280 research outputs found

    Get Involved: A Program for Kindergarten Students, Parents, & Teachers to Promote the Development of Motor Skills for Daily School Occupations

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    In the educational setting today, children are asked to acquire advanced academic skills at a faster pace and earlier age. Children entering the first years of school exhibit variances in their physical maturity levels, which affects both fine and gross motor skills and their performance in daily school occupations. Frequently, young children are unable to keep up with their kindergarten curriculum. Currently, the programs available to work on motor development in kindergarten age students focus solely on pre-writing skills and handwriting instruction. These programs lack information on motor skill development, home program activities, and specific occupations that kindergarten students are expected to complete during a typical school day. An extensive literature review was conducted and pertinent information was gathered to help illustrate the need for the product and guide the development of the product. A manual was developed to provide parents and teachers of kindergarten age students with information and resources for motor skills training and to give children opportunities to practice motor skills in the school and home environments. The manual is divided into three appendices. Appendix A is a parent manual on motor skills development. Appendix B is a teacher manual to focus on motor skills development in the school environment. . Information in the manual includes the developmental progression of motor skills, a quick motor skills screening tool, resource lists for parents and teachers, background information on motor skills areas, occupations children complete in school, an activity guide for the motor skills areas, and a complete reference list. Appendix C was included in the manual to provide teacher workshop information on how to use the manual in the classroom setting. This manual will be a valuable reference tool for parents and teachers of kindergarten age students to assist with motor skill development for occupations completed in the school environment

    The Concept of Character in the Apocalypse with Implications for Character Education

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    Problem and Purpose In the educational world of the 80s there is a renewed interest in moral education after nearly half a century of neglect. However, since most moral philosophers reject the teaching of objective moral values in favor of subjectivity, Christian educators have felt the need to restate the principles of character education to harmonize with biblical truth. This study analyzes the concept of character in the Apocalypse against a background of humanistic philosophy originating in Plato and Aristotle, noting in each system the concepts regarding the norm of character, the nature of man, the nature of good and evil, and the method of character development. Findings The biblical view of character differs from that of the philosophers in that the concepts of man and values are tied to the character of God. Thus, in the Apocalypse man is seen as created in the image of God to reflect the character of God, which is the norm from which are derived the concepts of good and evil. Evil character is hostility to God; righteous character means exalting God and being loyal to Him to death. Character is developed through participation in Christ\u27s legal victory over sin at the cross, followed by experiential victory through union with Christ. Character in the last days will be tested over the issue of worship, whether to a pseudo-Christian power or to God. Judgment is Christocentric, depending upon one\u27s treatment of the Lamb. Since the philosophers, by contrast, lacked the solar concept of a personal God, they drove the satellite concepts of man and values from their courses into darkness. Centuries of philosophical dialectic have deprived man of soul, essence, eternity, freedom, and even mind, so that educational goals have been reduced to problem-solving, social adjustment, self-actualization, and moral autonomy. These limited goals may be responsible for the academic and moral crises facing public schools in America today. Conclusions This research concludes that it is only in the framework of the God-man relationship that man can find his origin and destiny, malady and remedy, meaning and values, and a character that reflects the character of God

    The Nearness and the Delay of the Parousia in the Writings of Ellen G. White

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    The writings of Ellen G. White, pioneer leader of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, exhibit two apparently contradictory streams or thought on the time of the parousia. On one hand she wrote that the time of Christ\u27s coming is fixed by God and will occur soon; on the other, that He has been delayed by the church\u27s failures to preach the gospel and live holy lives. Her point of entry into eschatological thought was the prediction of William Miller that Christ would return in 1844, rooted in the time prophecies of Daniel and summarized in the three angels\u27 messages of Rev 14:5-12. She based her conviction of the soon coming of Christ on the past fulfillment of those prophecies. They took precedence in her mind over the familiar signs of the times. Christ\u27s soon coming became a motive behind all White\u27s exhortations to holy living and diligent witnessing. Her ethical program was inspired by the Millerite movement and informed by the Holiness movement. The prophecy of the three angels explained her people\u27s place in salvation history and gave them their commission: to prepare a people to meet the Lord. While White consistently wrote of the nearness of the end throughout her ministry, she added the concept of contingency and delay in 1883, in reply to a critic\u27s charge that she was a false prophet because Christ had not come. She said He had been delayed by the past and present sins of His people. Delay then became a new motive behind the same exhortations seen in the nearness stream of her thought. The tension between nearness and delay can not be completely harmonized in Ellen White\u27s writings, except perhaps by suggesting that the time of the end is fixed from God\u27s view point but delayed from man\u27s. She shares many characteristics with ancient apocalypses in which contradictory statements were often laid alongside each other without trying to work out all the logical questions. The fact that she used both nearness and delay as motives behind the same kinds of exhortations shows that White was more concerned about the ethical effects of her eschatology than about its chronology

    Amillennialism Reconsidered /Beatrice S. Neall

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    A Prototype Design for a Self-Balancing Tray

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    Self-balancing platforms are used in a variety of industries such as in construction to ensure a level place to pour concrete, in NASA’s design of the Apollo 13 rocket to ensure the Rocketship maintains a certain orientation, and in photography for camera stabilization on drones and handheld devices like the DJI Osmo. The purpose of these kinds of platforms is to ensure stability in an environment that is not typically stable so that tasks, such as construction or working in outer space, can be done easily and safely. The purpose of our Prototype is to create a smaller self-balancing platform that is useful in doing a small domestic task like keeping a tray of food balanced

    La historieta para el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural en los adolescentes de una institución educativa de Chiclayo

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    En la ciudad de Chiclayo, al igual que en muchas ciudades del país presenta una serie de carencias a nivel de identidad cultural, ocasionada por la globalización, la cultura del rechazo y la discriminación, problemas que aquejan a esta sociedad en la que vivimos. Lo cual presenta una preocupación a futuro por el desconocimiento del pasado histórico y la riqueza andina de nuestros ancestros. Esta investigación comprende el desarrollo de una estrategia de transmisión de información para contribuir en la generación de identidad cultural en los adolescentes, empezando con la creación y desarrollo de una historieta con la temática de la cultura mochica, la cual tendrá como finalidad el fortalecer el nivel de conocimiento de la historia de nuestra región, como sus inicios, mitos, costumbres, cosmovisión y manifestaciones artísticas. Los resultados obtenidos fueron que la aplicación del recurso gráfico, la historieta con fin cultural, ayuda a la atención y comprensión de un tema en específico referente a la cultura a los estudiantes que se encuentran dentro de la clase, ya que al ser bastante jóvenes, desean aprender por medio de ilustraciones y mensajes concretos que sean de fácil recordación, además que ello les motiva a la lectura y a la expectación de buscar más sobre el tema que se está tocando.TesisGestión empresarial y emprendimient

    Lightweight structural design of UAV wing through the use of coreless composite materials employing novel construction techniques.

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    Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2017.A new structural layout was designed for an existing UAV wing with the aims of lightening the wing by eliminating the use of cored composite construction and reducing the manufacturing time of the wing by making use of waterjet-cut internal frames while satisfying strength and stiffness requirements. Two layouts, a traditional metal wing layout and a tri-directional rib lattice layout, were selected for consideration based on the literature surveyed. In order to present a valid comparison with the previous wing design the same composite materials were used in the design of the new wing layout and material tests were performed according to ASTM testing standards to obtain the mechanical properties of these materials. Load cases for the wing in flight were calculated according to FAR-23 standards and the loads on the wing were found using XFLR5 vortex-lattice methods. An empirical, spreadsheet-based initial sizing tool was developed to obtain initial layups for an iterative FEA-based optimisation process that employed the SolidWorks Simulation Premium software package and made use of the Tsai-Wu composite material failure criterion and empirical buckling equations. The iterative optimisation resulted in the traditional metal wing layout being selected and predicted a weight saving of 14% over the original wing design. A full scale prototype wing was constructed in the CSIR UAS Laboratory using wet layup techniques and laser cut internal frames as it was found that the waterjet cutting of thin composite frames was not practical as a result of the high working pressure of the waterjet cutter. The prototype wing showed an actual weight saving of 14% but took considerably longer to manufacture due to the necessity of constructing specialised jigs to aid in the bonding and alignment of the internal frames. The prototype wing was tested using a custom set-up whiffle tree rig up to its maximum limit load of 4.9 g and showed an average of 4% error between measured and predicted deflections thereby validating the FEA models. It was concluded that a UAV wing can be significantly lightened through a coreless structural design, but at the expense of an increase in construction time. It is hoped that this study will contribute towards a changed design philosophy in an industry where cored construction is the norm. It is recommended that the methods developed during this project be applied to the rest of the aircraft components in order to obtain a lighter overall structure