974 research outputs found
O impacto dos distúrbios monetários na inflação e nos ciclos de negócios na economia iraniana
In this paper, we have investigated the effect of monetary disorders on inflation and business cycles in Iran’s economy during the period 1973 to 2012. Monetary disorders are defined by two indexes of monetary policy uncertainty and shock to liquidity growth. In the first step, the causal relationship of monetary policy uncertainty on real GDP fluctuations, employment fluctuations and inflation are estimated using Granger causality test. To this purpose, to follow Haghighat and Mohammad Gholipour Tapeh (2014), the conditional variance of liquidity growth extracted from models of GARCH family was applied as a substitute for monetary policy uncertainty. In the second stage, the reaction of economic growth, employment growth and inflation to the shock to liquidity growth are estimated using impulse response function technique derived from VAR model. The results indicate the existence of one-way Granger causality relation of monetary policy uncertainty in all three variables of real GDP fluctuations, employment fluctuations and inflation. Also, based on the results, impulse response function reduces the shock to liquidity growth as much as a standard deviation, real GDP growth and employment after a period and increases inflation. Accordingly, the hypothesis of the effect of monetary disorders on business cycles in Iran’s economy in the period of this research cannot be rejected.JEL classification: E23, E31, E32, E52En este documento, hemos investigado el efecto de los trastornos monetarios en la inflación y los ciclos económicos en la economÃa de Irán durante el perÃodo de 1973 a 2012. Los trastornos monetarios se definen por dos Ãndices de incertidumbre de la polÃtica monetaria y el impacto del crecimiento de la liquidez. En el primer paso, la relación causal de la incertidumbre de la polÃtica monetaria sobre las fluctuaciones del PIB real, las fluctuaciones del empleo y la inflación se estiman mediante la prueba de causalidad de Granger. Para este propósito, siguiendo a Haghighat y Mohammad Gholipour Tapeh (2014), se aplicó la varianza condicional del crecimiento de la liquidez extraÃda de los modelos de la familia GARCH como sustituto de la incertidumbre de la polÃtica monetaria. En la segunda etapa, la reacción del crecimiento económico, el crecimiento del empleo y la inflación al impacto del crecimiento de la liquidez se estiman utilizando la técnica de función de respuesta al impulso derivada del modelo VAR. Los resultados indican la existencia de una relación de causalidad de Granger unidireccional de la incertidumbre de la polÃtica monetaria en las tres variables de fluctuaciones del PIB real, fluctuaciones del empleo e inflación. Además, en función de los resultados, la función de respuesta al impulso reduce el impacto del crecimiento de la liquidez tanto como una desviación estándar, el crecimiento del PIB real y el empleo después de un perÃodo y aumenta la inflación. En consecuencia, la hipótesis del efecto de los trastornos monetarios en los ciclos económicos de la economÃa de Irán en el perÃodo de esta investigación no puede ser rechazada.Clasificación JEL: E23, E31, E32, E52Neste artigo, investigamos o efeito dos distúrbios monetários sobre a inflação e os ciclos econômicos na economia do Irã durante o perÃodo de 1973 a 2012. Os distúrbios monetários são definidos por dois Ãndices de incerteza da polÃtica monetária e por choque no crescimento da liquidez. No primeiro passo, a relação causal entre a incerteza da polÃtica monetária sobre as flutuações do PIB real, as flutuações do emprego e a inflação é estimada usando o teste de causalidade de Granger. Para este propósito, para seguir Haghighat e Mohammad Gholipour Tapeh (2014), a variância condicional do crescimento de liquidez extraÃda de modelos da famÃlia GARCH foi aplicada como um substituto para a incerteza da polÃtica monetária. No segundo estágio, a reação do crescimento econômico, crescimento do emprego e inflação ao choque para o crescimento da liquidez são estimados usando a técnica de função de resposta impulsiva derivada do modelo VAR. Os resultados indicam a existência de uma relação de causalidade de Granger unidirecional da incerteza da polÃtica monetária em todas as três variáveis de flutuações reais do PIB, flutuações do emprego e inflação. Além disso, com base nos resultados, a função de resposta ao impulso reduz o choque para o crescimento da liquidez, tanto quanto um desvio padrão, crescimento do PIB real e emprego após um perÃodo e aumenta a inflação. Consequentemente, a hipótese do efeito dos distúrbios monetários nos ciclos de negócios na economia do Irã no perÃodo desta pesquisa não pode ser rejeitada.Classificação JEL: E23, E31, E32, E5
Fishing pattern, maximum constant yield (MCY) and recruitment pattern of Thunnus tonggol in Hormuzgan province
Thunnus tonggol is one of the most important large pelagic fish species in Hormuzgan province waters. Nominal catch of T. tonggol in 2010 was 32405 tones comprising 65% of total catch of large pelagic fishes. For sustainable exploitation of the resources of this fish, we need to identify its fishing pattern, maximum constant yield and recruitment pattern. Hence, length and weight data were collected randomly from 6 major artisanal fish-landing sites Hassineh, Kong, Bandar Abbas, Salakh, Sirik and Jask in Hormuzgan province, starting in April 2010 over one year. Growth parameters L∞ and K were estimated at 112.23cm 0.3 and (1/year), respectively. Hence, the natural mortality was calculated at 0.43 (1/year) and the maximum constant yield was computed at 11880 tones. Length-weight power relationship, W= aFLb , was W= 3×10-05FL2.82 that showed T. tonggol have isometric growth. Fishing pattern indicated that almost 85% of the catch was under the size at first maturity. Maximum recruitment pattern was in November with average fork length being 27cm. For optimum exploitation of T. tonggol stocks, we suggest two approaches including fishing ban in the maximum recruitment time and gear (Drift gillnet) modification
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Testicular expression of TDRD1, TDRD5, TDRD9 and TDRD12 in azoospermia.
BACKGROUND: Tudor domain-containing proteins (TDRDs) play a critical role in piRNA biogenesis and germ cell development. piRNAs, small regulatory RNAs, act by silencing of transposons during germline development and it has recently been shown in animal model studies that defects in TDRD genes can lead to sterility in males. METHODS: Here we evaluate gene and protein expression levels of four key TDRDs (TDRD1, TDRD5, TDRD9 and TDRD12) in testicular biopsy samples obtained from men with obstructive azoospermia (OA, n = 29), as controls, and various types of non-obstructive azoospermia containing hypospermatogenesis (HP, 28), maturation arrest (MA, n = 30), and Sertoli cell-only syndrome (SCOS, n = 32) as cases. One-way ANOVA test followed by Dunnett's multiple comparison post-test was used to determine inter-group differences in TDRD gene expression among cases and controls. RESULTS: The results showed very low expression of TDRD genes in SCOS specimens. Also, the expression of TDRD1 and TDRD9 genes were lower in MA samples compared to OA samples. The expression of TDRD5 significantly reduced in SCOS, MA and HP specimens than the OA specimens. Indeed, TDRD12 exhibited a very low expression in HP specimens in comparison to OA specimens. All these results were confirmed by Western blot technique. CONCLUSION: TDRDs could be very important in male infertility, which should be express in certain stages of spermatogenesis
The Simultaneous Impacts of Seasonal Weather and Solar Conditions on PV Panels Electrical Characteristics
Solar energy usage is thriving day by day. These solar panels are installed to absorb solar energy and produce electrical energy. As a result, the efficiency of solar panels depends on different environmental factors, namely, air temperature, dust (aerosols and accumulated dust), and solar incidence, and photovoltaic panel angles. The effects of real conditions factors on power and efficiency of photovoltaic panels are studied in this paper through testing the panel in real environmental tests. To study the mentioned parameters precisely, two panels with different angles are used. The case study is regarding a region of Tehran, Iran, in summer and winter seasons. The results show that panel efficiency during winter is higher than summer due to air temperature decrement. It is discovered that among air pollutants, Al and Fe have the most share in polluting the air that affect the photovoltaic efficiency. Moreover, measuring the accumulated dust on the panels shows more amount in winter in comparison with summer. The important point in studying the effect of tilt angle is that inconformity between solar incidence and photovoltaic panel angles would result in solar radiation absorption and eventually panel efficiency loss and also, photovoltaic panel installation angle would affect the amount of dust deposited on its surface.© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed
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Cooling or Warming the Esophagus to Reduce Esophageal Injury During Left Atrial Ablation in the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation.
Ablation of the left atrium using either radiofrequency (RF) or cryothermal energy is an effective treatment for atrial fibrillation (AF) and is the most frequent type of cardiac ablation procedure performed. Although generally safe, collateral injury to surrounding structures, particularly the esophagus, remains a concern. Cooling or warming the esophagus to counteract the heat from RF ablation, or the cold from cryoablation, is a method that is used to reduce thermal esophageal injury, and there are increasing data to support this approach. This protocol describes the use of a commercially available esophageal temperature management device to cool or warm the esophagus to reduce esophageal injury during left atrial ablation. The temperature management device is powered by standard water-blanket heat exchangers, and is shaped like a standard orogastric tube placed for gastric suctioning and decompression. Water circulates through the device in a closed-loop circuit, transferring heat across the silicone walls of the device, through the esophageal wall. Placement of the device is analogous to the placement of a typical orogastric tube, and temperature is adjusted via the external heat-exchanger console
Social media and e-commerce: A scientometrics analysis
he purpose of this research is to investigate the status and the evolution of the scientific studies on the effect of social networks on e-commerce. The study seeks to address the status of a set of scientific productions of researchers in the world indexed in Scopus based on scientometrics indicators. In total, 1926 articles were found and the collected data were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative indicators of scientometrics with bibliometrix R software package. The findings show that researches have grown exponentially since 2009 and the trend has continued at relatively stable rates. Thematic analysis shows that the subject had a significant but not well-developed research field. There is a high rate of cooperation with a rich research network among institutions in United States, European and Asian countries. Studies also show that research interest in this area is prevalent in developed countries. In addition, the lack of funds and complex analytical tools may be due to lack of studies in developing countries, especially in Africa. The study of the global trend of research through scientometrics helps managers and researchers in identifying countries and institutions with the greatest potential for scientific production, which allows them to develop their professions
Isolation and confirmation of viral nervous necrosis (VNN) disease in golden grey mullet (Liza aurata) and leaping mullet (Liza saliens) in the Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea
The present study was conducted on 428 moribund mullet fish samples to isolate and identify the causative agent of a mysterious acute mortality which recently occurred in wild mullets in Iranian waters of Caspian Sea, suspected to be due to viral nervous necrosis (VNN) disease. Disease investigation was carried out employing various diagnostic procedures such as virology, bacteriology, parasitology, haematology, histopathology, IFAT, IHC and nested RT-PCR. Brain and eye samples of affected fishes were collected in sterile conditions and then kept at -80 °C for cell culture isolation and nested RT-PCR detection of the causative agent. Other tissue samples were also collected and fixed for histopathology, IHC and EM examinations. CPE was observed in cell cultures at 6 days after inoculation. Nine samples were found positive with virological assay. Nested RT-PCR, performed on suspected tissues and CPE positive samples, showed that about 21 tissue samples and all the CPE positive samples were positive for VNN virus (VNNV). IFAT was selected as a confirmatory method for detecting the presence of Betanodavirus antigen, cell culture isolation results and nested RT-PCR findings. Moreover, VNNV particles with 25-30 nm in diameter were also visualized in the infected brain and retina. In pathogenicity studies, guppy fishes bathed in VNNV-infected tissue culture (10-4 TCID50) showed clinical signs similar to naturally infected mullet after 15 days post infection (dpi), with mortality rates reaching up to 100% at 30 dpi. Affected organ samples as examined by cell culture isolation, IFAT, IHC and histopathology, revealed the presence of VNNV in the guppy fishes. In conclusion, it was confirmed that VNNV was the main causative agent for the disease outbreak in mullet fish in the Caspian Sea, and this is such first official report of VNN disease from Iran
Nxt1 Is Necessary for the Terminal Step of Crm1-Mediated Nuclear Export
Soluble factors are required to mediate nuclear export of protein and RNA through the nuclear pore complex (NPC). These soluble factors include receptors that bind directly to the transport substrate and regulators that determine the assembly state of receptor–substrate complexes. We recently reported the identification of NXT1, an NTF2-related export factor that stimulates nuclear protein export in permeabilized cells and undergoes nucleocytoplasmic shuttling in vivo (Black, B.E., L. Lévesque, J.M. Holaska, T.C. Wood, and B.M. Paschal. 1999. Mol. Cell. Biol. 19:8616–8624). Here, we describe the molecular characterization of NXT1 in the context of the Crm1-dependent export pathway. We find that NXT1 binds directly to Crm1, and that the interaction is sensitive to the presence of Ran-GTP. Moreover, mutations in NXT1 that reduce binding to Crm1 inhibit the activity of NXT1 in nuclear export assays. We show that recombinant Crm1 and Ran are sufficient to reconstitute nuclear translocation of a Rev reporter protein from the nucleolus to an antibody accessible site on the cytoplasmic side of the NPC. Further progress on the export pathway, including the terminal step of Crm1 and Rev reporter protein release, requires NXT1. We propose that NXT1 engages with the export complex in the nucleoplasm, and that it facilitates delivery of the export complex to a site on the cytoplasmic side of NPC where the receptor and substrate are released into the cytoplasm
Turbulence Time Series Data Hole Filling using Karhunen-Loeve and ARIMA methods
Measurements of optical turbulence time series data using unattended
instruments over long time intervals inevitably lead to data drop-outs or
degraded signals. We present a comparison of methods using both Principal
Component Analysis, which is also known as the Karhunen--Loeve decomposition,
and ARIMA that seek to correct for these event-induced and mechanically-induced
signal drop-outs and degradations. We report on the quality of the correction
by examining the Intrinsic Mode Functions generated by Empirical Mode
Decomposition. The data studied are optical turbulence parameter time series
from a commercial long path length optical anemometer/scintillometer, measured
over several hundred metres in outdoor environments.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ICOLAD 2007, City University,
London, U
Evidence for ubiquitous carbon grain destruction in hot protostellar envelopes
Earth is deficient in carbon and nitrogen by up to orders of
magnitude compared with the Sun. Destruction of (carbon- and nitrogen-rich)
refractory organics in the high-temperature planet forming regions could
explain this deficiency. Assuming a refractory cometary composition for these
grains, their destruction enhances nitrogen-containing oxygen-poor molecules in
the hot gas (K) after the initial formation and sublimation of
these molecules from oxygen-rich ices in the warm gas (K). Using
observations of high-mass protostars with ALMA, we find that
oxygen-containing molecules (CHOH and HNCO) systematically show no
enhancement in their hot component. In contrast, nitrogen-containing,
oxygen-poor molecules (CHCN and CHCN) systematically show an
enhancement of a factor in their hot component, pointing to
additional production of these molecules in the hot gas. Assuming only thermal
excitation conditions, we interpret these results as a signature of destruction
of refractory organics, consistent with the cometary composition. This
destruction implies a higher C/O and N/O in the hot gas than the warm gas,
while, the exact values of these ratios depend on the fraction of grains that
are effectively destroyed. This fraction can be found by future chemical models
that constrain C/O and N/O from the abundances of minor carbon, nitrogen and
oxygen carriers presented here.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter
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