like Enlil) of a `pancake' shaped FR is observed as it approaches 1 AU. We investigate how an equipartition line, defined by a magnetic Weber number, surrounding a core region of a propagating FR can demarcate a boundary layer where there is a sharp transition in the plasma beta. The substructure affects the distribution of toroidal flux, with the majority of the flux remaining in a small core region which maintains a quasi-cylindrical structure. Quantitatively, we investigate a locus of points where the kinetic energy density of the relative inflow field is equal to the energy density of the transverse magnetic field (i.e. effective tension force). The simulation provides compelling evidence that at all heliocentric distances the distribution of toroidal magnetic flux away from the FR axis is not linear; with 80% of the toroidal flux occurring within 40% of the distance from the FR axis. Thus our simulation displays evidence that the competing ideas of a pancaking structure observed remotely can coexist with a quasi-cylindrical magnetic structure seen in situ.Comment: 11 pages of text + 6 figures. Accepted to ApJ on 16 Oct 201


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    We perform four numerical magnetohydrodynamic simulations in 2.5 dimensions (2.5D) of fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and their associated shock fronts between 10 Rs and 300 Rs. We investigate the relative change in the shock standoff distance, Δ, as a fraction of the CME radial half-width, DOB (i.e., Δ/DOB). Previous hydrodynamic studies have related the shock standoff distance for Earth\u27s magnetosphere to the density compression ratio (DR; ρu/ρd) measured across the bow shock. The DR coefficient, kdr, which is the proportionality constant between the relative standoff distance (Δ/DOB) and the compression ratio, was semi-empirically estimated as 1.1. For CMEs, we show that this value varies linearly as a function of heliocentric distance and changes significantly for different radii of curvature of the CME\u27s leading edge. We find that a value of 0.8 ± 0.1 is more appropriate for small heliocentric distances (\u3c30 Rs) which corresponds to the spherical geometry of a magnetosphere presented by Seiff. As the CME propagates its cross section becomes more oblate and the kdr value increases linearly with heliocentric distance, such that kdr = 1.1 is most appropriate at a heliocentric distance of about 80 Rs. For terrestrial distances (215 Rs) we estimate kdr = 1.8 ± 0.3, which also indicates that the CME cross-sectional structure is generally more oblate than that of Earth\u27s magnetosphere. These alterations to the proportionality coefficients may serve to improve investigations into the estimates of the magnetic field in the corona upstream of a CME as well as the aspect ratio of CMEs as measured in situ

    Importance of CME Radial Expansion on the Ability of Slow CMEs to Drive Shocks

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    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) may disturb the solar wind by overtaking it or expanding into it, or both. CMEs whose front moves faster in the solar wind frame than the fast magnetosonic speed drive shocks. Such shocks are important contributors to space weather, by triggering substorms, compressing the magnetosphere, and accelerating particles. In general, near 1 au, CMEs with speed greater than about 500 km s−1 drive shocks, whereas slower CMEs do not. However, CMEs as slow as 350 km s−1 may sometimes, although rarely, drive shocks. Here we study these slow CMEs with shocks and investigate the importance of CME expansion in contributing to their ability to drive shocks and in enhancing shock strength. Our focus is on CMEs with average speeds under 375 km s−1. From Wind measurements from 1996 to 2016, we find 22 cases of such shock-driving slow CMEs, and for about half of them (11 out of the 22), the existence of the shock appears to be strongly related to CME expansion. We also investigate the proportion of all CMEs with speeds under 500 km s−1 with and without shocks in solar cycles 23 and 24, depending on their speed. We find no systematic difference, as might have been expected on the basis of the lower solar wind and Alfvén speeds reported for solar cycle 24 versus 23. The slower expansion speed of CMEs in solar cycle 24 might be an explanation for this lack of increased frequency of shocks, but further studies are required

    Importance of CME Radial Expansion on the Ability of Slow CMEs to Drive Shocks

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    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) may disturb the solar wind either by overtaking it, or by expanding into it, or both. CMEs whose front moves faster in the solar wind frame than the fast magnetosonic speed, drive shocks. Such shocks are important contributors to space weather, by triggering substorms, compressing the magnetosphere and accelerating particles. In general, near 1 AU, CMEs with speed greater than about 500 km s1^{-1} drive shocks, whereas slower CMEs do not. However, CMEs as slow as 350 km s1^{-1} may sometimes, although rarely, drive shocks. Here, we study these slow CMEs with shocks and investigate the importance of CME expansion in contributing to their ability to drive shocks and in enhancing shock strength. Our focus is on CMEs with average speeds under 375 km s1^{-1}. From Wind measurements from 1996 to 2016, we find 22 cases of such shock-driving slow CMEs, and, for about half of them (11 out of the 22), the existence of the shock appears to be strongly related to CME expansion. We also investigate the proportion of all CMEs with speeds under 500 km s1^{-1} with and without shocks in solar cycles 23 and 24, depending on their speed. We find no systematic difference, as might have been expected on the basis of the lower solar wind and Alfv\'en speeds reported for solar cycle 24 vs. 23. The slower expansion speed of CMEs in solar cycle 24 might be an explanation for this lack of increased frequency of shocks, but further studies are required.Comment: 15 pages, 4 Figures, 5 Tables, accepted to Ap

    Fitting and Reconstruction of Thirteen Simple Coronal Mass Ejections

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    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the main drivers of geomagnetic disturbances, but the effects of their interaction with Earth's magnetic field depend on their magnetic configuration and orientation. Fitting and reconstruction techniques have been developed to determine the important geometrical and physical CME properties. In many instances, there is disagreement between such different methods but also between fitting from in situ measurements and reconstruction based on remote imaging. Here, we compare three methods based on different assumptions for measurements of thirteen CMEs by the Wind spacecraft from 1997 to 2015. These CMEs are selected from the interplanetary coronal mass ejections catalog on https://wind.nasa.gov/ICMEindex.php due to their simplicity in terms of 1) small expansion speed throughout the CME and 2) little asymmetry in the magnetic field profile. This makes these thirteen events ideal candidates to compare codes that do not include expansion nor distortion. We find that, for these simple events, the codes are in relatively good agreement in terms of the CME axis orientation for six out of the 13 events. Using the Grad-Shafranov technique, we can determine the shape of the cross-section, which is assumed to be circular for the other two models, a force-free fitting and a circular-cylindrical non-force-free fitting. Five of the events are found to have a clear circular cross-section, even when this is not a pre-condition of the reconstruction. We make an initial attempt at evaluating the adequacy of the different assumptions for these simple CMEs. The conclusion of this work strongly suggests that attempts at reconciling in situ and remote-sensing views of CMEs must take in consideration the compatibility of the different models with specific CME structures to better reproduce flux ropes.Comment: 12 pages, accepted to Solar Physic