269 research outputs found
A unified approach to controller design for achieving ISS and related properties
A unified approach to the design of controllers achieving various specified input-to-state stability (ISS) like properties is presented. Both full state and measurement feedback cases are considered. Synthesis procedures based on dynamic programming are given using the recently developed results on controller synthesis to achieve uniform l∞ bound. Our results provide a link between the ISS literature and the nonlinear H∞ design literature. © 2005 IEEE
Analysis of input-to-state stability for discrete time nonlinear systems via dynamic programming
The input-to-state stability (ISS) property for systems with disturbances has received considerable attention over the past decade or so, with many applications and characterizations reported in the literature. The main purpose of this paper is to present analysis results for ISS that utilize dynamic programming techniques to characterize minimal ISS gains and transient bounds. These characterizations naturally lead to computable necessary and sufficient conditions for ISS. Our results make a connection between ISS and optimization problems in nonlinear dissipative systems theory (including L2-gain analysis and nonlinear H∞ theory). As such, the results presented address an obvious gap in the literature. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Identification of A Neural Mass Model of Burst Suppression
Burst suppression includes alternating patterns of silent and fast spike activities in neuronal activities observable (in micro or macro scale) electro-physiological recordings. Biological models of burst suppression are given as dynamical systems with slow and fast states. The aim of this paper is to give a method to identify parameters of a mesoscopic model of burst suppression that can provide insights into study underlying generators of intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) data. An optimisation technique based upon a genetic algorithm (GA) is employed to find feasible model parameters to replicate burst patterns in the iEEG data with paroxysmal transitions. Then, a continuous-discrete unscented Kalman filter (CD-UKF) is used to infer hidden states of the model and to enhance the identification results from the GA. The results show promise in finding the model parameters of a partially observed mesoscopic model of burst suppression
Measurement feedback controller design to achieve input to state stability
An approach for design of measurement feedback controllers achieving input-to-state (ISS) stability properties is presented. A synthesis procedure based on dynamic programming is given. We make use of recently developed results on controller synthesis to achieve uniform l∞ bound [6]. Our results make an important connection between the ISS literature and nonlinear H∞ design methods
Topography, morphology, vascularization and inervation of the abdominal organs in the mole rat (Spalax leucodon)
U relevantnoj literaturi ima malo podataka o topografiji, morfologiji, mikroskopskoj
građi, vaskularizaciji i inervaciji organa trbušne duplje slepog kučeta (Spalax leucodon), pa
smo zato odlučili da ispitamo trbušnu duplju, topografiju, morfologiju, vaskularizaciju i
inervaciju trbušnog dela jednjaka (Pars abdominalis), želuca (Ventriculus), tankog creva
(dvanaestopalačnog creva-Duodenum, praznog creva-Jejunum i vitog creva-Ileum),
debelog creva (slepog creva-Cecum, kolona-Colon i pravog creva-Rectum), jetre (Hepar) i
žučne kanale, slezine (Lien), gušterače (Pancreas) i bubrega (Ren). Ispitivali smo i
topografiju i granjanje trbušne aorte (Aorta abdominalis), topografiju i pritoke kaudalne
šuplje vene (V. cava caudalis) i vene ekstrahepatičnog dela portalnog krvotoka jetre.
Rezultate našeg ispitivanja upotpunili smo opisom histološke građe trbušnog dela
jednjaka, želuca, tankog creva, debelog creva, jetre, slezine, gušterače, bubrega, trbušne
aorte i kaudalne šuplje vene.
Kvantitativna analiza zida trbušne aorte i kolona vršena je linearnim i stereološkim
merenjima pomoću mnogonamenskog test sistema M42.
Kao material za izučavanje koristili smo organe trbušne duplje slepog kučeta
(Spalax leucodon) sveže i konzervisane preparate iz kolekcije Katedre za anatomiju
Fakulteta veterinarske medicine u Beogradu. Slepi kučići hvatani su na terenu Južnog
Banata i to u mestu Šušara kod Uljme (Deliblatska peščara). Obzirom da je u Republici
Srbiji slepo kuče zaštićeno zakonom kao prirodna retkost, dobili smo odobrenje Etičkog
komiteta Fakulteta veterinarske medicine u Beogradu, dekana Fakulteta veterinarske
medicine u Beogradu i Ministarstva zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije za nabavku
deset slepih kučića iz prirode.
Za ispitivanje koristili smo anatomske, histološke, morfometrijske i stereološke
metode rada. Uz obaveznu anesteziju primenom preparata ketamina (Ketamidor 10%) uz
premedikaciju Ksilazinom, životinje su bile žrtvovane. Za morfološko ispitivanje preparati
su posmatrani golim okom ili pod stonom lupom, uvećanje 1,75x...Data on morphology, topography, vascularization and innervation of the abdominal
cavity organs of the mole rat (Spalax leucodon) published in the reference literature are
scarce, and therefore we have decided to study abdominal cavity, topography, morphology,
vascularization and innervation of the abdominal portion of the esophagus, stomach, small
intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum), large intestine (cecum, colon and rectum), liver
and its bile ducts, spleen, pancreas and kidneys. Topography and branches of the abdominal
aorta, topography and tributaries of the caudal vena cava as well as extrahepatic veins of
the portal system were studied as well.
The results of our study were supplemented by description of the histological
structure of the abdominal portion of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large
intestine, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, abdominal aorta and caudal vena cava.
Quantitative analysis of the wall of the abdominal aorta and all parts of the colon was
perfomed linear measurements and stereological measurement using test system M42.
Abdominal cavity organs of the mole rat were used as material for investigation
both as fresh and preserved preparations from the collection of the Department of Anatomy
of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade. Mole rats were traped on the area of
south Banat in the village of Šušara near Uljma (Deliblatska peščara). Since mole rat is
protected by law in Republic of Serbia as natural rarities, the approvals of the Ethics
Committee and Dean,s of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade as and Ministry
of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia were obtained for provision of 10
mole rats from their natural habitats..
Ispitivanje mogućnosti korišćenja nanočestica TiO2 kao nosača za ciljanu i kontrolisanu dostavu lekova na bazi kompleksa prelaznih metala
Sinteza i primena kompleksa prelaznih metala u lečenju kancera je predmet
istraživanja velikog broja naučnika. Potreba za razvojem novih citostatika
proizilazi iz želje da se prevaziđu nedostaci već postojećih, kao što su
rezistencija, toksičnost i uzak terapeutski opseg (aktivnost protiv malog broja tipova tumora). Tako se pored kompleksa platine, i dalje najčešće korišćenih citostatika u kliničkoj praksi, razvila čitava serija novih kompleksa redizajniranjem već postojećih izmenom liganada i/ili izmenom centralnog metalnog jona. Posebno su se izdvojili kompleksi rutenijuma zbog manje toksičnosti, aktivnosti na metastazama i tumorima na kojima su dotadašnji citostatici bili
neaktivni, a neki od njih su pokazali aktivnost tek kada se ozrače svetlošću
odgovarajuće talasne dužine i potencijal za primenu u fotodinamičkoj terapiji.
Uprkos razvoju novih generacija citostatika s poboljšanim karakteristikama, kao
problem ostaje kontrola postizanja maksimalne koncentracije leka u tumorskom
tkivu. Na putu do ciljnog, tumorskog tkiva i ciljnih biomolekula, lek interaguje i s
brojnim drugim biomolekulima što za posledicu može imati toksičnost, pojavu
rezistencije, inaktivaciju leka i smanjenje njegove efektivne koncentracije na
željenom mestu dejstva. Potreba za prevazilaženjem ovog problema dovela je do brzog
razvoja nosača za lekove. Njihova uloga je da vežu ili inkapsuliraju lek, nose ga do
tumorskog tkiva sprečavajući njegovu interakciju s okolnim biomolekulima i zatim
ga otpuste, aktivnim ili pasivnim mehanizmom, u ciljnom tumorskom tkivu. Cilj
upotrebe ovakvih sistema je smanjenje štetnog dejstva leka na zdravo tkivo, mogućnost
kontrole doziranja leka tj. postizanje njegove optimalne koncentracije u tumorskom
tkivu, a samim tim i postizanje veće efikasnosti terapije.
Nosači koji se testiraju za mogućnost primene u kontrolisanoj i ciljanoj dostavi
medikamenata su uglavnom na bazi organskih i neorganskih nanomaterijala, međutim
mali broj njih je u kliničkoj upotrebi (lipozomi i polimerni nanomaterijali). U
fazi ispitivanja su mnogobrojni nosači koji reaguju na stimulanse kao što su pH
sredine, ultrazvuk, temperatura i svetlost. U novijim istraživanjima veliku pažnju
kao nosači za lekove zauzimaju nanočestice TiO2 zbog svoje biokompatibilnosti,
fotoaktivnosti, dostupnosti i mogućnosti modifikacije površine.A significantly rising interest in the design and use of metal complexes for cancer treatment is currently observed in the area of scientific inquiry. There has been a growing demand for development and improvement of metal-based compounds used in routine clinical practice in order to overcome disadvantages and limitations such as resistance, toxicity and narrow
spectrum of activity (activity against a small number of tumor types). Beside platinum complexes, the leading agents in clinical use, many more metal-based compounds have been synthesized by redesigning the existing chemical structure through ligand substitution and/or central metal ion switching. Among them ruthenium complexes have been investigated as one of the most promising candidates because they shown less toxicity, significant activity
against cancer metastases, and activity on tumors that were resistant to a variety of standard chemotherapeutic agents. Moreover, some of them are light sensitive drugs i.e. their functions is triggered once they are activated by light of a specific wavelength which make them promising candidates for photodynamic therapy.
Despite fast development of new generation of cytostatics with better characteristics, there are still areas where substantial improvements need to be made. One such area is achievement of a maximum concentration of the drug on tumor site. Once the drug enters the systemic circulation, it could face a number of challenges. Drug could react with nontarget biomolecules on its way to target biomolecules in tumor tissue which could cause
severe side effects such as toxicity, resistance, inactivation of the drug and reduction of its effective concentration at the target tumor site. One way to solve these problems is the development of drug delivery systems which consist of drug and drug carrier. Role of drug carriers is to bind or encapsulate the drug, prevent its interaction with non-target
biomolecules, to carry the drug to the target tumor tissue and then release it with active or
passive mechanism. The main advantages of using drug delivery systems are reduction of
side effects of drug onto the healthy tissue, dosage control, optimal concentration of drug in
the tumor tissue, and more effective treatment which could improve outcome of therapy.
Many organic and inorganic nanoparticles have been tested as drug carriers, but just few of
them are in clinical use (liposomes and polymers). In recent years smart nanosystems for
targeted drug delivery that respond to various stimuli including pH, ultrasound, temperature
and light irradiation are in the center of many investigations
Analiza nelinearne dinamike mehaničkih struktura sa prigušenjem frakcionog reda primenom aproksimativnih metoda
The thesis investigates dynamical behavior of two different mechanical
models, nano-beam on fractional viscoelastic foundation
and dynamical mass damper, which can be reduced to the nonlinear
fractional differential Duffing-type equation systems. Incremental
harmonic balance method with continuation method are used to
obtain amplitude-frequency response of the system’s steady state
solutions. Stability of periodic orbits is investigated in special cases
by using Floquet theory of stability. As comparative methods
for models described with fractional differential equations are used
among others the perturbation method of multiple time scales and
Newmark method. The influence of different system parameters on
dynamic behavior is examined
On the torque transmission by a Cardan-Hooke joint
Proučavana je kinemtika i dinamika Kardan-Hukovog zgloba. Kinematička analiza se bazira na teoriji složenog kretanja krutog tela. Dinamička analiza Kardan-Hukovog zgloba je izvršena na bazi Lagranževih jednačina druge vrste. Kardan-Hukov zglob je analiziran u uslovima promenljive ugaone brzine pogonskog (ulaznog) vratila zgloba. Razmatrane su dve varijante zgloba: (1) ravan pogonske viljuške se poklapa sa ravni vratila; (2) ravan pogonske viljuške je normalna na ravan vratila. Izveden je izraz kojim se opisuje prenos obrtnog momenta Kardan-Hukovim zglobom. Izvedeni izraz sadrži članove koji potiču od inercije ulaznog i izlaznog vratila kao i od inercije krsta Kardan-Hukovog zgloba. Teorijska razmatranja su propraćena numeričkim primerom.Kinematics and dynamics of a Cardan-Hooke joint are investigated. Kinematic analysis is based on the kinematic chain rule for angular velocity vectors. Dynamics of the Cardan-Hooke joint is analyzed by means of the Lagrange equations of the second kind. The Cardan-Hooke joint is analysed under varying operating conditions, that is, it is assumed that the input shaft has variable angular velocity. Two cases are considered: (1) the driving yoke plane coincides with the plane of the shafts; (2) the driving yoke plane is normal to the plane of the shafts. An expression for torque transmission in a Cardan-Hooke joint in varying operating conditions was developed. The expression contains terms representing inertia of the shafts and the cross of the Cardan-Hooke joint. Theoretical considerations are accompanied by a numerical example
Decentralized event-triggered estimation of nonlinear systems
We investigate the scenario where a perturbed nonlinear system transmits its
output measurements to a remote observer via a packet-based communication
network. The sensors are grouped into N nodes and each of these nodes decides
when its measured data is transmitted over the network independently. The
objective is to design both the observer and the local transmission policies in
order to obtain accurate state estimates, while only sporadically using the
communication network. In particular, given a general nonlinear observer
designed in continuous-time satisfying an input-to-state stability property, we
explain how to systematically design a dynamic event-triggering rule for each
sensor node that avoids the use of a copy of the observer, thereby keeping
local calculation simple. We prove the practical convergence property of the
estimation error to the origin and we show that there exists a uniform strictly
positive minimum inter-event time for each local triggering rule under mild
conditions on the plant. The efficiency of the proposed techniques is
illustrated on a numerical case study of a flexible robotic arm
Effect of acute exercise on serum growth hormone and fatty acid levels in elite male water polo players
The aim of study was to estimate the effect of acute exercise on serum growth
hormone (GH) and fatty acid (FFA) levels in elite water polo players. Twelve
male water polo players (20.50 ± 2.02 years) and eleven non-athletic male
subjects (20.55 ± 1.04 years) participated in this study. In order to
determine GH and FFA responses to acute exercise, a treadmill-running test
was performed following an incremental protocol. Pre-exercise blood samples
for both athletes and non-athletes were taken at 9 AM. Post-exercise samples
were taken immediately after and 30 min after the treadmill running test.
Water polo players had significantly lower baseline values of serum GH
concentration compared to controls, whereas serum FFA concentration was
significantly higher in water polo players compared to controls (p<0.01;
p<0.05, respectively). In both groups, concentration of GH was significantly
higher immediately after and after the 30-min of recovery compared to
baseline levels (p<0.05). In water polo players, the concentration of FFA was
significantly decreased immediately after and after the 30-min of recovery
compared to baseline levels (p<0.05). No significant response to maximal
exercise test was observed in the control group for serum FFA concentration.
Our research indicates that acute exercise resulted in a significant increase
in serum GH and reduction in fatty acid levels in elite water polo players.
[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI 175067
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