101 research outputs found

    Comparison Of Dynamic Hip Screw (Dhs) And Proximal Femoral Nail (Pfn) Fixation For Unstable Intertrochanteric Femoral Fractures On Basis Of Collapse

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    Introduction:Proximal femoral nail (PFN) is an intramedullary device for fixation of intertrochanteric femoral fracture and has shown promise in unstable intertrochanteric fractures, which have been treated with dynamic hip screw (DHS) till recently.Introduction:Proximal femoral nail (PFN) is an intramedullary device for fixation of intertrochanteric femoral fracture and has shown promise in unstable intertrochanteric fractures, which have been treated with dynamic hip screw (DHS) till recently.Objectives: To compare the frequency of collapse in the early postoperative period between fixation with DHS versus PFN in unstable intertrochanteric femoral fractures. Patients and methods: This randomized controlled trial was conducted at CMH Rawalpindi in 2017. A total of 310 male and female adult patients between 18 to 75 years in age, with unstable intertrochanteric fractures were included. Patients having pathological fractures, renal disease and open fracture were excluded. The patients were assigned randomly to one of the two groups. Group A was treated with DHS and Group B was treated with PFN. The collapse was measured initially on standard x-rays taken on the zero postoperative day. Patients were allowed to bear partial weight at 4 weeks and second measurement for collapse was done after 6 weeks postoperatively.Results: The mean age of patients in group A was 51.27 ± 11.54 years and in group B was 53.75 ± 12.28 years. Collapse was seen in 26 (16.77%) patients in group A (DHS) and 07 (4.52%) patients in group B (PFN) with p-value of 0.0001. Age has a bearing on the rate of collapse while BMI does not. Conclusion: The frequency of collapse in early postoperative period is less after treatment with proximal femoral nail as compared to dynamic hip screw in unstable intertrochanteric fractures.Keywords: Intertrochanteric femoral fractures; Unstable intertrochanteric fracture; proximal femoral nail; dynamic hip screw; sliding hip screw; collapse

    1,5-Dimethyl-3-oxo-2-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-4-aminium chloride–thio­urea (1/1)

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    In the title compound, C11H14N3O+·Cl−·CH4N2S, the components are connected into a two-dimensional polymeric structure parallel to (001) via N—H⋯Cl, N—H⋯O, N—H⋯S and C—H⋯S hydrogen bonds. The dihedral angle between the phenyl and 2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrazole rings is 44.96 (7)°

    Dimethyl (2-hydr­oxy-4-phenyl­but-3-en-2-yl)phospho­nate

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    In the title compound, C12H17O4P, the phenyl­butenyl group is disordered over two sets of sites with an occupancy ratio of 0.755 (12):0.245 (12). In the crystal, inversion dimers linked by pairs of O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds occur, forming R 2 2(10) ring motifs. The packing is consolidated by weak C—H⋯π inter­actions

    Method for Evaluating Mechanical Quality and Dimensional Accuracy of 3D Printed Parts

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    poster abstractDesktop 3D printers are fast becoming a household item. Easy access to additive manufacturing could lead to discrepancies in the quality of 3D printed parts. The purpose of this research is to establish methodologies to systematically evaluate the mechanical quality and dimensional accuracy of 3D printed parts. For the evaluation of the mechanical quality, several plastic specimens were tested on a universal testing machine (MTS Q-Test, Eden Prairie, Minnesota) to generate stress-strain profiles following ASTM D638 standards for plastic components. For the dimensional accuracy, several challenging and unconventional structures were printed. These structures allow to systematically quantify dimensional and geometrical features. The large amount of printing undertaken during this project exposed many issues related to the process of 3D printing itself. This allowed insight into the different techniques incorporated in the process of additive manufacturing which proves to be beneficial when assessing the variation in quality. Existing methods for judging quality were employed initially and an improved and convenient convention was developed. This methodology is in alignment with the recently evolved user-friendly nature of additive manufacturing and intends to bring convenience to its developers and consumers alike. The results of this research will help optimize the processing parameters in order to maximize the mechanical quality and dimensional accuracy of a given 3D printer


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    The groundwater resources have always been explored for its utilization in domestic and agriculture purposes. In this study, Winder area in Balochistan which is along the coast of Offshore Indus Basin has been explored using electrical resistivity method for deeper understanding of hydrogeological and hydrogeophysical conditions. Schlumberger electrode arrays have been used to acquire vertical electrical sounding data for 23 different sites in this area. The field data were calibrated with theoretical curves during processing using software with graphical interface. The true resistivities, depths, thicknesses, aquifer attributes, soil type and groundwater quality has been extracted from the processed data. Pseudo-sections and geo-electrical lithology sections have been generated for lateral distribution of hydrogeological settings. Furthermore, Dar-zarrouk parameters calculations have been made and 3D surfaces generated at 30m and 60 m depth for transverse resistance (T), longitudinal conductance (S) and anisotropy (λ) plotted for resistivity distribution and coastal salinity intrusion analysis. The soundings results depict five layers mainly composed of silty sand, sandy clay, sand, and sandy gravel and the depth ranges from 0-110m. The interpretation illustrates that freshwater unconfined aquifer are present in the quaternary sand and sandy gravel deposits. The water table is at shallow depth along the river and deeper in northeast and away from Winder river. The resistivity ranges 29-1091 Ωm in layer-3 interpreted as saturated zone. The approximate range of water table is 19-30 m. The higher value of T greater than 10000 shows fresh water and low value 8200 for salinity intrusion in southwest toward sea.Izvori podzemne vode uvijek su se istraživali radi njihove upotrebe u kućne i poljoprivredne svrhe. U ovoj je studiji područje Windera u Beludžistanu, uz obalu priobalnoga bazena Inda, istraženo korištenjem metode električnoga otpora radi dubljega razumijevanja hidrogeoloških i hidrogeofizičkih uvjeta. Nizovi elektroda Schlumberger korišteni su za prikupljanje podataka o vertikalnome električnom sondiranju za 23 različita mjesta u ovome području. Podatci na terenu kalibrirani su teoretskim krivuljama tijekom obrade s pomoću softvera s grafičkim sučeljem. Iz obrađenih podataka izdvojena je stvarna otpornost, dubine, debljine, svojstva vodonosnika, vrsta tla i kvaliteta podzemne vode. Za bočnu raspodjelu hidrogeoloških postavki stvoreni su pseudopresjeci i geoelektrični litološki odsjeci. Nadalje, izrađeni su proračuni Dar-zarroukovih parametara i generirane su 3D površine na dubini od 30 m i 60 m za poprečni otpor (T), uzdužnu vodljivost (S) i anizotropiju (λ). Ti su parametri ucrtani za raspodjelu otpora i analizu upada slane obale. Rezultati sondiranja prikazuju četiri sloja uglavnom sastavljena od muljevitoga pijeska, pjeskovite gline, pijeska i pješčanoga šljunka, a dubina se kreće od 0 do 110 m. Tumačenje ilustrira da su slatkovodni vodonosnici prisutni u kvartarnim pjeskovitim i pjeskovitim naslagama šljunka. Vodeni je sloj na maloj dubini uz rijeku, a dublje na sjeveroistoku i dalje od rijeke Winder. Otpornost se kreće od 29 do 1091 Ωm u sloju 3, što se tumači kao zasićena zona. Približni je domet vodostaja 19 – 30 m. Viša vrijednost T veća od 10000 pokazuje slatku vodu i nisku vrijednost 8200 za prodiranje slanosti na jugozapadu prema moru

    Awareness regarding causes of infertility among out-patients at a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan

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    Introduction: Infertility is the inability of a couple to achieve pregnancy within 12 months of sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives. The Pakistani population, belonging to a low-middle income country, has a high prevalence of infertility due to a low knowledge and awareness regarding its causes, and lack of healthcare-seeking behavior for this medical issue. The prevalence of infertility in Pakistan is reported as 22%, with primary infertility accounting for 4% of the total cases. This leads to psychological trauma among women as societal norms equate infertility with failure on a personal, emotional, and social level. In this study, we aimed to assess among this population the general awareness regarding infertility and its causes; and identify any key knowledge gaps pertaining to the subject.Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out between June 2019 and November 2019, at a public hospital (Civil Hospital Karachi) in Karachi, Pakistan. Convenience sampling technique was used to collect data from adult participants (older than 18 years) via an interview-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was based on the Cardiff Fertility Knowledge Scale (CFKS) and assessed the knowledge regarding causes of infertility such as smoking, healthy lifestyle, contraceptives, genital tract infections among others. We also determined the association between socio-demographic variables with mean knowledge scores. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 20.0.Results: The majority of the participants were married (n=342, 68.8%) and more than half were unemployed (n=259, 52.1%). Approximately, two-quarters (n=250, 50.3%) did not believe that equal proportions of males and females contribute to infertility. The mean knowledge score of our study population was 12.95 ± 2.48 points. An overwhelming proportion of the participants (n=326, 65.6%) falsely believed that the usage of the intra-uterine device contributes to infertility. Additionally, more than half of the responders (n=278, 55.9%) incorrectly believed that a male achieving erection is an indication of fertility. Education (p=0.019), vehicle ownership (p=0.018), and marital status (p=0.031) were the only demographic factors that showed significant differences with mean knowledge scores.Conclusion: Awareness regarding the causes of infertility among the general population was found to be inadequate. Emphasis on targeted fertility education, in association with general public awareness programs regarding its causes and risk factors may help mitigate this problem by potentially reducing the prevalence of this condition, and increasing the number of affected individuals who seek medical care in a timely fashion

    The Relationship Between Neighborhood Characteristics and Homicide in Karachi, Pakistan

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    The geographical concentration of criminal violence is closely associated with the social, demographic, and economic structural characteristics of neighborhoods. However, few studies have investigated homicide patterns and their relationships with neighborhoods in South Asian cities. In this study, the spatial and temporal patterns of homicide incidences in Karachi from 2009 to 2018 were analyzed using the local indicators of spatial association (LISA) method. Generalized linear modeling (GLM) and geographically weighted Poisson regression (GWPR) methods were implemented to examine the relationship between influential factors and the number of homicides during the 2009–2018 period. The results demonstrate that the homicide hotspot or clustered areas with high homicide counts expanded from 2009 to 2013 and decreased from 2013 to 2018. The number of homicides in the 2017–2018 period had a positive relationship with the percentage of the population speaking Balochi. The unplanned areas with low-density residential land use were associated with low homicide counts, and the areas patrolled by police forces had a significant negative relationship with the occurrence of homicide. The GWPR models effectively characterized the varying relationships between homicide and explanatory variables across the study area. The spatio-temporal analysis methods can be adapted to explore violent crime in other cities with a similar social context

    Dimethyl (1-hydr­oxy-1,2-diphenyl­ethyl)phospho­nate

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    In the mol­ecule of the title compound, C16H19O4P, the coordination around the P atom is distorted tetra­hedral. The aromatic rings are oriented at a dihedral angle of 72.28 (11)°. Intra­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonding result in the formation of five- and six-membered rings. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules. There is also a weak C—H⋯π inter­action

    Dimethyl [hydr­oxy(2-nitro­phen­yl)meth­yl]phospho­nate

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    In the title compound, C9H12NO6P, intra­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds form five- and six-membered rings. In the crystal, inversion dimers lined by pairs of C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds occur with ring motifs R 2 2(10). The O atom of the hydr­oxy group behaves as an accepter and the benzene ring as donor. Adjacent dimers are connected through O—H⋯O links