98 research outputs found

    Mukometra kao posledica ozbiljne stručne greške

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    An apathetic 14-year-old Hungarian Puli bitch was presented with a seven day history of vaginal discharge and reported ovariohysterectomy (OHE) conducted six years ago. Clinical examination showed elevated body temperature (39.5°C), enlarged abdomen, and vulvar swelling. Despite a reported OHE in the anamnesis, ultrasound examination of the abdomen demonstrated the presence of both ovaries and a large anechogenic zone resembling the uterus. Vaginal cytologic examination and hormonal analysis indicated that the bitch was in the oestrus phase of the cycle. After laparotomy, both intact ovaries and an enlarged uterus with marked adhesions and filled with liquid content were visualised. The cervix was situated in the caudal part of the abdominal cavity and connected to the uterus by only an adhesion stump. After extirpation, uterus and ovarian tissue samples were sent for histological examination. Histological findings of uterus and ovarian tissue samples indicated a diagnosis of mucometra. Obviously, OHE was not conducted professionally, and the procedure performed only prevented conception, but ovaries and uterus continued to be active and caused a serious health disorder after six years. When only a part of the ovaries or uterus is left after OHE, health complications can appear up to ten years later. Our case testifies that even if both ovaries and the entire uterus are left after OHE without communication with cervix and vagina, a bitch can live without noticeable health disorders up to six years. This underlines the importance of lymphatic drainage and resorption processes in the uterus as well as evacuation of uterus content through the vagina.Četrnaest godina stara kuja rase mađarski puli je dovedena u apatičnom stanju i sa anamnezom iscedka iz vagine koji je prisutan 7 dana. Prema rečima vlasnika ovariohisterektomija je urađena pre 6 godina. Kliničkim nalazom je utvrđena povišena telesna temperatura (39,5˚C) uvećan abdomen i otok vulve. Uprkos podacima iz anamneze ultrazvučni pregled je ukazivao na prisustvo oba jajnika i velike anehogene zone koja je ukazivala na prisustvo materice. Citološki nalaz brisa vagine i hormonska analiza su ukazivali na to da je kuja bila u estralnoj fazi ciklusa. Nakon laparotomije potvrđeno je prisustvo oba jajnika i uvećane materice koja je bila ispunjena tečnim sadržajem i sa velikim brojem adhezija. Cerviks je bio lociran u kaudalnom delu abdomena i pričvršćen za uterus samo adhezionim patrljkom. Nakon ekstirpacije uterus i ovarijumi su poslati na histološku analizu, kojom je utvrđena dijagnoza mukometre. Očigledno da prethodno urađena ovariohisterektomija nije bila obavljena stručno i da je urađeni postupak sprečio koncepciju ali su ovarijumi i materica nastavili da budu aktivni što je prouzrokovalo ozbiljan zdravstveni problem 6 godina kasnije. Kada nakon ovariohisterektomije ostanu samo delovi tkiva ovarijuma i uterusa zdravstvene komplikacije se mogu javiti i do 10 godina nakon operacije. Prikazani slučaj svedoči o tome da je, čak i u slučaju kada su nakon operacije ostavljeni oba ovarijuma i uterus bez komunikacije sa cerviksom i vaginom, kuja 6 godina živela bez ozbiljnijih zdravstvenih problema. Ovo naglašava značaj limfne drenaže i procesa resorpcije sadržaja iz materice, pored pražnjenja kroz cerviks i vaginu

    Cutting temperature measurement and material machinability

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    Cutting temperature is very important parameter of cutting process. Around 90% of heat generated during cutting process is then away by sawdust, and the rest is transferred to the tool and workpiece. In this research cutting temperature was measured with artificial thermocouples and question of investigation of metal machinability from aspect of cutting temperature was analyzed. For investigation of material machinability during turning artificial thermocouple was placed just below the cutting top of insert, and for drilling thermocouples were placed through screw holes on the face surface. In this way was obtained simple, reliable, economic and accurate method for investigation of cutting machinability

    Morphological characteristics and expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in the canine endometrium during the estrus cycle, cystic endometrial hyperplasia and pyometra

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    The estrus cycle of bitches is divided into four phases: proestrus, estrus, diestrus and anestrus, during which different morphological changes, and also cyclic changes of estrogen and progesterone receptors are present. Several pathological changes can be differentiated on the endometrium, but one of these is the most important - cystic endometrial hyperplasia, which frequently develops into pyometra. The aim of the present study was to describe morphological characteristics, and expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors on the endometrium of mixed-breed bitches during the different phases of the estrus cycle, cystic endometrial hyperplasia and pyometra. The uterus and ovaries of 36 mixed breed bitches in different phases of the estrus cycle and also with cystic endometrial hyperplasia (CEH) and chronic purulent endometritis - pyometra were examined macroscopically, histopathologically, and immunohistochemically for estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR). During proestrus uterine cells showed a weak reaction for both estrogen and progesterone receptors, but during estrus a large number of uterine cells showed a strong reaction on estrogen receptors and moderate reaction on progesterone receptors. On the contrary, during diestrus the scores for the estrogen receptors decreased, while the progesterone receptors level increased - uterine cells expressed strong reaction for progesterone receptors, and moderate reaction for estrogen receptors. Uterine cells in cystic endometrial hyperplasia expressed a strong reaction for estrogen receptors, and moderate reaction for progesterone receptors, but on the other hand the uterine cells in the uterus with pyometra expressed a moderate to strong reaction for progesterone receptors, and a weak reaction for estrogen receptors. In further investigations it would be interesting to perform quantitative analysis for both estrogen and progesterone receptors during different phases of the estrus cycle and also in the uterus with cystic endometrial hyperplasia and pyometra

    Uticaj genotipa na prinos i kvalitet šećerne repe

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    The effect of a considerable number of both domestic and foreign sugar beet genotypes on root yield and quality was investigated. The data demonstrated the most favorable results of some genotypes for root yield and sugar content. Trials were conducted on rhizomania infested soil, thus tolerant genotypes were used. Susceptible cultivars represented the control. In the trial root yield was high and sugar content low. On average, in the genotypes tested, root yield varied from 73.98 to 93.30 t/ha and sugar content from 11.90 to 13.36%, depending on weather conditions. Root yield of the genotypes investigated varied from 30.61 to 112.64 t/ha and sugar content from 10.60 to 14.20%. The Swedish cultivar Dorotea (tolerant to both rhizomania and cercospora) was the most yielding. The least yielding (susceptible to both rhizomania and cercospora) was the domestic cultivar Dana.U radu je proučavan uticaj velikog broja domaćih i inostranih genotipova šećerne repe na prinos i tehnološki kvalitet korena. Ogledi su izvedeni na DD Stari Tamiš u Pančevu, u periodu 1998-2002. godine, na zemljištu tipa černozem, zaraženom rizomanijom. Od velikog broja testiranih genotipova (42-55), u radu su prikazani rezultati za 8 domaćih i 12 inostranih. Među ovim genotipovima dve domaće sorte ( Dana i Al omona) su osetljive na rizomaniju, a sve ostale su tolerantne prema pomenutom patogenu. U istraživanjima su postignuti sledeći važniji rezultati Prosečno variranje prinosa korena proučavanih genotipova kretalo se u granicama od 73,98 do 93,30 t/ha, sadržaj šećera u korenu od 11,90 do 13,36% i prinosa biološkog šećera od 9,19 do 11,45 t/ha. Genotipovi tolerantni na rizomaniju dali su u proseku za preko 42% veći prinos korena od osetljivih genotipova. Prinos biološkog šećera je pokazao direktnu zavisnost od prinosa korena po jedinici površine. Kao najproduktivniji genotipovi u ovim istraživanjima pokazali su se: Dorotea, Ippolita, Rama 4, Rama 5, Rama 6 H-6851, Gina i NS-H-8r

    Effects of NPK rates and ratio on sugar beet yield and quality

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    Small plot trials were conducted at the experimental fields of the Institute Tamiš, Pančevo, on the lime chernozem soil type over the period 1998- 2003. There were 19 variants in the trial in addition to the control. The NPK amounts ranged from 50 to 130 kg/ha and were used in various ratios. The highest average sugar beet yield was obtained using 100 kg/ha of NPK (59,97 t/ha). The increase amounted to 47,9% compared with the control variant. The average sugar content in the root ranged from 13,67 (N130P50K50) to 14,45% (N0P0K100) and sugar use from 11,05 (N130P50K50) to 12,09% (N50P100K100). The highest average consumable sugar yield was registered using the following fertilizer variant N100 P100K100 (6.98 t/ha) and N100P100K50 (6.81 t/ha). Root yield and consumable sugar yield were greatly affected by the humidity during the sugar beet vegetation period

    Prvi izveštaj o autohtonoj angiostrongilozi psa u Bosni i Hercegovini

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    This report describes a case of autochthonous canine angiostrongylosis in a mixed-breed dog in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The owner notеd the dog had lost appetite and weight, accompanied by a non-productive and intermittent cough. Physical examination revealed increased bronchovesicular pulmonary sounds and a caudally expanded lung field. Haematological parameters suggested mild dehydration in the dog. Radiological examination of the dog’s thorax showed a mild bronchointerstitial pattern with alveolar patches in the cardiac lobes. Coprological examination revealed the first stage (L1) Angiostrongylus vasorum larvae (Baillet, 1866). The dog was treated with two doses of 0.4 mg/kg of ivermectin administered subcutaneously with a time interval of 21 days between the two applications. Five weeks after the initial diagnosis, a repeated coprological examination revealed no evidence of L1 A. vasorum larvae in the dog’s faeces. This case report confirms the presence of A. vasorum in a dog from Bosnia and Herzegovina.Ovaj prikaz slučaja opisuje prvi nalaz autohtone angiostrongiloze kod psa mešanca u Bosni i Hercegovini. Vlasnik je primetio da je pas izgubio apetit i da je smršao, što je bilo praćeno neproduktivnim i intermitentnim kašljem. Fizički pregled je ukazao na pooštreno vezikalno disanje sa kaudalno proširenim plućnim poljem. Nije bilo promena u hematološkim promjenama. Radiološki pregled toraksa psa je ukazao na blag mešani bronho-intersticijalni crtež sa alvolarnim mrljama u kardijačnim lobusima. Koprološkim pregledom su ustanovljene L1 larve Angiostrongylus vasorum. Pas je terapiran sa ivermektinom u dozi od 0.4 mg/kg datim subkutano sa intervalom od 21 dan između dvije aplikacije. Pet sedmica nakon inicijalne dijagnoze, koprološkim pregledom nisu ustanovljene L1 larve od Angiostrongylus vasorum u fekalnom uzorku psa. Ovaj prikaz slučaja potvrđuje prisustvo Angiostrongylus vasorum u Bosni i Hercegovini

    Atypical antipsychotic clozapine binds fibrinogen and affects fibrin formation

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    Clozapine is an atypical antipsychotic used for the treatment of schizophrenia. The prescribed target daily doses may reach 900 mg. Literature studies report a connection between clozapine usage and thrombosis development. Our in vitro study aimed to provide insight into molecular bases of this observation, investigating clozapine binding to fibrinogen, the main plasma protein involved in hemostasis. Fibrinogen/clozapine interaction was confirmed by protein fluorescence quenching, with an affinity constant of 1.7 × 105 M−1. Direct interactions did not affect the structure of fibrinogen, nor fibrinogen melting temperature. Clozapine binding affected fibrin formation by reducing coagulation speed and thickness of fibrin fibers suggesting that in the presence of clozapine, fibrinogen may acquire thrombogenic characteristics. Although no difference in fibrin gel porosity was detected, other factors present in the blood may act synergistically with altered fibrin formation to modify fibrin clot, thus increasing the risk for development of thrombosis in patients on clozapine treatment. ORAC and HORAC assays showed that clozapine reduced free radical-induced oxidation of fibrinogen. All observed effects of clozapine on fibrinogen are dose-dependent, with the effect on fibrin formation being more pronounced.This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: Gligorijević, N.; Vasović, T.; Lević, S. M.; Miljević, Č.; Nedić, O.; Nikolić, M. Atypical Antipsychotic Clozapine Binds Fibrinogen and Affects Fibrin Formation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2020, 154, 142–149. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.03.119

    Analysis of lactoferin gene polymophism and its association to milk quality and mammary gland health in Holstein-Friesian cows

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    Lactoferrin (LTF) is a glycoprotein, a member of transferrin gene family which plays an important role in immune mechanisms in the mammary glands of cows. The amount of lactoferrin increases during inflammatory processes and viral infections. The aim of this investigation was to monitor the distribution of lactoferrin gene genotypes and its connection to milk quality and the occurrence of mammary gland diseases in 46 Holstein-Freisian cows of different age (2-7 years) on a farm near Belgrade. DNA was isolated from blood samples, and the polymorphism of lactoferrin gene was deterimined by PCR-RFLP method using the restriction enzyme Eco RI. We found two alelic forms of this gene in cows included in these experiments (A and B) and two genotypes (AA and AB) in a ratio 71.7% to 28.3%. The genotype BB was not found in this sample. In order to determine the degree of differences between genotypes we used discriminant analysis which has shown that there is a statistically significant difference between genotypes AA and with respect to productive parameters. When analyzed separately, the only parameter which differed significantly (p=0.021) between two genotypes was total milk production. Individuals with observed genotypes are most similar for the amount of milk fat (p=0.271). There is no statistically significant difference in the number of somatic cells in milk samples between the examined genotypes. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46002

    Biomass production as renewable energy resource at reclaimed Serbian lignite open-cast mines

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    The main goal of this paper is the overview of the scope and dynamics of biomass production as a renewable energy source for substitution of coal in the production of electrical energy in the Kolubara coal basin. In order to successfully realize this goal, it was necessary to develop a dynamic model of the process of coal production, overburden dumping and re-cultivation of dumping sites by biomass planting. The results obtained by simulation of the dynamic model of biomass production in Kolubara mine basin until year 2045 show that 6870 hectares of overburden waste dumps will be re-cultivated by biomass plantations. Biomass production modeling point out the significant benefits of biomass production by planting the willow Salix viminalis cultivated for energy purposes. Under these conditions, a 0.6% participation of biomass at the end of the period of intensive coal production, year 2037, is achieved. With the decrease of coal production to 15 million tons per year, this percentage steeply rises to 1.4% in 2045. This amount of equivalent tons of coal from biomass can be used for coal substitution in the production of electrical energy