23 research outputs found
HIL real-time simulation of a digital fractional order PI controller for time delay processes
Fractional order control has been used extensively in the last decade for controlling various types of processes. Several design approaches have been proposed so far, the closed loop performance results obtained being tested using different simulation conditions. The hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) real-time simulation offers a more reliable method for evaluating the closed loop performance of such controllers prior to their actual implementation on the real processes, such HIL simulation being highly suitable especially for complex, hazardous processes in which human and equipment errors should be avoided. The present paper proposes a hardware-in-the-loop real-time simulation setting for a digital fractional order PI controller in a Smith Predictor structure. The designed control strategy and fractional order controller is then tested under nominal and uncertain conditions, considering a time delay process
How knowledge sharing and business process contribute to organizational performance: Using the fsQCA approach
The purpose of this research is to carry out a comparative analysis of organizational factors that facilitate knowledge sharing and business process, ultimately contributing to the improvement of organizational performance. The literature considers knowledge sharing a key factor for driving innovation as well as the organization's business performance, as both explicit and tacit knowledge sharing promotes a novel robust approach for business-knowledge process. This research explores the application of fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis as a set-theoretic comparative analysis approach to investigate the relationships between knowledge sharing, business process, and organizational performance through the identification of key organizational operation factors. Based on empirical data collected from 28 cases, the analysis results demonstrate the important role of organizational operation factors in knowledge sharing and business-knowledge process, which directly contribute to the improvement of organizational performance
Local treatment in patients with venous ulcers of the lower limb
Scopul lucrării. Ulcerele venoase ale membrelor inferioare sunt răni ale pielii fără tendință de vindecare după 3 sau mai multe luni și
tulburări arteriale, venoase sau limfatice subiacente, cum ar fi hipertensiunea venoasă sau ischemia.
Materiale și metode. Am efectuat un studiu descriptiv observațional, în care am urmărit evoluția pacienților internați în Secția Chirurgie
Vasculară, cu diagnosticul de insuficiență venoasă cronică clasa C6 CEAP în perioada ianuarie 2014 - mai 2023, la care s-a practicat
grefă de piele liberă despicată la nivelul ulcerului venos, precedata de tratamentul insuficienței venoase și tratamentul local al ulcerului
venos cu aspirație negativă. S-au monitorizat efectele aspirației negative în evoluția aspectului ulcerului, rezultatele antibiogramei și
rolul acesteia în gradul de acolare a grefei de piele.
Rezultate. Dintre pacienții diagnosticați cu insuficiență venoasă cronică în Clinica noastră, unora li s-a practicat aspirație negativă
și grefă de piele liber despicată. Se observă o prevalență a femeilor (65%) apte de munca. Perioada de spitalizare a variat între 4
și 85 zile, 62% fiind spitalizați între 10 și 28 zile. Cu ajutorul aspirației negative s-a reușit negativarea antibiogramei într-un interval
cuprins între 6 și 40 zile, la majoritatea obținându-se un rezultat favorabil la circa 10-20 zile și cu un grad de acolare a grefei de piele
ce depășește 75%.
Concluzii. Ulcerele venoase sunt răni dureroase, care drenează, cu risc crescut de infecție, amputație și chiar moarte. Scopul
terapeutic este de a îndepărta resturile pentru a obține un pat ulceros curat și pentru a transforma o rană cronică într-o rană acută cu
un răspuns inflamator adecvat.Aim of study. Venous leg ulcers are skin wounds associated with no tendency to heal after 3 or more months and underlying arterial,
venous or lymphatic disorders, such as venous hypertension or ischemia. They are known to have a high recurrence rate.
Materials and methods. An observational descriptive study was performed at the Vascular Surgery Clinic of St. Spiridon Hospital from
January 2014 to May 2023 in patients with CEAP class C6 of chronic venous insufficiency. Free split skin-grafting was used for venous
ulcer management following treatment of venous insufficiency and topical negative pressure wound therapy. The effects of negative
pressure on ulcer healing, antibiogram results and skin graft adhesion were monitored.
Results. From the patients diagnosed with chronic venous insufficiency at our Clinic, some of them were treated with negative
pressure and free split skin-grafting. The prevalence of venous ulcers was higher in women (65%) who were partly of employable
age. Hospitalization length of stay ranged between 4 and 85 days, with 62% of patients being hospitalized for 10 to 28 days. Negative
pressure wound therapy eliminated microbial contamination in 6 to 40 days and most patients showed a favourable outcome at 10 to
20 days post-treatment. Skin graft adhesion was successful in more than 75% of patients.
Conclusions. Venous ulcers are painful draining wounds with increased risk for infection, amputation and even death. The therapeutic goal is to remove debris in order to achieve a clean ulcerous bed and to convert a chronic wound into an acute wound with a proper
inflammatory response
Un cas mortel d’infestation pulmonaire par Acariens chez le Macaque
L’animal étudié du point de vue anatomo-pathologique et parasitologique présentait une acariase pulmonaire déterminant une broncho-pneumonie exsudative, inflammatoire et nécrotique, à réaction granulomateuse, accompagnée de fibrose tardive et d’infiltration des artérioles. Les parasites avaient un siège parenchymateux aussi bien que bronchique. Des images de migration parasitaire extra-bronchique ont été rencontrées, infirmant certaines descriptions classiques
Relevance of heterotrophic biofilms on the agglomeration of Helicobacter pylori in water environments: Implications for transmission
The role of water and water-associated biofilms on the
transmission of Helicobacter pylori has been under debate for the
last 10 years. We have previously shown that the ability of this
bacterium to form monospecies biofilms when exposed to water
is quite limited. However, molecular detection methods have
been used to demonstrate that H. pylori is present in water
microenvironments. Here, we have tested the cultivability and
viability of several strains of H. pylori in water under different
conditions to check whether a large increase in cultivability could
be observed. Interestingly, the absence of light during water
exposure appeared to be highly beneficial for a longer cultivability
of the bacterium, with the ability of some strains to form colonies
increasing from 24 to 96 hours. Nevertheless, recovering the
bacterium from heterotrophic environments continues to pose a
challenge, even when using selective culture media. Hence, we
have applied specific PNA fluorescent in situ hybridization probes
to detect the presence of the bacterium on heterotrophic biofilms.
Results show that H. pylori is able to form aggregates within biofilm
structures under several conditions (high and low shear stress,
15 °C and 20 °C, addition of carbon source). Addition of chlorine,
however, inhibited the formation of these H. pylori agglomerates, and
the bacterium was found to be more evenly dispersed along the
support. This work suggests that the implementation of chlorine
as a disinfection method has hindered the transmission of the
pathogen and hence is partly responsible for the decreased
prevalence observed in the more developed countries