175 research outputs found

    Measuring Financial Risk using Extreme Value Theory: evidence from Pakistan

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    The purpose of the paper is to show some methods of extreme value theory through analysis of Pakistani nancial data. It also in- troduced the fundamental of extreme value theory as well as practical aspects for estimating and assessing nancial models for tail related risk measures.Extreme Value Theory; Value at Risk; Financial Risk Man- agement; Financial Risk Modeling; Financial Time Series.

    Measuring Financial Risk using Extreme Value Theory: evidence from Pakistan

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    The purpose of the paper is to show some methods of extreme value theory through analysis of Pakistani nancial data. It also in- troduced the fundamental of extreme value theory as well as practical aspects for estimating and assessing nancial models for tail related risk measures

    Measuring Financial Risk using Extreme Value Theory: evidence from Pakistan

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    The purpose of the paper is to show some methods of extreme value theory through analysis of Pakistani nancial data. It also in- troduced the fundamental of extreme value theory as well as practical aspects for estimating and assessing nancial models for tail related risk measures

    Comparative Study of the Dynamics of Cosmic Rays for the Pakistan and China Atmospheric Regions

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    This paper presents an analysis of cosmic ray intensity in Pakistan air space using spatial interpolation, comparing it with Chinese cosmic ray records from 1984 to 1993. The Exploratory Data Analytic (EDA) approach was applied to compare the cosmic ray fluctuations in both countries. The time series plot of the monthly cosmic rays showed relatively flatter counts in Pakistan than in China. The cosmic ray data for the years 1984 to 1993 fell within Solar Cycle 22, which lasted from 1986 to 1996, with its maximum phase in 1989 to 1991. The cosmic radiation varies between the atmospheric regions of Pakistan and China due to modulations in intensity that are accessible accordingly. It can be explained by purely astrophysical phenomena: (1) the source of emission of cosmic radiation may be different, (2) the rate at which emanation takes place depends on bursts of deep space dynamical objects from their sources that may be affected by solar wind and other solar radiations. Therefore, modulations in intensity are not only due to different geophysical locations. This study will help government organizations to predict and forecast cosmic rays values

    Some Remarks on Results Related to ∇-Convex Function

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    In the present article, we give new techniques for proving general identities of the Popoviciu type for discrete cases of sums for two dimensions using higher-order ∇-divided difference. Also, integral cases are deduced by different methods for differentiable functions of higher-order for two variables. These identities are a generalization of various previously established results. An application for the mean value theorem is also presented

    Un análisis empírico de los factores que influyen en el emprendimiento social: Un enfoque de género

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    [EN] Purpose: This study examines how entrepreneurial ecosystem factors (entrepreneurial finance, entrepreneurial education, physical and commercial infrastructure, culture, and R&D transfer activities) shape social entrepreneurial activities (SEA) of men and women. Design/methodology/approach: Panel data from 35 countries are examined through General Methods of Moments (GMM) with Arellano Bond tests for the period of ten years (2005-2014). Findings: Our results indicate that women are more likely to get involved in creation of social ventures. Further, the selected six entrepreneurial factors modify SEA in a significantly different manner for both genders. Originality/value: Based on this analysis, this study is the first to provide deeper insights for improving the assessment of social entrepreneurial activities in efficiency and innovation driven economies within the entrepreneurial ecosystem.[ES] Finalidad: Este estudio examina el modo en que los factores del ecosistema empresarial (financiación empresarial, educación empresarial, infraestructura física y comercial, cultura y actividades de transferencia de I+D) dan forma a las actividades empresariales sociales (AES) de hombres y mujeres. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Para un periodo de diez años (2005-2014) se examinan datos de panel de 35 países mediante los Métodos Generales de Momentos (GMM), empleando el test de Arellano Bond. Hallazgos: Nuestros resultados indican que las mujeres son más propensas a involucrarse en la creación de empresas sociales. Además, los seis factores empresariales seleccionados modifican las AES de una manera significativamente diferente para ambos géneros. Originalidad/valor: Sobre la base de este análisis, el presente estudio es el primero en ofrecer una visión más profunda para mejorar la evaluación de las actividades empresariales sociales en economías impulsadas por la eficiencia y la innovación dentro del ecosistema empresarial

    Post-Operative Complications of Surgery for Chronic Subdural Hematoma (SDH) and Prevention

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    Objective:  The study aimed to determine the rate and type of complications during surgery for treatment of chronic subdural hematoma and assess ways for their prevention. Material and Methods:  A total of 50 patients of chronic SDH were selected from the Neurosurgery Department of Bahawal Victoria Hospital. Patients were treated surgically with a single burr hole evacuation under local anesthesia, introduced a subdural drain, nursed in a head-down position for 24 hours, and given plenty of fluids orally and intravenous route. The surgical technique involved a formation of a single burr hole at the point of maximum density. Results:  Out of 50, 43 patients recovered smoothly postoperatively and discharged on the 7th postoperative day. Two patients were re-operated due to inadequate evacuation or reaccumulation. One patient developed subdural empyema post-operatively and expired in spite of good antibiotic cover. In one patient subdural drain penetrated the brain parenchyma resulting in dysphasia. Another patient formed an intracerebral hematoma due to irrigation of the cavity with pressure. One patient with GCS 4/15 developed seizures postoperatively and expired after one hour. One patient developed gross subdural tension pneumocephalus after removing the subdural drain was re-operated and recovered. Conclusion:  Single burr hole evacuation of chronic SDH under local anesthesia is the most accepted surgical treatment. Using proper aseptic surgical techniques, the introduction of the minimum necessary length of the subdural catheter to avoid penetration into the brain parenchyma, followed by careful irrigation of the subdural cavity can help prevent complications