13 research outputs found

    Long distance modifications of gravity in four dimensions

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    We discuss some general characteristics of modifications of the 4D Einstein-Hilbert action that become important for low space-time curvatures. In particular we focus on the chameleon-like behaviour of the massive gravitational degrees of freedom. Generically there is at least one extra scalar that is light on cosmic scales, but for certain models it becomes heavy close to any mass source.Comment: 4 pages, contribution to the proceedings of the Rencontres de Moriond: Contents and Structures of the Universe, March 18-25, 2006, La Thuil

    Dark energy, MOND and sub-millimeter tests of gravity

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    We consider modifications of General Relativity obtained by adding the logarithm of some curvature invariants to the Einstein-Hilbert action. These non-linear actions can explain the late-time acceleration of the universe giving an expansion history that differs from that of a pure cosmological constant. We show that they also modify the Newtonian potential below a fixed acceleration scale given by the late-time Hubble constant times the speed of light. This is exactly what is required in MOND, a phenomenological modification of the Newtonian potential that is capable of explaining galactic rotation curves without the need to introduce dark matter. We show that this kind of modification also predicts short distance deviations of Newton's law at the sub-mm scale and an anomalous shift in the precession of the Moon's orbit around the Earth, both effects of a size that is less than an order of magnitude below current bounds.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in proceedings of the XLIrst Rencontres de Morion

    f(R) actions, cosmic acceleration and local tests of gravity

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    We study spherically symmetric solutions in f(R) theories and its compatibility with local tests of gravity. We start by clarifying the range of validity of the weak field expansion and show that for many models proposed to address the Dark Energy problem this expansion breaks down in realistic situations. This invalidates the conclusions of several papers that make inappropriate use of this expansion. For the stable models that modify gravity only at small curvatures we find that when the asymptotic background curvature is large we approximately recover the solutions of Einstein gravity through the so-called Chameleon mechanism, as a result of the non-linear dynamics of the extra scalar degree of freedom contained in the metric. In these models one would observe a transition from Einstein to scalar-tensor gravity as the Universe expands and the background curvature diminishes. Assuming an adiabatic evolution we estimate the redshift at which this transition would take place for a source with given mass and radius. We also show that models of dynamical Dark Energy claimed to be compatible with tests of gravity because the mass of the scalar is large in vacuum (e.g. those that also include R^2 corrections in the action), are not viable.Comment: 26 page

    Dark Energy, scalar-curvature couplings and a critical acceleration scale

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    We study the effects of coupling a cosmologically rolling scalar field to higher order curvature terms. We show that when the strong coupling scale of the theory is on the 10^{-3}-10^{-1}eV range, the model passes all experimental bounds on the existence of fifth forces even if the field has a mass of the order of the Hubble scale in vacuum and non-suppressed couplings to SM fields. The reason is that the coupling to certain curvature invariant acts as an effective mass that grows in regions of large curvature. This prevents the field from rolling down its potential near sources and makes its effects on fifth-force search experiments performed in the laboratory to be observable only at the sub-mm scale. We obtain the static spherically symmetric solutions of the theory and show that a long-range force appears but it is turned on only below a fixed Newtonian acceleration scale of the order of the Hubble constant. We comment on the possibility of using this feature of the model to alleviate the CDM small scale crisis and on its possible relation to MOND.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Compactifications of conformal gravity

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    We study conformal theories of gravity, i.e. those whose action is invariant under the local transformation g_{\mu\nu} -> \omega^2 (x) g_{\mu\nu}. As is well known, in order to obtain Einstein gravity in 4D it is necessary to introduce a scalar compensator with a VEV that spontaneously breaks the conformal invariance and generates the Planck mass. We show that the compactification of extra dimensions in a higher dimensional conformal theory of gravity also yields Einstein gravity in lower dimensions, without the need to introduce the scalar compensator. It is the field associated with the size of the extra dimensions (the radion) who takes the role of the scalar compensator in 4D. The radion has in this case no physical excitations since they are gauged away in the Einstein frame for the metric. In these models the stabilization of the size of the extra dimensions is therefore automatic.Comment: 13 page

    Spherically symmetric solutions in f(R)-gravity via Noether Symmetry Approach

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    We search for spherically symmetric solutions of f(R) theories of gravity via the Noether Symmetry Approach. A general formalism in the metric framework is developed considering a point-like f(R)-Lagrangian where spherical symmetry is required. Examples of exact solutions are given.Comment: 17 pages, to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Expansion history and f(R) modified gravity

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    We attempt to fit cosmological data using f(R)f(R) modified Lagrangians containing inverse powers of the Ricci scalar varied with respect to the metric. While we can fit the supernova data well, we confirm the at1/2a\propto t^{1/2} behaviour at medium to high redshifts reported elsewhere and argue that the easiest way to show that this class of models are inconsistent with the data is by considering the thickness of the last scattering surface. For the best fit parameters to the supernova data, the simplest 1/R model gives rise to a last scattering surface of thickness Δz530\Delta z\sim 530, inconsistent with observations.Comment: accepted in JCAP, presentation clarified, results and conclusions unchange

    Modified-Source Gravity and Cosmological Structure Formation

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    One way to account for the acceleration of the universe is to modify general relativity, rather than introducing dark energy. Typically, such modifications introduce new degrees of freedom. It is interesting to consider models with no new degrees of freedom, but with a modified dependence on the conventional energy-momentum tensor; the Palatini formulation of f(R)f(R) theories is one example. Such theories offer an interesting testing ground for investigations of cosmological modified gravity. In this paper we study the evolution of structure in these ``modified-source gravity'' theories. In the linear regime, density perturbations exhibit scale dependent runaway growth at late times and, in particular, a mode of a given wavenumber goes nonlinear at a higher redshift than in the standard Λ\LambdaCDM model. We discuss the implications of this behavior and why there are reasons to expect that the growth will be cut off in the nonlinear regime. Assuming that this holds in a full nonlinear analysis, we briefly describe how upcoming measurements may probe the differences between the modified theory and the standard Λ\LambdaCDM model.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, uses iopart styl

    Reconstruction of the Scalar-Tensor Lagrangian from a LCDM Background and Noether Symmetry

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    We consider scalar-tensor theories and reconstruct their potential U(\Phi) and coupling F(\Phi) by demanding a background LCDM cosmology. In particular we impose a background cosmic history H(z) provided by the usual flat LCDM parameterization through the radiation (w_{eff}=1/3), matter (w_{eff}=0) and deSitter (w_{eff}=-1) eras. The cosmological dynamical system which is constrained to obey the LCDM cosmic history presents five critical points in each era, one of which corresponding to the standard General Relativity (GR). In the cases that differ from GR, the reconstructed coupling and potential are of the form F(\Phi)\sim \Phi^2 and U(\Phi)\sim F(\Phi)^m where m is a constant. This class of scalar tensor theories is also theoretically motivated by a completely independent approach: imposing maximal Noether symmetry on the scalar-tensor Lagrangian. This approach provides independently: i) the form of the coupling and the potential as F(\Phi)\sim \Phi^2 and U(\Phi)\sim F(\Phi)^m, ii) a conserved charge related to the potential and the coupling and iii) allows the derivation of exact solutions by first integrals of motion.Comment: Added comments, discussion, references. 15 revtex pages, 5 fugure