54 research outputs found

    MINISIS newsletter : electronic version, no. 1, February 1997

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    This article considers the role of money in household savings in the system of the investment process and the formulation of financial resources on this basis guidelines to enhance the transformation of savings into investments. bThe authors also offer an integrated indicator of the efficiency of social and economic policy of the region as the basic indicator of the evaluation of the decisions made for the implementation of social and economic policy of the region. They also create the mechanism of management of the region by means of implementation of social and economic policy on the basis of labor potential

    Transformation of behaviour of household savings into investments market

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    This article considers the role of money in household savings in the system of the investment process and the formulation of financial resources on this basis guidelines to enhance the transformation of savings into investments. bThe authors also offer an integrated indicator of the efficiency of social and economic policy of the region as the basic indicator of the evaluation of the decisions made for the implementation of social and economic policy of the region. They also create the mechanism of management of the region by means of implementation of social and economic policy on the basis of labor potential

    Ways of formation of regional brands in modern conditions

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    This article shows the features of a territorial brand in the Russian Federation in the case of the Republic of Tatarstan. The basic rules for creating regional brands. Much attention is paid to the processes of formation of regional brands and co-branding. Co-branding is one of the most effective methods used in the development and promotion of territorial brands under current conditions. The idea of co-branding is that applying simultaneously of several territorial brands could give significantly greater efficiency and lead to the achievement of desired goals much earlier than their use on a stand-alone basis. The content of the brand "Heritage of Tatarstan", as an important factor to improve the investment climate in the region and listed its main components. Finally, it was concluded that the creation of various urban brands in the Republic of Tatarstan, on the one hand, should highlight the specifics of the respective urban education, and on the other hand, to complement existing regional brands, and in any event not to weaken or destroy them. Brand is an instrument of marketing activity that act to raise marketability of product, services, person, region, organization or idea. However territorial brand describes as a complex of developed images about corresponded region in people's minds, confirmed by personal characteristics of this region in different areas. The basic formula reflecting the identity of the brand, the attractiveness of the region's image, as well as the structure of performance branding areas. Enumerated constituents of necessary for an effective territorial brand. Outlines the main stages of the development of the creation of the territorial brands. It is shown that in order to create regional brands serves a steady increase in investment, as well as tourist and recreational attractiveness of the relevant territorial unit. Finally, it was concluded that the formation of regional brands is becoming an important factor in regional development, contributing to the growth of both economic and social performance of their operations, improve the quality of life of the population living in them

    Role of the Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla in the Arterial Hypertension in Chronic Renal Failure

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    Sympathetic activation in chronic renal failure (CRF) is a major mechanism leading to the progression of renal disease and hypertension. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that in CRF increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in the RVLM mediated by enhanced circulating Angiotensin II (Ang II) is an important mechanism leading to hypertension in CRF. In CRF rats we found an increase in the abundance of p47phox and gp91phox mRNA within the RVLM associated with a reduction of Ang II type 1 receptors (AT1) mRNA in the brainstem compared to controls (C). Tempol but not candesartan into the RVLM decreased MAP in CRF but not in C rats. GABA into the RVLM decreased MAP in CRF (63 ± 8 mmHg) more intensely than in C (33 ± 3 mmHg). The results suggest that increased oxidative stress within the RVLM has an important participation to maintain hypertension in CRF rats apparently independently of AT1 Ang II receptors

    Standardized and quality-assured video-recorded examination in undergraduate education: informed consent prior to surgery

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    AbstractBackgroundCommunication skills combined with specialized knowledge are fundamental to the doctor–patient relationship in surgery. During a single-station video-recorded objective structured clinical examination (VOSCE), students were tasked with obtaining informed consent. Our aim was to develop a standardized and quality-assured assessment method in undergraduate education.MethodsOne hundred fifty-five students in their fifth year of medical school (78 videos) participated in a summative VOSCE within the framework of the teaching module “Operative Medicine.” They prepared for three clinical scenarios and the surgical procedures involved. The examination comprised participants having to obtain informed consent from simulated patients, video recording their performance. Students were assessed by two independent raters, the background of one of whom was nonsurgical. Results were statistically tested using SPSS.ResultsStudents' scores were all beyond the pass mark of 70%, averaging 91.0% (±4.0%), 88.4% (±4.4%), and 87.0% (±4.7%) for the appendectomy, cholecystectomy, and inguinal hernia repair checklist, respectively. Most items (68%–89% of the checklists) were found to have fair to excellent discrimination values. Cronbach's α values ranged between 0.565 and 0.605 for the individual checklists. Interrater agreement was strong (Pearson correlation coefficient = 0.80, P < 0.01; intraclass correlation coefficient 2.1 = 0.78).ConclusionsThe VOSCE is both feasible and reliable as a method of assessing student communication skills and the application of clinical knowledge while obtaining informed consent in surgery. This method is efficient (flexible rating outside normal working hours possible with reductions in administrative load) and may be used for high-stakes evaluation of student performance

    ДИЗАЙН ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТУ ПРИ ПРОВЕДЕННІ ДОСЛІДЖЕНЬ ЗІ СТВОРЕННЯ ТАБЛЕТОВАНИХ ЛІКАРСЬКИХ ЗАСОБІВ Повідомлення 4. Використання методу “Якість шляхом розробки” (QbD) при оптимізації складу та технології таблетованих лікарських засобів

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    The aim of the work. Analysis and systematization of literature data on the use of the approach Quality by Design in order to develop the optimal composition and technology of tablet drugs. Materials and Methods. The methods of information search, analysis of scientific literature data on the possible application of the approach Quality by Design and its practical use in the development of the composition and technology of tablet drugs are used. Results and Discussion. The work describes the general concept of the approach Quality by Design in pharmaceutical technology of medicines. Data on the practical application of this approach in the development of the composition and technology of tableted drugs, their optimization. Conclusions. Quality by Design is an important and widely used technique in the development of medicines. During using the Quality by Design approach, the main attention is paid to the safety and efficacy of the drug, the technological understanding of the pharmaceutical process and applied methods are generalized, the scientific substantiation of risk assessment, determination of critical quality indicators, and analysis of their impact on the final quality of the developed product.Мета роботи. Аналіз і систематизація даних літератури щодо використання підходу «Якість шляхом розробки» (Quality by Design) з метою розробки оптимального складу та технології таблетованих лікарських засобів. Матеріали і методи. У роботі використано методи інформаційного пошуку, аналізу даних наукової літератури щодо можливого застосування підходу «Якість шляхом розробки» та практичного його використання при розробці складу та технології таблетованих лікарських засобів. Результати й обговорення. У роботі охарактеризована загальна концепція підходу «Якість шляхом розробки» у фармацевтичній технології лікарських засобів. Наведено дані щодо практичного застосування даного підходу при розробці складу та технології таблетованих лікарських засобів та їхньої оптимізації. Висновки. «Якість шляхом розробки» є важливою та широко використовуваною стратегією розробки лікарських засобів. При використанні даного підходу основну увагу приділяють безпеці та ефективності лікарського засобу, узагальнюють технологічне розуміння фармацевтичного процесу та застосовуваних методів, здійснюють наукове обґрунтування оцінки ризиків, визначення критичних показників якості та аналіз їхнього впливу на кінцеву якість розробленого засобу


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    The aim of the work. Analysis and systematization of literature data on research design using mathematical experiment planning when creating and improving the technology of tablet preparations. Materials and Methods. The methods of information retrieval, analysis of literature data on the design of the experiment at the stage of studying qualitative factors during research on the creation of tablet medicines were used in the work. Results and Discussion. The literature data and our own research on the use of mathematical experiment planning in the study of qualitative factors at the stage of development of the composition and technology of tablet medicines are presented in the work. Examples of using plans of Latin, Greek-Latin and hyper-Greek-Latin squares for the study of qualitative factors with the same number of levels are given. Examples of using plans of Latin cubes and parallelepipeds to study qualitative factors with a different number of levels are considered. Conclusions. Quality design is an important and widely used technique in pharmaceutical development. Experimenters use its methods at different stages of the study – from setting goals to characterizing the finished product. This is especially important in the process of creating and researching tablet medicines, which is multi-stage. The use of mathematical experiment planning at the research planning stage allows you introduce the principle of “quality design” in both scientific and industrial conditions when creating tablet medicines. The examples of conducting research on the study of qualitative factors with the same and different number of levels, methods for constructing plan of dispersion analysis, their statistical analysis and interpretation of the results of experimental studies were presented.Мета роботи. Аналіз і систематизація даних літератури щодо дизайну досліджень із використанням математичного планування експерименту при створенні та вдосконаленні технології таблетованих лікарських засобів.&nbsp; Матеріали і методи. В роботі використано методи інформаційного пошуку, аналізу даних літератури щодо дизайну експерименту на етапі вивчення якісних факторів при проведенні досліджень зі створення таблетованих лікарських засобів. Результати й обговорення. У роботі наведено дані літератури та власних досліджень щодо використання математичного планування експерименту при вивченні якісних факторів на етапі розробки складу та технології таблеток. Наведено приклади використання планів латинських, греко-латинських і гіпер-греко-латинських квадратів при вивченні якісних факторів з однаковим числом рівнів. Для вивчення якісних факторів із різним числом рівнів розглянуто приклади використання планів латинських кубів і паралелепіпедів. Висновки. Дизайн якості є важливим та широко використовуваним прийомом при розробці лікарських засобів. Його методи використовують експериментатори на різних етапах дослідження – від формування цілей до характеристики готового препарату. Особливо це важливо у процесі створення та дослідження таблеток, який є багатостадійним. Застосування математичного планування експерименту на стадії планування досліджень дозволяє впровадити принцип «дизайн якості» як в наукових, так і в промислових умовах при створенні таблетованих лікарських засобів. Наведені приклади проведення досліджень із вивчення якісних факторів з однаковим і різним числом рівнів, методи побудови планів дисперсійного аналізу, їхнього статистичного аналізу та інтерпретації результатів експериментальних досліджень


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    The sympathetic vasomotor activity is one of determinants of blood pressure (BP). Understanding the mechanisms involved in the control of the cardiovascular system is important in physiological and pathophysiological condition. The principal sympathetic premotor brain nuclei are confined in the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus (PVN) and in the rostralventrolateral medulla (RVLM). In different patophysiological condition, there is an increase in the sympathetic vasomotor tone, in part due to an increase in the activity of the PVN and RVLM neurons. In this brief review, we discussed the major mechanisms of sympathetic activation in different experimental models: 1) renovascular hypertension, 2) renoprival hypertension, 3) cardiac failure, 4) hypertension induced by nitric oxide blockade, 5) obesity and 6) gender differences. The actions of different mediators in the PVN and in the RVLM acting in long term, can change the level of sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure and therefore, contributing for the progression of cardiovascular disease.A atividade vasomotora simpática é um dos determinantes da pressão arterial (PA). Estabelecer quais são os mecanismos geradores dessa atividade é importante para o entendimento de como o sistema cardiovascular opera, tanto em situações fisiológicas como fisiopatológicas. Os principais grupos pré-motores do simpático estão confinados no núcleo paraventricular do hipotálamo (PVN) e região rostoventrolateral bulbar (RVLM). Em diversas situações fisiopatológicas há aumento na atividade vasomotora simpática, em parte conseqüente a maior atividade dos neurônios do PVN e RVLM. Nesta breve revisão, foram discutidos os principais mecanismos de ativação simpática em diferentes modelos experimentais: 1) hipertensão renovascular, 2) hipertensão por baixa massa renal, 3) insuficiência cardíaca, 4) hipertensão por bloqueio do óxido nítrico, 5) obesidade e 6) dimorfismo sexual. As ações de diferentes mediadores sobre o PVN e RVLM podem em longo prazo determinar novos patamares de atividade simpática, modificando os níveis tensionais e dessa forma, contribuir para a progressão da doença cardiovascular