945 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Yuridis Tentang Delik Berlanjut Dalam Perkara Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    Di berbagai belahan dunia, korupsi selalu mendapatkan perhatian yang lebih dibandingkan dengan tindak pidana lainnya. Fenomena ini dapat dimaklumi mengingat dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh tindak pidana ini. Dampak yang ditimbulkan dapat menyentuh berbagai bidang kehidupan. Korupsi merupakan masalah serius, tindak pidana ini dapat membahayakan stabilitas dan keamanan masyarakat, membahayakan pembangunan sosial ekonomi, dan juga politik, serta dapat merusak nilai-nilai demokrasi dan moralitas karena lambat laun perbuatan ini seakan menjadi sebuah budaya. Korupsi merupakan ancaman terhadap cita-cita menuju masyarakat adil dan makmur. Sulitnya penanggulangan tindak pidana korupsi terlihat dari banyak diputus bebasnya terdakwa kasus tindak pidana korupsi atau minimnya pidana yang ditanggung oleh terdakwa yang tidak sebanding dengan apa yang dilakukannya. Hal ini sangat merugikan negara dan menghambat pembangunan bangsa. Jika ini terjadi secara terus-menerus dalam waktu yang lama, dapat meniadakan rasa keadilan dan rasa kepercayaan atas hukum dan peraturan Perundang-undangan oleh warga negara. Perasaan tersebut memang telah terlihat semakin lama semakin menipis dan dapat dibuktikan dari banyaknya masyarakat yang ingin melakukan aksi main hakim sendiri kepada pelaku tindak pidana di dalam kehidupan masyarakat dengan mengatasnamakan keadilan yang tidak dapat dicapai dari hukum, peraturan Perundang-undangan, dan juga para penegak hukum di Indonesia. Pelaku tindak pidana korupsi dalam implementasinya tidak cukup dilakukan sendiri tetapi biasanya dilakukan secara bersama-sama yang oleh ahli hukum pidana disebut “korupsi berjemaah”. Perbuatan korupsi tidak sekedar dilakukan secara berjemaah tetapi juga sering dilakukan secara berlanjut (conmcursus atau perbarengan) karena hampir seluruh aktivitas pelaku korupsi ditengarai dilakukan tidak cukup hanya sekali tetapi dilakukan secara berulang-ulang atau berlanjut sehingga hampir dapat dipastikan bahwa setiap kali Jaksa Penuntut umum dalam membuat surat dakwaan selalu mencantumkan atau menjuntokan pasal perbanrengan sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 64 sampai dengan pasal 68 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP)

    Hardcore classification: identifying play styles in social games using network analysis

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    In the social network of a web-based online game, all players are not equal. Through network analysis, we show that the community of players in a online social game is an example of a scale free small world network and that the growth of the player-base obeys a power law. The community is centred around a minority group of ``hardcore" players who define the social environment for the game, and without whom the social network would collapse. Methods are discussed for identifying this critically important subset of players automatically through analysing social behaviours within the game

    Perancangan Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Terpadu Puskesmas Berbasis E-report untuk Meningkatkan Kesehatan Masyarakat

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    Mutu pelayanan kesehatan yang diberikan kepada masyarakat dapat ditingkatkan dengan baik apabila didukung oleh sistem pelaporan yang baik yaitu informasi harus lengkap dan data tersebut harus diterima tepat waktu.Sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan terpadu puskesmas (SP2TP) ke dinas kesehatan kota Bukittinggi masih dilakukan dengan menyerahkan file berupa hardcopy kepada dinas kesehatan kota sehingga dinas kesehatan kota harus merekapitulasi lagi pelaporan yang akan memerlukan waktu lama dan kemungkinan akan terjadi duplicate data.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah terciptanya e-report yang menggambarkan informasi yang akurat, representatif dan reliable yang dapat dijadikan pedoman dalam penyusunan perencanaan kesehatan masyarakat. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode waterfall yang mana membantu dalam perancangan sistem mulai dari desain, pengujian sampai implementasi sedangkan untuk memodelkan rancangan sistem menggunakan UML (Unified Modeling Language). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sistem informasi pelaporan data SP2TP lewat media website atau secara online yang dapat digunakan oleh pegawai setiap puskesmas dalam lingkungan dinas kesehatan kota bukittingg

    Stock Market Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network

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    Nowadays during increasingly developed technology of the World Wide Web and Internet, the data is becoming extremely rich. With the application of data recognition process, the information extracted from data has become the most important part in some areas of society, management field, finance and markets, etc. It is necessary to develop the valid method to understand the knowledge of the data. Whether you are looking for good investments or are into stock trading, stock prediction or forecast plays the most crucial role in determining where to put in the money or which stock to be acquired or sold

    Factors That Affect the Green Technology Awareness in Melaka

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    Nowadays, in this era of globalization, the world keeps on developing day by day. Our earth is now becoming more polluted than before due to the environmental effects caused by human being. The greed of human being had caused them to ignore the consequences of their decision and how far it would affects the environment. In accordance with this, Melaka has decided to start going green by practicing Green Technology that will not only improves the quality of environment but as well as the quality of life for the citizen in Melaka. The objective of this research is to find out factors that affects the awareness towards Green Technology. This research was held in Melaka as the respondents all from Melaka citizens. Based on the conceptual framework, the independent variables are knowledge, attitude towards environment, and government policy and regulation. Meanwhile for the dependent variables is awareness towards Green Technology. The data was gained from questionnaire session, journals, articles which had been analyzed by using the SPSS system. As the results of this research, it stated that Government Policy and Regulation is the most effective factors towards awareness of Green Technology. The result also showed that mostly people in Melaka already aware about the Green Technology, they just lack in practicing the green practices. Therefore, hopefully Melaka citizens become more alert and aware towards the Green Technology which will lead to aspiration of Melaka to achieve greatly as the title of Melaka Green City on 2020

    Flood vulnerability and resilience: Exploring the factors that influence flooding in Sarawak

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    Flooding is the most common natural disaster in Malaysia, resulting in chaos and disruptions to social and economic activities, damage to roads and railway tracks, vehicles, affecting the level of properties, loss of life, and rise in vulnerability. In addition to natural causes, floods are mainly attributed to continuous heavy rainfall, rapid development, unplanned urbanization, poor drainage system, and environmental degradation. This annual occurrence of floods has given a big impact on the lives of humans and other living beings. Due to the negative impact of floods, we need to pay serious attention and take alternative ways to reduce this disaster. This study aimed to investigate the vulnerability factors and understand the concept of vulnerability and resilience to manage floods in Sarawak. The researcher primarily focused on reviewing the printed and documented material of disasters in order to find the vulnerability factors. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that nature, human, and governance factors, contributed mostly to floods. The present study shows that vulnerability reduction along with emergency preparedness can reduce flood damages and fatalities. The innovative technologies must have to be considered to reduce vulnerability and build resilience for sustainable disaster risk reduction

    Wind generation forecasting methods and proliferation of artificial neural network:A review of five years research trend

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    To sustain a clean environment by reducing fossil fuels-based energies and increasing the integration of renewable-based energy sources, i.e., wind and solar power, have become the national policy for many countries. The increasing demand for renewable energy sources, such as wind, has created interest in the economic and technical issues related to the integration into the power grids. Having an intermittent nature and wind generation forecasting is a crucial aspect of ensuring the optimum grid control and design in power plants. Accurate forecasting provides essential information to empower grid operators and system designers in generating an optimal wind power plant, and to balance the power supply and demand. In this paper, we present an extensive review of wind forecasting methods and the artificial neural network (ANN) prolific in this regard. The instrument used to measure wind assimilation is analyzed and discussed, accurately, in studies that were published from May 1st, 2014 to May 1st, 2018. The results of the review demonstrate the increased application of ANN into wind power generation forecasting. Considering the component limitation of other systems, the trend of deploying the ANN and its hybrid systems are more attractive than other individual methods. The review further revealed that high forecasting accuracy could be achieved through proper handling and calibration of the wind-forecasting instrument and method


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    Tujuan dilakukannya pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah: untuk mengetahui bagaimana peluang masyarakat (warga belajar PKBM Cipta Tunas Karya) dalam kewirausahaan di era industry digital 4.0, untuk mengetahui bagaimana menjalankan manajemen kewirausahan pada era industry digital 4.0 di warga belajar PKBM Cipta Tunas Karya dan untuk membangun masyarakat yang berkarakter kuat, mandiri, produktif dan kreatif serta inovatif dalam berwirausaha. Beberapa tindakan dalam upaya merealisasikan pemecahan permasalahan dilakukan dengan: Ceramah dan tanya jawab, Pelatihan teknis kewirausahaan, Pendampingan dalam berwirausahaan. Adapun hasil yang didapatkan di dalam pengabdian ini adalah Setiap masyarakat dalam hal ini warga belajar PKBM Cipta Tunas Karya memiliki peluang yang sama dengan masyarakat yang lainnya dalam menjalankan kewiraussahaan di era industry digital 4.0 setelah mendapatka pelatihan dan motivasi dan harus berani untuk memulainya. Menjalankan menejemen kewirausaha pada era industry digital 4.0 dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja, kapan saja tidak mengenal tempat dan waktu dan siapa pelanggannya, terlebih yang menjalankan bisnis tersebut adalah anak-anak muda (milenial)

    Dynamic Creep Performance of Hot Mix Asphalt Mixture Incorporating Fibre

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    Permanent deformation is one of the distress that develops gradually as the number of load applications increases and appears as longitudinal depressions in the wheel paths and small upheavals to the sides. For this reason, numerous studies conducted on modification asphalt binder or mixture by various fibre. This paper presents the evaluation of creep modulus and permanent deformation of modified asphalt mixture with fibres. In order to envisage the modified asphalt mixture, Forta-fi, Kenaf and PET was blended to estimate the creep properties and rut depth value at different loading pattern. Superpave mix design method was employed with NMAS 12.5mm to obtain the optimum bitumen content established at 4% air void. In the respect, bitumen 60/70 penetration grade with 0.5% of Forta-Fi, 0.1% Kenaf fibre and 0.5% PET by weight of asphalt mixture were prepared. Dynamic Creep Test was performed in accordance to the EN 12697-25:2005 guidelines using the Universal Testing Machine (UTM). As the result, the minimum value of permanent deformation was found at 0.5% of PET. Based on these studies, adding a minimum percent of PET in the asphalt mixture shows a better resistance to rutting deformation and enable a better understanding of the properties in modified asphalt mixtures