1,250 research outputs found

    Modular AC coupled hybrid power systems for the emerging GHG mitigation products market

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    Bioenergy systems particularly waste to energy (WTE) systems are increasingly gaining prominence. Market for modular hybrid energy systems (HES) combining renewable energy sources including WTEs is potentially large. Novel configuration of AC coupling for HES is discussed. Emerging opportunities for market development of hybrid energy systems under green house gas mitigation initiatives particularly Kyoto flexibility mechanisms is analysed


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    A historical sketch of the genus Catantlicra is presented and its relationship with the two allied genera Dissockaeta Bl. and Mediniltu Gaud, is discussed. The 16 species recognised in the genus Cntantkcra are described and a key to the species so far known is presented. The genus Cata-nthera is entirely restricted to Malesia, occuring in New Guinea, Borneo and Sumatra. They are ivy-like climbers which form a canopy in the tropical rain forests. Five new species, Catanthera royenii Nayar, C. pifosa Nayar, C. novoguinevnsis Nayar, C. Hleuineri Nayar and C. peltata Nayar are described and illustrated

    Another Proof of Beal's Conjecture

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    Beal's Conjecture : The equation za = xb+yc has no solution in relatively prime positive integers x; y; z with a, b and c odd primes at least 3. A proof of this longstanding conjecture is given

    Oyster farming

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    Large quantities of the edible oyster, Crassostrea madrasensis (Fig. 1) growing wildly in most of the tidal creeks and estuarine regions along the east coast of India, are allowed to perish un-exploring the great strides made in this venture by developed nations. The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute focused its attention in developing systems for the culture of edible bivalves, identifying edible oyster farming and mussel farming as priority areas for Research and Development. Evaluation of the resources potential, identification of suitable water spread and areas for culture, evolving proper techniques to collect required seed for farming, introducing an appropriate method of farming and establishing a model farm formed the broad objectives of the project initiated in 1975 on edible oyster culture. By employing suitable method for spat collection and providing better growing conditions for the seed so collected it appeared distinctly possible to raise large number of oysters achieving faster growth rate and better meat yield. Weighing the pros and cons of the different systems of oyster culture followed in other countries and bearing in mind the local conditions, it was decided to experiment with the 'rack' system of culture

    Equivalence of Fermat's Last Theorem and Beal's Conjecture

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    It is proved in this paper that (1){ \bf Fermat's Last Theorem:} If π\pi is an odd prime, there are no relatively prime solutions x,y,zx, y, z to the equation zπ=xπ+yπ,z^\pi=x^\pi+y^\pi, and (2) { \bf Beal's Conjecture :} The equation zξ=xμ+yνz^\xi=x^\mu+y^\nu has no solution in relatively prime positive integers x,y,zx, y, z with μ,ξ,ν\mu, \xi, \nu odd primes at least 33. It is proved that these two statements are equivalent

    A Proof of Beal's Conjecture

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    { Beal's Conjecture :} The equation zξ=xμ+yνz^\xi=x^\mu+y^\nu has no solution in relatively prime positive integers x,y,zx, y, z with μ,ξ\mu, \xi and ν \nu odd primes at least 33. A proof of this longstanding conjecture is given

    Pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) as an early marker for the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome.

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    Aims and objectives Pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A), a metalloproteinase plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Recent studies have reported that elevated levels of PAPP-A, signal the onset of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). We, therefore, proposed to study the analytical competence of PAPP-A in patients admitted to the emergency department with chest pain and finally diagnosed as ACS. Methods and results Pregnancy associated plasma protein-A was measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 485 patients admitted to emergency care unit, of which 89 patients were diagnosed as Non-cardiac chest pain (NCCP). Elevated levels of PAPP-A were observed in patients diagnosed as ACS on comparison with the controls. Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed PAPP-A to be a good discriminator between ischaemic and non-ischaemic patients. The area under the curve was found to be 0.904, 95% CI (0.874–0.929) with 90% sensitivity and 85% specificity (P< 0.0001). The cut-off value from the ROC curve was 0.55 μg/mL above which PAPP-A was considered to be positive. Conclusion Pregnancy associated plasma protein-A seems to be a promising biomarker for identification and risk stratification for patients with ACS

    Access to Oral Health Care in Nebraska

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    Oral health contributes to overall health; therefore, it is important to understand the level of access to oral health care in Nebraska. Our analysis of the most recently available data in Nebraska on access to oral health care and on the oral health workforce indicates that in 2010, 68.4% of Nebraskans aged 18 years and older visited a dentist within the past year. The total number of dentists practicing in Nebraska in 2012 was 1,028, compared to 1,017 in 2008; however, the number of dentists per 100,000 population decreased by 2.85% between 2008 and 2012, and the number of dentists older than 60 years increased by 39.29%, raising concerns about the retiring dental workforce. Also, in 2012, 53.6% of dentists practicing in Nebraska were practicing part-time, and only 39.2% practiced in rural areas. Twenty Nebraska counties were without a dentist in 2012. The State of Nebraska designates 44 counties as general dentistry shortage areas, and the Health Resources and Services Administration designates 72 dental Health Professional Shortage Areas in Nebraska. To meet the oral health objectives outlined in Healthy People 2020 and to provide services to the additional children who will have dental coverage under the Affordable Care Act, access to care and dental workforce needs in Nebraska will require the attention of both policymakers and providers.https://digitalcommons.unmc.edu/coph_policy_reports/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Studies on the chemical quality of cured fish products from the west coast of India

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    Fish curing is one of the oldest industries of the coastal areas of India. It has been estimated that about 50 to 70% of the marine fish catches of India are at present being processed into cured products {Government of India Publication, 1951 a and b). Though fish curing is of this magnitude, it is one of the least developed industries of India, although efforts are being made in some of the maritime States such as Madras, Travancore-Cochin and Bombay, to improve curing by providing better facilities to the fishermen engaged in the industry. The methods practised are generally primitive and the attention paid to cleanliness and sanitation leaves much to be desired. Only 17-3% of the total fish landing is being cured through the Government fish curing yards {Government of India Marketing Report, 1951), the rest being processed in private yards which are not under the supervision of Government agencies

    Conductive Strontium Titanate Layers Produced By Boron-ion Implantation

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    The ion implantation of boron has been found to be an effective method for increasing the conductivity of strontium titanate. A highly conductive layer was formed by implantations at doses of 3.6x1016 to 1.0x1017 ions/cm2, using an accelerating voltage of 100 kV, corresponding to a boron range of about 300 nm. The conductivity of the implanted layer was found to be further enhanced by about four orders of magnitude after annealing at 225 °C. The surface resistivity attained was typically 1000 Ω/square at room temperature. The resistance increased with rising temperature between 77 and 500 K. All samples were found to be n type, as determined by Hall-effect and thermoelectric measurements. The measured Hall mobility range was from 100 cm2/V sec at 77 K, decreasing to 5 cm2/V sec at 300 K. The existence of several defect energy levels can be inferred from the electrical data