124 research outputs found

    Keeping Bad Science out of the Courtroom: Why Post-Daubert Courts Are Correct in Excluding Opinions Based on Animal Studies From Birth-Defects Cases

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    This Comment argues that courts should keep animal studies out of the courtroom in birth-defects toxic-torts cases. This will not only result in proper exclusion of unreliable evidence, but will also lead to valuable resources being directed to more worthy alternative tests, ultimately reducing human and animal suffering as birth defects are eradicated. Part I sets forth the evidentiary standards used to determine the admissibility of evidence and then presents background information on birth defects and how they are studied. It also discusses the problems inherent with animal tests and the contrasting value of human data. Part II explores the admissibility of animal studies in post-Daubert birth-defects cases and argues that exclusion is warranted. Part II then urges redirection of resources to human studies and promising alternatives to animal tests, and it discusses the impact of excluding expert opinions based on animal tests from court cases. Part ill concludes by summarizing the case against admission of animal studies and the positives that would result from exclusion

    Aiming to identify protein co-factors contributing to eIF4E’s oncogenic potential

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    Le facteur eucaryotique d’initiation de la traduction 4E (eIF4E), impliquĂ© dans ~30% des cancers, rĂ©gule la croissance et la prolifĂ©ration cellulaire, dans le cytoplasme : eIF4E promeut la traduction d’ARNm ayant des rĂ©gions 5’UTR structurĂ©es ; dans le noyau : eIF4E promeut spĂ©cifiquement l’export d’ARNm via une voie d’export mĂ©diĂ©e par CRM-1, dĂ©pendante d’eIF4E, distincte de la voie d’export utilisĂ©e par la majoritĂ© des ARNm. Dans cette voie, eIF4E interagit avec la coiffe et une rĂ©gion structurellement conservĂ©e en 3’UTR, l’élĂ©ment sensible Ă  4E (4ESE). De maniĂšre intĂ©ressante, le mutant d’eIF4E S53A, qui n’agit pas sur la traduction dĂ©pendante d’eIF4E mais inhibe l’export dĂ©pendant de celui-ci, empĂȘche la transformation oncogĂ©nique des cellules, suggĂ©rant que le rĂŽle d’eIF4E dans l’export d’ARNm est important pour sa capacitĂ© de transformation cellulaire. HypothĂšse : Les protĂ©ines cofacteurs se liant au site Ser-53 seraient cruciales pour le rĂŽle d’eIF4E dans l’export, lui confĂ©rant son potentiel de transformation oncogĂ©nique. L’objectif du projet Ă©tait de mieux comprendre l’assemblage et l’export des eIF4E-mRNPs, en Ă©tudiant leur composition, et en utilisant le mutant S53A d’eIF4E afin d’identifier de potentiels candidats nĂ©cessitant cette sĂ©rine pour l’établissement du potentiel oncogĂ©nique d’eIF4E. Pour cette Ă©tude, des lignĂ©es stables de cellules U2OS exprimant soit 2FLAG-eIF4E, 2FLAG-S53A ou le vecteur contrĂŽle ont Ă©tĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es. Des immunoprĂ©cipitations avec des anticorps anti-FLAG sur les lysats cellulaires totaux ou nuclĂ©aires ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es. Ce projet a permis d’établir une premiĂšre voie de comprĂ©hension quant Ă  la nature de l’implication des motifs 4ESE sur l’export des ARNm qui les contiennent.The eukaryotic Initiation Factor 4E (eIF4E) regulates cell growth and proliferation via two independent functions. In the cytoplasm, eIF4E promotes translation of mRNAs with complex 5’UTRs. In the nucleus, eIF4E specifically promotes the export of mRNAs of oncogenes such as c-myc, via an eIF4E-dependent, CRM-1 mediated export pathway, distinct from the bulk mRNA export pathway. In this pathway, eIF4E interacts with both the m7G-cap and with a structurally conserved, 50 nucleotides long, 3’UTR 4E-Sensitive Element (4E-SE). Elevated eIF4E levels are found in ~ 30% of cancers, including Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Interestingly, the eIF4E-S53A mutant, active in translation, does not function in export and is unable to transform cells, suggesting that eIF4E’s role in mRNA export is necessary to transform cells. These findings led us to the following Hypothesis: Protein co-factors binding at the Ser-53 site are crucial for eIF4E’s role in export and for the oncogenic transformation potential of eIF4E. The objectives were to achieve a better understanding of how eIF4E-mRNPs assembly and export works, examining the protein composition of nuclear eIF4E-mRNPs, and using eIF4ES53A mutant to retain protein factors that require Ser53 as candidates for being strong drivers of eIF4E oncogenic potential. Studies into eIF4E and S53A eIF4E cell lines were undertaken. U2OS cell lines expressing wild type eIF4E and the S53A mutant were generated. IP studies with FLAG antibodies on the whole-cell and nuclear lysates of U2OS cell lines were carried. This project laid the groundwork for future insights into how biochemical activities of 4ESEbearing mRNAs influence their export

    Nonconsensual Waiver of a Jury Trial: Closing the Door, But Not Completely: United States v. United States District Court

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    In United States v. United States District Court, the Ninth Circuit held that the circumstances of a child sexual abuse case did not warrant an exception to Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, which requires the government\u27s consent for a defendant to waive a jury trial. The court determined that the district court\u27s ruling, which allowed the defendant to waive a jury trial without the government\u27s consent, was clearly erroneous as a matter of law, and granted the government\u27s petition for a writ of mandamus to require the district court to hold a jury trial

    Welfare and its Impact on Participation

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    Researchers have continuously dealt with the study of economic wellbeing of the human society in particular they have been concerned with its reveal in economic and political dimensions. The economic welfare is tightly related with the citizen’s participation in social and political activities since it is one of the major factors to determine the individul’s identity, “ who am I”. This study will be conducted through usage of quantitative methods in an intersection manner. The study analyses the ‘wellbeing economic factor’ and its impact or not in the political participation in Albania mainly focused on political parties. The descriptive spectrum of this study will aim to describe and analyse the economic level of policymaking in relation to active involvement in politics. The study argues that the economic level is a determining factor in the social and political engagement. The study demonstrates the identification of the gender group much influenced by the economic conditions which turns to be the low participation of women and young girls in politics


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    Despite all the research and studies, there is no single definition of corporate governance that can be applied to all situations and jurisdictions. The various definitions that exist today largely depend on the institution or the author, country and legal tradition. International Finance Corporation defines corporate governance as “the structures and processes for the direction and control of companies” . From the other part, The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which in 1999 published its Principles of Corporate Governance , offers a more detailed definition of corporate governance as a system of relationships, defined by structures and processes. Corporate governance framework reflected and included in company law, typically comprises elements of legislation, regulation, self-regulatory arrangements, voluntary commitments and business practices that are the result of country specific circumstances, history or tradition. When a new experience accrues and business circumstances change, the content and structure of this framework needs to be adjusted . So the companies would need to regularly and carefully monitor such adjustments and update their governance system. The really first step on Company Law and corporate governance in Albania was made in 1929, by Civil Code (known also as Zog Civil Code ) enacted on April 1, 1929. This Code was developed under the influence of Civil Code of France. Obviously, even the German, Italian and Swiss law would inspire Albanian legislator on drafting this code. Entry into force of this code would impose the belonging of Albanian Civil Law to the Roman- Germanic family, detaching it from the eventually Ottoman belonging. The second step on these developments was made in 1981, during the dictatorial period. This was the second Civil Code , enacted by Law nr 6340 date 26.06.1981, and was inspired by socialist doctrine of East European Block, but also had a German pattern. Albanian Company Law , under which the corporate governance, has changed many times since the early 90’, when dictatorial period fell and market economy entered in force. The first step on market economy period started by Law no 7638 dating 19.11.1992 “Law on Commercial Enterprises “. In 1995 we had another law “Transformation of State entities into private enterprises” by which all state enterprises have to become private ones. Later on were made many changes to the first law, that of 1992. This was made in 1995, 1996 and 2007, 2008. The process of harmonization with EU law as a result of the integration process has been difficult and not in the best way the EU economic institutions would have advice, nevertheless this process is still unfinished and full harmonization has still to come

    Keeping Bad Science out of the Courtroom: Why Post-Daubert Courts Are Correct in Excluding Opinions Based on Animal Studies From Birth-Defects Cases

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    This Comment argues that courts should keep animal studies out of the courtroom in birth-defects toxic-torts cases. This will not only result in proper exclusion of unreliable evidence, but will also lead to valuable resources being directed to more worthy alternative tests, ultimately reducing human and animal suffering as birth defects are eradicated. Part I sets forth the evidentiary standards used to determine the admissibility of evidence and then presents background information on birth defects and how they are studied. It also discusses the problems inherent with animal tests and the contrasting value of human data. Part II explores the admissibility of animal studies in post-Daubert birth-defects cases and argues that exclusion is warranted. Part II then urges redirection of resources to human studies and promising alternatives to animal tests, and it discusses the impact of excluding expert opinions based on animal tests from court cases. Part ill concludes by summarizing the case against admission of animal studies and the positives that would result from exclusion

    Vocational and Cultural Training of Albanians in the Post Middle age Period

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    This paper presents the results of a survey on professions and cultural formation of Albanians in Venice in post middle age's period, based on funds of the Venetian and Albanian archives. At the end of the fourteenth century, reports and dominance of the Venetian hegemony in Albania oscillates and changes leaving to the country a new and aggressive power in growth – The Ottoman Empire. Political instability inside Albanian territory stands for some reason the Albanian emigration. In front of all these foreigners that it is sometimes difficult to discern whether they lived in Venice or not, the city of Doxha was becoming was for many Orientals a second home where they were exercising their activities. Viewing community and official reports and referring to the school of San Maurizio in the recorded data Matricola, ie the statute which was regulating the life of society, allows us to learn about the presence of Albanians in Venice and occupations followed by them. The study except professions also provides an analysis in the field of culture where Albanians gave a very high contribution by becoming known throughout the world as well as through schools that they had created had a high cultural formation in which the creation of these schools affected very well to the preservation of cultural traditions.Keywords: Albanians, emigration, Venecia, professions, culture
