40 research outputs found

    Development and Introduction to the New Website Project of the Regional Group of IAMSLIC for Africa - AFRIAMSLIC

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    AFRIAMSLIC is the regional group of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) for Africa. IAMSLIC provides a forum for sharing ideas and resources within the various aquatic and marine science disciplines. IAMSLIC has six regional groups: AFRIAMLIC, Cyamus, EURASLIC, Grupo Regional Latinoamericano, Pacific Islands, and SAIL. AFRIAMSLIC aims to exchange and explore ideas and issues of mutual concern through cooperation within Africa and to build strong links with other national, regional and international aquatic and marine science libraries and information networks. To enhance communication and resources sharing among members of the group and increase better access to information resources, an AFRIAMSLIC website will be developed under WordPress and hosted by IAMSLIC. The basic framework of the website is already created. The next steps will be the configuration and customization of the site as well as addition of new contents. The paper will report on the success and the challenges in the development of the website. The IAMSLIC conference in UGANDA in October 2018 will be used as an opportunity to introduce the new website

    Lipid profile frequency and the prevalence of dyslipidaemia from biochemical tests at Saint Louis University Hospital in Senegal

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of lipid profile requests and the  prevalence of dyslipidemia in patients at the biochemistry laboratory of St. Louis University Hospital, as well as their correlation with sex and age. Methods: This was a retrospective study reviewing 14,116  laboratory results of patients of both sexes, over a period of six months (January-June 2013) regardless of the indication for the request. The lipid parameters included were: Total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, trig lycerides with normal values defined as follows: Total cholesterol (<2g/l), HDL- cholesterol (>0,40g/l), LDL- cholesterol (<1,30g/l) and Triglycerides (<1,50g/l). Results: The average age of our study population was 55.15 years with a female predorminance (M/F=0.60). The age group most represented was that between 55-64 years. The frequency of lipid profile request in our sample was 9.41% (or 1,329). The overall prevalence of isolated hypercholesterolemia, hyperLDLaemia,  hypoHDLaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, and mixed hyperlipidemia were respectively 60.91%, 66.27%, 26.58%, 4.57% and 2.75%. Hypercholesterolemia, hyperLDLaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia and mixed hyperlipidaemia were higher in women with respectively 66.22%, 67.98%, 4.58%, 2.89% than in men (52.01%, 62.81%, 4.44% and 2.40% respectively). On the other hand, the prevalence of hypoHDLaemia was higher in males (32.19%) compared to females (23.76%). Hypercholesterolemia correlated  significantly with age and sex. Conclusion: Our study showed a relatively low request rate for lipid profile and a high prevalence of dyslipidaemia hence the importance of conducting a major study on the prevalence of dyslipidaemia and associated factors in the Senegalese population.Key words: Lipid profile, dyslipidaemia, prevalence, Senega

    Same Invasion, Different Routes: Helminth Assemblages May Favor the Invasion Success of the House Mouse in Senegal

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    Previous field-based studies have evidenced patterns in gastrointestinal helminth (GIH) assemblages of rodent communities that are consistent with "enemy release" and "spill-back" hypotheses, suggesting a role of parasites in the ongoing invasion success of the exotic house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) in Senegal (West Africa). However, these findings came from a single invasion route, thus preventing to ascertain that they did not result from stochastic and/or selective processes that could differ across invasion pathways. In the present study, we investigated the distribution of rodent communities and their GIH assemblages in three distinct zones of Northern Senegal, which corresponded to independent house mouse invasion fronts. Our findings first showed an unexpectedly rapid spread of the house mouse, which reached even remote areas where native species would have been expected to dominate the rodent communities. They also strengthened previous insights suggesting a role of helminths in the invasion success of the house mouse, such as: (i) low infestation rates of invading mice by the exotic nematode Aspiculuris tetraptera at invasion fronts except in a single zone where the establishment of the house mouse could be older than initially thought, which was consistent with the "enemy release" hypothesis; and (ii) higher infection rates by the local cestode Mathevotaenia symmetrica in native rodents with long co-existence history with invasive mice, bringing support to the "spill-back" hypothesis. Therefore, "enemy release" and "spill-back" mechanisms should be seriously considered when explaining the invasion success of the house mouse provided further experimental works demonstrate that involved GIHs affect rodent fitness or exert selective pressures. Next steps should also include evolutionary, immunological, and behavioral perspectives to fully capture the complexity, causes and consequences of GIH variations along these invasion routes

    Analyse physico-chimique de l’eau de l’unité d’hémodialyse du chr de Saint- Louis (Sénégal)

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    L’insuffisance rénale chronique est un des problèmes majeurs de la santé publique dans le monde. Au Sénégal, une étude récente réalisée dans la population générale adulte avait retrouvé une prévalence de l’ordre de 6,1%. «L’eau pour dilution de concentrées d’hémodialyse» est produite en continue et utilisée en grande quantité chez l’hémodialysé chronique, donc il apparaît primordial de veiller à sa bonne qualité. Au Sénégal, aucune étude n’a été faite à ce jour pour évaluer l’efficacité du système de traitement de l’eau pour dilution des concentrés de dialyse dans les différents centres de dialyse du pays. L’objectif de ce travail est de contrôler l’efficacité du système de traitement de l’eau pour dilution de concentrées d’hémodialyse afin de s’assurer de son innocuité. Les prélèvements ont été effectués au niveau de trois points clés du circuit de traitement de l’eau pour hémodialyse. A l’entrée et à la sortie de l’osmoseur, à la sortie de la boucle de distribution. Les analyses ont été effectuées à l’aide d’électrodes spécifiques. Les valeurs de potentiels ont permis de tracer les courbes d’étalonnage. La détermination par régression des pentes et des ordonnées à l’origine de la relation de Nernst donne E(mV ) = B - A Log Cm avec des coefficients de corrélation variant entre 0,988 et 0,999 prouvant que 98% au moins des variations de tensions mesurées (E) sont attribuables à la concentration. L’analyse physico-chimique des teneurs en chlorures, nitrates et fluorures révèle des teneurs plus élevées à l’entrée de l’osmoseur qu’à la sortie. Ces basses valeurs découlent du rôle de l’osmoseur qui filtre une grande partie des électrolytes. Par contre, à la sortie de la boucle de distribution les teneurs en électrolytes des différents échantillons étaient plus importantes que celles à la sortie de l’osmoseur. Cette forte concentration en électrolytes atteste d’une pollution par la boucle de distribution de l’eau déjà filtrée par l’osmoseur. L’intérêt de cette étude réside dans le fait qu’elle met en lumière l’importance du contrôle de la qualité de l’eau pour l’hémodialyse et la nécessité d’un bon planning de maintenance préventive efficace de l’ensemble de la boucle de traitement d’eau au sein de chaque centre.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Hémodialyse, eau, chlorures, fluorures, nitrates, électrodes spécifiquesEnglish Title: Physicochemical analysis of Saint–Louis regional hospital’s hemodialysis unit’s water (Senegal)English AbstractChronic kidney disease is a major public health problem worldwide. In Senegal, a recent study in the general adult population found a prevalence of about 6,1%. "Water for diluting concentrated hemodialysis" is produced and used continuously at high levels in hemodialysis chronic. It is therefore essential to ensure its quality. In Senegal, no study has been done to assess the effectiveness of water treatment system for dialysis concentrates dilution in different dialysis centers of the country. The objective of this work is to monitor the effectiveness of the water treatment system for hemodialysis concentrated dilution to ensure its safety. The samples were taken on key issues of hemodialysis water’s treatment circuit. Three levels of sampling were selected. At the entrance and at the outlet of the reverse osmosis unit at the outlet of the distribution loop. Analyses were performed using specific electrodes. Potential values allowed us to map the calibration curves. Determination by regression of slopes and intercepts of the Nernst relation gives with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.988 to 0.999 showing that at least 98% of the measured voltages fluctuations (E) are attributable to the concentration. Physicochemical analysis of the levels of chlorides, nitrates and fluorides reveals higher levels at the entrance of the reverse osmosis unit than at the outlet. These low values resulting of the role of reverse osmosis which filter much of the electrolytes. For against, at the outlet of the distribution loop the electrolyte content of the different samples were greater than those at the outlet of the reverse osmosis unit. This high electrolyte concentration attests to pollution of the water distribution loop already filtered by reverse osmosis. The interest of this study lies in the fact that it highlights the importance of monitoring the quality of water for hemodialysis and the need for good planning for effective preventive maintenance throughout the water treatment loop within each center.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Hemodialysis, water, nitrates, fluoride, chloride, specific electrode

    Les pointes-ondes continues du sommeil: Aspects electro-encephalographiques au service de neurologie du Centre Hospitalier National Universitaire de Fann de Dakar

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    Introduction: Les pointes-ondes continues du sommeil, constituent une entité électroencéphalographique peu fréquente, mais au pronostic  neuropsychologique potentiellement péjoratif.Objectif: L‘objectif de ce travail était de déterminer les aspects électroencéphalographiques chez des patients présentant des pointes-ondes continues du sommeil.Patients Et Methode: Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective descriptive sur 2 ans à la Clinique  Neurologique du Centre Hospitalier National Universitaire de Fann à Dakar, portant sur des dossiers  électroencéphalographiques d‘enfants présentant des pointes-ondes continues du sommeil. Les données  personnelles, les caractéristiques de l‘activité électroencéphalographique de veille et de sommeil ont été recueillies.Resultats: Soixante-trois dossiers ont été colligés, soit une fréquence de 1,02% de la population globale et de 2,60% de la population d‘enfants. Le sex-ratio était de 1,42, l‘âge moyen de 6,65 +/- 2,63 ans. Les indications prédominantes étaient les crises généralisées tonico-cloniques et les crises focales motrices. Presque tous (96,97%) les enregistrements de veille comportaient des anomalies paroxystiques, à prédominance hémisphérique gauche le plus souvent et dans les régions péri-sylviennes. Environ 2 enfants sur 3 (63,49%) avaient des altérations des figures physiologiques du sommeil. Les pointes-ondes prédominaient au stade II du sommeil, légèrement dans l‘hémisphère gauche, plus fréquemment dans les régions péri-sylviennes. Le schéma de pointes-ondes continues du sommeil antérieures prédominait. L‘index de pointes-ondes variait entre 50 et 100%.Conclusion: Le diagnostic des pointes-ondes continues du sommeil doit être précoce. La précision des caractéristiques topographiques permet le diagnostic de déficits cognitifs latents, d‘où l‘intérêt des études de corrélation clinicoélectrique.   English Title: Continuous spike-waves during slow sleep: electroencephalographic aspects in the neurological department of Fann National University Hospital of Daka