527 research outputs found

    A study of homocysteine level at the III trimester of pregnancy

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    Background: Homocysteine is an amino acid which has sprung into prominence in the past few decades. Levels of maternal serum homocysteine normally decreases with gestation, either due to a physiological response to the pregnancy, increase in estrogen, haemodilution from increased plasma volume or increased demand for methionine by both the mother and fetus.Methods: A prospective randomized controlled clinical trial of 50 patients was carried out in Kamla Raja Hospital and outpatient Department of Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior from October 6th to October 2007, which was further categorized into socio-demographic and clinical factors.Results: Out of 50 patients, it was found that there were 31(62%) cases below the age of 25 years whereas 19(38%) cases were above the age of 25 years, 30(60%) cases were educated below the primary level whereas 20(40%) cases were educated above the primary level, 10(20%) cases belonged to rural areas whereas 40(80%) cases belonged to the urban areas. According to the socio economic distribution, 11(22%) cases were below class II whereas 39(78%) cases were above class II. According to distribution of parity, 22(44%) cases were below primigravida whereas 28(56%) cases were above primigravida.Conclusions: This study concludes that mean of Serum Levels in pregnant women with socio-demographic and clinical factors was statistically insignificant which signifies that age, education, residential areas and hemoglobin are not the factors contributing to the rise in homocysteine level in pregnant women. The diastolic and systolic blood pressure is weakly correlated with serum homocysteine level

    Prevalence and risk factor for intrauterine growth restriction among pregnancy-induced hypertension patient

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    Background: Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDP) remain a major global health issue not only because of the associated high adverse maternal outcomes but there is a close accompaniment of significant perinatal morbidity. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), a condition that occurs due to various reasons, is an important cause of fetal. It has been defined as a rate of fetal growth that is less than normal in light of the growth potential of that specific infant. The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence and risk factor for IUGR among the PIH patient.Methods: A prospective randomized controlled clinical trial of 25 patients was carried out in Kamla Raja Hospital and Out Patient Department of Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior from October 6th to October 2007. A total number of 25 patients were included in study of PIH.Results: conclude that the prevalence and risk factor for IUGR among the PIH patient.  The Distribution prevalence of sociodemographical factor for IUGR among PIH patient is statistically not significant. It concluded that there is no significance (no effect) between risk factors of IUGR among the pregnancy induced hypertension.Conclusions: The prevalence of IUGR found in this study. There is need to increase awareness among medical and paramedical personnel on the need for early referral of women with previous history of IUGR, preeclampsia, multiple gestations, gestational diabetes and obesity for specialist care as they have a higher risk

    ABO and Rh Blood Group Distribution Among Kunbis (Maratha) population of Amravati District, Maharashtra

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    The present study reports the distribution of ABO and Rh blood groups among the Kunbis (Maratha) population of Amravati district. The phenotypic frequency of blood group B is observed highest (33.06) percent, O (31.04), A (27.02) and AB is lowest (08.33) percent. The phenotypic frequency of Rh negative is (04.26) percent. TheKunbis (Maratha) population shows close genetic relationship with the Gujratis

    Prevalence of goitre among school going children in urban area of Dehradun

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    Background:Iodine is an important micro-nutrient required for human nutrition. Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDDs) are one of the major world-wide public health problems of today which causes wide spectrum of disabilities. It includes impairment of reproductive functions, lowering of IQ levels in school age children, goiter, deaf mutism, mental defects, weakness and paralysis of muscles as well as lesser degree of physical dysfunction.Methods:Selection of population: The school children in age group of 6-18 years from both the sexes were screened from SGRR Schools of different locations at Dehradun, after taking approval from principal and the parents.Results:The prevalence of goitre among school going children was 5%. Prevalence of goitre among female was 6.4% compare to male were 4.1%. There was significant association found between prevalence of goitre and vegetarian diet. In pre pubertal age (11-14 years) maximum (7.6%) cases of goitre were seen. A significant association of goitre with pallor was also observedConclusion:The sustained efforts in implementing the guidelines of National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme (NIDDCP) have been able to reduce the prevalence of goitre in Uttrakhand state. In spite of reduction in prevalence over years, goitre continues to be a major public health problem in the state.

    An Inventive Framework of Micro-Electromechanical System (MEMS)

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    MEMS is an enabling technology allowing the development of smart products, enhancing the computational ability of microelectronics with the perception and control capabilities of micro sensors and micro actuators and expanding the space of possible designs and applications. MEMS is a relatively new technology which exploits the existing microelectronics infrastructure to create complex machines with micron feature sizes. MEMS promises to revolutionize nearly every product category by bringing together silicon based microelectronics with micro machining technology, making possible the realization of compl ete systems on a chip. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technolog enable us to create various useful sensing and actuating devices integrated with other microelectronic, optoelectronic, microwave, thermal and mechanical devices for advanced Microsystem s. Micromachining and micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) technologies can be used to produce complex structure, devices, and systems on the scale of micrometers. MEMS products based on piezoelectric and capacitance sensing now include pressure and flo w sensors, accelerometers, gyroscopes, microphones, digital light projectors, oscillators, and RF switches. MEMS devices are used in virtually all areas of industrial activity, health care, consumer products, construction, and milita ry and space hardware. The future of MEMS is multifaceted, complex, and subject to change, in response to the prevailing winds of investment by government and commercial entities. This diversification of product offerings and globalization of the industry has been accompanied by strong revenue growth and growing private investment. Much of the growth in MEMS business is expected to come from products that are in early stages of development or yet to be invented

    Spiders (Araneae) from Agricultural fields near foothill of Satpura Mountain ranges of Amravati District, Maharashtra, India.

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    This paper deals with the study of spider distribution in agricultural fields adjoining the Satpura Mountain Ranges of the Amravati district. The total collection of spiders comprises 12 families, 37 genera and 76 species. The Araneidae and Thomisidae families were dominant, followed by Saltisidae from the selected agricultural area. Lycosidae and Tetragnathidae were also found in a decreasing number of species due to their specific habitation. The analysis of guild structure revealed six feeding guilds. Orb web weavers and Ambushers constituted the dominant feeding guild representing 33% and 22% of the total collection respectively. Stalkers and ground runners represent 20% and 17% and foliage hunters and sheet web weavers represent 5% and 3% respectively. A new species of genus Sassacus (Beetle like spider), family Saltisidae was found for the first time in the Vidarbha region. The richness of spider diversity is a sign of the overall biodiversity which is a useful indicator of the species richness of the agro-ecosystem.

    Aerodynamic bag breakup of a polymeric droplet

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    The aerodynamic breakup of a polymeric droplet in the bag breakup regime is investigated experimentally and compared with the result of the Newtonian droplet. To understand the effect of liquid elasticity, the Weber number is kept fixed (≈\approx 12.5) while the elasticity number is varied in the range of ∼10−4−10−2\sim 10^{-4}-10^{-2}. Experiments are performed by allowing a liquid droplet to fall in a horizontal, continuously flowing air stream. It is observed that the initial deformation dynamics of a polymeric droplet is similar to the Newtonian droplet. However, in the later stages, the actual fragmentation of liquid mass is resisted by the presence of polymers. Depending upon the liquid elasticity, fragmentation can be completely inhibited in the timescale of experimental observation. We provide a framework to study this problem, identify the stages where the role of liquid elasticity can be neglected and where it must be considered, and finally, establish a criterion that governs the occurrence or the absence of fragmentation in a specified time period

    Elasticity affects the shock-induced aerobreakup of a polymeric droplet

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    Boger fluids are viscoelastic liquids having constant viscosity for a broad range of shear rates. They are commonly used to separate the effects of liquid elasticity from viscosity in any experiment. We present an experimental study on the shock-induced aerobreakup of a Boger fluid droplet in the Shear-induced entrainment (SIE) and catastrophic breakup regime (Weber number ranging from ~ 800 to 5000). The results are compared with the aerobreakup of a Newtonian droplet having similar viscosity, and with shear-thinning droplets. The study aims to identify the role of liquid elasticity without the added complexity of simultaneous shear-thinning behavior. It is observed that at the early stages of droplet breakup, liquid elasticity plays an insignificant role, and all the fluids show similar behavior. However, during the late stages, the impact of liquid elasticity becomes dominant, which results in a markedly different morphology of the fragmenting liquid mass compared to a Newtonian droplet

    Innovative first order elimination kinetics working model for easy learning

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    Background:  General pharmacology is the backbone of therapeutic pharmacology. In general pharmacology, pharmacokinetics is a very difficult topic for undergraduate medical students. Knowledge of the kinetics and of the effects of drugs is necessary for the correct use of drugs in therapy. As in the body most of the drugs follow first order elimination kinetics, so it is necessary for all students to know about basic concept of first order kinetics. This can be easily understood by using working models. Our present study is a step in that direction. The objective of this study was planned to develop first order elimination kinetics working models to teach pharmacokinetics principle to the under graduate medical students.Methods: The current study was planned and executed by the department of pharmacology in SHKM government medical college, Mewat, Haryana, India in the first quarter of 2016. This model was developed from household waste materials like thermocol sheets, coke bottles, waste water pipe, colour etc.Results: As we know learning is better with live experimentation as compare to theoretical learning, so difficult topics such as elimination kinetics will be taught by help of working models.Conclusions: First order elimination kinetics is easily understood with the help of above working model. More and more working models could be developed for teaching difficult topics

    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and ultra-endurance running - two incompatible entities?

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    Regular and prolonged exercise is associated with increased left ventricular wall thickness that can overlap with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Differentiating physiological from pathological hypertrophy has important implications, since HCM is the commonest cause of exercise-related sudden cardiac death in young individuals. Most deaths have been reported in intermittent 'start-stop' sports such as football (soccer) and basketball. The theory is that individuals with HCM are unable to augment stroke volume sufficiently to meet the demands of endurance sports and are accordingly 'selected-out' of participation in such events. We report the case of an ultra-endurance athlete with 25 years of > 50 km competitive running experience, with genetically confirmed HCM; thereby demonstrating that these can be two compatible entities
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