756 research outputs found

    Cetacean research in Senegal 1995-97, an overview. Scientific Committee document SC/49/SM10, International Whaling Commission, Bournemouth, UK

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    Historically Senegal is the West-African nation with the best kept faunistical records for cetaceans. We found verifiable evidence for at least 18 species, but limited life history data. Quantified information on interactions with soaring coastal fisheries is wanting. Here we present preliminary results of recent field work in central and central-south Senegal, which aim was to help design a long-term research plan with Senegalese scientists, offer training and reinitiate data collecting.With limited monitoring we encountered evidence of dolphin by-catches but no wide-spread directed dolphin fishery. However the presence of tell-tale conditions including spreading acceptance for consumption of dolphin meat and indications of overexploitation of some fish stocks are known warning signs. Future efforts should cover larger areas and generally be more intensive. Three carcasses of Atlantic hump-backed dolphin Sousa teuszii found on Sangomar island had rope tied around the tailstock. Fishermen at Djifer and Joal-Fadiouth confirmed regular incidental takes and landings. In the Siné-Saloum delta, inshore S. teuszii and T. truncatus are probably the most affected species. Senegal’s EEZ waters support large industrial fisheries which may constitute an additional source of by-caught small cetaceans. We here document 21 new specimen records and a series of sightings. Dolphins occurring in the Casamance river and upstream in the salt-water canals of the Saloum delta are identified as T. truncatus

    Assessment of Maternal Satisfaction with Facility-based Childbirth Care in the Rural Region of Tambacouda, Senegal

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    In Senegal, only 60% of mothers in rural areas deliver in health facilities. Mothers’ satisfaction with their facility-based childbirth experience is one of the factors in their choosing to deliver in such facilities in subsequent pregnancies. The objective of this study was to assess whether compliance with childbirth care based on the mothers’ perception of facility-based childbirth care contributes to the degree of maternal satisfaction. We conducted a secondary analysis of cross-sectional survey data collected from 259 mothers who had normal deliveries at facilities in rural areas of Senegal in 2011. The association between overall maternal satisfaction with childbirth care and 23 standard care survey items was assessed. The results showed that the degree of compliance with standard care and eight of 23 survey items were associated with maternal satisfaction. We conclude that to improve maternal satisfaction, facilities need to guarantee compliance with standard care. Keywords: facility-based childbirth care, maternal satisfaction, compliance standard care, Senegal, ruralAu Sénégal, seulement 60% des mères dans les zones rurales accouchent dans des établissements de santé. La satisfaction des mères avec leur expérience de l'accouchement en établissement de santé est l'un des facteurs dans leur choix d'accoucher dans des établissements pendant les grossesses ultérieures. L'objectif de cette étude était de vérifier si le respect des règles concernant les soins de l'accouchement basé sur la perception des mères contribue au degré de la satisfaction maternelle. Nous avons effectué une analyse secondaire des données de l'enquête transversales recueillies auprès de 259 mères qui ont eu des accouchements normaux dans les établissements dans les zones rurales du Sénégal en 2011. L'association entre la satisfaction maternelle globale des soins de l'accouchement et 23 éléments de l'enquête de soins standards a été évaluée. Les résultats ont montré que le niveau de conformité aux soins standards et huit questions parmi les 23 questions de l'enquête ont été associées à la satisfaction maternelle. Nous concluons que, pour améliorer la satisfaction maternelle, les établissements doivent garantir le respect de soins standard par toutes les mères. Mots-clés: accouchement soins à base d'installation, satisfaction maternelle, respect soins standard, Sénégal, rura

    La pêche artisanale au Sénégal : qualité de la matière première destinée aux entreprises exportatrices

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    Les conditions d’hygiène de la pêche artisanale au Sénégal ne respectent pas toujours les normes de qualité requises. Ce présent travail se propose d’étudier la qualité de trois espèces de poissons démersaux ; la sole limande (Syacium guineensis), le mérou à points bleus (Cephalopholis taeniops) et le rouget (Pseudupeneus prayensis) débarqués par la pêche artisanale. Ces espèces sont suivies depuis la capture jusqu’à leur acheminement en usine. L’évaluation sensorielle de la fraîcheur du poisson a consisté à tester la qualité par le toucher, l’odorat, la vue et le goût. Le dosage de l’azote basique volatil total (ABVT) a permis de déterminer la teneur totale en azote des bases azotées volatiles résultant de la dégradation des composés azotés du poisson lors de l’altération. La méthode d’analyse microbiologique utilisée est celle qui consiste à incorporer un volume donné de la prise d’essai et de ses dilutions dans un milieu de culture solide. A l’analyse sensorielle, les trois espèces, aux différentes étapes, étaient de très bonne qualité. Les valeurs de la flore mésophile aérobie sur le poisson à la capture sont très faibles contrairement au débarquement et à l’entrée en usine. Au niveau des branchies et de la peau, les résultats montrent une augmentation significative de la flore au débarquement et à l’entrée en usine. Au niveau des viscères, la flore augmente jusqu’au débarquement puis décroît. Les résultats des analyses chimiques ne reflètent pas forcément les risques de dégradation du poisson.Mots-clés : pêche artisanale, poisson, qualité matière première, exportation, Sénégal.Artisanal fisheries in Senegal: Quality of raw materials for exporting companiesHygienic conditions of artisanal fisheries in Senegal do not always respect the required quality standards. This study expects to scrutinize the quality of bottom fish sole (Syacium guineensis), grouper blue spotted (Cephalopholis taeniops), red mullet (Pseudupeneus prayensis) disembarked by artisanal fisheries. These species are followed since the capture until their routing in factory. The sensory evaluation of fish freshness was to test the quality through touch, smell, sight and taste. The determination of total volatile basic nitrogen (ABVT) allowed determining the total nitrogen content of volatile nitrogenous bases resulting from the degradation of nitrogenous compounds in fish spoilage. The used-microbiological-method is the one that consist in incorporating a given volume of the sample and its dilutions in a solid cultural medium. The results of sensory analysis on the three species at different stopovers were very good. The values of the aerobic mesophilic flora on the fish caught are very low compared to the one landed at the entrance to the factory. At the gills and skin, the findings show a significant increase in flora and landed at the entrance to the factory. In the viscera, flora increases and then decreases until the debarkation. The results of sensory and chemical analysis may not reflect the risks of degradation of fish.Keywords : artisanal fisheries, fish, quality, raw materials, exportation, Senegal

    Compression medullaire lente secondaire a un lymphome de Burkitt intra - rachidien

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    Le lymphome de Burkitt (LB) appartient au groupe des lymphomes malins non hodgkiniens (LMNH) à cellules B. Il sévit de façon endémique chez l’enfant africain en région intertropicale. La rareté des localisations neuro-méningées dont médullaires a été rapportée. Nous rapportons le cas d’un jeune garçon présentant une localisation médullaire secondaire de LB maxillo-facial. Il avait présenté de façon lentement progressive dans un contexte d’amaigrissement et de tumeur maxillo-faciale, un syndrome de compression médullaire dorsale dont le diagnostic a été confirmé au myéloscanner dorsal. L’histologie de la tumeur maxillo faciale après biopsie révélait un LB. Une chimiothérapie a permis une disparition complète de la tumeur maxillo-faciale à la fin du 1er mois et une récupération neurologique au bout d’un an. La localisation secondaire intra rachidienne d’un LB bien que rare doit être présente à l’esprit surtout en face d’une compression médullaire lente survenue dans un contexte de tumeur maxillo-faciale chez l’enfant

    Rift Valley fever outbreak, Mauritania, 1998: seroepidemiologic, virologic, entomologic, and zoologic investigations.

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    A Rift Valley fever outbreak occurred in Mauritania in 1998. Seroepidemiologic and virologic investigation showed active circulation of the Rift Valley fever virus, with 13 strains isolated, and 16% (range 1.5%-38%) immunoglobulin (Ig) M-positivity in sera from 90 humans and 343 animals (sheep, goats, camels, cattle, and donkeys). One human case was fatal

    Inferring Light-cycle-oil Stream Properties Using Soft Sensors

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    The intensive necessity of hydrotreatment units for diesel production is pushing petroleum companies to seek alternatives to frame the produced streams into ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD) specifications. One of the main difficulties in ULSD production is the presence of compounds from dibenzothiophenes (DBT), which are of difficult hydrotreatment. The LCO cutpoint control represents an interesting alternative to overcome this situation. Thus, the objective of this work was to develop a soft sensor using linear models and neural networks considering a set of historical data of temperature, pressure and flow obtained from industrial plant information. Lab and process data concerning a period of 18 months was successfully used to infer 10%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 90% ASTM D-86 recovery temperature. Based on correlation matrix plots, using lab data as the dependent variable and plant data as independent variable, different models were developed for LCO cutpoint prediction. For all models, correlation coefficient between model predictions and experimental data were above 0.95

    Defending the 'Negro Race': Lamine Senghor and Black Internationalism in Interwar France

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    This article examines the career of Lamine Senghor, a Senegalese veteran of the First World War, who emerged in the mid 1920s as the most influential black anti-colonial activist of the period. Senghor combined a communist-inspired critique of empire with an attempt to forge a transnational sense of black identity. Many of the questions facing Senghor remain relevant today: should the black community seek equality through its own independent pressure groups or through strategic alliances with mainstream political parties? And how does one engage with issues of racial (or religious) equality within the terms of the purportedly colour-blind and secular Republic
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