181 research outputs found
Small and medium enterprises based on non-wood forest products as a development factor of the private forestry sector in Serbia
У оквиру шумарства приватног сектора, у Србији су, до сада, спроведена бројна истраживања о власницима приватних шума, док истраживања о малим и средњим предузећима (МСП) нису била довољно заступљена. Развој МСП има позитиван утицај на приватно власништво и унапређење предузетничких вештина, јер се ова предузећа могу брзо прилагодити променама на тржишту, позитивно утичу на повећање привредних активности и значајно доприносе запошљавању и отварању нових радних места. У том смислу, проблем истраживања представља комплексан приступ организовању МСП чије пословање је базирано на недрвним шумским производима (НДШП), односно, анализа: стратешких, регулаторних (закони и процедуре за добијање дозвола) и институционалних оквира који утичу на пословање МСП, карактеристика МСП за набавку, прераду и пласман НДШП (МСП за НДШП) и њиховог пословања, организације пословних процеса и облика сарадње са надлежним институцијама и другим предузећима.Numerous researches have so far been conducted on private forest owners in the private forest sector of Serbia, while research on small and medium-sized enterprises (SME-s) has been underrepresented. The development of SMEs has a positive impact on private property and the promotion of entrepreneurial skills. These enterprises can quickly adapt to market changes. They have a positive impact on the increase in economic activities and significantly contribute to employment and job creation. In this sense, the problem of this research is a complex approach to the organization of SME-s whose business is based on non-wood forest products (NWFPs), i.e. to the analysis of strategic, regulatory (laws and procedures for obtaining permits) and institutional frameworks affecting the business practices of these SMEs, the analysis of characteristics of NWFP-s based SME-s and their business, and the analysis of the organizational forms of business processes and forms of cooperation with relevant institutions and other enterprises
Typology of the supply chains of non-wood forest products in central Serbia
Modern economies are characterized by a growing importance of cooperation and
the creation of networks of enterprises, organizations and institutions,
which are all part of a supply chain, in order to achieve competitive
advantage in a market. The aim of this study was to determine the structure
of the supply chains of non-wood forest products in selected forest areas of
Central Serbia (Golijsko, Podrinjsko-kolubarsko, Posavsko-podunavsko,
Rasinsko and Tarsko-zlatiborsko FAs). The comparative method was applied in
this paper, along with the method of specialization (classification), the
method of structural partial analysis (supply chain analysis) and the
statistical method (analysis of frequencies and two-step cluster). The data
collection was conducted in 2011, by using the technique of door-to-door
survey. The analysis of the basic types of the supply chains of non-wood
forest products and their main stages (purchasing, processing and placement)
was conducted in the selected areas. A cluster analysis showed that there
were six basic types of supply chains in the selected forest areas and one
dominant type. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 443007/16
–III: Istraživanja klimatskih promena i njihovog uticaja na životnu sredinu
-praćenje uticaja, adaptacija i ublažavanje, podprojekat: Socio-ekonomski
razvoj, ublažavanje i adaptacija na klimatske promene
Uticaj produženog tretiranja ohratoksinom A na status proteina krvnog seruma brojlera
The 42 day long trial was performed on Hybro broilers divided into four groups. After a 14 day preexperimental period, the groups were offered feed contaminated by 0.5 ppm ochratoxin A (OA) for 0, 7, 14 or 21 days. Blood samples were taken after the period of toxin addition and the remaining birds from the control and experimental groups were normally fed with mash without added OA until the 42nd day of the trial, when blood samples were taken again. The total level of serum proteins was not changed during of prolonged treatment with OA, but a significant increase of albumin together with a decrease of the γ-globulin fraction were noted. A/G ratio suggested that globulins were the dominant protein fraction in blood serum samples obtained from all broilers included in this trail. The concentrations of α and β globulins in serum were within the physiological limits. It could be concluded that the low dietary OA level (0.5 ppm) had a possible cumulative, but not acute effect on blood serum protein status in broilers, dependent on the duration of exposure.Ogled je izveden na Hybro brojlerima podeljenim u četiri grupe a trajao je 42 dana. Nakon četrnaestodnevnog pripremnog periodaogledne grupe su hranjene hranom kontaminiranom ohratoksinom A u količini od 5 ppm u toku 7, 14 Hi 21 dan. Uzorci krvi za ispitivanje uzimani su nakon perioda ishrane kontaminiranom hranom a preostale jedinke hranjene su hranom bez dodatog toksina do kraja ogleda. Na kraju ogleda uzeti su uzorci krvi za ispitivanje od svih grupa. Korišćena količina OA u ispitivanom vremenu ekspozicije nema uticaj na koncentraciju ukupnih proteina. Uočeno je signifikantno povećanje albumina zajedno sa smanjenjem γ-globulina. Odnos AG ukazuje da su globulini dominantna frakcija proteina u svim ispitivanim uzorcima. Koncentracija α i β globulina u krvnom serumu kretala se u okvirima fizioloških granica. Može se zaključiti da prisustvo malih količina OA u hrani (5 ppm) poseduje moguće kumulativne ali ne i akutne efekte na proteine krvnog seruma brojlera koji zavise od vremena ekspozicije štetnom dejstvu
Waveguiding in planar photonic crystals
Photonic crystal planar circuits designed and fabricated in silicon on silicon dioxide are demonstrated. Our structures are based on two-dimensional confinement by photonic crystals in the plane of propagation, and total internal reflection to achieve confinement in the third dimension. These circuits are shown to guide light at 1550 nm around sharp corners where the radius of curvature is similar to the wavelength of light
Patohistološke promene i stepen sanacionih procesa u bubrezima brojlera tretiranih ohratoksinom A
A 42-day long trial was performed on a total of 48 Hybro broilers divided into four groups. After a 14 day pre-experimental period, the experimental groups were offered feed contaminated with 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 ppm ochratoxin A, respectively. After that period all groups were normally fed a mixture without added OTA until the end of the trial. Kidney samples were taken after the period of using contaminated feed, as well as after withdrawal the contaminated feed and a 3 week resting period. Proximal tubules were predominantly affected, while glomerules were chiefly preserved. The cytoplasm of tubulocytes was microgranulated and the nuclei were masked. Vacuolization was noticed in a certain number of altered cells. Foci of acute tubular necrosis were noticed in a few tubules. In some cases weak hemorrhage could be seen in affected areas. In the kidney samples of the group offered contaminated feed followed by a 3 week resting period morphological alterations were expressed in the form of intracellular edema. Epithelial cells of proximal tubules were enlarged with opaque cytoplasm, which caused tubule lumen stenosis. Apoptotic bodies could be noticed between some tubulocytes. The obtained results suggest that kidney alterations induced by OTA could be restored only to a certain extent as well as that minimum three week resting period is necessary for this process.Ogled je izveden na 48 Hybro brojlera podeljenih u četiri grupe i trajao je 42 dana. Od 14 dana ogledne grupe su tokom 7 dana dobijale hranu koja je sadržala 0.5,1.0 ili 1.5 ppm OA. Uzorci bubrega za patohistološka ispitivanja uzeti su nakon završetka tretmana, a preostali brojleri su hranjeni i pojeni bez aplikacije toksina do 42. dana kada su uzorci bubrega ponovo uzeti. Patohistološkim ispitivanjem utvrđeno je da su pretežno proksimalni tubuli zahvaćeni promenama, dok su glomeruli uglavnom očuvani. Citoplazma tubulocita je sitnozrnasta, a jedra su maskirana. U pojedinim ćelijama uočena je vakuolizacija, dok su u manjem broju tubula uočeni fokusi akutne nekroze. U promenjenim zonama uočena su slaba krvavljenja. U uzorcima bubrega grupa hranjenih kontaminiranom, a zatim nekontaminiranom hranom promene su se ispoljile u vidu intracelularnog edema. Epitelne ćelije proksimalnih tubula su povećane sa zamućenom citoplazmom što je u pojedinim slučajevima izazvalo su'avanje lumena tubula. Apoptotična tela su uočena između pojedinih tubulocita. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se promene u bubrezima izazvane OA mogu samo delom i u određenom stepenu restituisati, a da za je ove procese potreban period od najmanje tri nedelje
Odgovorno ponašanje u saznajnim praksama koje se oslanjaju na upotrebu internet pretraživača
Dezinformacije, propagandni sadržaji, teorije zavere, pseudo-naučna tumačenja i slični obmanjujući narativi do kojih dolazimo putem svojih internet pretraživača predstavljaju ozbiljnu pretnju sticanju istinitih verovanja i očuvanju demokratskih vrednosti. Imajući to u vidu, njihova široka prisutnost u našim internet pretragama postavlja relevantna pitanja, uključujući ona koja su predmet istraživanja ovog rada: (a) kako i do koje mere se može razumeti epistemičko okruženje koje podržava njihovo širenje; (b) kome pripisati odgovornost za njihovo usvajanje i distribuciju; i (c) koje mere i strategije mogu biti preduzete kako bi se njihov uticaj na javno mnjenje ublažio u zadovoljavajućoj meri? U nameri da donekle odgovorimo na ova tri usko povezana pitanja, bavićemo se socijalno-saznajnim karakteristikama Gugl pretraživača, načinima na koji on utiče na kvalitet naših epistemičkih praksi i strategijama za poboljšanje korisnikovog saznajnog položaja. Posebna pažnja biće posvećena pitanju podele odgovornosti između internet pretraživača (pružaoca usluge pretraživanja) i korisnika interneta (saznajnog subjekta). Unutar stanovišta koje mi zastupamo, teret odgovornosti se ravnomerno raspoređuje na korisnika i pretraživača
Computational design and analysis of tensegrity structures
The paper presents the application of computational tools in design and analysis of integrally tensioned (tenegrity) structures. The shaping process of this specific type of spatial structures is determined by consideration of form-structure interrelation. Therefore, the sustainable approach to their design implies the application of tools which could both represent geometry and simulate their physical behaviour. With respect to this, in the research we tested the application of computational tools Fasttens for design of tensegrity structures. Fasttens programme is based on the computational procedure for non-linear analysis of tensegrity systems originally developed by Miodrag Nestorović. In order to run the original programme written in Turbo Pascal, we performed emulation, using emulator software DOSBox. We tested the application of the tool in the design of concrete tensegrity structure. Presented design and numerical experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed approach
Institucionalna etika brige u Srbiji tokom pandemije COVID-19: Studija slučaja o efektima mera karantina na devojčice i žene koje su preživele trgovinu ljudima
Extreme situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic transparently show all the shortcomings of the Serbian system that should, in theory, provide support and protection to citizens in such circumstances. A particularly demanding task was to determine and measure the well-being of individuals during the pandemic, especially those from marginalized groups whose needs are not the priority to the system even under regular circumstances, those on the bottom of the social hierarchy who cannot influence the policies that shape their daily lives, or the decisions of authorities that further reproduce social inequalities. The paper examines institutional ethics of care during the pandemic in Serbia through the analysis of the adequacy of lockdown measures and their effects on the girls and women trafficking survivors. Analysis of the data collected in semi-structured interviews with girls and women showed that three central elements of the institutional (ethics of) care: the purpose of care, recognition of power relations, and the need for pluralistic tailoring of care to meet individuals’ needs, were not fulfilled during the pandemic and that the logic of institutional care has had a politicizing character in Serbia.Apstrakt
Ekstremne situacije poput pandemije KOVID-19 transparentno pokazuju sve nedostatke si stema u Srbiji koji bi, teoretski, trebalo da pruži podršku i zaštitu građanima u ovakvim okol nostima. Posebno zahtevan zadatak bilo je utvrđivanje i merenje blagostanja individua tokom
pandemije, posebno onih iz marginalizovanih grupa čije potrebe nisu prioritet sistema ni u
redovnim okolnostima, onih na dnu društvene hijerarhije koji ne mogu da utiču na politike
koje oblikuju njihov svakodnevni život ili odluke vlasti koje dalje reprodukuju društvene ne jednakosti. U radu se ispituje institucionalna etika brige tokom pandemije KOVID-19 u Srbiji
kroz analizu adekvatnosti mera karantina i njihovih efekata na devojke i žene koje su preži vele trgovinu ljudima. Analiza podataka prikupljenih u polustruktuiranim intervjuima sa de vojkama i ženama pokazala je da tri centralna elementa institucionalne (etike) brige: svrha
brige, prepoznavanje odnosa moći i potreba za pluralističkim osmišljavanjem politika brige
kako bi se zadovoljile individualne potrebe, nisu bila zadovoljena tokom pandemije i da je
logika institucionalne brige u Srbiji zapravo imala politizujući karakter
Many scholars have been interested in grouping countries into similar clusters based on different criteria including geographic proximity, mass migrations, and ethnic social capital and religious and linguistic commonality. Clustering of societies is beneficial for many reasons and the GLOBE project method of clustering is of special importance from the intercultural management point of view. The results of the GLOBE project were based on the data collected from samples which consisted of middle managers. In this paper, we used the GLOBE project approach to clustering process because of its importance from the point of view of international business cooperation. Namely, it is well known that national culture strongly influences organizational culture and that the business performances are much better when national and organizational cultures fit well. Our cluster consists of Serbia and the Eastern European cluster without Georgia, Kazakhstan and Albania, since the rest of the Eastern European cluster has many common historical connections with Serbia including the fact that they belonged to the former Eastern Bloc (the Communist Bloc) or they were under the occupation of the Ottoman Empire during a long period
Characterization of FeCoV Alloy Processed by PIM/MIM Route
In this study the characterization of FeCo-2V alloys toroidal samples produced by PIM/MIM technology was presented. The feedstock for metal injection molding (MIM) was prepared by mixing starting FeCoV powder with a low viscosity binder. Green samples were subjected to solvent debinding and subsequent thermal debinding followed by sintering. Sintering was performed during 3.5 hours from 1370 degrees C to 1460 degrees C in hydrogen atmosphere in order to attain the appropriate mechanical and magnetic properties. Microstructure, hardness HV10 and magnetic hysteresis B(H) were investigated as a function of sintering temperature. Optimum combination of functional properties was observed after sintering at temperature of 1370 degrees C. In addition, magnetic properties were analyzed as frequency dependent and successfully simulated in operating frequency range from 5 Hz to 60 Hz
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