883 research outputs found

    Efficient high-fidelity quantum computation using matter qubits and linear optics

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    We propose a practical, scalable, and efficient scheme for quantum computation using spatially separated matter qubits and single photon interference effects. The qubit systems can be NV-centers in diamond, Pauli-blockade quantum dots with an excess electron or trapped ions with optical transitions, which are each placed in a cavity and subsequently entangled using a double-heralded single-photon detection scheme. The fidelity of the resulting entanglement is extremely robust against the most important errors such as detector loss, spontaneous emission, and mismatch of cavity parameters. We demonstrate how this entangling operation can be used to efficiently generate cluster states of many qubits, which, together with single qubit operations and readout, can be used to implement universal quantum computation. Existing experimental parameters indicate that high fidelity clusters can be generated with a moderate constant overhead.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, broader introduction and improved scalability of cluster state generatio

    Vibronic resonances facilitate excited state coherence in light harvesting proteins at room temperature

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    Until recently it was believed that photosynthesis, a fundamental process for life on earth, could be fully understood with semi-classical models. However, puzzling quantum phenomena have been observed in several photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes, prompting questions regarding the nature and role of these effects. Recent attention has focused on discrete vibrational modes that are resonant or quasi-resonant with excitonic energy splittings and strongly coupled to these excitonic states. Here we unambiguously identify excited state coherent superpositions in photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes using a new experimental approach. Decoherence on the timescale of the excited state lifetime allows low energy (56 cm-1) oscillations on the signal intensity to be observed. In conjunction with an appropriate model, these oscillations provide clear and direct experimental evidence that the persistent coherences observed require strong vibronic mixing among excited states

    Dynamic Creep Performance of Hot Mix Asphalt Mixture Incorporating Fibre

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    Permanent deformation is one of the distress that develops gradually as the number of load applications increases and appears as longitudinal depressions in the wheel paths and small upheavals to the sides. For this reason, numerous studies conducted on modification asphalt binder or mixture by various fibre. This paper presents the evaluation of creep modulus and permanent deformation of modified asphalt mixture with fibres. In order to envisage the modified asphalt mixture, Forta-fi, Kenaf and PET was blended to estimate the creep properties and rut depth value at different loading pattern. Superpave mix design method was employed with NMAS 12.5mm to obtain the optimum bitumen content established at 4% air void. In the respect, bitumen 60/70 penetration grade with 0.5% of Forta-Fi, 0.1% Kenaf fibre and 0.5% PET by weight of asphalt mixture were prepared. Dynamic Creep Test was performed in accordance to the EN 12697-25:2005 guidelines using the Universal Testing Machine (UTM). As the result, the minimum value of permanent deformation was found at 0.5% of PET. Based on these studies, adding a minimum percent of PET in the asphalt mixture shows a better resistance to rutting deformation and enable a better understanding of the properties in modified asphalt mixtures

    Long-lived spin entanglement induced by a spatially correlated thermal bath

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    We investigate how two spatially separated qubits coupled to a common heat bath can be entangled by purely dissipative dynamics. We identify a dynamical time scale associated with the lifetime of the dissipatively generated entanglement and show that it can be much longer than either the typical single-qubit decoherence time or the time scale on which a direct exchange interaction can entangle the qubits. We give an approximate analytical expression for the long-time evolution of the qubit concurrence and propose an ion trap scheme in which such dynamics should be observable.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamic Creep Performance of Hot Mix Asphalt Mixture Incorporating Fibre

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    Permanent deformation is one of the distress that develops gradually as the number of load applications increases and appears as longitudinal depressions in the wheel paths and small upheavals to the sides. For this reason, numerous studies conducted on modification asphalt binder or mixture by various fibre. This paper presents the evaluation of creep modulus and permanent deformation of modified asphalt mixture with fibres. In order to envisage the modified asphalt mixture, Forta-fi, Kenaf and PET was blended to estimate the creep properties and rut depth value at different loading pattern. Superpave mix design method was employed with NMAS 12.5mm to obtain the optimum bitumen content established at 4% air void. In the respect, bitumen 60/70 penetration grade with 0.5% of Forta-Fi, 0.1% Kenaf fibre and 0.5% PET by weight of asphalt mixture were prepared. Dynamic Creep Test was performed in accordance to the EN 12697-25:2005 guidelines using the Universal Testing Machine (UTM). As the result, the minimum value of permanent deformation was found at 0.5% of PET. Based on these studies, adding a minimum percent of PET in the asphalt mixture shows a better resistance to rutting deformation and enable a better understanding of the properties in modified asphalt mixtures

    Rational prescribing practice assessment among resident doctors in a tertiary care teaching hospital: a questionnaire based observational study

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    Background: One of the important factors in health policy is recognised to be rational use of medicines (RUM). Physicians can influence the health and well-being of patients by prescribing appropriate drug in right doses and they should be taught to prescribe rationally at the earliest of their professional carrier.Methods: This cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study was carried out in SMHS hospital which is a tertiary-care teaching hospital associated with Government Medical College, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India.Results: Out of 106 resident doctors enrolled in the study, 96.2% respondents were aware about the term essential medicines of India, and 47.6% had National List of Essential Medicines of India available at their work place. When the participants were questioned about the term RUM only 17% of them responded positively, but majority of the resident doctors (88.67%) were aware about the ingredients of the drugs they use to prescribe. Though only 3.7% of our participating doctors always use essential medicines during their prescription writing but majority of them (96.22%) would always use to inform the patient regarding disease, drug therapy and monitoring of drug therapy.Conclusions: Considering the fact that respondents are future prescribers they should be aware of all aspects about RUM and improper knowledge in certain areas of RUM is a matter of concern that needs to be addressed

    A model for cathodic blister growth in coating degradation using mesomechanics approach

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    The paper presents a novel theoretical model of blistering initiation and propagation especially useful for coating life assessment. The focus is on initially circular blisters. A two-part theoretical analysis of blistering is conducted using mesomechanics approach coupling diffusion concepts with fracture mechanics concepts. The diffusion concept is used to treat the corrosive species transport, eventually causing corrosion and blistering, while the fracture mechanics concept is used to treat the blister growth as circular crack propagation. Effects of thickness ratio and modulus ratio on blistering propagation are discussed. A simple criterion is identified which excludes the possibility of widespread blister propagation. Furthermore, a comparative study with the existing blistering models is carried out. Experiments are reported for blistering using a model coating-substrate system, chosen to allow visualisation of interface and to permit coupled (diffusion and residual) stresses in the coating over a full range of interest. The predicted limits from theoretical model are expected to be useful for the manufacturers in the design and deposition of coatings

    Separation-dependent localization in a two-impurity spin-boson model

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    Using a variational approach we investigate the delocalized to localized crossover in the ground state of an Ohmic two-impurity spin-boson model, describing two otherwise non-interacting spins coupled to a common bosonic environment. We show that a competition between an environment-induced Ising spin interaction and externally applied fields leads to variations in the system-bath coupling strength, αc\alpha_c, at which the delocalized-localized crossover occurs. Specifically, the crossover regime lies between αc=0.5\alpha_c=0.5 and αc=1\alpha_c=1 depending upon the spin separation and the strength of the transverse tunneling field. This is in contrast to the analogous single spin case, for which the crossover occurs (in the scaling limit) at fixed αc≈1\alpha_c\approx1. We also discuss links between the two-impurity spin-boson model and a dissipative two-spin transverse Ising model, showing that the latter possesses the same qualitative features as the Ising strength is varied. Finally, we show that signatures of the crossover may be observed in single impurity observables, as well as in the behaviour of the system-environment entanglement.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Published version. Expanded discussion of the distance dependence between the impurities, and added a related figur

    Fabrication and characterisation of electrodeposited and magnertron-sputtered thin films

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    The MnO–Zn thin films were fabricated by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering and compared with pulse electrodeposition (PED) Zn thin films, doped with MnO and ZrO nanoparticles. Surface morphology, structural properties, chemical composition and corrosion resistance of these coatings were investigated by using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, 3-D scanning interferometry and environmental chamber. Surface morphology and degree of crystallinity have different behaviours for different deposition methods. Pulse-coated films have polycrystalline structure with high surface roughness (Ra), whereas sputtered films are monocrystalline with reduced roughness (Ra). Corrosion tests of both RF sputter and PED films revealed that the distribution of corrosion products formed on the surface of sputter films were not severe in extent as in case of electrodeposited coatings. Results showed that the doping of ZrO nano-sized particles in Zn matrix and Mn–Zn composite films significantly improved the corrosion resistance of PED thin films. Keywords: Corrosion resistance, electro-deposition, magnetron sputtering, surface analysis, thin films
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