1,099 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Flower Extracts of Cassia auriculata L.

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    Since plants are used as therapeutic agents, the present study was conducted to evaluate the phytochemical profile and antibacterial activities of flower extracts of Cassia auriculata. Studies on the antibacterial activity of ethanol, methanol and aqueous extracts of dry flower and ethanol, methanol and acetone extracts of fresh flower of Cassia auriculata was conducted using agar disc diffusion method. The microorganisms used include Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella paratyphi A, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Vibrio cholerae and Shigella dysentrae. The maximum activity was observed against all organisms except Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae. The minimum inhibitory concentration ranged between 12.5mg/mL and 75mg/mL depending on microorganism and various extract. Presence of phytochemicals such as terpenoids, tannins, flavonoids, saponin, cardiac glycosides and steroids were observed. Cassia auriculata was observed to have antibacterial activity and can be used for medicinal purposes

    Accuracy and Precision of Occlusal Contacts of Stereolithographic Casts Mounted by Digital Interocclusal Registrations

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    Statement of problem Little peer-reviewed information is available regarding the accuracy and precision of the occlusal contact reproduction of digitally mounted stereolithographic casts. Purpose The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the accuracy and precision of occlusal contacts among stereolithographic casts mounted by digital occlusal registrations. Material and methods Four complete anatomic dentoforms were arbitrarily mounted on a semi-adjustable articulator in maximal intercuspal position and served as the 4 different simulated patients (SP). A total of 60 digital impressions and digital interocclusal registrations were made with a digital intraoral scanner to fabricate 15 sets of mounted stereolithographic (SLA) definitive casts for each dentoform. After receiving a total of 60 SLA casts, polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) interocclusal records were made for each set. The occlusal contacts for each set of SLA casts were measured by recording the amount of light transmitted through the interocclusal records. To evaluate the accuracy between the SP and their respective SLA casts, the areas of actual contact (AC) and near contact (NC) were calculated. For precision analysis, the coefficient of variation (CoV) was used. The data was analyzed with t tests for accuracy and the McKay and Vangel test for precision (α=.05). Results The accuracy analysis showed a statistically significant difference between the SP and the SLA cast of each dentoform (PPP Conclusions For the accuracy evaluation, statistically significant differences were found between the occlusal contacts of all digitally mounted SLA casts groups, with an increase in AC values and a decrease in NC values. For the precision assessment, the CoV values of the AC and NC showed the digitally articulated cast’s inability to reproduce the uniform occlusal contacts

    Morphological Analysis of the Human Internal Iliac Artery in South Indian Population

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    Objectives: The accidental hemorrhage is common due to erroneous interpretation of the variant arteries during surgical procedures, hence the present study has been undertaken with reference to its morphological significance. The objectives were to examine the level of origin, length and the branching pattern of the human internal iliac artery in South Indian population. Methods: The study included 60 human bisected pelvises irrespective of their side and sex. The specimens were collected from the anatomy laboratory and were fixed with the formalin. The branching patterns were studied and demonstrated as per the guidelines of Adachi. Results: The origin of internal iliac artery was at the level of S1 vertebra in majority (58.3%) of the cases. The average length of internal iliac artery was 37 ± 4.62 mm (range, 13-54 mm). The type I pattern of the internal iliac artery was most common (83.5%) followed by types III and II. The type IV and V pattern of adachi were not observed. Conclusions: The results of this study were different from those reported by others and may be because of racial and geographical variations. Prior knowledge of the anatomical variations is beneficial for the vascular surgeons ligating the internal iliac artery or its branches and the radiologists interpreting angiograms of the pelvic region

    Evaluation of antipyretic activity of alcoholic extract of Murraya koenigii leaves in rabbits

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    Background: The present study was carried out to evaluate the antipyretic activity of alcoholic extract of Murraya koenigii leaves in rabbits by using PGE1 induced hyperpyrexia method. We found that not much work has been done on the antipyretic effect of this plant.Methods: Laboratory breed New Zealand strains of rabbits of either sex weighing 1000-1500 gm were used in the study. The animals were divided into five groups (n=6). The rabbits of all the groups were made febrile by injecting misoprostol (PGE1) subcutaneously in the dose of 100 mcg/kg.  For group 1 and 2, normal saline 2ml/kg as control and aspirin 28mg/kg as standard were given respectively. Alcoholic extract of Murraya koenigii leaves in the doses of 200, 400 and 800mg/kg were administered in remaining three groups respectively. Rectal temperatures were recorded with help of digital thermometer for every 30 min after drug treatment.Results: Alcoholic extract of Murraya koenigii produced highly significant (p<0.001) antipyretic effect in 400 and 800 mg/kg doses. But onset of action was fast with 800mg/kg dose.Conclusions: This study concludes that Alcoholic extract of Murraya koenigii has fast onset of action and also exhibited sustained anti pyretic action in New Zealand rabbits

    Serum Lipid Profile and Electrocardiographic Changes in Young Smokers

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    Smoking represents an important and rapidly growing global cause of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity.Cigarrette smoking is one of the major modifiable risk factors of cardiovascular disease, unless smokers are able to quit, approximately 40% of them will die prematurely.The need of the hour is timely intervention through smoking cessation.Our study was carried out in young smokers to demonstrate the effects of smoking on lipid profile and electrocardiographic changes. We aimed to study the effect of smoking on lipid profile and electrocardiographic changes in young smokers.The study design was a cross sectional study comprising 75 male smokers and 75 healthy controls.Smoking history and physical examination was done .Fasting sample was analysed for lipid profile and electrocardiograph of all subjects were recorded.The statistical anaylsis between mean values were evaluated by student‘t' test. Statistical significance was assessed by chi-square test, p<0.001 was considered to be significant.The mean pulse rate, the mean systolic blood pressure, abnormal lipid profile and prolonged Qt interval were significantly higher in smokers (p<0.001).We demonstrated significant lipid abnormalities and electrocardiographic changes in young smokers who form an important risk group and target population in whom smoking cessation counseling should be carried out to decrease long term cardiovascular risk

    Prescription pattern of drugs in pregnancy induced hypertension in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: The objective of this study was to evaluate the prescription pattern of drugs in pregnancy induced hypertension in a tertiary care hospital.Methods:A retrospective observational study was conducted by department of Pharmacology in collaboration with the Department of Obstetrics in Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally after taking permission from the Institutional Review Board. WHO basic indicators were indicators were used for studying the prescribing pattern of drugs.Results: Out of the total prescriptions studied the most commonly prescribed antihypertensive was Methyldopa, followed by Nifedipine. Amlodipine, Atenolol and Magnesium sulphate were the other drugs prescribed. Majority drugs prescribed were from category B and C. Single drug therapy was prescribed in 46.94% patients. The use of fixed dose combinations was low.Conclusion: The incidence of single drugs therapy and two drugs was high. Irrational prescriptions were few. The present pattern of prescriptions can be improved by advocating rational drug prescription and awareness regarding safe use of drugs to the obstetricians

    Impact of teaching session on concepts of palliative care in medical undergraduates

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    Background: The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of teaching session on concepts of palliative care and pain management among medical undergraduate students in a tertiary care hospital.Methods: The study was conducted in tertiary care teaching hospital among undergraduates. 152 medical students were enrolled. Pre-session questionnaire was distributed to the students and the response was obtained. This was followed by an educational lecture with power point presentation for 45 minutes and post-lecture response to the questionnaire was perceived. With comments, a qualitative mathematic analysis was carried out.Results: With response of 90% the attitude of students regarding incurable terminal illness did not change due to educational training. Comparison of knowledge and attitude in precession and post session in 4th year undergraduates was higher (p value <0.001 & <0.0001) in comparison to 2nd year undergraduates (P value <0.0002 & < 0.0005). Post session mean assessment also showed slight increase for 4th year (45.6 & 87.4) when compared with 2nd year students (42.8 & 82.12).Conclusions: Concept of palliative care was poor among medical undergraduates. Health care providers can overcome by knowledge construction, interrelation between practice and evidence based medicine
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