90 research outputs found

    Metodología AICLE: Diseño Curricular y Aplicación en el Aula de Educación Infantil

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    El Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenido y Lengua Extranjera (AICLE) es un método eficaz para que los alumnos adquieran competencias comunicativas y lingüísticas a la vez que aprenden contenidos curriculares. El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado se ha estructurado en tres capítulos. En el primer capítulo, se explica el desarrollo de la metodología AICLE en la Unión Europea, España y Aragón. También se analizan las ventajas, desventajas y desafíos asociados a la metodología AICLE para profesores y alumnos. Además, aparece un pequeño apunte sobre teorías de enseñanza de aprendizaje previas. A continuación, en el segundo capítulo definiré y analizaré los las principales características de AICLE y algunos de sus conceptos clave entre los que aparecen las 4Cs (contenido, comunicación, cognición y cultura), los distintos niveles de lenguaje utilizados en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (Language Triptych), herramientas específicas de evaluación (CLIL Matrix), recomendaciones generales o guía didáctica del profesor (Tool Kit) y diferentes tipos de implementación de esta metodología. Finalmente, en el capítulo tercero presentaré el diseño y aplicación práctica de una unidad didáctica AICLE en el área de Educación Infantil

    Evaluación del lenguaje y propuesta de intervención en un paciente con ictus

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    En el presente estudio, el objetivo principal fue realizar una evaluación sobre la capacidad del lenguaje de un paciente de 60 años, tras haber sufrido un accidente cerebrovascular con la edad de 51 años. Tras llevar a cabo la evaluación con dos instrumentos, Test Boston y la prueba Mini-Mental, se observa en los resultados cuáles son las áreas del lenguaje más dañadas, comprensión auditiva, escritura, comprensión del lenguaje escrito, música y lectura. Sin embargo la repetición y la fluidez son las áreas menos perjudicadas. Considerando los resultados se plantea una propuesta de intervención que pueda resultar de utilidad para pacientes con afasia cuyo objetivo es: mejorar las áreas de comprensión, así como la de lectura y escritura, junto con la música. Para la realización de este trabajo, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre el ictus, la afasia, los tipos y enfoques sobre la misma, qué tipos de intervención y rehabilitación se pueden llevar a cabo con pacientes que sufren este trastorno y así poder mejorar su calidad de vida. Se discute la relevancia de desarrollar propuestas de intervención individualizadas

    Well-Being without Employment? Promoting the Employability of Refugees

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    There are more than 25 million refugees in the world. Many of them try to reach the Mediterranean in order to enter Europe. Spain is one of the countries that receive refugees and have to integrate them. Many refugees have experienced persecution in their countries, as well as forced migration, rape, diseases, etc. Their integration requires support and coordination from the government, health services, and social agents. The first step in achieving this integration is getting a job, which is currently an important issue. Thus, we aim to analyze the employability of a specific group of refugees in Spain and then develop and implement an intervention program to improve their employability. Our framework is based on the Bioecological Model of Employability. The results obtained show that the program is effective in improving employability, and they highlight the importance of labor inclusion for refugees' well-being. Moreover, the findings reveal the need to create labor market policies and further evaluations, diagnostics, and intervention programs that improve employability and other types of personal-community growth. It is necessary to focus on refugees' needs and develop appropriate services

    Exploring the impact of ketogenic diet on multiple sclerosis: obesity, anxiety, depression, and the glutamate system

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disorder. Individuals with MS frequently present symptoms such as functional disability, obesity, and anxiety and depression. Axonal demyelination can be observed and implies alterations in mitochondrial activity and increased inflammation associated with disruptions in glutamate neurotransmitter activity. In this context, the ketogenic diet (KD), which promotes the production of ketone bodies in the blood [mainly β-hydroxybutyrate (βHB)], is a non-pharmacological therapeutic alternative that has shown promising results in peripheral obesity reduction and central inflammation reduction. However, the association of this type of diet with emotional symptoms through the modulation of glutamate activity in MS individuals remains unknown.AimTo provide an update on the topic and discuss the potential impact of KD on anxiety and depression through the modulation of glutamate activity in subjects with MS.DiscussionThe main findings suggest that the KD, as a source of ketone bodies in the blood, improves glutamate activity by reducing obesity, which is associated with insulin resistance and dyslipidemia, promoting central inflammation (particularly through an increase in interleukins IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-17). This improvement would imply a decrease in extrasynaptic glutamate activity, which has been linked to functional disability and the presence of emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression

    MicroRNAs and Neutrophil Activation Markers Predict Venous Thrombosis in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma and Distal Extrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma

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    Cancer-associated venous thrombosis (VTE) increases mortality and morbidity. However, limited tools are available to identify high risk patients. Upon activation, neutrophils release their content through different mechanisms, thereby prompting thrombosis. We explored plasma microRNAs (miRNAs) and neutrophil activation markers to predict VTE in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and distal extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (DECC). Twenty-six PDAC and 6 DECC patients recruited at cancer diagnosis, were examined for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolisms, and were then followed-up with clinical examinations, blood collections, and biCUS. Ten patients developed VTE and were compared with 22 age- and sex-matched controls. miRNA expression levels were measured at diagnosis and right before VTE, and neutrophil activation markers (cell-free DNA, nucleosomes, calprotectin, and myeloperoxidase) were measured in every sample obtained during follow-up. We obtained a profile of 7 miRNAs able to estimate the risk of future VTE at diagnosis (AUC = 0.95; 95% Confidence Interval (CI) (0.987, 1)) with targets involved in the pancreatic cancer and complement and coagulation cascades pathways. Seven miRNAs were up- or down-regulated before VTE compared with diagnosis. We obtained a predictive model of VTE with calprotectin as predictor (AUC = 0.77; 95% CI (0.57, 0.95)). This is the first study that addresses the ability of plasma miRNAs and neutrophil activation markers to predict VTE in PDAC and DECC

    Use of hyrolates from aromatic plants for the control of four weed species

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    Durante el proceso de destilación de plantas aromáticas se genera un subproducto líquido llamado hidrolato que, en condiciones in vitro, se sabe que tiene propiedades herbicidas. El siguiente paso para estudiar una posible actividad antigerminante sería utilizar el producto en condiciones de invernadero. Para ello se realizaron tres ensayos, en grandes macetas, utilizando hidrolatos de lavanda (Lavandula intermedia var. Súper) y de Artemisia absinthium a dos dosis diferentes. Como especies diana se sembraron Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv., Sonchus oleraceus L., Datura stramonium L. y Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq. En los tres ensayos se utilizaron las mismas poblaciones de arvenses y se hicieron 4 repeticiones por tratamiento. Los resultados mostraron una reducción de la emergencia más o menos acusada en las 4 especies al aplicar ambos hidrolatos ya desde la menor dosis. Las arvenses más sensibles a los hidrolatos fueron S. oleraceus y C. bonariensis con una reducción de la emergencia que osciló entre un 8 y un 100% dependiendo del ensayo sin una marcada diferencia en el tipo de hidrolato. La emergencia de E. crus-galli fue la menos afectada por la acción de los hidrolatos. La baja tasa de emergencia de D. stramonium en dos de los ensayos y los resultados algo irregulares en el otro requieren de una repetición de los ensayos tratando de analizar algunos factores en mayor detalle, como el riego, que pudo haber causado el lavado de la fracción bioactiva del hidrolato.During the distillation process of aromatic plants a liquid byproduct so called hydrolate is produced which is known to have some herbicidal activity in vitro. The next step to study a possible inhibition of germination would be to use the product in greenhouse conditions. With this aim three trials were carried out in big pots using hydrolates of lavender (Lavandula intermedia var. Super) and of Artemisia absinthium at two different rates. As target weed species Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv., Sonchus oleraceus L., Datura stramonium L. and Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq. were seeded. The same weed populations were used in the three trials and 4 replicates were conducted. The results showed a more or less pronounced reduction in weed emergence depending on the species already at the lower rates of the hydrolates. The most susceptible species were S. oleraceus and Conyza bonariensis with an emergence reduction between 8 and 100% depending on the trial without a marked difference in the type of hydrolate. E. crus-galli was the least affected by the action of hydrolates. The low emergence of D. stramonium in two of the trials and quite irregular results in the other suggest that more trials should be conducted focusing on analysing some of the factors more in detail such as the irrigation, that could have washed out the bioactive fraction of the hydrolates.Los trabajos han sido financiados por el proyecto PID2020-113865RR-C41 del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y por el Grupo Consolidado PROVESOS A11-23R, financiado por el Gobierno de Aragón.bioherbicidesemergence reductionnatural herbicidephytotoxicityallelopathyPublishe

    Efficient inhibition of iron superoxide dismutase and of Trypanosoma cruzi growth by benzo[g]phthalazine derivatives functionalized with one or two imidazole rings

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    The synthesis and trypanosomatic behavior of a new series of 1,4-bis(alkylamino)benzo[g]phthalazines 1−4 containing the biologically significant imidazole ring are reported. In vitro antiparasitic activity against Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes is remarkable, especially for compound 2, whereas toxicity against Vero cells is very low. Conversion of epimastigotes to metacyclic forms in the presence of the tested compounds causes significant decreases in the amastigote and trypomastigote numbers. Fe-SOD inhibition is noteworthy, whereas effect on human Cu/Zn-SOD is negligible.The authors thank the Spanish CICYT for the financial support

    1,4-Bis(alkylamino)benzo[g]phthalazines able to form dinuclear complexes of Cu(II) which as free ligands behave as SOD inhibitors and show efficient in vitro activity against Trypanosoma cruzi

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    The synthesis of a new series of 1,4-bis(alkylamino)benzo[g]phthalazines 1–3 is reported, and their ability to form dinuclear complexes with Cu(II) assayed. The geometry of the complexes is dependent on the nature of the electron-donor sites at the sidechains. Compounds 1 and 2, that contain sp3 or sp2 nitrogens at the end of the alkylamino groups, originate monopodal dinuclear complexes which seem to include endogenous OH bridges, and the sidechains seem to actively participate in complexation. However, the substitution of nitrogen by oxygen in 3 leads to a tripodal dinuclear complex in which the sidechains are not involved. The in vitro antiparasitic activity on Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes and amastigotes and the SOD activity inhibition have been evaluated for compounds 1–3, and, as expected, 1 and 2 show in all cases relevant results, whereas 3 is always the less active among the three substrates tested.The authors thank the Spanish Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia for the economical support given to this work (SAF99-0066)

    Expression of infiltrating bone marrow natural killer cell receptors in pediatric acute leukemia

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    Abstract of the poster presented at SIOP 2021, the 53th Annual Congress of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology, Virtual, 21-24 october 2021.-- E-Poster Topic: Disease Orientated / AS01 Haematology / AS01.a Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.-- PV0061 / #709.Peer reviewe

    Bibliographia medica hispanica 1475-1950 :Volumen V, Libros y Folletos, 1851-1900

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    Los repertorios y bases de datos de publicaciones científicas españolas, asociados a su análisis bibliométrico, semántico-documental y prosopográfico, constituyen una de las principales líneas de trabajo del Instituto de Estudios Documentales e Históricos sobre la Ciencia. En los siete primeros volúmenes de la “Bibliographia Medica Hispanica” se han incluido libros y folletos de tema médico impresos hasta 1950 y publicados en España o escritos por españoles desde el último cuarto del siglo XV hasta la primera mitad del XX. El volumen octavo está dedicado a las revistas médicas impresas en España hasta 1950.//. Els repertoris i bases de dades de publicacions científiques espanyoles, associats a la seua anàlisi bibliomètrica, semàntic-documental i prosopogràfica, constitueixen una de les principals línies de treball de l'Institut d'Estudis Documentals i Històrics sobre la Ciència. En els set primers volums de la "Bibliographia Medica Hispanica" s'han inclòs llibres i fullets de tema mèdic impresos fins a 1950 i publicats a Espanya o escrits per espanyols des de l'últim quart del segle XV fins a la primera meitat del XX. El volum huité està dedicat a les revistes mèdiques impreses a Espanya fins a 1950