84 research outputs found

    Assessment of some physicochemical properties of groundwater quality in Ikwuano Region of southeastern Nigeria

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    The objective of this study has been carried out to assess the ground water quality of Ikwuano region southeastern Nigeria for drinking and irrigational purposes using standard method. Data obtained show that, the pH and levels of electrical conductivity, total hardness, alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, nitrate,orthophosphate, fluorides and SAR ranged from 7.50-8.00, 500-1000μS/cm, 150-400mg/l, 55-110mg/l, 130-250mg/l, 8.50- 37.00mg/l, 5.00-52.00mg/l, 2.00-22.00mg/l, 20.00-120mg/l, 10-100μg/l, 0.40-2.00mg/l and 0.80-13.00meq/l respectively. Percentage Na values range between 5.00-48.00%. Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) values showed a range of 0.80to13.00meq/L. The maximum concentration of SAR 13.00meq /L was recorded at Umugo and minimum concentration of 0.80meq /L was recorded at Ndoro. The calculated values of SAR integrated with the Electrical Conductivity indicated that the ground water in the study area can be utilized for irrigation purpose without any threat of imposition of any hazard (saline or alkaline hazard) to crop soils. Thus, the analytical data from the study area confirms that ground water present in the study area is suitable for domestic and irrigational purposes.Keywords: Cations, SAR, Percent Sodium, Fluorosi

    Predictive Validity of Students’ Achievement Scores in Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) on Achievement in Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) Conducted by NECO in Mathematics

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    This study, investigated Predictive Validity of Students’ Achievement Scores in Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) on Achievement in Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) conducted by NECO in Mathematics. Three research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. The sample of the study comprised 3910 candidates sampled from 7 randomly drawn unity schools within Ebonyi and Abia states of Nigeria for the period under study (2014 – 2019). The official BECE scores and SSCE scores in mathematics of the students domiciled in NECO headquarters Minna, Niger state, Nigeria served as data for the study. Data collected were analyzed using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation to answer the research questions and Multiple Regression statistics to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The analysis of the data revealed that BECE scores have a strong validity with the students’ achievement in SSCE mathematics examination. Furthermore, there was a statistically significant relationship between the students BECE scores and their achievement in SSCE mathematics examination. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that the BECE preparation of the students should be given serious attention because of its proven predictive value on achievement at the SSCE level. Keywords: Mathematics, Predictive Validity, and Academic Achievement DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-21-03 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Effects of Dimethoate Insecticide on Serum Biochemistry of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Juveniles

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    The present study was designed to investigate acute toxicity of  dimethoate on juvenile Clarias gariepinus. Catfish with mean weight and length of 24.01 ± 11.60 g and 13.98 ± 5.66 cm respectively were exposed to sub-lethal levels of dimethoate in static bioassay system for 28 days and mortality data was statistically evaluated using Finney’s Probit analysis. The 96-hour LC50 value for C. gariepinus was estimated as 29.05 mg/l. The value for the LC50 was used in deducing the sub-lethal concentrations (0.01, 0.15and 0.29 mg/l). Biochemical changes in the serum such as glycogen, total protein, cholesterol, urea and creatinine were analyzed after the exposure period (28 days). The glycogenlevel decreased in all sublethal exposures. An increase in cholesterol at lower exposure concentration, followed by slight increase in urea and creatinine among treated groups was recorded. Behavioural changes which includes changes in skin colour, jerking, restlessness, erratic swimming, among others were observed. Based on the result of this study, it was concluded that C. gariepinus juveniles are very sensitive to low concentration of dimethoate. Dimethoate is highly toxic to juvenile catfishes and as such measures must be taken to avoid its run-off into our aquatic environment thus jeopardizing the recruitment of juvenile catfishes into the fishery

    Determination of complex small molecule structures using molecular alignment simulation.

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    Correct structural assignment of small molecules and natural products is critical for drug discovery and organic chemistry. Anisotropy-based NMR spectroscopy is a powerful tool for structural assignment of organic molecules, but relies on utilization of a medium that disrupts the isotropic motion of molecules in organic solvents. Here, we establish a quantitative correlation between the atomic structure of the alignment medium, the molecular structure of the small molecule and molecule-specific anisotropic NMR parameters. The quantitative correlation uses an accurate three-dimensional molecular alignment model that predicts residual dipolar couplings of small molecules aligned by poly( γ -benzyl-ʟ-glutamate). The technique facilitates reliable determination of the correct stereoisomer and enables unequivocal, rapid determination of complex molecular structures from extremely sparse NMR data

    Compliance to Annual Ivermectin Treatment in Abia State, South Eastern Nigeria

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    A study with the objective of determining the rate of individual compliance to annual ivermectin treatment was conducted in Abia State, south eastern Nigeria between January and November, 2011. The study captured the Local Government Areas in  Abia State that were assessed by Rapid  Epidemiological Mapping for Onchocerciasis (REMO) as being hyper-endemic for onchocerciasis and which have been receiving ivermectin for over 14 years. A study questionnaire was designed to investigate the rate of compliance and this was distributed to 558 individuals. The result showed that out of 558 individuals, 309 (55.4%) had taken the drug before while 249 (44.6%) claimed they have not been treated before. Despite the treatment over time, only 70 (22.7%) of those treated before were high compliers (that is, those who had been treated eight times and above). The overall percentage of high compliers in the sampled communities was only 12.6%. Reasons for low compliance include “lack of information on the arrival of drug” (27.8%), “no reason for refusal” (22.2%),” absent, away from village” (20.0%) and “no distribution” (19.7%). In testing the reasons for low compliance, the Chi-square analytical technique on the data revealed that the reasons given by the respondents for low compliance were not significant (?2cal = 1.797 < ?2tab = 16.9190), and therefore do not affect general compliance. Key words: Compliance, Annual ivermectin treatment, Onchocerciasi


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    The presence of sand particles flowing along with reservoir fluids in a pipeline increases the probability of pipeline failure. The risk of pipeline failure is either accentuated or abated by the flow conditions of the fluids in the pipeline. In this study, a quantitative risk analysis of the effect of sand on pipelines during multiphase flow, under the pipeline failure modes; sanding up, erosion, and encountering abnormal pressure gradient was conducted. Three piping components were considered: line pipe (nominal size 1.5 in [3.8 cm]), swing check valve (nominal size 12.007 in [30.5cm]) and 90 deg LR Elbow (nominal size 2.25 in [5.7cm]). Correlations that indicate the critical velocities and the critical sand concentrations above/below which these failures occur were employed and implemented in a Visual Basic program. The analysis was conducted at a temperature of 204 °C and pressure of 604 psi [4.2×106 Pa]. A probability distribution, simulating real-life scenario was developed using Monte Carlo simulation. This determines the probability of deriving critical sand concentration values that fall beyond the set statistical limits which indicates the probability of occurrence of the failure being investigated. For all three failures, the severity of occurrence (represented by CAPEX incurred in solving the failures) was multiplied with the probability of failure which gave rise to the risk indexes. Based on the histogram plot of average risk index and analysis, the study reveals that larger diameter components are prone to turbulence which lead to greater risk of erosion. The risk of abnormal pressure drop and sanding up were considerably lower than that for erosion (abrasion).Prisutnost čestica pijeska, koje zajedno s proizvodnim fluidom protječu cjevovodom, povećava vjerojatnost nastanaka kvara na cjevovodu. Rizik od kvara na cjevovodu uvelike ovisi (ili je dodatno potenciran ili je smanjen) o uvjetima protjecanja fluida u cjevovodu. U ovome su radu prikazani rezultati kvantitativne analize rizika utjecaja pijeska na cjevovode tijekom višefaznoga protjecanja u uvjetima nastanka kvara na cjevovodu: nakupljanja pijeska, erozije i pojave povećanoga gradijenta tlaka. U analizi su razmatrane tri komponente cjevovoda: cijev (nominalna veličina 1,5 in [3,8 cm]), ventil s povratnom zaklopkom (engl. swing check valve) (nominalna veličina 12,007 in [30,5 cm]) i LR koljeno od 90 stupnjeva (nominalna veličina 2,25 in [5,7 cm]). Korelacije, koje upućuju na kritične brzine i kritične koncentracije pijeska vrijednosti iznad ili ispod kojih se navedeni kvarovi cjevovoda javljaju, prikazane su u programu Visual Basic. Analiza je provedena na temperaturi od 204 ˚C i tlaku od 604 psi [4,2 × 106 Pa]. Distribucija vjerojatnosti, simulirajući realan scenarij, dobivena je korištenjem Monte Carlo simulacije. Utvrđena je vjerojatnost pojave kritičnih vrijednosti koncentracije pijeska, koje se nalaze izvan postavljenih statističkih granica, što upućuje na vjerojatnost pojave uzroka kvara koji se istražuje. Za sva tri uzroka kvara posljedice pojave (prikazane kapitalnim troškovima (CAPEX) sanacije nastalih kvarova) pomnožene su s vjerojatnošću kvara, čime je dobiven indeks rizika. Na temelju histogramskoga dijagrama prosječnoga indeksa rizika i analize, provedenim istraživanjem utvrđeno je da su komponente većega promjera sklone turbulenciji, što dovodi do većega rizika od erozije. Rizik od velikoga pada tlaka i nakupljanja pijeska bio je znatno manji od rizika od erozije (abrazije)

    Succinylation of potato (Ipomoea batatas) starch: effect of varying ethanol concentration on pasting, structural, morphological, and functional properties

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    The shortcomings arising from usage of native starches in various industrial processes have demanded the need for modification in order to enhance its functionality. This study investigated the impact of ethanol concentration on pasting, structural, morphological, and functional properties of succinylated potato starch. Some granules of the potato starch sample also appeared to be multilobed and fractured. The Fourier transform -1 infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) study revealed the presence of carbonyl group (1747 cm-1 ) in the starch chains as an additional functional group after succinylation. The statistical analysis of the study data revealed a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in protein, fat, fibre, ash, and reduction in moisture contents after modification. Analysis with visco-analyzer showed reduction in pasting parameters after modification. Modification of native potato starch with ethanol improved the functionality of the starch by imparting some additional physicochemical and functional properties. These improved properties upon modification, therefore, suggest some potential favorable qualities for special applications

    Physicochemical Assessment of Ground Water Quality from Borehole and Hand Dug Wells around Obajana Community, Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria

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    The groundwater qualities of Obajana in Kogi State were determined. The study consisted of the determination of some heavy metals and physicochemical properties of drinking water samples. The samples were analyzed for the following parameters iron, copper, manganese, zinc, lead,using AAS Varian AA240FS. Nitrates, sulphate, phosphate, colour, dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), temperature, turbidity, total hardness and total alkalinity using standard method. The data showed the variation of the investigated parameters in samples as follows: temperature 26-30oC,  pH 5.53-7.89, electrical conductivity (EC) 6.210-339.670 μS/cm, total hardness 50.00- 424.20 mg/l, alkalinity 1.10-145.67mg/l, turbidity 0.00-34 FTU, colour 5-15TCU, phosphate 0.02-0.760 mg/l, nitrate 10.24-48.20mg/l, sulphate  24.70-222.13mg/l, dissolved oxygen 0.2-1.8 mg/l,  BOD 0.2-1.0mg/l, COD 1.1-3.2mg/l, Cu 0.00.1-0.10mg/l , Fe 0.01-0.060mg/l, Zn 0.029-5.046mg/l, Mn  0.0-0.44mg/l and Pb 0.0348-1.046mg/l. The concentrations of some of the investigated parameters in the drinking water samples from the research region were above the permissible limits of the World Health Organization standard for drinking water quality guidelines. lead was found to exceed 0.01mg/l which is the WHO maximum limit, also zinc and manganese were found to exceed the WHO maximum limit of 3.0mg/l and 0.1mg/l