6 research outputs found

    Tolerância inter-étnica e seu desenvolvimento entre estudantes pedagógicos de instituições de ensino superior

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    This paper is devoted to the development of inter-ethnic tolerance among pedagogical students of higher educational institutions. Based on the works by B. Barber, J. Berry, A.G. Asmolov, M.S. Mirimanov, V.A. Lektorskii, G.U. Soldatov and other researchers, the authors clarified the purpose and objectives of the development of interethnic tolerance of future teachers, as well as systematized its main criteria and indicators. The paper also presents the author’s set of pedagogical conditions ensuring the development of interethnic tolerance of students of pedagogical specialties in a higher educational institution. The set includes the following components: the use of active didactic forms and interactive teaching methods in the educational process that contribute to the formation of a tolerant view of students; the organization of interpersonal interaction of students of pedagogical specialties by involving them in research activities; updating the experience of tolerant interethnic communication of future teachers through the introduction of tolerance episodes into the educational process; forming in pedagogical students competence in the development of interethnic tolerance among schoolchildren in the educational process.Este documento está dedicado al desarrollo de la tolerancia interétnica entre los estudiantes pedagógicos de instituciones de educación superior. Basado en los trabajos de B. Barber, J. Berry, A.G. Asmolov, M.S. Mirimanov, V.A. Lektorskii, G.U. Soldatov y otros investigadores, los autores aclararon el propósito y los objetivos del desarrollo de la tolerancia interétnica de los futuros docentes, así como sistematizaron sus principales criterios e indicadores. El documento también presenta el conjunto de condiciones pedagógicas del autor que garantizan el desarrollo de la tolerancia interétnica de los estudiantes de especialidades pedagógicas en una institución de educación superior. El conjunto incluye los siguientes componentes: el uso de formas didácticas activas y métodos de enseñanza interactivos en el proceso educativo que contribuyen a la formación de una visión tolerante de los estudiantes; la organización de la interacción interpersonal de estudiantes de especialidades pedagógicas mediante su participación en actividades de investigación; actualizar la experiencia de comunicación interétnica tolerante de futuros maestros a través de la introducción de episodios de tolerancia en el proceso educativo; La formación en los estudiantes pedagógicos de la competencia en el desarrollo de la tolerancia interétnica entre los escolares en el proceso educativo.Este artigo é dedicado ao desenvolvimento da tolerância inter-étnica entre estudantes pedagógicos de instituições de ensino superior. Baseado nos trabalhos de B. Barber, J. Berry, A. G. Asmolov, M.S. Mirimanov, V.A. Lektorskii, G.U. Soldatov e outros pesquisadores, os autores esclareceram o objetivo e os objetivos do desenvolvimento da tolerância interétnica de futuros professores, bem como sistematizaram seus principais critérios e indicadores. O artigo também apresenta o conjunto de condições pedagógicas do autor, assegurando o desenvolvimento da tolerância interétnica de estudantes de especialidades pedagógicas em uma instituição de ensino superior. O conjunto inclui os seguintes componentes: o uso de formas didáticas ativas e métodos de ensino interativo no processo educacional que contribuem para a formação de uma visão tolerante dos alunos; a organização da interação interpessoal de estudantes de especialidades pedagógicas, envolvendoos em atividades de pesquisa; atualizar a experiência de comunicação interétnica tolerante de futuros professores, através da introdução de episódios de tolerância no processo educativo; formar em estudantes pedagógicos competência no desenvolvimento da tolerância interétnica em escolares do processo educacional

    Аналіз статистичних характеристик початкової стадії підводного електророзряду

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    The analysis of factors affecting the efficiency of power conversion in the channel of underwater high-voltage discharge was done. The results of experimental researches are performed. The statistical characteristics of the high-voltage discharge’s canal initial stage were given as the proofs of the efficiency increasing by using water electrolysis as initiator of the discharge.Проведен анализ факторов, влияющих на эффективность преобразования энергии в канале подводного высоковольтного разряда. Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований статистических характеристик начальной стадии разряда в воде, которые подтверждают повышение эффективности преобразования энергии при инициировании электрического пробоя посредством электролиза воды в разрядном промежутке.Проведено аналіз факторів, що впливають на ефективність перетворення енергії в каналі підводного високовольтного розряду. Наведено результати експериментальних досліджень статистичних характеристик початкової стадії розряду у воді, які підтверджують підвищення ефективності перетворення енергії при ініціюванні електричного пробою електролізом води в розрядному проміжку

    Побудова за експериментальними даними моделі закону розподілу розмірів наночастинок вуглецю, синтезованих електророзрядною обробкою

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    An analytical model has been developed for the distribution law of sizes of carbon nanoparticles synthesized with electric discharge treatment   carbon nanoparticles. The model has been developed for estimation of confidence intervals of static moments according to the experiment data.Построена аналитическая модель закона распределения размеров синтезированных электроразрядной обработкой наночастиц углерода, относящихся к негауссовским случайным величинам, с целью оценки доверительных интервалов статистических моментов по экспериментальным данным.Побудовано аналітичну модель закону розподілу розмірів синтезованих електророзрядною обробкою наночастинок вуглецю, що належать до негауссівських випадкових величин, для оцінки довірчих інтервалів статистичних моментів за експериментальними даними

    Image_3_Spatiotemporal dynamics of HIV-1 CRF63_02A6 sub-epidemic.JPEG

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    HIV-1 epidemic in Russia is one of the fastest growing in the world reaching 1.14 million people living with HIV-1 (PLWH) in 2021. Since mid-1990s, the HIV-1 epidemic in Russia has started to grow substantially due to the multiple HIV-1 outbreaks among persons who inject drugs (PWID) leading to expansion of the HIV-1 sub-subtype A6 (former Soviet Union (FSU) subtype A). In 2006, a local HIV-1 sub-epidemic caused by the distribution of novel genetic lineage CRF63_02A6 was identified in Siberia. In this study, we used a comprehensive dataset of CRF63_02A6 pol gene sequences to investigate the spatiotemporal dynamic of the HIV-1 CRF63_02A6 sub-epidemic. This study includes all the available CRF63_02A6 HIV-1 pol gene sequences from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) HIV Sequence Database. The HIV-1 subtypes of those sequences were conferred using phylogenetic analysis, and two automated HIV-1 subtyping tools Stanford HIVdb Program and COMET. Ancestral state reconstruction and origin date were estimated using Nextstrain. Evolutionary rate and phylodynamic analysis were estimated using BEAST v 1.10.4. CRF63_02A6 was assigned for 872 pol gene sequences using phylogenetic analysis approach. Predominant number (n = 832; 95.4%) of those sequences were from Russia; the remaining 40 (4.6%) sequences were from countries of Central Asia. Out of 872 CRF63_02A6 sequences, the corresponding genetic variant was assigned for 75.7 and 79.8% of sequences by Stanford and COMET subtyping tools, respectively. Dated phylogenetic analysis of the CRF63_02A6 sequences showed that the virus most likely originated in Novosibirsk, Russia, in 2005. Over the last two decades CRF63_02A6 has been widely distributed across Russia and has been sporadically detected in countries of Central Asia. Introduction of new genetic variant into mature sub-subtype A6 and CRF02_AGFSU epidemics could promote the increase of viral genetic diversity and emergence of new recombinant forms. Further HIV-1 studies are needed due to a continuing rapid virus distribution. Also, the implementation of HIV-1 prevention programs is required to reduce HIV-1 transmission. This study also highlights the discrepancies in HIV-1 subtyping approaches. The reference lists of HIV-1 sequences implemented in widely used HIV-1 automated subtyping tools need to be updated to provide reliable results.</p