18 research outputs found

    Impact of Capital Structure on Firm’s Financial Performance: Textile, Automobiles, Sugar, Petroleum & Engineering Industry of Pakistan

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    The purpose of this study to measure the impact of capital structure (leverage) on the financial performance of listed companies in the sector of Textile, Automobiles, Sugar, Petroleum and engineering industry of Pakistan. The data was collected for the period of four years from 2012-2015. The data was extracted from the 21 firms for study. The Ordinary least squares models and Correlation are used for analysis the proxies. The results display that leverage measured by Debt to Assets has a statistically significant negative effect on firms’ financial performance measured by Return on Assets at 99.9% confidence interval. Keywords: Financial leverage, Capital Structure, Firms’ performance.

    Indo- Afghan Nexus: Implications for Pakistan (2001- 2014)

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    Afghanistan, unlike India and Pakistan, has never been colonized throughout its history. People of Afghanistan have always enjoyed cordial relations with the people of undivided sub-continent. However, the creation of a new state „Pakistan‟ was considered as both, a threat and a geographical de linkage between the people of Afghanistan and India. Both Indo- Afghan strengthen their bi-lateral relations through the treaty of friendship 1950. On the contrary, Afghanistan was the only country to vote against Pakistan‟s admission to United Nations Organization. Despite of lingual, cultural and religious ties, Pak- Afghan relations failed to form strong basis. Since the emergence of Pakistan, India has been engaged in derailing Pakistan‟s stability and security through its multidimensional approaches. India‟s aim to isolate Pakistan in its neighbors is aserious implication for Pakistan. Indian consulates in Kandahar and Jalalabad near the PakAfghan border have further raised serious concerns for Pakistan about the Indian presence in Afghanistan. The US war against terror campaign and Pakistan‟s policy reversal against Taliban grew severe resentments among the Afghan Taliban against Pakistan. This article analyzes the Indian designs and its involvement in Afghanistan which directly affects the security and stabilityof Pakistan

    Cytogenetic abnormalities in myelodysplastic syndromes: An overview

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    Karyotype is one of the main constituents of the International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS) and revised-IPSS that are the cornerstones for the prognostication of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Del(5q), -7/del(7q), +8 and -Y are among the most extensively studied cytogenetic abnormalities in MDS. The same applies for normal karyotype. There are hundreds of other rare cytogenetic abnormalities that have been reported in MDS, included but not limited to -X, 3q abnormalities, +13/del(13q), i(17q), +21/-21. However, due to a very low number of patients, their impact on the prognosis of MDS is limited. Knowledge of the molecular consequences of different cytogenetic abnormalities allows us to modify treatment regimens based on drugs most active against the specific karyotype present, allowing for the opportunity to individualize MDS treatment and improve patient care and prognosis

    Characterization of bioactive fatty acids and oxidative stability of microwave vacuum dried fish powder supplemented extruded product

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    his study was aimed to determine the retention of bioactive fatty acids and oxidative stability of fish powder (FP) supplemented extruded products. The Labeo rohita fish meat was minced, microwave vacuum dried, and extruded. Product formulations containing FP (0-25%) and semolina (75-100%) were optimized using response surface methodology. The maximum bioactive fatty acids retention was 94.84% in the final product. The highest values of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were 87.97% and 85.66% at 25 °C for 30 and 60 days. Maximum TBARS values were 0.42 and 0.44 mg MDA/kg at 25 °C for 0 and 30 days, respectively. The highest carbonyl contents were 6.02, 7.67, 9.37 nmol/mg protein for 0, 30, and 60 days of storage at 25 °C, respectively. The moderate barrel exit temperature (125 °C) and feed moisture contents (20%) and high screw speed (150 rpm), FP (25%) exhibit the highest retention of PUFAs in a produc

    Impact of thermal extrusion and microwave vacuum drying on fatty acids profile during fish powder preparation

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    The current study aimed to optimize the process for ready-to-eat extruded fish powder preparation and to ascertain the impact of two methods on fatty acid profiles. For the investigation, Labeo rohita (Rohu) fish was first minced, extruded, and microwave vacuum-dried. The results show that the yield for extruded fish powder (EFP) fluctuated from 22.32% to 29.07%. The maximum retention for docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), arachidonic acid (AA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) was 3.24 ± 0.08 g/100 g lipids, 2.74 ± 0.05 g/100 g lipids, and 1.24 ± 0.09 g/100 g lipids, by using different extrusion parameters. Moreover, nonsignificant changes were observed during 0 days, and 1 and 3 months of storage (at 4°C and 25°C) for DHA, AA, and EPA, whereas significant results were recorded for the samples stored for 6 months at 25°C. Also, the maximum peroxide value (PV) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance values (TBARS) were 1.72 ± 0.04 meq/kg fat and 0.135 ± 0.008 mg malondialdehyde/kg fat. It is anticipated from the outcomes that the study will be helpful to prepare value-added food products in future studies

    PANC Study (Pancreatitis: A National Cohort Study): national cohort study examining the first 30 days from presentation of acute pancreatitis in the UK

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    Abstract Background Acute pancreatitis is a common, yet complex, emergency surgical presentation. Multiple guidelines exist and management can vary significantly. The aim of this first UK, multicentre, prospective cohort study was to assess the variation in management of acute pancreatitis to guide resource planning and optimize treatment. Methods All patients aged greater than or equal to 18 years presenting with acute pancreatitis, as per the Atlanta criteria, from March to April 2021 were eligible for inclusion and followed up for 30 days. Anonymized data were uploaded to a secure electronic database in line with local governance approvals. Results A total of 113 hospitals contributed data on 2580 patients, with an equal sex distribution and a mean age of 57 years. The aetiology was gallstones in 50.6 per cent, with idiopathic the next most common (22.4 per cent). In addition to the 7.6 per cent with a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis, 20.1 per cent of patients had a previous episode of acute pancreatitis. One in 20 patients were classed as having severe pancreatitis, as per the Atlanta criteria. The overall mortality rate was 2.3 per cent at 30 days, but rose to one in three in the severe group. Predictors of death included male sex, increased age, and frailty; previous acute pancreatitis and gallstones as aetiologies were protective. Smoking status and body mass index did not affect death. Conclusion Most patients presenting with acute pancreatitis have a mild, self-limiting disease. Rates of patients with idiopathic pancreatitis are high. Recurrent attacks of pancreatitis are common, but are likely to have reduced risk of death on subsequent admissions. </jats:sec

    Critical appraisal of apparently evidence-based written advertising in Pakistan

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    Objectives: The objective of the study was to critically assess references cited in support of claims in drug advertisements. Methods: Drug advertising brochures were collected from privately practicing General Practitioners from different parts of Karachi. Three blinded reviewers then categorized each reference in the brochure according to the sources viz: journals (both Medline indexed and non-indexed), medical reference books, web addresses, personal communications or testimonials, abstracts presented at symposia/conferences, WHO and National Health Guidelines, \u27data on file\u27 and \u27others\u27 (which included a diverse set of references). Each reviewer then assessed and analyzed the references further into 2 broad categories: traceable and non-traceable. Traceable references were appraised and, depending upon the claim with which the reference was attached, were classified into justifiable, inaccurate/false, exaggerated and ambiguous. Results: We collected a total of 175 different brochures. Thirty-nine (22.3%) brochures did not cite any references and were not subjected to further analysis. The remaining 136 (77.7%) contained a total of 559 references. 305 (54.6%) of these references were from Medline-indexed journals, 67 (12.0%) were from non-indexed journals, 55 (9.8%) references quoted medical reference books, 27 (4.8%) references cited web addresses, 12 (2.1%) references were personal communications/testimonials, 11 (2.0%) references referred to abstracts presented at symposia/conferences, 12 (2.1%) references were from WHO and National Health Guidelines, 8 (1.4%) references were listed as \u27data on file\u27, while the remainder that could not be defined were classified as \u27others\u27 (13.1%). Out of a total of 559 references, 249 (44.5%) could not be traced. After critically analyzing the 310 traceable references, 197 (63.5%) were adjudged justifiable, 30 (9.7%) inaccurate/false, 79 (25.5%) exaggerated and 15 (4.8%) ambiguous. Conclusion: Results of this study show for the first time that the claims substantiated with references in the pharmaceutical advertisements in Pakistan are highly unreliable

    Effect of Hybrid Weave Patterns on the Mechanical Performance of Woven Fabrics

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    Improvement in mechanical properties of the natural fiber reinforcement for potential use in the composite for mechanical performance is a key focus of researchers in recent years. However, few studies are available in the literature on the mechanical performance of hybrid-woven fabrics. In this article, the effect of the weave structure of reinforcing fabric on mechanical performance has been investigated. Jute-based woven fabrics having four different weave structures (matt, sateen, and hybrid-weave A/B) were developed in the in-house lab using a shuttle dobby weaving machine. The tensile test and puncture tests were performed to evaluate the mechanical performance by varying the weave architecture. The sateen weave exhibited maximum penetration load during a puncture test. The results demonstrated a significant improvement in the tensile strength by using a hybrid weave in the warp direction. However, sateen woven fabric demonstrated enhancement in the tensile attributes in the weft-wise direction. Similarly, a hybrid weave consisting of a combination of sateen and matt weave exhibited a maximum stiffness value. To check the statistical significance of the results, ANOVA analysis was performed. The findings of ANOVA suggest that the results are statistically significant. This research will open a new avenue in the field of reinforcement composite material

    Modification of barley dietary fiber through chemical treatments in combination with thermal treatment to improve its bioactive properties

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    The present research was carried out to observe the comparative effectiveness of different chemical treatments in combination with simultaneous thermal treatment on soluble (SDF) and insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) ratio to improve functional properties of barley. For this purpose, two varieties of barley, i.e., Haider-93 and Jau-87 were assessed for chemical composition, mineral, non-starch polysaccharides, and dietary fiber contents through respective methods. Two varieties were chemically treated through acid, alkaline, and consecutive acid–alkaline treatments in combination with thermal treatment. Results of chemical composition revealed that Jau-87 was higher in moisture (11.4%), crude fat (2.67%), and crude fiber (4.70%), whereas Haider-93 exhibited higher ash (2.56%) and crude protein content (12.7%). Moreover, barley is a rich source of potassium ranging from 4.77 to 5.07 g/kg. Likewise, main non-starch polysaccharides in barley were arabinoxylan (3.60–3.77%) and beta-glucan (3.65–3.67%). Furthermore, barley contains more IDF (12.00–12.40 g/100 g dm) than SDF (4.73–5.70 g/100 g dm). Additionally, modification of SDF (23.68%) and IDF (11.69%) ratio through acid treatment was nonsignificant, while acid–alkaline treatment showed highly significant results, i.e., 771.46% increased in SDF and 53.39% decreased in IDF. It is concluded that chemical treatments alone or in combination with pressure cooking increased SDF. However, simultaneous effect of acid and alkaline treatment most effectively increased the solubility of barley

    Health lipid indices and physicochemical properties of dual fortified yogurt with extruded flaxseed omega fatty acids and fibers for hypercholesterolemic subjects

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    The aim of the present study was to prepare designer yogurt for the hypercholesterolemic subject. The yogurts were prepared from sheep and cow milk by fortifying omega fatty acids and dietary fibers of extruded flaxseed powder (EFSP). The EFSP, Streptococcus thermophilus, and Lactobacillus delbrueckii sub sp bulgaricus at 2% were added for yogurt formation. The water retention capacity, fat adsorption capacity, swelling, and solubility of EFSP were 14.38 ± 3.16 g/g, 5.31 ± 0.93 g oil/g, 25.57 ± 1.35 ml/g, and 30.53 ± 8.5%, respectively. The proximate value of protein content increased significantly from 4.12% to 5.12%. Total fat content increased from 3.50% to 4.28%. Total dietary fibers increased from 0% to 24.14%. Significant increase was observed in C18:1n9 and C18:2n6 fatty acid contents. The omega-3 (18:3n3) was significantly increased higher as compared to other omega fatty acids in fortified yogurts. Atherogenicity index (IA: 2.23 ± 0.41 to 1.42 ± 0.23) and thrombogenicity index (IT: 1.68 ± 0.95 to 0.65 ± 0.01) were significantly decreased while the ratio of hypocholesterolemic and hypercholesteremic fatty acids (HH: 0.82 ± 0.05 to 1.29 ± 0.46) increased significantly in sheep milk yogurt. IA (2.74 ± 0.31 to 1.48 ± 0.08) and IT (1.84 ± 0.28 to 0.39 ± 0.04) were also decreased significantly while HH (0.54 ± 0.05to 1.12 ± 0.02) increased significantly in cow milk yogurt. Δ9-desaturase (18) index was found highest (75.67 ± 8.04) in EFSP-fortified sheep milk yogurt and lowest (62.27 ± 8.65) in cow milk yogurt while Δ9-desaturase (16) index was maximum (6.21 ± 1.25) in cow milk yogurt and minimum (3.93 ± 1.38) in EFSP-fortified sheep milk yogurt. Significant effect on consistency, firmness, viscosity index, and cohesiveness was also noticed in fortified yogurts. EFSP has also significant impact on colony formation of stains culture. The fortified product got good flavor and textural acceptance score. Thus; EFSP improved the health lipids quality and physicochemical characteristics. It can act as a good stabilizer and texturizer in yogurt formation and a healthy alternative for hazardous adulterants used in yogurt formation