705 research outputs found

    Evaluation des modes de preparation et de consommation de la tisane de kinkeliba et du cafe touba consommes dans la ville de Dakar au Senegal

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    As a consequence of societies’ evolution, food habits are changing and resulting in serious issues. Consumers are experiencing new foods and new ways of consuming traditional ones. Café Touba and kinkeliba are important beverages in Senegalese diet. Kinkeliba herbal tea is made of a decoction of dry leaves of Combretum micranthum. Café Touba is made by pouring hot water over roasted, ground coffee (Coffea robusta) and Xylopia aethiopica beans through a filter container. Sugar is added to the beverages, which are generally consumed in breakfast or sold in the streets or in small restaurants called Tangana. Many Senegalese, especially the young, are involved into the business. In this study, a survey was conducted in houses, streets and Tangana where the Café Touba and kinkeliba are prepared, consumed or sold. The objective of the survey was to determine methods of preparation and consumption of two local brews in Dakar. Sixty (60) questionnaires were given to the target people to assess the preparation methods and the amount of drinks consumed. Standard methods of preparation of Café Touba and kinkeliba were defined. From these methods, drinks were prepared and used to determine the tannins contents. The added sugar and energy taken for one portion size were also determined. The results showed differences in preparing methods and drinking habits of Café Touba and kinkeliba. The house-made Café Touba was more concentrated than the one prepared and sold in streets or in Tangana. Total dry leaves used for preparing the house-made kinkeliba or sold in streets or in Tangana were similar. Unlike the kinkeliba, the amount of Café Touba consumed in houses for one serving was higher than that in Tangana or in streets. These drinks could be good sources of tannins which have important therapeutic proprieties. However, Café Touba and kinkeliba drinkers could be exposed to an excessive added sugar consumption. In conclusion, Café Touba and kinkeliba are drinks that are well consumed by Senegalese. Promoting these local brews could improve nutrition and health of consumers. However, the high amount of added sugar in these drinks could increase the risk of chronic diseases.Keywords: Café Touba, Kinkeliba, Tannins, Household, Sellers, Cups, Drinks, Breakfast, Suga

    The Special Atom Space and Haar Wavelets in Higher Dimensions

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    In this note, we will revisit the special atom space introduced in the early 1980s by Geraldo De Souza and Richard O\u27Neil. In their introductory work and in later additions, the space was mostly studied on the real line. Interesting properties and connections to spaces such as Orlicz, Lipschitz, Lebesgue, and Lorentz spaces made these spaces ripe for exploration in higher dimensions. In this article, we extend this definition to the plane and space and show that almost all the interesting properties such as their Banach structure, Hölder\u27s-type inequalities, and duality are preserved. In particular, dual spaces of special atom spaces are natural extension of Lipschitz and generalized Lipschitz spaces of functions in higher dimensions. We make the point that this extension could allow for the study of a wide range of problems including a connection that leads to what seems to be a new definition of Haar functions, Haar wavelets, and wavelets on the plane and on the space

    Non-local corrections to dynamical mean-field theory from the two-particle self-consistent method

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    Theoretical methods that are accurate for both short-distance observables and long-wavelength collective modes are still being developed for the Hubbard model. Here, we benchmark against published diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo results an approach that combines local observables from dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) with the two-particle self-consistent theory (TPSC). This method (TPSC+DMFT) is relevant for weak to intermediate interaction, satisfies the local Pauli principle and allows us to compute a spin susceptibility that satisfies the Mermin-Wagner theorem. The DMFT double occupancy determines the spin and charge vertices through local spin and charge sum rules. The TPSC self-energy is also improved by replacing its local part with the local DMFT self-energy. With this method, we find improvements for both spin and charge fluctuations and for the self-energy. We also find that the accuracy check developed for TPSC is a good predictor of deviations from benchmarks. TPSC+DMFT can be used in regimes where quantum Monte Carlo is inaccessible. In addition, this method paves the way to multi-band generalizations of TPSC that could be used in advanced electronic structure codes that include DMFT.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures. Changes from v1: added reference

    Facteurs de risque de démence dans une population de personnes âgées sénégalaises

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    Description La démence est devenue un problème de santé publique. Dans le but d’une prévention, il est important de connaitre son épidémiologie au Sénégal. L’objectif de cette étude était d’identifier les facteurs de risque de démence dans une population de personnes âgées sénégalaises. MéthodesUne étude transversale a été réalisée du 01 Mars 2004 au 31 Décembre 2005 auprès d’une population de 872 personnes âgées de 55ans et plus utilisant le Centre Médicosocial et Universitaire de l’Institut de Prévoyance Retraite du Sénégal pour des soins. Par une étude en deux phases, des données sociodémographiques, sur le mode de vie, le réseau social, les antécédents ont été collectées à l’aide d’un questionnaire structuré complété par un examen clinique et une évaluation neuropsychologique. Le diagnostic de démence reposait sur des critères DSM IV-R

    La pêche artisanale au Sénégal : qualité de la matière première destinée aux entreprises exportatrices

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    Les conditions d’hygiène de la pêche artisanale au Sénégal ne respectent pas toujours les normes de qualité requises. Ce présent travail se propose d’étudier la qualité de trois espèces de poissons démersaux ; la sole limande (Syacium guineensis), le mérou à points bleus (Cephalopholis taeniops) et le rouget (Pseudupeneus prayensis) débarqués par la pêche artisanale. Ces espèces sont suivies depuis la capture jusqu’à leur acheminement en usine. L’évaluation sensorielle de la fraîcheur du poisson a consisté à tester la qualité par le toucher, l’odorat, la vue et le goût. Le dosage de l’azote basique volatil total (ABVT) a permis de déterminer la teneur totale en azote des bases azotées volatiles résultant de la dégradation des composés azotés du poisson lors de l’altération. La méthode d’analyse microbiologique utilisée est celle qui consiste à incorporer un volume donné de la prise d’essai et de ses dilutions dans un milieu de culture solide. A l’analyse sensorielle, les trois espèces, aux différentes étapes, étaient de très bonne qualité. Les valeurs de la flore mésophile aérobie sur le poisson à la capture sont très faibles contrairement au débarquement et à l’entrée en usine. Au niveau des branchies et de la peau, les résultats montrent une augmentation significative de la flore au débarquement et à l’entrée en usine. Au niveau des viscères, la flore augmente jusqu’au débarquement puis décroît. Les résultats des analyses chimiques ne reflètent pas forcément les risques de dégradation du poisson.Mots-clés : pêche artisanale, poisson, qualité matière première, exportation, Sénégal.Artisanal fisheries in Senegal: Quality of raw materials for exporting companiesHygienic conditions of artisanal fisheries in Senegal do not always respect the required quality standards. This study expects to scrutinize the quality of bottom fish sole (Syacium guineensis), grouper blue spotted (Cephalopholis taeniops), red mullet (Pseudupeneus prayensis) disembarked by artisanal fisheries. These species are followed since the capture until their routing in factory. The sensory evaluation of fish freshness was to test the quality through touch, smell, sight and taste. The determination of total volatile basic nitrogen (ABVT) allowed determining the total nitrogen content of volatile nitrogenous bases resulting from the degradation of nitrogenous compounds in fish spoilage. The used-microbiological-method is the one that consist in incorporating a given volume of the sample and its dilutions in a solid cultural medium. The results of sensory analysis on the three species at different stopovers were very good. The values of the aerobic mesophilic flora on the fish caught are very low compared to the one landed at the entrance to the factory. At the gills and skin, the findings show a significant increase in flora and landed at the entrance to the factory. In the viscera, flora increases and then decreases until the debarkation. The results of sensory and chemical analysis may not reflect the risks of degradation of fish.Keywords : artisanal fisheries, fish, quality, raw materials, exportation, Senegal

    Comparison of MRI properties between multimeric DOTAGA and DO3A gadolinium-dendron conjugates

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    The inherent lack of sensitivity of MRI needs the development of new Gd contrast agents in order to extend 20Hz,37%, the application of this technique to cellular imaging. For this purpose, two multimeric MR contrast agents obtained by peptidic coupling between an amido amine dendron and GdDOTAGA chelates (premetalation strategy, G1-4GdDOTAGA) or DO3A derivatives which then were postmetalated (G1-4GdDO-3A) have been prepared. By comparison to the monomers, an increase of longitudinal relaxivity has been observed for both structures. Especially for G1-4GdDO-3A, a marked increase is observed between 20 and 60 MHz. This structure differs from G1-4GdDOTAGA by an increased rigidity due to the aromatic linker between each chelate and the organic framework. This has the effect of limiting local rotational movements, which has a positive impact on relaxivity

    Etude de l’activité antioxydante des extraits des feuilles de Vitex doniana (Verbenacea)

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    L’objectif de la présente étude était d’évaluer l’activité antioxydante des extraits des feuilles de Vitex doniana par spectrophotométrie en utilisant les méthodes de piégeage des radicaux libres 2,2-diphényl-1- picryl-hydrazyle (DPPH•) et acide 2,2’-azino-bis-(3-éthylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonique) (ABTS+•). Une extraction éthanolique des feuilles de Vitex doniana a été effectuée au Soxhlet. L’extrait sec recueilli a été redissout dans de l’eau puis fractionné en utilisant successivement de l’hexane, du dichlorométhane et de l’acétate d’éthyle. Les propriétés antioxydantes de l’extrait éthanolique et celles de ses différentes fractions ont été évaluées aux concentrations de 2,5 ; 10 ; 100 et 200 μg/mL. Les pourcentages d’inhibition (PI) expriment l’effet antioxydant mesuré. L’extrait éthanolique et ses différentes fractions ont présenté une activité de piégeage des deux radicaux libres. Lors des tests d’inhibition de l’absorbance du radical DPPH•, les PI ont varié de (18,15±0,01)% pour la fraction hexanique (2,5 μg/mL) à (92,45±0,01)% pour la fraction d’acétate d’éthyle (100 μg/mL). Avec le radical ABTS+•, les PI ont varié de (52,76±0,05)% pour la fraction hexanique (2,5 μg/mL) à (98,27±0,12)% pour la fraction d’acétate d’éthyle (100 μg/mL). Ainsi, l’extrait éthanolique des feuilles de Vitex doniana et ses différentes fractions possèdent un pouvoir antioxydant significatif.Mots clés : Activité antioxydante, DPPH, ABTS, Vitex doniana

    Application of PCR-DGGE to the study of dynamics and biodiversity of microbial contaminants during the processing of Hibiscus sabdariffa drinks and concentrates

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    Introduction. Bissap (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) is a common plant in the tropics. In Senegal, the calyces are used to make a popular juice. In the food industry, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are responsible for the transformation of bissap calyces into drinks, concentrates, jam, etc. In spite of the very low pH of the juice (pH < 3), problems of contamination and fermentation are often observed in the final products post-pasteurization. They are mainly due to Pseudomonas spp., E. coli, Klebsiella spp. and Pichia opuntiae. To solve this issue, monitoring of the microbial ecology was performed during the full process of bissap products. Methods and results. Fresh calyces and dried mixed calyces of the two varieties of Hibiscus sabdariffa ('Koor' and 'Vimto'), as well as juice samples, were collected at every stage of the processing of a bissap drink and syrup in a Senegalese SME. The monitoring of microbial flora was performed by using molecular fingerprinting. The molecular technique PCR-DGGE was employed to evaluate the microbial dynamics using bacterial 16S rDNA, yeast 26S rDNA and 28S rDNA mold profiles at each critical stage of the process. Results and discussion. The genetic profiles generated contributed to identifying the critical points in the manufacturing processes. A multivariate analysis based on the presence or absence of spots in the denaturing gradient electrophoresis gels (DGGE) showed that the microbial flora (bacteria, yeasts, molds) of bissap evolved during the following phases: harvest (fresh flower), drying (dried calyces) and processing (before filtration, after pasteurization and before packaging). Conclusion. Our work contributed to determining the microorganisms responsible for the microbial contamination of the final products, and highlighted the origin of these contaminants. The most important critical point was identified as the pasteurization step. (Résumé d'auteur
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