11 research outputs found

    HIV/AIDS/STI Surveillance Report:Report Number 21

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    Since the first cases of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in Tanzania were reported in 1983, the epidemic has evolved from being a rare and new disease to a common household problem, which has affected most Tanzania families. The mainland Tanzania faces a generalized human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS epidemic, with an estimated 6.5% of the mainland population infected with HIV (7.7% of adult women and 6.3% of adult men). Overall, 1.4 million Tanzanians (1,300,000 adults and 110,000 children) are living with HIV infection, in a total population of 41 million. The social, economic, and environmental impact of the pandemic is sorely felt as an estimated 140,000 Tanzanians have perished, leaving behind as estimated 2.5 million orphans and vulnerable children, representing approximately 10-12% of all Tanzanian children. As elsewhere in sub-Saharan African, the underlying factors of poverty, migration, marginalization, lack of information and skills, disempowerment, and poor access to services raise the risk of HIV and have an impact on the course and spread of the pandemic. Close to 85% of HIV transmission in Tanzania occurs through heterosexual contact, less than 6% through mother-to-child transmission, and less than 1% through blood transfusion. There continues to be a significant difference in the prevalence among urban (10.9%) and rural (5.3%) areas of the country. The National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) of Tanzania was founded in 1987 to champion the health sector response to the HIV epidemic. The primary objectives of the program were to reduce spread of HIV infection, screen blood supplies, enhance clinical services for HIV/AIDS patients and improve STI treatment, prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT), advocate behavioral change and conduct epidemiologic surveillance and other research. The program phases started with a two-year phase called Short Term Plan\ud (1985-1986). Subsequent phases were termed Medium Term Plans lasting for five-year periods. Through these program phases successful national responses have been identified, the most effective ones being those touching on the major determinants of the epidemic and addressing priority areas that make people vulnerable to HIV infection. These include the following; Since early eighties great efforts have been made to reduce spread of HIV infection through screening of donor blood, advocating behavioral change, condom promotion and improvement of STI treatment. In addition a number of epidemiologic surveillance have been conducted to monitor the trend of HIV infection among different subpopulations e.g. blood donors and pregnant women attending antenatal clinics. In 2004, the National Blood Transfusions Services (NBTS), which is a centralized system of coordinated blood transfusion services, was established. The NBTS is responsible for collection, processing, storage and distribution of safe blood and blood products to health facilities. At the moment NBTS coordinates eight zonal blood transfusion centers, namely Lake Zone-(LZBTC) in Mwanza region, Western-(WZBTC) in Tabora, Northern (NZBTC) in Kilimanjaro region, Eastern (EZBTC) in Dar es Salaam, Southern highlands (SHZBTC) in Mbeya, Southern (SZBTC) in Mtwara and Zanzibar and a military zone –Tanzania People’s Defence Force (TPDF). Since the establishment of NBTS, donated blood in the eight zones is systematically screened for HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and syphilis. The National HIV Care and Treatment Plan (NCTP) was launched in October 2004, with the main focus of a rapid scaling up of HIV care and treatment services, aimed at having more than 400,000 patients on care and treatment by the end of 2008 and, at the same time, follow up disease progression in 1.2 million HIV+ persons who are not eligible for ntiretroviral therapy (ART). Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) services were established in 2002 , providing a package of services that include: counseling and testing for pregnant women; short-course preventive ARV regimens to prevent mother-to-child transmission; counseling and support for safe\ud infant feeding practices; family planning counseling or referral; and referral for long-term ART for the\ud child. This report which covers the NACP activities through December 2008 has been arranged in five chapters and is intended for various stakeholders, primarily those working within the health sector.\u

    Surveillance of HIV and syphilis infections among antenatal clinic attendees in Tanzania-2003/2004

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    BACKGROUND: This paper presents the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and syphilis infections among women attending antenatal clinics (ANC) in Tanzania obtained during the 2003/2004 ANC surveillance. METHODS: Ten geographical regions; six of them were involved in a previous survey, while the remaining four were freshly selected on the basis of having the largest population among the remaining 20 regions. For each region, six ANC were selected, two from each of three strata (urban, peri-urban and rural). Three of the sites did not participate, resulting into 57 surveyed clinics. 17,813 women who were attending the chosen clinics for the first time for any pregnancy between October 2003 and January 2004. Patient particulars were obtained by interview and blood specimens were drawn for HIV and syphilis testing. HIV testing was done anonymously and the results were unlinked. RESULTS: Of the 17,813 women screened for HIV, 1,545 (8.7% (95% CI = 8.3–9.1)) tested positive with the highest prevalence in women aged 25–34 years (11%), being higher among single women (9.7%) than married women (8.6%) (p < 0.07), and increased with level of education from 5.2% among women with no education to 9.3% among those at least primary education (p < 0.001). Prevalence ranged from 4.8% (95% CI = 3.8% – 9.8%) in Kagera to 15.3% (95% CI = 13.9% – 16.8%) in Mbeya and was; 3.7%, 4.7%, 9.1%, 11.2% and 15.3% for rural, semi-urban, road side, urban and 15.3% border clinics, respectively (p < 0.001). Of the 17,323 women screened for syphilis, 1265 (7.3% (95%CI = 6.9–7.7)) were positive, with highest prevalence in the age group 35–49 yrs (10.4%) (p < 0.001), and being higher among women with no education than those with some education (9.8% versus 6.8%) (p < 0.0001), but marital status had no influence. Prevalence ranged from 2.1% (95% CI = 1.4% – 3.0%) in Kigoma to 14.9% (95% CI = 13.3%-16.6%) in Kagera and was 16.0% (95% CI = 13.3–18.9), 10.5% (95% CI = 9.5–11.5) and 5.8% (95% CI = 5.4–6.3) for roadside, rural and urban clinics, respectively. Syphilis and HIV co-infection was seen in 130/17813 (0.7%). CONCLUSION: The high HIV prevalence observed among the ANC clinic attendees in Tanzania call for expansion of current voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) services and access to antiretroviral drugs (ARV) in the clinics. There is also a need for modification of obstetric practices and infant feeding options in HIV infection in order to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV. To increase uptake to HIV testing the opt-out strategy in which all clients are offered HIV testing is recommended in order to meet the needs of as many pregnant women as possible

    Estimating and projecting HIV prevalence and AIDS deaths in Tanzania using antenatal surveillance data

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    BACKGROUND: The Estimations and Projections Package (EPP 2005) for HIV/AIDS estimates and projects HIV prevalence, number of people living with HIV and new HIV infections and AIDS cases using antenatal clinic (ANC) surveillance data. The prevalence projection produced by EPP can be transferred to SPECTRUM, a demographic projectionmodel, to calculate the number of AIDS deaths. This paper presents estimates and projections of HIV prevalence, new cases of HIV infections and AIDS deaths in Tanzania between 2001 and 2010 using the EPP 2005 and SPECTRUM soft-wares on ANC data. METHODS: For this study we used; the 1985 – 2004 ANC data set, the 2005 UN population estimates for urban and rural adults, which is based on the 2002 population census, and results of the 2003 Tanzania HIV Indicator Survey. The ANC surveillance sites were categorized into urban and rural areas on the basis of the standard national definitions of urban and rural areas, which led to 40 urban and 35 rural clinic sites. The rural and urban epidemics were run independently by fitting the model to all data and on level fits. RESULTS: The national HIV prevalence increased from 0% in 1981 to a peak of 8.1% in 1995, and gradually decreased to 6.5% in 2004 which stabilized until 2010. The urban HIV epidemic increased from 0% in 1981 peaking at 12.6% in 1992 and leveled to between 10.9% and 11.8% from 2003 to 2010. The rural epidemic peaked in 1995 at 7.0% and gradually declined to 5.2% in 2004, and then stabilized at between 5.1% and 5.3% from 2005 to 2010. New infections are projected to rise steadily, resulting in 250,000 new cases in 2010. Deaths due to AIDS started in 1985 and rose steadily to reach 120,000 deaths in 2010, with more females dying than men. CONCLUSION: The fact that the number of new infections is projected to increase steadily to reach 250,000 per year in 2010 calls for more concerted efforts to combat the spread of HIV infection particularly in the rural areas where the infrastructure needed for prevention programmes such as counseling and testing, condom accessibility and AIDS information is less developed

    Correlation of C-Peptide With Complications Observed in Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes in Tanzania: A Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) complications corelate with C-peptide levels. However, the C-Peptide role has not been explored in resource limited countries. This study explored the relationship between C-peptide and complications. A cross-sectional study involving participants aged 0 to 25 years with T1DM in Dar es salaam Tanzania, between 2021 and 2022 was done. Diabetes nephropathy and retinopathy were assessed. About 281 (92.4%) participants were screened, 144 (51.2%) were females. Mean age was 19 ± 6 years. Majority 175 (62.3%) had poor glycemic control (HbA1c) > 10%, and low C-Peptide level 201 (71.5%). Retinopathy was 11.7% and risk for nephropathy was 41.3%. About 13.4% and 41.8% with low C peptide had Retinopathy and high-risk nephropathy respectively. Age at diagnosis, poor glycemic control, low c peptide and duration of diabetes were associated with complications. Further prospective studies are needed to capture when complications set in, so to have better strategies to prevent complications

    Illicit Drug Users in the Tanzanian Hinterland: Population Size Estimation Through Key Informant-Driven Hot Spot Mapping

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    We mapped hot spots and estimated the numbers of people who use drugs (PWUD) and who inject drugs (PWID) in 12 regions of Tanzania. Primary (ie, current and past PWUD) and secondary (eg, police, service providers) key informants identified potential hot spots, which we visited to verify and count the number of PWUD and PWID present. Adjustments to counts and extrapolation to regional estimates were done by local experts through iterative rounds of discussion. Drug use, specifically cocaine and heroin, occurred in all regions. Tanga had the largest numbers of PWUD and PWID (5190 and 540, respectively), followed by Mwanza (3300 and 300, respectively). Findings highlight the need to strengthen awareness of drug use and develop prevention and harm reduction programs with broader reach in Tanzania. This exercise provides a foundation for understanding the extent and locations of drug use, a baseline for future size estimations, and a sampling frame for future research

    Surveillance of HIV and syphilis infections among antenatal clinic attendees in Tanzania-2003/2004-2

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Surveillance of HIV and syphilis infections among antenatal clinic attendees in Tanzania-2003/2004"</p><p>BMC Public Health 2006;6():91-91.</p><p>Published online 10 Apr 2006</p><p>PMCID:PMC1459129.</p><p>Copyright © 2006 Swai et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.</p