16 research outputs found

    Facing ICTs and e-learning environment: An investigation from the graduates registered in the first batch of e-learners under PanAfrican Tele-Education programs in Rwanda

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    This study endeavored to highlight the experiences of the first batch of e-learners under Tele-Education program the courses of which started in September 2009 at former Kigali Institute of Education (KIE). The researcher adopted a descriptive research design whereby recorded views were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. In order to attain its objectives, the researcher identified and investigated 17 graduates from the program using structured interview and focus group discussions. The findings revealed that none of the graduates had previously undertaken an ICT based course or program. Hence, this learning mode was quite a discovery to all the e-learners. It is this shared novelty of the candidates and the imperatives of the program that led the candidates to devise strategies to cope with ICTs, the e-learning environment itself and managing further responsibilities. Adopted strategies included individual commitment, teaming, seeking assistance from peer learners and personnel of Tele-Education learning centre and improving computer skills. In line with the expressed encountered challenges related to English as a medium of instruction, shortage of time to interact and attempt the assignments, limited opportunities to practice acquisitions, the researcher proposed remedial solutions. In addition, areas for further studies were recommended.RésuméCette étude s'est efforcée d'illustrer les expériences de la première fournée d'e-apprenants enregistrés dans les programmes de Télé-éducation dont les cours furent introduits au sein de l'ancien Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de Kigali (KIE) en septembre 2009. Le chercheur a entrepris le modèle descriptif là où les avis des répondants furent enregistrés et analysés tant qualitativement que quantitativement. Pour atteindre ses objectifs, le chercheur a identifié et enquêté 17 diplômés dans le programme utilisant l'interview structuré et la discussion de groupe. Les conclusions ont révélé qu'aucun des diplômés n'avait auparavant entrepris un cours ou le programme par l’intermédiaire des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (NTIC). Par conséquent, ce mode d'apprentissage était une vraie découverte à tous. C'est ce caractère novice partagé des candidats et des impératifs du programme qui menèrent des candidats à concevoir des stratégies de se familiariser avec les NTIC, l’environnement d’apprentissage électronique lui-même et gérer d’autres responsabilités. Parmi les stratégies clé adoptées furent cités l'engagement individuel, le travail d’équipe, chercher l'assistance aux près des pairs et du personnel du centre d'apprentissage de télé-éducation et enfin l'amélioration des compétences informatiques. En définitive, suivant les défis exprimés tels que l’'Anglais comme langue véhiculaire de l’instruction, l'insuffisance de temps pour plus d’interactions, les opportunités limitées de pratiquer les connaissances acquises, le chercheur a proposé des remèdes. En plus, les sujets pour des recherches ultérieures ont été recommandés.Keywords: Pan-African eNetwork Tele-Education, synchronous and asynchronous communicatio

    The use of computer based instructions to enhance Rwandan Secondary School Teachers’ ICT competency and continuous professional development

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    This study intended to investigate into the extent to which computers and Internet that are being availed to schools in Rwanda can be used to enhance teachers’ ICT competency and continuous professional development. In order to attain this ultimate aim, researchers undertook a Problem Solving and Theory Testing Research Design. Such a design enabled researchers to demonstrate how teachers can use computers and Internet resources to address the problems of lack of textbooks, access to updated and wide range of educational resources. These issues were highlighted in a prior field survey carried out by researchers in selected secondary schools. The theory tested is the social constructivism that values communities of practice, collaboration and learners’ activities. In total, 13 teachers of Groupe Scolaire "Marie-Reine", Rwaza were voluntarily taken to a one month intensive training on the effective use of Internet as an educational source of information. The training took place in the school computer lab for a period of one month. The Computer Based Instruction combined individualized learning, group learning, peer and researchers’ support strategies. Data were collected using observation forms, collection of correspondences and focus group discussion. These data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The overall findings lead to conclude that the effective use of computers and Internet in schools increases teachers’ skills and abilities to teach. Indeed, this study enables underline the role of continuous professional development in order to fulfill of the 21st century’s educational imperatives in terms of teachers’ competency, learners’ expectations and societal needs.Cette étude avait pour but de s’enquerir à quel point les ordinateurs et l’ Internet qui sont déjà présents dans les écoles au Rwanda peuvent être utilisé en vue de renforcer les compétences des enseignants et leur formation professionnelle continue. En vue d’attendre cette visée, les chercheurs ont emprunté l'approche Solution-Problème et Vérification de Théorie. Cette approche leur a permis de démontrer combien les enseignants peuvent utiliser des ordinateurs et des ressources d’Internet pour adresser les problèmes de manque de manuels et d’accès à de large sources d’ informations actualisées. Ces problèmes avaient été évoqués lors d’ une enquête préalable menée sur terrain par les chercheurs eux-mêmes dans les écoles secondaires échantillonnées. La théorie testée est celle connue sous le nom de socioconstructivisme qui est fondée sur les principes tels que la communauté d’apprentissage, la collaboration et l’activité de l'apprenant. L'en somme, 13 enseignants du Groupe Scolaire 'Marie-Reine', Rwaza ont été volontairement soumis à une formation intensive d’un mois sur l'utilisation efficace de l'Internet comme source d'informations éducatives. La formation fût conduit dans le laboratoire informatique de ladite école. Comme approche méthodologique, la formation a combiné l'apprentissage individualisé, l'apprentissage de groupe, l’apprentissage par pair et l’assistance de la part des chercheurs. Les données ont été recueillies en utilisant des formulaires d'observation, la collection de correspondances et la discussion en groupe. Ces données ont été analysées tant qualitativement que quantitativement. Les résultats ont mené à conclure que l'utilisation efficace des ordinateurs et l'Internet dans les écoles accroit les compétences et les habiletés des enseignants ainsi que leur capacités d'enseigner. En outre, ces resultats ont conduit à souligner l’importance de la formation professionnelle continue en vue de répondre valablement aux impératifs éducatifs du 21ème siècle du point de vue de la compétence des enseignants, les attentes des apprenants et les demandes de la société.Key words: Computer Based Instruction (CBI), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Continuous Professional Development (CPD), Collaborative Learning (CL), Asynchronous and Synchronous Communicatio

    A study on the practices and challenges of Distance Training Programme (DTP) under Kigali Institute of Education (KIE)

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    This article is built upon the findings from the dissertation report conducted in Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) and Rwamagana Distance Training Programme (DTP) centres during the whole academic year of 2011/2012. The researchers were interested to learn in depth about the practices under DTP programme. It was found out that the DTP programme relies mostly on print materials supplemented by week-end tutorials and face-to-face sessions. The ICT supported learning and assistance modes are not yet integrated and a number of challenges were highlighted.Résumé Cet article est construit sur base des conclusions du projet de recherche accompli dans les centres de l’enseignement à distance (DTP) de l’institut Supérieur Pédagogique de Kigali (KIE) et Rwamagana tout au long de l’année académique 2011/2012. Les chercheurs étaient intéressés d’apprendre en profondeur à propos des pratiques au sein de ce programme de DTP. Il a été découvert que le programme de DTP utilise fortement l’imprimé complété par les classes de travaux dirigés de week-end et les séances face- à -face. L'apprentissage et l’assistance des apprenants sur base des TIC ne sont pas encore intégrés et un certain nombre de défis ont été relevés.Key words: Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), Distance Training Programme (DTP), Distance Education (DE), Open and Distance Learning (ODL)

    Social and Spill-Over Benefits as Motivating Factors to Investment in Formal Education in Africa: A Reflection around Ghanaian, Kenyan And Rwandan Contexts.

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    This study examined the social and spill-over benefits as motivating factors to investment in formal education in selected countries in Africa. The paper had three objectives, namely) to profile the key statistics of formal schooling; ii) examine the formal education and iii) link national goals of education with expectations in Ghana, Kenya and Rwanda. The major contention of the paper is that investment in education is not a matter of random choice but rather an imperative led by the fact that education holds returns and externalities to the largest society.  Authors reviewed theory of human capital, local and international publications on social and spill over benefits of education focusing on Ghana, Kenya and Rwanda. The analysis of government policies and other publications from these three African nations have shown that education is considered as a key sector in these developing nations. Nevertheless, the researchers found out that mostly only primary and secondary education are distinctively accorded considerable public financial resources which might be associated with the countries limited financial ability, competitive needs, national and global trends. However, the fact that Ghana, Kenya and Rwanda strive to become democratic, self-reliant and middle income nations by conquering long terms set visions in which caliber manpower, welfare, self-employment, reduced social inequalities, increase in average income, knowledge based society, ICT driven and sustainable economy are key characteristics; it is imperative to invest substantially in TVET and higher education. It is also recommended that Ghana, Kenya and Rwanda put in place strong institutions that objectively, effectively and rationally ensure the efficient use of all available resources towards maximum educational outputs (265 words). Key words: Social Benefits, Spill-over Benefits, Private Cost, Social Cost, Private Rate of Returns, Education, Cost- Best Analysis in Education, Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda

    Mechanism of STMN2 cryptic splice-polyadenylation and its correction for TDP-43 proteinopathies

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    Loss of nuclear TDP-43 is a hallmark of neurodegeneration in TDP-43 proteinopathies, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). TDP-43 mislocalization results in cryptic splicing and polyadenylation of pre–messenger RNAs (pre-mRNAs) encoding stathmin-2 (also known as SCG10), a protein that is required for axonal regeneration. We found that TDP-43 binding to a GU-rich region sterically blocked recognition of the cryptic 3′ splice site in STMN2 pre-mRNA. Targeting dCasRx or antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) suppressed cryptic splicing, which restored axonal regeneration and stathmin-2–dependent lysosome trafficking in TDP-43–deficient human motor neurons. In mice that were gene-edited to contain human STMN2 cryptic splice-polyadenylation sequences, ASO injection into cerebral spinal fluid successfully corrected Stmn2 pre-mRNA misprocessing and restored stathmin-2 expression levels independently of TDP-43 binding