12,808 research outputs found

    Document Retrieval on Repetitive Collections

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    Document retrieval aims at finding the most important documents where a pattern appears in a collection of strings. Traditional pattern-matching techniques yield brute-force document retrieval solutions, which has motivated the research on tailored indexes that offer near-optimal performance. However, an experimental study establishing which alternatives are actually better than brute force, and which perform best depending on the collection characteristics, has not been carried out. In this paper we address this shortcoming by exploring the relationship between the nature of the underlying collection and the performance of current methods. Via extensive experiments we show that established solutions are often beaten in practice by brute-force alternatives. We also design new methods that offer superior time/space trade-offs, particularly on repetitive collections.Comment: Accepted to ESA 2014. Implementation and experiments at http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/group/suds/rlcsa

    Observational Evidence for Small-Scale Mixture of Weak and Strong Fields in the Quiet Sun

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    Three different maps of the quiet Sun, observed with the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter (ASP) and the Diffraction-Limited Stokes Polarimeter (DLSP), show evidence of strong (\simeq1700 G) and weak (<<500 G) fields coexisting within the resolution element both at network and internetwork locations. The angular resolution of the observations is of 1\arcsec (ASP) and 0.\arcsec6 (DLSP), respectively. Even at the higher DLSP resolution, a significant fraction of the network magnetic patches harbor a mixture of strong and weak fields. Internetwork elements that exhibit kG fields when analyzed with a single-component atmosphere are also shown to harbor considerable amounts of weak fields. Only those patches for which a single-component analysis yields weak fields do not show this mixture of field strengths. Finally, there is a larger fractional area of weak fields in the convective upflows than in the downflows.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Dark Energy, scalar-curvature couplings and a critical acceleration scale

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    We study the effects of coupling a cosmologically rolling scalar field to higher order curvature terms. We show that when the strong coupling scale of the theory is on the 10^{-3}-10^{-1}eV range, the model passes all experimental bounds on the existence of fifth forces even if the field has a mass of the order of the Hubble scale in vacuum and non-suppressed couplings to SM fields. The reason is that the coupling to certain curvature invariant acts as an effective mass that grows in regions of large curvature. This prevents the field from rolling down its potential near sources and makes its effects on fifth-force search experiments performed in the laboratory to be observable only at the sub-mm scale. We obtain the static spherically symmetric solutions of the theory and show that a long-range force appears but it is turned on only below a fixed Newtonian acceleration scale of the order of the Hubble constant. We comment on the possibility of using this feature of the model to alleviate the CDM small scale crisis and on its possible relation to MOND.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Conservation equation on braneworlds in six dimensions

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    We study braneworlds in six-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. The Gauss-Bonnet term is crucial for the equations to be well-posed in six dimensions when non-trivial matter on the brane is included (the also involved induced gravity term is not significant for their structure), and the matching conditions of the braneworld are known. We show that the energy-momentum of the brane is always conserved, independently of any regular bulk energy-momentum tensor, contrary to the situation of the five-dimensional case.Comment: References added, minor changes, 3 pages, RevTeX, to app. in Class. Quant. Gra

    Weak Lensing Mass Reconstruction of the Galaxy Cluster Abell 209

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    Weak lensing applied to deep optical images of clusters of galaxies provides a powerful tool to reconstruct the distribution of the gravitating mass associated to these structures. We use the shear signal extracted by an analysis of deep exposures of a region centered around the galaxy cluster Abell 209, at redshift z=0.2, to derive both a map of the projected mass distribution and an estimate of the total mass within a characteristic radius. We use a series of deep archival R-band images from CFHT-12k, covering an area of 0.3 deg^2. We determine the shear of background galaxy images using a new implementation of the modified Kaiser-Squires-Broadhurst pipeline for shear determination, which we has been tested against the ``Shear TEsting Program 1 and 2'' simulations. We use mass aperture statistics to produce maps of the 2 dimensional density distribution, and parametric fits using both Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) and singular-isothermal-sphere profiles to constrain the total mass. The projected mass distribution shows a pronounced asymmetry, with an elongated structure extending from the SE to the NW. This is in general agreement with the optical distribution previously found by other authors. A similar elongation was previously detected in the X-ray emission map, and in the distribution of galaxy colours. The circular NFW mass profile fit gives a total mass of M_{200} = 7.7^{+4.3}_{-2.7} 10^{14} solar masses inside the virial radius r_{200} = 1.8\pm 0.3 Mpc. The weak lensing profile reinforces the evidence for an elongated structure of Abell 209, as previously suggested by studies of the galaxy distribution and velocities.Comment: accepted by A&A, 15 pages, 11 figure

    Un aparato sencillo y de alta precisión para la determinación de áreas especificas y del tamaño de poro de solidos

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    Se describe el principio del funcionamiento de un equipo que permite determinar las isotermas de adsorción de gases por sólidos a bajas temperaturas y se ilustra la forma de calcular el área específica y la distribución de tamaño de poro de los sólidos a partir de los datos de adsorción. Se utilizaron catalizadores de níquel metálico y de cromito de cobre; como adsórbate se empleó nitrógeno y los estudios de adsorción se realizaron a la temperatura del nitrógeno líquido

    Unusual Stokes V profiles during flaring activity of a delta sunspot

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    We analyze a set of full Stokes profile observations of the flaring active region NOAA 10808 recorded with the Vector-Spectromagnetograph (VSM) of the SOLIS facility. We aim to quantify transient and permanent changes in the magnetic field and velocity field. The results are put in context with MDI magnetograms and reconstructed RHESSI X-ray images. We find signs of restructuring of the photospheric magnetic field during the flare close to the polarity inversion line (PIL) at the flaring site. At two locations in the umbra we encounter strong fields (approx. 3 kG), as inferred from the Stokes I profiles which, however, exhibit a low polarization signal. During the flare we observe in addition asymmetric Stokes V profiles at one of these sites. The asymmetric Stokes V profiles appear co-spatial and co-temporal with a strong apparent polarity reversal observed in MDI-magnetograms and a chromospheric hard X-ray source. The two-component atmosphere fits of the asymmetric Stokes profiles result in line-of-sight velocity differences in the range of approx. 12km/s to 14 km/s between the two components in the photosphere. Another possibility is that local atmospheric heating is causing the observed asymmetric Stokes V profile shape. In either case our analysis shows that a very localized patch of approx. 5 arcsec in the photospheric umbra, co-spatial with a flare footpoint, exhibits a sub-resolution fine structure.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl

    Spheres, Deficit Angles and the Cosmological Constant

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    We consider compactifications of six dimensional gravity in four dimensional Minkowski or de Sitter space times a two dimensional sphere, S^2. As has been recently pointed out, it is possible to introduce 3-branes in these backgrounds with arbitrary tension without affecting the effective four dimensional cosmological constant, since its only effect is to induce a deficit angle in the sphere. We show that if a monopole like configuration of a 6D U(1) gauge field is used to produce the spontaneous compactification of the two extra dimensions in a sphere a fine tuning between brane and bulk parameters is reintroduced once the quantization condition for the gauge field is taken into account, so the 4D cosmological constant depends on the brane tension. This problem is absent if instead of the monopole we consider a four form field strength in the bulk to obtain the required energy-momentum tensor. Also, making use of the four form field, we generalize the solution to an arbitrary number of dimensions (\ge 6), keeping always four noncompact dimensions and compactifying the rest in a n-dimensional sphere. We show that a (n+1)-brane with arbitrary tension can be introduced in this background without affecting the effective 4D cosmological constant.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    Instability of brane cosmological solutions with flux compactifications

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    We discuss the stability of the higher-dimensional de Sitter (dS) brane solutions with two-dimensional internal space in the Einstein-Maxwel theory. We show that an instability appears in the scalar-type perturbations with respect to the dS spacetime. We derive a differential relation which has the very similar structure to the ordinary laws of thermodynamics as an extension of the work for the six-dimensional model [20]. In this relation, the area of dS horizon (integrated over the two internal dimensions) exactly behaves as the thermodynamical entropy. The dynamically unstable solutions are in the thermodynamically unstable branch. An unstable dS compactification either evolves toward a stable configuration or two-dimensional internal space is decompactified. These dS brane solutions are equivalent to the accelerating cosmological solutions in the six-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory via dimensional reduction. Thus, if the seed higher-dimensional solution is unstable, the corresponding six-dimensional solution is also unstable. From the effective four-dimensional point of view, a cosmological evolution from an unstable cosmological solution in higher dimensions may be seen as a process of the transition from the initial cosmological inflation to the current dark energy dominated Universe.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, references added, to appear in CQ

    Magnetic properties of photospheric regions having very low magnetic flux

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    The magnetic properties of the quiet Sun are investigated using a novel inversion code, FATIMA, based on the Principal Component Analysis of the observed Stokes profiles. The stability and relatively low noise sensitivity of this inversion procedure allows for the systematic inversion of large data sets with very weak polarization signal. Its application to quiet Sun observations of network and internetwork regions reveals that a significant fraction of the quiet Sun contains kilogauss fields (usually with very small filling factors) and confirms that the pixels with weak polarization account for most of the magnetic flux. Mixed polarities in the resolution element are also found to occur more likely as the polarization weakens.Comment: To apapear in ApJ. 39 pages, 12 figures (2 of them are color figures