16 research outputs found

    Degree of fertilization and biological traits of new plum cultivars (Prunus domestica L.)

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    Код три новије сорте шљиве (‘Jojo’, ‘Hanita’ и ‘Katinka’), толерантне или отпорне на вирус Шарке (Plum Pox Virus), испитиванe су најзначајније биолошке особине и квантитативни раст поленових цевчица in vivo и in vitro у условима самоопрашивања, слободног опрашивања и страног опрашивања при различитим температурама (20°C, 23°C и 26°C). Такође, у овим условима испитивани су бујност стабла, компоненте приноса и физичко-хемијске карактеристике плода шљиве. Истраживања су обављена од 2008. до 2010. године у засаду шљиве у тзв. густој садњи у агроеколошким условима Чачка (западна Србија) коришћењем стандардне методологије. Сорта ‘Hanita’ је имала најпозније цветање током све три године, а најмање варирање ове особине је утврђено код сорте ‘Jojo’. Највећа клијавост полена је установљена у сорте ‘Hanita’, средња у сорте ‘Jojo’, а најмања у сорте ‘Katinka’. Најмањи број поленових цевчица у горњој трећини стубића код свих испитиваних сорти је утврђен при самоопрашивању. У погледу ове особине, најбољи опрашивач за сорту ‘Jojo’ била је сорта ‘Hanitа’, за сорту ‘Katinka’ сорта ‘Jojo’, док је сорта ‘Hanita’ највећи број поленових цевчица имала при слободном опрашивању. Када је у питању заступљеност поленових цевчица у појединим регионима тучка, сорта ‘Katinka’ се показала као најбољи опрашивач сорти ‘Jojo’ и ‘Hanita’, док је сорта ‘Hanita’ била најбољи опрашивач сорте ‘Katinka’. Највеће иницијално и финално заметање плодова код сорти ‘Hanita’ и ‘Katinka’ утврђено је приликом слободног опрашивања, а код сорте ‘Jojo’ у комбинацији опрашивања поленом сорте ‘Katinka’, односно при самоопрашивању. На константним температурама (20°C, 23°C и 26°C), сорта ‘Hanita’ је била најбољи опрашивач сорте ‘Jojo’, сорта ‘Jojo’ је била најбољи опрашивач сорте ‘Hanita’, док су ове две сорте биле подједнако добри опрашивачи сорте ‘Katinka’. Код сорти ‘Jojo’ и ‘Hanita’, најбољи раст поленових цевчица је утврђен на константној температури од 23°C, а код сорте ‘Katinka’ на температури од 26°C. Највећи принос по стаблу и јединици површине је утврђен код сорте ‘Hanita’, а најмањи код сорте ‘Katinka’, међутим највећи коефицијент родности је утврђен код сорте ‘Jojo’ која је имала најмању бујност стабла...Three recently developed plum cultivars (‘Jojo’, ‘Hanita’ and ‘Katinka’), tolerant or resistant to Plum Pox Virus, were evaluated for major biological traits and pollen tubes growth in vivo and in vitro under self-, open- and cross-pollination at different temperatures. Tree vigour, yield components, physical and chemical attributes of the fruit were also analysed under these conditions. Research was conducted during 2008-2010 in a high density planting system under the environmental conditions of Cacak (Western Serbia) using standard methods. The latest flowering was observed in ‘Hanita’ during the three years, whereas ‘Jojo’ showed lowest variations in flowering date. Fruit maturity date was earliest in ‘Katinka’ and latest in ‘Jojo’. Pollen germination was highest in ‘Hanita’, medium in ‘Jojo’, and lowest in ‘Katinka’. The lowest number of pollen tubes in the upper part of the style in all cultivars was found under self-pollination. As regards this trait, ‘Hanita’ and ‘Jojo’ were the best pollenizers for ‘Jojo’ and ‘Katinka’, respectively, whereas ‘Hanita’ developed the highest number of pollen tubes under open-pollination. As regards the percentage of pollen tubes in different parts of the pistil, ‘Katinka’ proved to make the best pollenizer for ‘Jojo’ and ‘Hanita’, and ‘Hanita’ for ‘Katinka’. The highest initial and final fruit set in cultivars ‘Hanita’ and ‘Katinka’ was observed under open-pollination and in ‘Jojo’ under cross-pollination by pollen of ‘Katinka’ and self-pollination. At constant temperatures (20°C, 23°C and 26°C), ‘Hanita’ and ‘Jojo’ made the best pollenizers for ‘Jojo’ and ‘Hanita’, respectively, and equally good pollenizers for ‘Katinka’. The rate of pollen tubes growth was highest at a constant temperature of 23°C in ‘Jojo’ and ‘Hanita’, and at 26°C in ‘Katinka’. Yield per tree and yield per unit area were highest in ‘Hanita’ and lowest in ‘Katinka’. However, the highest yield efficiency was observed in ‘Jojo’ which exhibited the lowest tree vigour. As regards physical characteristics, in general, ‘Jojo’ showed the best performance when open-pollinated or pollinated by pollen of ‘Hanita’, ‘Hanita’ under pollination by pollen of ‘Katinka’ and ‘Katinka’ under self-pollination or pollination by pollen of ‘Hanita’..

    Properties of some Late Season Plum Hybrids from Fruit Research Institute Čačak

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    Since 1979 to 2012 fifteen plum cultivars were named and released in Fruit Research Institute, Čačak. Some of these cultivars, such as Čačanska Lepotica, Čačanska Rodna and Čačanska Najbolja are grown in most important plum growing countries in Europe. Also, these cultivars are used as parent cultivars in many plum breeding programs. In addition to the cultivars, large number of promising hybrids are created in Fruit Research Institute, Čačak and some of them, in this moment, are candidates for new cultivars. Therefore, in 2014 and 2015, we investigated the most important properties of four promising late season hybrids and standard cultivar ‘Stanley’. All four hybrids were harvested since beginning of September (34/41/87) until the beginning of the third decade of September (10/23/87). The earliest flowering time was recorded in hybrid 34/41/87 and the latest in standard cultivar ‘Stanley’. Hybrids 10/23/87 and 26/54/87 generally had the highest fruit weight and all three fruit dimensions. Also these hybrids had the highest content of total sugars and sucrose and highest pH value, but poorest total acids content. The highest content of invert sugars and total acids was recorded in hybrid 22/17/87. This hybrid also, had the highest yield per tree and per hectare while the hybrid 34/41/87 had the lowest these values. Standard cultivar ‘Stanley’ had the largest stone weight and the highest amount of soluble solids

    Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of promising plum (Prunus domestica L.) genotypes bred at fruit research institute, Čačak

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    Five plum hybrids (38/62/70, IV/63/81, 32/21/87, 34/41/87 and 22/17/87) and newly released cultivar ‘Nada’, obtained by planned hybridisation and singled out within breeding programme at Fruit Research Institute, Čačak, were assessed for the main physical (fruit and stone weight and flesh percentage), chemical (soluble solids content, total and inverted sugars content, sucrose content, total acids content, pH value of fruit juice, ratio of soluble solids and total acids content and ratio of total sugars and total acids content) and sensorial (attractiveness, taste, aroma and consistency) traits compared with the standard cultivar ʻČačanska Lepoticaʼ. Results showed that the studied plum genotypes differed significantly in all of the assessed traits. Regarding the physical features, the best results were shown by hybrid 38/62/70, which had the highest fruit weight (56.92 g) and flesh percentage (96.91%), as well as by the new cultivar ‘Nada’, for which a larger fruit was observed in comparison to the standard (45.54 g and 42.24 g, respectively). Also, ‘Nada’ had better sensorial properties such as attractiveness, taste, aroma and consistency in relation to the other promising hybrids and the standard cultivar. From the aspect of all the studied sensorial characteristics, in addition to ‘Nada’, only hybrid 38/62/70 was aligned with the standard cultivar. Out of the studied genotypes, late ripening hybrid 22/17/87 had the best values of parameters of fruit chemical composition such as the soluble solids content (17.01%), total and inverted sugars contents (12.31% and 8.96%, respectively). The highest sucrose content (3.39%), pH value of fruit juice (3.51), as well as the highest ratio between soluble solids and total acids content (43.72) and ratio between total sugars and total acids content (32.58) were found in cultivar ‘Nada’. The highest total acids content (1.42%) was recorded in hybrid 32/21/87. Compared to ʻČačanska Lepoticaʼ, the same or better results in terms of the fruit chemical composition were determined in cultivar ‘Nada’ and hybrids 34/41/87 and 22/17/87. The study revealed existence of significant correlations between individual studied parameters of the fruit physical, chemical and sensorial properties

    Degree of fertilization and biological traits of new plum cultivars (Prunus domestica L.)

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    Код три новије сорте шљиве (‘Jojo’, ‘Hanita’ и ‘Katinka’), толерантне или отпорне на вирус Шарке (Plum Pox Virus), испитиванe су најзначајније биолошке особине и квантитативни раст поленових цевчица in vivo и in vitro у условима самоопрашивања, слободног опрашивања и страног опрашивања при различитим температурама (20°C, 23°C и 26°C). Такође, у овим условима испитивани су бујност стабла, компоненте приноса и физичко-хемијске карактеристике плода шљиве. Истраживања су обављена од 2008. до 2010. године у засаду шљиве у тзв. густој садњи у агроеколошким условима Чачка (западна Србија) коришћењем стандардне методологије. Сорта ‘Hanita’ је имала најпозније цветање током све три године, а најмање варирање ове особине је утврђено код сорте ‘Jojo’. Највећа клијавост полена је установљена у сорте ‘Hanita’, средња у сорте ‘Jojo’, а најмања у сорте ‘Katinka’. Најмањи број поленових цевчица у горњој трећини стубића код свих испитиваних сорти је утврђен при самоопрашивању. У погледу ове особине, најбољи опрашивач за сорту ‘Jojo’ била је сорта ‘Hanitа’, за сорту ‘Katinka’ сорта ‘Jojo’, док је сорта ‘Hanita’ највећи број поленових цевчица имала при слободном опрашивању. Када је у питању заступљеност поленових цевчица у појединим регионима тучка, сорта ‘Katinka’ се показала као најбољи опрашивач сорти ‘Jojo’ и ‘Hanita’, док је сорта ‘Hanita’ била најбољи опрашивач сорте ‘Katinka’. Највеће иницијално и финално заметање плодова код сорти ‘Hanita’ и ‘Katinka’ утврђено је приликом слободног опрашивања, а код сорте ‘Jojo’ у комбинацији опрашивања поленом сорте ‘Katinka’, односно при самоопрашивању. На константним температурама (20°C, 23°C и 26°C), сорта ‘Hanita’ је била најбољи опрашивач сорте ‘Jojo’, сорта ‘Jojo’ је била најбољи опрашивач сорте ‘Hanita’, док су ове две сорте биле подједнако добри опрашивачи сорте ‘Katinka’. Код сорти ‘Jojo’ и ‘Hanita’, најбољи раст поленових цевчица је утврђен на константној температури од 23°C, а код сорте ‘Katinka’ на температури од 26°C. Највећи принос по стаблу и јединици површине је утврђен код сорте ‘Hanita’, а најмањи код сорте ‘Katinka’, међутим највећи коефицијент родности је утврђен код сорте ‘Jojo’ која је имала најмању бујност стабла...Three recently developed plum cultivars (‘Jojo’, ‘Hanita’ and ‘Katinka’), tolerant or resistant to Plum Pox Virus, were evaluated for major biological traits and pollen tubes growth in vivo and in vitro under self-, open- and cross-pollination at different temperatures. Tree vigour, yield components, physical and chemical attributes of the fruit were also analysed under these conditions. Research was conducted during 2008-2010 in a high density planting system under the environmental conditions of Cacak (Western Serbia) using standard methods. The latest flowering was observed in ‘Hanita’ during the three years, whereas ‘Jojo’ showed lowest variations in flowering date. Fruit maturity date was earliest in ‘Katinka’ and latest in ‘Jojo’. Pollen germination was highest in ‘Hanita’, medium in ‘Jojo’, and lowest in ‘Katinka’. The lowest number of pollen tubes in the upper part of the style in all cultivars was found under self-pollination. As regards this trait, ‘Hanita’ and ‘Jojo’ were the best pollenizers for ‘Jojo’ and ‘Katinka’, respectively, whereas ‘Hanita’ developed the highest number of pollen tubes under open-pollination. As regards the percentage of pollen tubes in different parts of the pistil, ‘Katinka’ proved to make the best pollenizer for ‘Jojo’ and ‘Hanita’, and ‘Hanita’ for ‘Katinka’. The highest initial and final fruit set in cultivars ‘Hanita’ and ‘Katinka’ was observed under open-pollination and in ‘Jojo’ under cross-pollination by pollen of ‘Katinka’ and self-pollination. At constant temperatures (20°C, 23°C and 26°C), ‘Hanita’ and ‘Jojo’ made the best pollenizers for ‘Jojo’ and ‘Hanita’, respectively, and equally good pollenizers for ‘Katinka’. The rate of pollen tubes growth was highest at a constant temperature of 23°C in ‘Jojo’ and ‘Hanita’, and at 26°C in ‘Katinka’. Yield per tree and yield per unit area were highest in ‘Hanita’ and lowest in ‘Katinka’. However, the highest yield efficiency was observed in ‘Jojo’ which exhibited the lowest tree vigour. As regards physical characteristics, in general, ‘Jojo’ showed the best performance when open-pollinated or pollinated by pollen of ‘Hanita’, ‘Hanita’ under pollination by pollen of ‘Katinka’ and ‘Katinka’ under self-pollination or pollination by pollen of ‘Hanita’..

    Mathematical Model of Neuronal Morphology: Prenatal Development of the Human Dentate Nucleus

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    The aim of the study was to quantify the morphological changes of the human dentate nucleus during prenatal development using mathematical models that take into account main morphometric parameters. The camera lucida drawings of Golgi impregnated neurons taken from human fetuses of gestational ages ranging from 14 to 41 weeks were analyzed. Four morphometric parameters, the size of the neuron, the dendritic complexity, maximum dendritic density, and the position of maximum density, were obtained using the modified Scholl method and fractal analysis. Their increase during the entire prenatal development can be adequately fitted with a simple exponential. The three parameters describing the evolution of branching complexity of the dendritic arbor positively correlated with the increase of the size of neurons, but with different rate constants, showing that the complex development of the dendritic arbor is complete during the prenatal period. The findings of the present study are in accordance with previous crude qualitative data on prenatal development of the human dentate nucleus, but provide much greater amount of fine details. The mathematical model developed here provides a sound foundation enabling further studies on natal development or analyzing neurological disorders during prenatal development

    Quantitative analysis of dendritic branching pattern of large neurons in human cerebellum

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    Background/Aim. Dentate nucleus (nucleus dentatus) is the most distant of the cerebellar nuclei and the major system for information transfer in the cerebellum. So far, dendritic branches of four different kinds of large neurons of dentate nucleus, have been considered mainly qualitatively with no quantification of their morphological features. The aim of the study was to test the qualitative hypothesis that the human dentate nucleus is composed of various types of the large neurons by quantitative analysis of their dendritic branching patterns. Methods. Series of horizontal sections of the dentate nuclei were taken from 15 adult human brains, free of diagnosed neurological disorders. The 189 Golgi-impregnated images of large neurons were recorded by a digital camera connected to a light microscope. Dendritic branching patterns of digitized neuronal images were analyzed by modified Sholl and fractal analyses. Results. The number of intersections (Nm), critical radius (rc) and fractal dimension (D) of dendritic branching pattern for four types of the large neurons were calculated, statistically evaluated and analyzed. The results show that there is a significant difference between four neuronal types in one morphometric parameter at least. Conclusion. The present study is the first attempt to analyze quantitatively the dendritic branching pattern of neurons from the dentate nucleus in the human. The hypothesis that the four types of the large neurons exist in this part of human cerebellum is successfully supported

    Fractal and Gray Level Cooccurrence Matrix Computational Analysis of Primary Osteosarcoma Magnetic Resonance Images Predicts the Chemotherapy Response

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    The prediction of induction chemotherapy response at the time of diagnosis may improve outcomes in osteosarcoma by allowing for personalized tailoring of therapy. The aim of this study was thus to investigate the predictive potential of the so far unexploited computational analysis of osteosarcoma magnetic resonance (MR) images. Fractal and gray level cooccurrence matrix (GLCM) algorithms were employed in retrospective analysis of MR images of primary osteosarcoma localized in distal femur prior to the OsteoSa induction chemotherapy. The predicted and actual chemotherapy response outcomes were then compared by means of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis and accuracy calculation. Dbin, Λ, and SCN were the standard fractal and GLCM features which significantly associated with the chemotherapy outcome, but only in one of the analyzed planes. Our newly developed normalized fractal dimension, called the space-filling ratio (SFR) exerted an independent and much better predictive value with the prediction significance accomplished in two of the three imaging planes, with accuracy of 82% and area under the ROC curve of 0.20 (95% confidence interval 0–0.41). In conclusion, SFR as the newly designed fractal coefficient provided superior predictive performance in comparison to standard image analysis features, presumably by compensating for the tumor size variation in MR images

    The Pan-Cytokeratin Staining Intensity and Fractal Computational Analysis of Breast Tumor Malignant Growth Patterns Prognosticate the Occurrence of Distant Metastasis

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    Improved prognosis of breast cancer outcome could prolong patient survival by reliable identification of patients at high risk of metastasis occurrence which could benefit from more aggressive treatments. Based on such clinical need, we prognostically evaluated the malignant cells in breast tumors, as the obvious potential source of unexploited prognostic information. The patient group was homogeneous, without any systemic treatments or lymph node spread, with smaller tumor size (pT1/2) and a long follow-up. Epithelial cells were labeled with AE1/AE3 pan-cytokeratin antibody cocktail and comprehensively analyzed. Monofractal and multifractal analyses were applied for quantification of distribution, shape, complexity and texture of malignant cell clusters, while mean pixel intensity and total area were measures of the pan-cytokeratin immunostaining intensity. The results surprisingly indicate that simple binary images and monofractal analysis provided better prognostic information then grayscale images and multifractal analysis. The key findings were that shapes and distribution of malignant cell clusters (by binary fractal dimension; AUC = 0.29), their contour shapes (by outline fractal dimension; AUC = 0.31) and intensity of the pan-cytokeratin immunostaining (by mean pixel intensity; AUC = 0.30) offered significant performance in metastasis risk prognostication. The results reveal an association between the lower pan-cytokeratin staining intensity and the high metastasis risk. Another interesting result was that multivariate analysis could confirm the prognostic independence only for fractal but not for immunostaining intensity features. The obtained results reveal several novel and unexpected findings highlighting the independent prognostic efficacy of malignant cell cluster distribution and contour shapes in breast tumors

    Quantitative analysis of the change in neuronal numerical density of the human nucleus dentatus within development

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    Background/Aim. The role of the dentate nucleus is to coordinate input information coming from the lower olivary complex and various parts of the brainstem of the spinal marrow with the output information from the cerebellar cortex. To better understand functions and relations of the dentate nucleus it is highly important to study its development process. The aim of this study was to determine a possible mathematical model of decrease in neuronal numerical density of the human nucleus dentatus at different stages of development. Methods. This study included 25 fetal brains of different age (12.5-31 weeks of gestational age and one brain of a 6-day-old newborn). The brains were fixed in 10% formalin-alcohol solution and embedded in paraffin. Sections were cut at a thickness of 6, 15, and 30 μm and stained with cresyl violet. Each fifth section was analyzed using a light microscope, and numerical density of dentate nucleus neurons was established using the M42 Weibel's grid system. Results. The obtained results revealed a constant decrease in numerical density value. The changes of numerical densities at different stages of development correspond with Boltzmann function principles. The first, almost perpendicular part of Boltzmann function corresponds with the development of the dorsomedial lamina and the appearance of ventrolateral lamina primordium. The second, more or less horizontal part of Boltzmann function corresponds with the development of both laminae. Conclusion. The obtained results indicate that Boltzmann function can be considered a mathematical model of change in neuronal numerical density of dentate nucleus at different stage of development