24 research outputs found

    A Framework for Modular Properties of False Theta Functions

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    False theta functions closely resemble ordinary theta functions, however they do not have the modular transformation properties that theta functions have. In this paper, we find modular completions for false theta functions, which among other things gives an efficient way to compute their obstruction to modularity. This has potential applications for a variety of contexts where false and partial theta series appear. To exemplify the utility of this derivation, we discuss the details of its use on two cases. First, we derive a convergent Rademacher-type exact formula for the number of unimodal sequences via the Circle Method and extend earlier work on their asymptotic properties. Secondly, we show how quantum modular properties of the limits of false theta functions can be rederived directly from the modular completion of false theta functions proposed in this paper.Comment: 20 page

    Covariant Symplectic Structure and Conserved Charges of Topologically Massive Gravity

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    We present the covariant symplectic structure of the Topologically Massive Gravity and find a compact expression for the conserved charges of generic spacetimes with Killing symmetries.Comment: 10 pages, Dedicated to the memory of Yavuz Nutku (1943-2010), References added, Conserved charges of non-Einstein solutions of TMG are added, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Modular Forms from Real Quadratic Double Sums

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    In 2015, Lovejoy and Osburn discovered twelve qq-hypergeometric series and proved that their Fourier coefficients can be understood as counting functions of ideals in certain quadratic fields. In this paper, we study their modular and quantum modular properties and show that they yield three vector-valued quantum modular forms on the group Γ0(2)\Gamma_0 (2).Comment: 26 pages; v2: Brief comments added. To appear in the Quarterly Journal of Mathematic

    Wireless Network Simplification: the Gaussian N-Relay Diamond Network

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    We consider the Gaussian N-relay diamond network, where a source wants to communicate to a destination node through a layer of N-relay nodes. We investigate the following question: what fraction of the capacity can we maintain by using only k out of the N available relays? We show that independent of the channel configurations and the operating SNR, we can always find a subset of k relays which alone provide a rate (kC/(k+1))-G, where C is the information theoretic cutset upper bound on the capacity of the whole network and G is a constant that depends only on N and k (logarithmic in N and linear in k). In particular, for k = 1, this means that half of the capacity of any N-relay diamond network can be approximately achieved by routing information over a single relay. We also show that this fraction is tight: there are configurations of the N-relay diamond network where every subset of k relays alone can at most provide approximately a fraction k/(k+1) of the total capacity. These high-capacity k-relay subnetworks can be also discovered efficiently. We propose an algorithm that computes a constant gap approximation to the capacity of the Gaussian N-relay diamond network in O(N log N) running time and discovers a high-capacity k-relay subnetwork in O(kN) running time. This result also provides a new approximation to the capacity of the Gaussian N-relay diamond network which is hybrid in nature: it has both multiplicative and additive gaps. In the intermediate SNR regime, this hybrid approximation is tighter than existing purely additive or purely multiplicative approximations to the capacity of this network.Comment: Submitted to Transactions on Information Theory in October 2012. The new version includes discussions on the algorithmic complexity of discovering a high-capacity subnetwork and on the performance of amplify-and-forwar

    ADE Double Scaled Little String Theories, Mock Modular Forms and Umbral Moonshine

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    We consider double scaled little string theory on K3K3. These theories are labelled by a positive integer k2k \ge 2 and an ADEADE root lattice with Coxeter number kk. We count BPS fundamental string states in the holographic dual of this theory using the superconformal field theory K3×(SL(2,R)kU(1)×SU(2)kU(1))/ZkK3 \times \left( \frac{SL(2,\mathbb{R})_k}{U(1)} \times \frac{SU(2)_k}{U(1)} \right) \big/ \mathbb{Z}_k. We show that the BPS fundamental string states that are counted by the second helicity supertrace of this theory give rise to weight two mixed mock modular forms. We compute the helicity supertraces using two separate techniques: a path integral analysis that leads to a modular invariant but non-holomorphic answer, and a Hamiltonian analysis of the contribution from discrete states which leads to a holomorphic but not modular invariant answer. From a mathematical point of view the Hamiltonian analysis leads to a mixed mock modular form while the path integral gives the completion of this mixed mock modular form. We also compare these weight two mixed mock modular forms to those that appear in instances of Umbral Moonshine labelled by Niemeier root lattices XX that are powers of ADEADE root lattices and find that they are equal up to a constant factor that we determine. In the course of the analysis we encounter an interesting generalization of Appell-Lerch sums and generalizations of the Riemann relations of Jacobi theta functions that they obey.Comment: 1+56 page

    On the asymptotic behavior for partitions separated by parity

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    The study of partitions with parts separated by parity was initiated by Andrews in connection with Ramanujan's mock theta functions, and his variations on this theme have produced generating functions with a large variety of different modular properties. In this paper, we use Ingham's Tauberian theorem to compute the asymptotic main term for each of the eight functions studied by Andrews

    Integral Representations of Rank Two False Theta Functions and Their Modularity Properties

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    False theta functions form a family of functions with intriguing modular properties and connections to mock modular forms. In this paper, we take the first step towards investigating modular transformations of higher rank false theta functions, following the example of higher depth mock modular forms. In particular, we prove that under quite general conditions, a rank two false theta function is determined in terms of iterated, holomorphic, Eichler-type integrals. This provides a new method for examining their modular properties and we apply it in a variety of situations where rank two false theta functions arise. We first consider generic parafermion characters of vertex algebras of type A2A_2 and B2B_2. This requires a fairly non-trivial analysis of Fourier coefficients of meromorphic Jacobi forms of negative index, which is of independent interest. Then we discuss modularity of rank two false theta functions coming from superconformal Schur indices. Lastly, we analyze Z^\hat{Z}-invariants of Gukov, Pei, Putrov, and Vafa for certain plumbing H{\tt H}-graphs. Along the way, our method clarifies previous results on depth two quantum modularity.Comment: 26 page

    Network Simplification: The Gaussian diamond network with multiple antennas

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    We consider the N-relay Gaussian diamond network when the source and the destination have n(s) >= 2 and n(d) >= 2 antennas respectively. We show that when n(s) = n(d) = 2 and when the individual MISO channels from the source to each relay and the SIMO channels from each relay to the destination have the same capacity, there exists a two relay sub-network that achieves approximately all the capacity of the network. To prove this result, we establish a simple relation between the joint entropies of three Gaussian random variables, which is not implied by standard Shannon-type entropy inequalities.(1