50 research outputs found

    Determine the frequency of peripartum hystrectomy in placenta previa

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    Background: Peripartum hysterectomy is one of the life saving procedure performed after vaginal delivery or caesarean birth or in the immediate postpartum period in cases of intractable haemorrhage due to uterine atony, rupture uterus and placental disorders and it is usually reserved for the situations where conservative measures fail to control the haemorrhage. The objective of the study was to determine the frequency of peripartum hysterectomy in placenta praevia.Methods: The study was cross-sectional. It was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Punjab Medical College and affiliated Hospital, Faisalabad. Study was carried out over a period of six months from October 2010 to March 2011. Total 130 cases of placenta praevia undergone caesarean section were included in this study. In cases of primary postpartum haemorrhage conservative management was done first in the form of intramuscular syntometrine (Oxytocin 5 IU/ergometrine 0.5 mg). Intravenous infusion syntocinon (40 IU in 500ml 0.9% saline over 4-6 hours).Results: Mean age of the patients was found to be 30.9±6.7 years. Distribution of cases by gestational age shows, 52 (40.0%) patients had gestation of 28-36 weeks and 78 (60.0%) patients had gestation of 37-41. Mean gestational age was observed 37.5±3.4 weeks. Parity distribution was as follows: 76 (58.5%) patients had parity 0-3, 34 (26.1%) patients had parity 4-6 and 20 (15.4%) patients had parity > 6 with mean parity of 3.2±1.9. Conservative management was done in 129 patients (99.3%). Peripartum hysterectomy was found to be in 1 patient (0.7%).Conclusions: Placental pathology is the leading cause of postpartum hemorrhage and the main indications of peripartum hysterectomy. Timely operation minimizes the morbidity and mortality

    Experimental Study on Effect of Road Performance, Using Carbon Nano materials/SBS as Modified Asphalt

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    The development and utilization of high-performance polymer modified asphalt is an important mean to improve the resistance ability of asphalt pavement, prolong the life of pavement by reducing the maintenance cost. The development of carbon nanomaterials provides more possibilities for modified asphalt technology. In order to explore the road performance of carbon nanomaterial modified asphalt mixture, five kinds of carbons were prepared under high speed shearing method: 0.1 Wt.%, 0.3 Wt.%, 0.6 Wt.%, 1 Wt.%, 2 Wt.%. The modified asphalt with nanomaterial content was studied by the comparative analysis of the basic performance indexes of base asphalt and five modified asphalts to study the compatibility between carbon nanomaterials and base asphalt. The modified asphalt with 0.3 Wt.%, 1 Wt.% and 2 Wt.% was used as the research object. The traditional carbon nanomaterials and optimized carbon nanomaterials were analyzed by macroscopic mechanics, microstructure and chemical composition. Based on the basic technical indicators and the macroscopic properties of the mixture, the formation mechanism of the microstructure and macroscopic properties of the carbon nanomaterial/SBS modified asphalt was explained by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), fluorescence microscopy and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The results show that the optimum content of carbon nanomaterials is 1%, and the high and low temperature properties and storage stability of the modified asphalt are improved under the optimal dosage. The optimized carbon nanomaterials have become a bridge between SBS and asphalt due to their microscopic cyclic structure and conjugated bonds. The good microscopic compatibility with asphalt is the key to improving the modification performance

    Role of IoT in protecting wearable gadgets

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    Out of the most entrusted technological revolutions applied for the advancement of living standards and creation of a more convenient operation in the professional world, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been progressing at the highest projected pace. The interconnectivity of gadgets and devices over the internet to produce smarter control, communication, and a swift and easy lifestyle makes it an amazing tech introduction. However, the IoT also brings along a huge flow of privacy and security concerns whilst considering the huge inflow of data breaches and cyberattacks in the network data. The advancements in the security protocols of the data thus bring along a mistrust among the users of IoT networks who might then no longer wish to be a part of this technological revolution. Therefore, it is important to maintain security assurance in the IoT based connection networks of wearable gadgets. This paper discusses the symmetric and asymmetric approaches of encryption over IoT which can help protect the network of smartphones connected to the wearable to assure a safe and smart data commute and avoid access to private data over the same internet connection

    Clinical outcome of post placental IUD CuT380 insertion in terms of expulsion

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    Background: Insertion of an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) immediately after delivery has been recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), as one of the safe and effective methods of temporary contraception. In the immediate post delivery period the women are highly motivated and need an effective method for contraception so that the child can be brought up with a relaxed mind without the worry of unintended pregnancy. This approach is more applicable to our country where delivery may be the only time when a healthy woman comes in contact with health care personnel. However, immediate post-partum IUD insertion may have disadvantages as well. The risk of spontaneous expulsion may be unacceptably high.Methods: After taking approval from hospital ethical committee, all women planning vaginal delivery desiring IUD, admitted through OPD and emergency were evaluated in detailed on design Performa Performa include patient’s identity, age, parity, gestational age, no of alive children, outcome and timings of insertion. Informed consent was obtained. With aseptic precautions IUD was inserted with kellys forceps in the uterine cavity up to the fundus, then cervix was examined for thread (that should not be visible at cervix if proper insertion done). The procedure was performed by myself. Patients were followed at 6week by examining the threat of IUD. All the information was recorded by myself. Follow up was done by taking patients contact number.Results: In our study, out of 300 cases, 63.67% (n=191) were between 18-30 years of age while 36.33% (n=109) were between 31-40 years of age, mean+sd was calculated as 29.49+4.62 years, mean gestational age was calculated as 38.53+0.94 weeks, mean parity was calculated as 3.49+1.06 paras. Frequency of expulsion in post placental intra uterine device cuT 380 insertions reveals in 8.67% (n=26).Conclusions: We concluded that the frequency of expulsion in post placental intra uterine device cuT 380 insertions is not significantly higher and appears to be safe and effective method of contraception.

    Exploring the Evolution of Drought Characteristics in Balochistan, Pakistan

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    In the wake of a rapidly changing climate, droughts have intensified, in both duration and severity, across the globe. The Germanwatch long-term Climate Risk Index ranks Pakistan among the top 10 countries most affected by the adverse effects of climate change. Within Pakistan, the province of Balochistan is among the most vulnerable regions due to recurring prolonged droughts, erratic precipitation patterns, and dependence on agriculture and livestock for survival. This study aims to explore how the characteristics of droughts have evolved in the region from 1902–2015 using 3-month and 12-month timescales of a popular drought index, the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). The region was divided into six zones using Spatial “K”luster Analysis using Tree Edge Removal (SKATER) method, and run theory was applied to characterize droughts in terms of duration, severity, intensity, and peak. The results of the non-parametric Mann–Kendall trend test applied to SPEI indicate prevailing significant negative trends (dryer conditions) in all the zones. Balochistan experienced its most severe droughts in the 1960s and around 2000. The effects of climate change are also evident in the fact that all the long duration droughts occurred after 1960. Moreover, the number of droughts identified by 3-month SPEI showed a significant increase after 1960 for all six zones. The same trend was found in the 12-month SPEI but for only three zones

    Role Of Motivational Factors In The Development Of Profession As A Teacher

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    The main objective of this study was to identify the motivational factors in selecting a teaching profession by the teachers.  A random sampling technique was used for the selection of the sample consisting of 27 girls’ schools of District Kohat as the sample. A structured questionnaire was developed in closed format on the basis of factors identified through observation by the teachers. The data collected through the questionnaires about various aspects of the study were presented in percentages in tabular form and applied to a Chi-square test

    Monetary Policy and Financial Asset Prices: Empirical Evidence From Pakistan

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    Monetary transmission mechanism assumed to be significantly influenced by the effect of policy decisions on financial markets. However, various previous studies have come up with different outcomes. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of monetary policy on different asset classes (shares and bonds) in Pakistan. This study using stock price and bond yield as dependent variable and discount rate, money supply, inflation, and exchange rate are independent variables. Data of all variables have collected from 2010 to 2016, and Vector Autoregressive (VAR) technique has applied. The empirical results indicate that there is an impact of monetary policy components on both stock and bond market as an increase in policy rate causes decline in stocks prices and bonds yields. The findings of this study will help the potential investors in making long-term (in general) and short-term (in particular) investment strategies concerning monetary policy.DOI: 10.15408/sjie.v7i2.709

    Faunistics of Tiger Beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) from Pakistan

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    The present biogeographic distribution of tiger beetle fauna is an attempt to register all modern taxa from Pakistan. It includes 55 taxa under 14 genera and 11 subgenera. Three species, Cylindera (Eriodera) albopunctata (Chaudoir 1852), Cicindela viridilabris (Chaudoir 1852) and Neocollyris (Neocollyris) redtenbacheri (Horn 1894) are recorded from Pakistan for the first time

    Comparison of Standard Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy with Mini-Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy for Removal of Renal Stones in Adults

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    Renal stones are the third most common problem affecting about 10% of global population. The management of nephrolithiasis has undergone a complete transformation since the 1980s. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) has established itself an effective and safe technique that delivers high stone-free rate as well as overall shorter treatment time. We aim to compare the outcome of mini-PCNL with standard-PCNL in patients presenting with renal stones. In all, 90 patients fulfilled the selection criteria and randomized into two groups. Group A underwent mini-PCNL whereas Group B underwent standard-PCNL. Pre-operative hemoglobin level was recorded. Duration of procedure as well as drop in hemoglobin level was also recorded. A kidney, ureter, and bladder (KUB) X-ray was performed to confirm the presence of stone and stone-free status. The mean age of patients in mini-PCNL group was 43.11 years and in standard-PCNL group, it was 36.91 years. The mean stone size in patients of mini-PCNL group was 29.53 mm and 31.58 mm in standard-PCNL group. The mean duration of renal stone in mini-PCNL group was 1.91 years and that in standard-PCNL group 1.80 years. The mean operative time in mini-PCNL group was 59.56 min and 61.22 min in standard-PCNL group. The mean fall in hemoglobin in mini-PCNL group was 0.38 g/dL and that in standard-PCNL group 0.51 g/dL. In mini-PCNL group, stone clearance was observed in 42 (93.3%) patients, while in standard-PCNL group, it was observed in 45 (100%) patients. This difference was insignificant (P > 0.05). Mini-PCNL and standard-PCNL have no significant differences in terms of outcome, operative time, and stone clearance, although fall in hemoglobin level was less in mini-PCNL group, which showed less blood loss in this group, thereby making it a more appropriate method for renal stone removal