165 research outputs found
Modifications to the synthetic aperture microwave imaging diagnostic
The synthetic aperture microwave imaging diagnostic has been operating on the MAST experiment since 2011. It has provided the first 2D images of B-X-O mode conversion windows and showed the feasibility of conducting 2D Doppler back-scattering experiments. The diagnostic heavily relies on field programmable gate arrays to conduct its work. Recent successes and newly gained experience with the diagnostic have led us to modify it. The enhancements will enable pitch angle profile measurements, O and X mode separation, and the continuous acquisition of 2D DBS data. The diagnostic has also been installed on the NSTX-U and is acquiring data since May 2016
Developing a business case for greening hard coastal and estuarine infrastructure: preliminary results
This paper presents a new framework of critical success factors (CSF) that is being developed to aid approval of ecological enhancements and green engineering options in cities, historic conservation areas, estuaries and at the coast. This is intended to support asset managers, engineers, conservation and biodiversity teams, decision-makers, and other end-users. The CSF framework is outlined and demonstrated by assessing the engineering performance and ecosystem services benefits of ecological enhancements used in specific operational scale case studies. Where data availability permits, the costs and benefits of different greening approaches compared to âbusiness as usualâ are assessed. Three coastal and estuarine case studies are presented to demonstrate how the framework can be applied to compare traditional engineering solutions to green-grey options. Results show that simple, inexpensive ecological enhancement and green engineering solutions can deliver more multifunctional benefits than business as usual solutions for similar or reduced costs. They also demonstrate that the CSF framework will be a powerful tool that can aid practitioners in evaluating green engineering solutions compared with business as usual
Multiwavelength Studies of Young OB Associations
We discuss how contemporary multiwavelength observations of young
OB-dominated clusters address long-standing astrophysical questions: Do
clusters form rapidly or slowly with an age spread? When do clusters expand and
disperse to constitute the field star population? Do rich clusters form by
amalgamation of smaller subclusters? What is the pattern and duration of
cluster formation in massive star forming regions (MSFRs)? Past observational
difficulties in obtaining good stellar censuses of MSFRs have been alleviated
in recent studies that combine X-ray and infrared surveys to obtain rich,
though still incomplete, censuses of young stars in MSFRs. We describe here one
of these efforts, the MYStIX project, that produced a catalog of 31,784
probable members of 20 MSFRs. We find that age spread within clusters are real
in the sense that the stars in the core formed after the cluster halo. Cluster
expansion is seen in the ensemble of (sub)clusters, and older dispersing
populations are found across MSFRs. Direct evidence for subcluster merging is
still unconvincing. Long-lived, asynchronous star formation is pervasive across
MSFRs.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures. To appear in "The Origin of Stellar Clusters",
edited by Steven Stahler, Springer, 2017, in pres
Geological repositories: scientific priorities and potential high-technology transfer from the space and physics sectors
The use of underground geological repositories, such as in radioactive waste disposal (RWD) and in carbon capture (widely known as Carbon Capture and Storage; CCS), constitutes a key environmental priority for the 21st century. Based on the identification of key scientific questions relating to the geophysics, geochemistry and geobiology of geodisposal of wastes, this paper describes the possibility of technology transfer from high-technology areas of the space exploration sector, including astrobiology, planetary sciences, astronomy, and also particle and nuclear physics, into geodisposal. Synergies exist between high technology used in the space sector and in the characterization of underground environments such as repositories, because of common objectives with respect to instrument miniaturization, low power requirements, durability under extreme conditions (in temperature and mechanical loads) and operation in remote or otherwise difficult to access environments
High-dimensional maximum marginal likelihood item factor analysis by adaptive quadrature
Although the BockâAitkin likelihood-based estimation method for factor analysis of dichotomous item response data has important advantages over classical analysis of item tetrachoric correlations, a serious limitation of the method is its reliance on fixed-point Gauss-Hermite (G-H) quadrature in the solution of the likelihood equations and likelihood-ratio tests. When the number of latent dimensions is large, computational considerations require that the number of quadrature points per dimension be few. But with large numbers of items, the dispersion of the likelihood, given the response pattern, becomes so small that the likelihood cannot be accurately evaluated with the sparse fixed points in the latent space. In this paper, we demonstrate that substantial improvement in accuracy can be obtained by adapting the quadrature points to the location and dispersion of the likelihood surfaces corresponding to each distinct pattern in the data. In particular, we show that adaptive G-H quadrature, combined with mean and covariance adjustments at each iteration of an EM algorithm, produces an accurate fast-converging solution with as few as two points per dimension. Evaluations of this method with simulated data are shown to yield accurate recovery of the generating factor loadings for models of upto eight dimensions. Unlike an earlier application of adaptive Gibbs sampling to this problem by Meng and Schilling, the simulations also confirm the validity of the present method in calculating likelihood-ratio chi-square statistics for determining the number of factors required in the model. Finally, we apply the method to a sample of real data from a test of teacher qualifications.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43596/1/11336_2003_Article_1141.pd
Mouse Chromosome 3
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46995/1/335_2004_Article_BF00648421.pd
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