7 research outputs found

    RGDS-functionalized polyethylene glycol hydrogel-coated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles enhance specific intracellular uptake by HeLa cells

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    The objective of this study was to develop thin, biocompatible, and biofunctional hydrogel-coated small-sized nanoparticles that exhibit favorable stability, viability, and specific cellular uptake. This article reports the coating of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (MIONPs) with covalently cross-linked biofunctional polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel. Silanized MIONPs were derivatized with eosin Y, and the covalently cross-linked biofunctional PEG hydrogel coating was achieved via surface-initiated photopolymerization of PEG diacrylate in aqueous solution. The thickness of the PEG hydrogel coating, between 23 and 126 nm, was tuned with laser exposure time. PEG hydrogel-coated MIONPs were further functionalized with the fibronectin-derived arginine-glycine-aspartic acid-serine (RGDS) sequence, in order to achieve a biofunctional PEG hydrogel layer around the nanoparticles. RGDS-bound PEG hydrogel-coated MIONPs showed a 17-fold higher uptake by the human cervical cancer HeLa cell line than that of amine-coated MIONPs. This novel method allows for the coating of MIONPs with nano-thin biofunctional hydrogel layers that may prevent undesirable cell and protein adhesion and may allow for cellular uptake in target tissues in a specific manner. These findings indicate that the further biofunctional PEG hydrogel coating of MIONPs is a promising platform for enhanced specific cell targeting in biomedical imaging and cancer therapy

    The genetic structure of the Turkish population reveals high levels of variation and admixture

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    The construction of population-based variomes has contributed substantially to our understanding of the genetic basis of human inherited disease. Here, we investigated the genetic structure of Turkey from 3,362 unrelated subjects whose whole exomes (n = 2,589) or whole genomes (n = 773) were sequenced to generate a Turkish (TR) Variome that should serve to facilitate disease gene discovery in Turkey. Consistent with the history of present-day Turkey as a crossroads between Europe and Asia, we found extensive admixture between Balkan, Caucasus, Middle Eastern, and European populations with a closer genetic relationship of the TR population to Europeans than hitherto appreciated. We determined that 50% of TR individuals had high inbreeding coefficients (≥0.0156) with runs of homozygosity longer than 4 Mb being found exclusively in the TR population when compared to 1000 Genomes Project populations. We also found that 28% of exome and 49% of genome variants in the very rare range (allele frequency < 0.005) are unique to the modern TR population. We annotated these variants based on their functional consequences to establish a TR Variome containing alleles of potential medical relevance, a repository of homozygous loss-of-function variants and a TR reference panel for genotype imputation using high-quality haplotypes, to facilitate genome-wide association studies. In addition to providing information on the genetic structure of the modern TR population, these data provide an invaluable resource for future studies to identify variants that are associated with specific phenotypes as well as establishing the phenotypic consequences of mutations in specific genes

    The Effect of Preoperative Neutrophil-To-Lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet-To-Lymphocyte Ratio on Predicting Rupture Risk in Tubal Ectopic Pregnancies

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    Background: Consecutive measurements of beta-hCG levels and sonographic evaluation of adnexae are critical for choosing the optimal management in ampullar tubal ectopic pregnancies (EP). To select suitable patients for conservative approach, there is a need for an affordable and reliable marker for determining rupture risk. Evaluation of systemic inflammatory markers in combination with serum beta-hCG levels and ultrasound might help to decide the appropriate treatment option. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) in determining the rupture risk in ampullar tubal EPs and to compare with intraoperative findings. Methods: A total of 142 patients who underwent surgery for tubal EP were included. Seventy-two patients were in the intraoperatively diagnosed tubal rupture group and 70 patients without rupture findings were included in the control group. Both groups were compared for inflammation markers, beta-hCG levels, and sonographic findings. Results: Both NLR and PLR levels were found to be significantly higher in the tubal rupture group (4.62 +/- 3.13 vs. 2.67 +/- 1.43, 162.94 +/- 63.61 vs. 115.84 +/- 41.15, p < 0.01, respectively). According to the receiver operating characteristic analysis performed for the diagnostic performance of tubal diameter measurement, beta-hCG, NLR, and PLR levels were significantly associated with histopathologically confirmed tubal rupture (p < 0.01). Conclusion: Systemic inflammatory markers are feasible and affordable tools for predicting tubal rupture risk in ampullar EPs and might be useful for determining surgery decision especially in low resource settings

    Protective effect of a nuclear factor kappa B inhibitor, pyrolidium dithiocarbamate, in the kidney of rats with nephrolithiasis induced by ethylene glycol

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    Purpose: To study the protective effects of a selective nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) inhibitor, pyrolidium dithiocarbamate (PDTC), on ethylene glycol-induced crystal deposition in the renal tubules, renal toxicity, as well as inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and NF-kappa B activities in rat kidneys

    A biological and ecological study of the invasive pufferfish Torquigener hypselogeneion (Bleeker 1852) [conspecific Torquigener flavimaculosus Hardy & Randall, 1983] in the Eastern Mediterranean

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    The highly toxic orange-spotted toadfish Torquigener hypselogeneion (Bleeker 1852) [conspecific Torquigener flavimaculosus Hardy & Randall, 1983] is now a very common invasive fish in the Eastern Mediterranean. Its small size, well under 20 cm, may have concealed the danger it represents, and little is known about its biology or ecology. Here, the spawning seasons, gonado- and hepato-somatic index and condition factors of T. hypselogeneion from 3 locations of the Eastern Mediterranean are presented, based on a total of 1360 individuals sampled, i.e., 216 from Finike, 817 from Fethiye (both Turkey), and 327 from Cyprus. Our results show that T. hypselogeneion is a carnivorous species that forages on sandy bottoms, with a preference for small invertebrates, especially the small invasive gastropod Cerithium scabridum, crustaceans (hermit crabs, other crabs and barnacles), and sea urchins; however, at least in some localities, they appear to forgo eating during their peak reproductive period. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy Growth Function for T. hypselogeneion in the Eastern Mediterranean were: asymptotic length = 17.4 cm (total length; TL) and K = 0.96 year-1, implying a longevity of about 4 years, while the mean length at first maturity was about 10 cm (TL) for both sexes. An average-sized adult female (13 cm TL, 45.7 g live weight) was found to contain 1,250 eggs per gram body weight. Based on its high invasiveness and negative impacts to ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean and the human health, we suggest that T. hypselogeneion should be listed as a priority invasive species and that its population closely monitored within the Mediterranean Sea