4 research outputs found

    Monitoring wireless sensor network nodes with a low intrusion hybrid monitor

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    [EN] This work presents an active hybrid monitor with low intrusion, to be applied on sensor network nodes. Intrusion caused to the sensor node has been evaluated on three aspects: time, additional code, and power consumption.[ES] Se presenta un monitor h铆brido activo de baja intrusi贸n, aplicable a nodos de redes de sensores. La intrusi贸n causada al nodo sensor ha sido evaluada en tres aspectos: tiempo, c贸digo adicional, y el consumo de energ铆a.Navia Mendoza, MR. (2015). Monitoring wireless sensor network nodes with a low intrusion hybrid monitor. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/67823Archivo delegad

    Plataforma de Monitorizaci贸n H铆brida para la evaluaci贸n de Redes Inal谩mbricas de Sensores

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    Las Redes Inal谩mbricas de Sensores (WSN por sus siglas en ingl茅s) han demostrado ser fundamentales en la implementaci贸n de paradigmas como el denominado Internet de las Cosas. Sin embargo, por su forma de funcionamiento y entornos donde operan, este tipo de redes son susceptibles a errores o problemas durante su operaci贸n. La monitorizaci贸n de las WSN, durante su desarrollo, despliegue o a lo largo de su vida 煤til, es la mejor forma de observar c贸mo trabajan, ya sea con fines de depuraci贸n, verificaci贸n o control de su operaci贸n. Las plataformas de monitorizaci贸n suelen clasificarse seg煤n su enfoque, bien activo o bien pasivo. Los monitores activos requieren alg煤n nivel de modificaci贸n en el sistema monitorizado y permiten adquirir informaci贸n m谩s precisa de la operaci贸n de la WSN, pero pueden interferir con su funcionamiento. Por otro lado, los monitores pasivos no requieren modificaci贸n del sistema observado por lo que pr谩cticamente no causan intrusi贸n en la misma, pero la informaci贸n obtenida puede no ser suficiente. Existen tambi茅n los bancos de pruebas, que pueden funcionar tanto de forma pasiva como de forma activa, pero su uso est谩 limitado a entornos de laboratorio. Un monitor puede clasificarse como hardware o software en funci贸n de su naturaleza. Tambi茅n se ha definido un enfoque h铆brido, donde se combinan elementos de hardware y software en la monitorizaci贸n. Adem谩s, se denomina como h铆brida a cualquier propuesta que combine al menos dos enfoques de funcionamiento (activo/pasivo, hardware/software). En este sentido, existen contadas propuestas h铆bridas de monitorizaci贸n para WSN, pero est谩n enfocadas a un tipo espec铆fico de nodos, su funcionamiento es limitado, y en ocasiones solo se han presentado de forma te贸rica. En esta tesis se presenta la propuesta de una Plataforma de Monitorizaci贸n H铆brida, denominada HMP (Hybrid Monitoring Platform), orientada a la evaluaci贸n del comportamiento de cualquier WSN. Esta plataforma busca combinar los enfoques de monitorizaci贸n activo y pasivo para aprovechar las ventajas de ambos al tiempo que se compensan sus inconvenientes. La arquitectura de la plataforma sigue un Modelo de Referencia gen茅rico para plataformas de monitorizaci贸n distribuida. Este modelo busca que los sistemas propuestos puedan ser aplicables a cualquier WSN, y que la independencia de niveles permita que los avances en un nivel del modelo no impliquen cambios en los otros, adem谩s de simplificar la interoperabilidad entre plataformas. La plataforma consta de tres tipos de componentes principales: Los Nodos Monitores, que se conectan de forma activa a los nodos de la WSN; los Nodos Esp铆as, que capturan en el medio compartido los mensajes enviados por la aplicaci贸n WSN a monitorizar; y finalmente un Servidor de Monitorizaci贸n. Los dos primeros componentes registran los eventos observados de la aplicaci贸n WSN a monitorizar, registrando el instante de tiempo en que 茅stos ocurren, y los hacen llegar al tercero, encargado de coordinar la recolecci贸n de los datos obtenidos por los otros componentes. El Servidor de Monitorizaci贸n procesa los datos obtenidos, combin谩ndolos en una 煤nica traza que refleja el comportamiento global de la aplicaci贸n. Esta traza puede ser analizada para evaluar las prestaciones, optimizar el funcionamiento o detectar problemas durante el dise帽o, despliegue u operaci贸n de la WSN. HMP utiliza un novedoso mecanismo de sincronizaci贸n de las marcas de tiempo de los datos obtenidos. Este mecanismo, denominado GTSO (Global Trace Synchronization and Ordering Mechanism), realiza una sincronizaci贸n fuera de l铆nea. Su funcionamiento es simple pero efectivo, como se demuestra en las pruebas realizadas. Adem谩s, evita que existan cambios en el orden correcto de los eventos registrados. La plataforma completa ha demostrado su utilidad mediante la monitorizaci贸n de una WSN real, obteniendo resultados satisfactorios. Adem谩s, HMP puede ser aplicadaWireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have proven to be fundamental in the implementation of paradigms such as the Internet of Things. However, due to their mode of operation and the environments where they work, this type of networks is susceptible to errors or problems in their functioning. The monitoring of the WSN, during its development as in the deployment or throughout its useful life, is the best way to observe how they work, either for debugging purposes, verification or operation control. Monitoring platforms are usually categorized according to their working approach, either active or passive. Active monitors require some type of modification in the monitored system but they allow to obtain more precise information about the operation of the WSN. However, they may interfere with their operation. On the other hand, passive monitors do not require modification of the observed system so they practically do not cause interference or intrusion in it, but the information obtained may not be sufficient. There are also testbeds, which can function both in a passive way and in an active way, but their use is restricted to laboratory environments. A monitor can be also categorized as hardware or software depending on its composition. A hybrid approach has also been defined, where hardware elements and software elements are combined in the monitoring process. Besides, proposals that combine at least two operational approaches (active/passive, hardware/software) have been called "hybrid". In this sense, there are few hybrid monitoring proposals for WSN, but they are focused on a specific type of nodes, their operation is limited, or they have only been presented as a theoretical proposal. This thesis presents the proposal of a Hybrid Monitoring Platform, called HMP. Its main objective is to evaluate the behavior of any WSN. This platform combine active and passive monitoring approaches to exploit their advantages while compensating their drawbacks. The architecture of the platform follows a generic reference model for WSN monitoring platforms. This model enables that proposed systems can be applicable to any WSN. Moreover, the independence of levels allows that improvements at a model level do not imply changes in the others levels and simplifies interoperability between platforms. The platform consists of three main components: The Monitors Nodes, which are actively connected to the WSN nodes; Sniffer Nodes, which capture from the shared media the messages sent by the WSN application to be monitored; and finally, a Monitoring Server. The first two components register the observed events of the WSN application to be monitored together with the time they were captured. Finally, they send that information to the third component, that is in charge of coordinating the data collection obtained by the other components. The Monitoring Server processes the data obtained and combines them into a single trace that reflects the global behavior of the application. This trace can be analyzed to evaluate the performance, optimize the operation or detect problems during the design, deployment, synchronization or operation of the WSN. HMP uses a novel synchronization mechanism for the time stamps of the data obtained. This mechanism, called GTSO (Global Trace Synchronization and Ordering Mechanism), performs an off-line synchronization. Its operation is simple but effective, as demonstrated in the tests carried out. In addition, it prevents changes in the correct order of recorded events. The complete platform has proven its usefulness by monitoring a real WSN, obtaining satisfactory results. In addition, HMP can be applied in a modular and simple way to different types of WSN.Les xarxes sense fils de sensors (WSN per les seves sigles en angl猫s) han demostrat ser fonamentals en la implementaci贸 de paradigmes com el anomenat Internet de los Coses. Malgrat aix貌, per la seva forma de funcionament i els entorns on treballen, aquestes xarxes s贸n susceptibles a errors durant la seva operaci贸. El monitoratge de les WSN, tant durant el seu desenvolupament, com en el seu desplegament o al llarg de la seva vida, 茅s la millor forma de observar el seu funcionament, ja sigui amb finalitats de depuraci贸, verificaci贸 o control de la seva operaci贸. Les plataformes de monitoratge solen classificar-se segons el seu enfoc: actiu o passiu. Els monitors actius requereixen algun nivell de modificaci贸 en el sistema analitzat i permeten adquirir informaci贸 m茅s precisa de l'operaci贸 de la WSN, per貌 poden interferir amb el seu funcionament. D'altra banda, els monitors passius no requereixen modificar el sistema observat pel que pr脿cticament no causen interfer猫ncia, per貌 la informaci贸 obtinguda pot no ser suficient. Existeixen tamb茅 els bancs de proves (testbeds en angl猫s), que poden funcionar tant de forma passiva com activa, per貌 el seu 煤s est脿 limitat a entorns de laboratori. Un monitor pot classificar-se com a maquinari o programari en funci贸 de la seva naturalesa. Tamb茅 existeix un enfoc h铆brid, on es combinen elements maquinari i programari en el proc茅s de monitoratge. S'ha denominat com a h铆brid a qualsevol proposta que combini almenys dos enfocaments de funcionament (actiu/passiu, maquinari/programari). En aquest sentit, existeixen poques propostes h铆brides de monitoratge per WSN, per貌 estan enfocades a un tipus espec铆fic de nodes, el seu funcionament 茅s limitat, i en ocasions solament s'han presentat com a proposta te貌rica. En aquesta tesi es presenta la proposta d'una Plataforma de Monitoratge H铆brid, denominada HMP (Hybrid Monitoring Platform), orientada a l'avaluaci贸 del comportament de qualsevol WSN. Aquesta plataforma busca combinar els enfocs de monitoratge actiu i passiu per aprofitar els avantatges d'aquests al mateix temps que es compensen els seus inconvenients. L'arquitectura de la plataforma segueix un model de refer猫ncia gen猫ric per a plataformes de monitoratge de WSN. Aquest model busca que els sistemes proposats puguin ser aplicables a qualsevol WSN, i que la independ猫ncia de nivells permeti que els avan莽os en un nivell del model no impliquin canvis en els altres, a m茅s de simplificar la interoperabilitat entre plataformes. A la plataforma proposada poden trobar-se tres tipus de components principals: Els Nodes Monitors, que es connecten de forma activa als nodes de la WSN; els Nodes Espies, que capturen en el mitj脿 compartit els missatges enviats per l'aplicaci贸 WSN a analitzar; i finalment un Servidor de Monitoratge. Els dos primers components registren els esdeveniments observats de l'aplicaci贸 WSN a analitzar, alhora que registren l'instant de temps en que tenen lloc, i els fan arribar al tercer, encarregat de coordinar la recol路lecci贸 de les dades obtingudes pels altres components. Llavors, el Servidor de Monitoratge processa les dades obtingudes, combinant-los en una 煤nica tra莽a que reflecteix el comportament global de l'aplicaci贸. Aquesta tra莽a pot ser analitzada per avaluar les prestacions, optimitzar el funcionament o detectar problemes durant el disseny, desplegament o operaci贸 de l'WSN. HMP usa un nou mecanisme de sincronitzaci贸 de les marques de temps de les dades obtingudes. Aquest mecanisme, denominat GTSO (Global Trace Synchronization and Ordering Mechanism), realitza una sincronitzaci贸 fora de l铆nia. El seu funcionament 茅s simple per貌 efectiu, com es demostra en les proves realitzades, i evita que existeixin canvis en l'ordre correcte dels esdeveniments registrats. La plataforma completa ha demostrat la seva utilitat mitjan莽ant el monitoratge d'una WSN real, obtenint resultats satisfactoris. A m茅s, HMP pot ser aplicada de formaNavia Mendoza, MR. (2018). Plataforma de Monitorizaci贸n H铆brida para la evaluaci贸n de Redes Inal谩mbricas de Sensores [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/106343TESI

    HMP: A Hybrid Monitoring Platform for Wireless Sensor Networks Evaluation

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    (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.[EN] Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), as an essential part of the deployment of the Internet of Things paradigm, require an adequate debugging and monitoring procedures to avoid errors in their operation. One of the best tools for WSN supervision is the so-called Monitoring Platforms that harvest information about the WSN operation in order to detect errors and evaluate performance. Monitoring platforms for the WSN can be hardware or software implemented, and, additionally, they can work in active or passive mode. Each approach has advantages and drawbacks. To benefit from their advantages and compensate their limitations, hybrid platforms combine different approaches. However, very few hybrid tools, with many restrictions, have been proposed. Most of them are designed for a specific implementation of WSN nodes; many of them are lack of a real implementation, and none of them provides an accurate solution to synchronization issues. This paper presents a hybrid monitoring platform for WSN, called HMP. This platform combines both hardware and software, active and passive monitoring approaches. This hybridization provides many interesting capabilities; HMP harvests the information both actively (directly from the sensor nodes) and passively (by means of messages captured from the WSN), causing a very low intrusion in the observed network. In addition, HMP is reusable; it may be applied to almost any WSN and includes a suitable trace synchronism procedure. Finally, HMP follows an open architecture that allows interoperability and layered development.This work was supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad, through the project Hacia el hospital inteligente: Investigacion en el diseno de una plataforma basada en Internet de las Cosas y su aplicacion en la mejora del cumplimiento de higiene de manos, under Grant DPI2016-80303-C2-1-P. The project covers the costs of publishing in open access.Navia-Mendoza, MR.; Campelo Rivadulla, JC.; Bonastre Pina, AM.; Capella Hern谩ndez, JV.; Ors Carot, R. (2019). HMP: A Hybrid Monitoring Platform for Wireless Sensor Networks Evaluation. IEEE Access. 7:87027-87041. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2925299S8702787041

    Review of studies on sensor networks for CO2 monitoring

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    <p>Currently, in metropolitan areas, the amounts of polluting gases are increasing, which causes the growth of global warming. One of the leading gases causing the greenhouse effect is carbon dioxide (CO2). For this reason, its monitoring and control is a highly studied topic worldwide due to the various problems in the ecosystem. One of the ways to monitor CO2 levels in the environment is through devices with specialised sensors and wireless communication through a sensor network. This research paper presents a bibliographic review of studies on sensor networks for CO2 monitoring. The objective of this article is to identify which are the sensors and the most used communication technology for the monitoring of this polluting gas. The methodology used in this article is a bibliographic review, which effectively allows the investigation of information to perform a critical analysis. Scientific articles, doctoral thesis, and other research on this subject have been considered for analysis. The results concluded that the most widely used wireless protocol is Zigbee due to its reduced energy consumption in implementation. The MQ-135 sensor is the most used, which is indicated to detect harmful gases in a maximum range of 10-1000 ppm (parts per million).</p&gt