13 research outputs found

    Factors that contribute to obesity problem among UTHM catering student

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    Negative perception by the society and the hospitality industry toward the disabled people is very high and it has to be changed and this parties should be given opportunity to work in this industry. Rosli, et al (2011) states the acceptance in the small and medium industries towards the disabled is at moderate level. However, in 2005, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (KPTM) has initiated Polytechnic Ibrahim Sultan, Johor Bahru conduct a pioneer program to produce graduates with disabilities (OKU) with hearing impairments for a career in the hotel industry. Related to the situation, some lecturers were sent to attend sign language courses for the preparation for the program, some facilities were updated to fit their needs. To this present Polytechnic Ibrahim Sultan, Johor Bahru has produced hundreds of OKU graduates. It is hope that the graduates produced from this program could reduce the number of foreign worker working in the industry. Dependence on foreign workers should be reduced because there are almost 2.6 million people with special needs in Malaysia. Some of them have been able to pursue their studies to diploma and Bachelor degrees. Through the development of education they are participated in, it is hoped that they will also contribute to the country's economy. The Government of Malaysia is in the effort to transform employers' perceptions towards this group to be more positive. Thus, several initiatives or benefits had been made by the Government of Malaysia to attract more government link companies (GLC) and private firms to hire people from this group. However there are also some challenges and obstacles faced by the industry in accepting these graduates at their company. Taheing (1996) states that in its study it has been able to identify problems that limit the employment of disabled persons including physiological factors, disability due to defects, occupational types, gender factors, workplace environment, personality, illness and other disabilities. This is a challenge and obstacle faced by the employer in hiring the disabled graduates in their industry. Therefore, the industry is highly concerned with the selection of highly capable employees in helping to increase profits to the company

    Investigation On Mechanical Behaviour Of Light Weight Woven Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Polypropylene-Aluminium Fibre Metal Laminate

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    Composite has been widely use in many industries especially in aeronautic and automotive due to superior mechanical properties of composite such as light weight and high specific strength. The concern about environmental impact of emission from automobiles and uncertainty in fuel price has attracted many researchers to replace the use of monolithic metal in structural application of vehicle skin. Thus, the manufacturing of a light weight fibre metal laminate (FML) is potential to solve the problems since weight reduction of globally used vehicles helps in reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions coupled with safety. The aim of this research is to investigate the mechanical properties of natural fibre FML through different parameters. Panels of woven kenaf fibre reinforced polypropylene-aluminium FML (WK/PP-aluminium FML) were fabricated by sandwiching 0.5 mm thin metal sheet of aluminium 6061-0 and 2 mm thickness of woven kenaf fibre reinforced polypropylene composite with different FML configuration determined by different layer of woven fibre (one layer (1L), two layers (2L) and three layers (3L)) and different fibre angle orientation (0/90° and 45/-45°). The experimental study on mechanical properties of FML were tested under tensile (ASTM D3039), flexural (ASTM D790), quasi static indentation, QSI (ASTM D6264), and low velocity impact, LVI (ASTM D3763) test to investigate the performance of the FMLs. The first objectives of the study is to investigate the effect of alkaline treatment of the fibre and were tested under tensile. The result obtained prove that treated fibre helps to improve tensile strength by 26.56% compared to the untreated fibre. Then, the following mechanical testing were conducted using FML with only treated fibre. The overall results shows that 3L FML outperformed the other FML which exhibited maximum load, strength, modulus and energy absorbed since it consists of optimum fibre content in WK/PP composite. On the other hand, the FML depicted that the increase in fibre layer results in reduction in elongation for all testing due to increase in stiffness. The FML with 45/-45° angle gives greater elongation than 0/90° angle orientation due to trellis effect. In comparison between fibre angles, tensile and flexural result shows that 0/90° is higher than 45/-45°. The QSI and LVI test were conducted using small and large indenter with diameter size of 12.7 mm and 20 mm. The results shows that FML with 45/-45° fibre angle offers more impact resistance compared to 0/90°. The trellis effect is significant in the 45/−45° angle orientation contributing to more energy to be absorbed. The large indenter gives higher properties than small indenter for both testing due to larger contact surface area which require more load and provides more energy absorbed. Besides, the failure mechanism of tensile and flexural were both demonstrated by visible composite fracture and aluminium fracture. The damage in QSI and LVI seems to have similar type of failure since all FML sample were completely perforated. In conclusion, the results obtained for WK/PP-aluminium FML shows a good mechanical properties and have a high potential to be use in related applications

    The corporate social responsibility overview.

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a tool for companies to show their commitment towards social issues when the corporate involvement could strengthen the continuity and company’s operation while at the same time to show their existence in the community. Essentially, CSR is corporate involvement in social activities in which their role is very important to improve the quality of social life in terms of education, health and environmental sustainability

    Proximate Composition of Selected Freshwater Fish from Kampung Peta, Johor, Malaysia

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    Four species of freshwater fish from Kampung Peta, Johor namely Osteochilus flavicauda (Rong batu sirip), Labiobarbus festivus (Kawan), Barbonymus gonionotus (Lampam Jawa) and Puntioplites bulu (Tenggalan) were investigated in this study. The selected freshwater fishes from the Cyprinidae family were analyzed for their physical properties and proximate composition. The fishes exhibited weight of less than 400 g and have body length between 16 to 23 cm. Proximate analysis revealed that all fish species had comparable (p > 0.05) crude protein (13.40 - 13.75%) and ash content (2.76 - 3.27%) with each other. The moisture content was found to be between 77.02-82.65% where B. gonionotus exhibited a significantly (p < 0.05) higher percentage than the other species. The freshwater fishes were identified to be a lean fish containing crude fat of less than 2%.  The highest (1.09 %) and lowest (0.48 %) amount of fat were recorded for O. flavicauda and B. gonionotus respectively. Meanwhile, the carbohydrate value ranging from 0.46 % to 5.26 % was inversely related to the protein content. Significant differences in carbohydrate value (p < 0.05) were observed between O. flavicauda (5.26%), L. festiva (2.91 %) and B. gonionotus (0.46%) while L. festiva and P. bulu (3.57%) showed insignificant differences (p > 0.05). These values are useful as a baseline data on the nutritional quality of freshwater fish from Kampung Peta, Johor. &nbsp

    Tensile Properties Of Woven Kenaf Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Hybrid Aluminium-Composite

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    Concern on environmental impact of emission from the automobile and the uncertainties in fuel price has led to the development of lighter materials. Hybrid metal- composite is a sandwich structure which is lighter than its constituent monolithic metal. In this study, hybrid aluminium-composite (HAC) was fabricated using plain weave woven kenaf fiber reinforced polypropylene matrix composite sandwiched in between aluminium 6061-O using hot compression method. Tensile test was conducted on the HAC with two different fiber loading and fiber orientation. The fiber loading were with 1 mm pitch (X-type) and 5 mm pitch (Y-type) and the orientation were 0° and 45°. The result shows that tensile strength had been increased with the increment of fiber loading, where X-type tensile strength is higher than Y-type. Meanwhile, 45° fiber orientation gives higher tensile strength compared to 0°. The images of the fracture type experienced by the HAC after the tensile test was also observed

    Tensile Properties Of Woven Kenaf Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Hybrid Aluminium-Composite

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    Concern on environmental impact of emission from the automobile and the uncertainties in fuel price has led to the development of lighter materials. Hybrid metal-composite is a sandwich structure which is lighter than its constituent monolithic metal. In this study, hybrid aluminium-composite (HAC) was fabricated using plain weave woven kenaf fiber reinforced polypropylene matrix composite sandwiched in between aluminium 6061-O using hot compression method. Tensile test was conducted on the HAC with two different fiber loading and fiber orientation. The fiber loading were with 1 mm pitch (X-type) and 5 mm pitch (Y-type) and the orientation were 0° and 45°. The result shows that tensile strength had been increased with the increment of fiber loading, where X-type tensile strength is higher than Y-type. Meanwhile, 45° fiber orientation gives higher tensile strength compared to 0°. The images of the fracture type experienced by the HAC after the tensile test was also observed


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    Penyelesaian sistem persamaan linear (SPL) dapat dilakukan dengan cara Operasi Baris Elementer, aturan Cramer ataupun dengan operasi lainnya. Tetapi dapatjuga dengan melakukan dekomposisi matriks terlebih dahuJu untuk menyelesaikan sistem persamaan linear atau masalah aljabar linear lainnya. Apabila terdapatsebuah sistem Ax = b dengan matriks A berukuran m x n dimana m > n,rnasalah yang sering dihadapi adalah kasus dimana rank(A) < n. Salah satu caramenyelesaikan masalah seperti ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode kuadratterkecil (least-square). Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) adalah suatu metode pemfaktoran matriks yang berkaitan erat dengan nilai singular matriksnya. Berdasarkan basil hitungan analisis SVD memberikan solusi SPL yang memiliki nilai kesalahan lebih minimum.Kata kunci: SPL, SVD, kuadrat terkecil, pseudoinverse, invers matriks

    Pengaruh Perilaku Konsumsi Makanan Instan Yang Mengadung Natrium Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita Hipertensi

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    Penyebab utama tingginya kasus meninggal akibat tekanan darah tinggi adalah mengkonsumsi makanan mengandung banyak natrium sehingga tubuh kita menampung darah yang berlebihan yang di butuhkan dan retensi cairan. Masyarakat Indonesia, sangat konsumtif dan selalu menginginkan praktis, tetapi tidak pernah mau peduli kesehatan badannya. Penelitian bersifat diskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan desain case control, pengambilan sampel secara random sampling yaitu sebanyak 35 kasus dan 35 orang kontrol. Data yang diambil meliputi data karakteristik sampel, konsumsi makanan instan serta tekanan darah pada sampel dengan pengukur tekanan darah yang dilakukan oleh bantuan enumerator. Uji statistic dengan menggunakan chi-square test. Hasil penelitian diketahui perilaku makan yang dikategorikan sering (tidak baik) pada kelompok kasus yaitu sebanyak 31 orang (64,6%) dan pada kelompok kontrol sebanyak 17 orang (35,4%). Responden pada kelompok kasus mayoritas bertekanan darah kategori tinggi sebanyak 25 orang (71,4%) dan sebagiannya bertekanan darah normal sebanyak 10 orang (28,6%). Disimpulkan ada pengaruh perilaku konsumsi makanan instan yang mengandung natrium terhadap tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi. Diharapkan kepada penderita hipertensi agar mengurangi kebiasaan konsumsi makanan instant

    Pengaruh Perilaku Konsumsi Makanan Instan Yang Mengadung Natrium Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita Hipertensi

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    Penyebab utama tingginya kasus meninggal akibat tekanan darah tinggi adalah mengkonsumsi makanan mengandung banyak natrium sehingga tubuh kita menampung darah yang berlebihan yang di butuhkan dan retensi cairan. Masyarakat Indonesia, sangat konsumtif dan selalu menginginkan praktis, tetapi tidak pernah mau peduli kesehatan badannya. Penelitian bersifat diskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan desain case control, pengambilan sampel secara random sampling yaitu sebanyak 35 kasus dan 35 orang kontrol. Data yang diambil meliputi data karakteristik sampel, konsumsi makanan instan serta tekanan darah pada sampel dengan pengukur tekanan darah yang dilakukan oleh bantuan enumerator. Uji statistic dengan menggunakan chi-square test. Hasil penelitian diketahui perilaku makan yang dikategorikan sering (tidak baik) pada kelompok kasus yaitu sebanyak 31 orang (64,6%) dan pada kelompok kontrol sebanyak 17 orang (35,4%). Responden pada kelompok kasus mayoritas bertekanan darah kategori tinggi sebanyak 25 orang (71,4%) dan sebagiannya bertekanan darah normal sebanyak 10 orang (28,6%). Disimpulkan ada pengaruh perilaku konsumsi makanan instan yang mengandung natrium terhadap tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi. Diharapkan kepada penderita hipertensi agar mengurangi kebiasaan konsumsi makanan instant