2,003 research outputs found

    Accuracy analysis of a mobile mapping system for close range photogrammetric projects

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    [EN] Image-based mapping solutions require accurate exterior orientation parameters independently of the cameras used for a survey. This paper analyses the inclusion of up to two stereo-based geometric constraints in the form of baseline distance and convergence angle between camera axes to boost the integrated sensor orientation performance on outdoor close-range projects. A terrestrial low-cost mobile mapping GNSS/IMU multi-camera system is used to test the performance of the stereo-based geometric constraint on a weak geometric network in a stop-and-go survey. The influence of the number of control points (CPs) is analysed to confirm the performance and usability of the geometric constraints in real live terrestrial projects where far from ideal setups can exist across the survey. Improvements in image residuals up to 9 times and deviation errors better than 1 cm are expected when at least three CPs are incorporated into the adjustmentThe authors gratefully acknowledge the support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad to the project HAR2014-59873-R. Contributions on direct georeferencing from professors Dr. David Hernandez-Lopez, Dr. Luis Garcia-Asenjo and D. Pascual Garrigues are highly appreciated.Navarro Tarin, S.; Lerma García, JL. (2016). Accuracy analysis of a mobile mapping system for close range photogrammetric projects. Measurement. 93:148-156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2016.07.0301481569

    Estudio de soluciones para la defensa frente a las crecidas de la Rambla Salada de Cox, Granja de Rocamora y el polígono industrial de Albatera (Alicante)

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    [ES] La Rambla Salada de Cox es una pequeña cuenca que desciende de la sierra de Crevillente. Su cauce desaparece al llegar al llano, de modo que cuando lleva agua, corta la autovía A7 e inunda el polígono industrial de Albatera, Granja de Rocamora y partes del municipio de Cox. En el trabajo se realizará primero el estudio hidrológico, geológico y territorial. A continuación, se realiza un estudio de soluciones proponiendo distintos trazados en planta para dar salida al cauce actual, diseñando para cada alternativa la sección hidráulica. Para la solución obtenida del estudio, se diseñará el encauzamiento en la zona indicada con especial atención al paso bajo la A7, y con un recorrido que finaliza en el paraje de los cabezos de San Isidro. El encauzamiento se estudiará en su diseño hidráulico, estructural y geotécnico. Por último, se realizará una valoración económica de la actuación realizada.[EN] The Rambla Salada of Cox is a small basin that descends from the Crevillente mountain range. Its course disappears when it reaches the plain, so when it carries water, it cuts the A7 highway and floods the Albatera industrial area, Granja de Rocamora and parts of the municipality of Cox. In the work will be carried out first the hydrological, geological and territorial studies. Then, a study of solutions is made proposing different routes in plant to give exit to the current riverbed, designing for each alternative the hydraulic section. For the solution obtained from the study, the canalization will be designed in the area indicated with special attention to the passage under the A7, and with a route that ends in the area of the San Isidro headwaters. The canalization will be studied in its hydraulic, structural and geotechnical design. Finally, an economic assessment of the work carried out will be made. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)Navarro García, S. (2020). Estudio de soluciones para la defensa frente a las crecidas de la Rambla Salada de Cox, Granja de Rocamora y el polígono industrial de Albatera (Alicante). Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/166293TFG

    Dalla fotografia digitale alla fotogrammetria per i Beni Culturali Documentazione e Divulgazione

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    Licencia Creative Commons: Reconocimiento – NoComercial (by-nc)[EN] Digital photography is considered a valuable tool for cultural heritage documentation. Surveying and photogrammetry are required to achieve metric and accurate results in drawings, 2D/3D modelling and texturing. This paper presents the photogrammetric workflow from data acquisition to photorealistic 3D modelling and four heritage documentation case studies in different sites. High resolution and high accuracy photorealistic 3D models allow experts to recreate and interact virtually with cultural heritage either before, during of after intervention. Managers and information experts of cultural heritage monuments and sites should consider photogrammetric by-products not only to enrich knowledge, improve understanding and provide scientific records but to ease dissemination of heritage resources.[IT] La fotografia digitale è considerata un valido strumento per la documentazione del patrimonio culturale. Topografia e fotogrammetria sono necessari per ottenere risultati metrici precisi nei disegni, modellazione 2D/3D e texturing. Questo articolo descrive il processo di lavoro adottato dall'acquisizione dati alla modellazione 3D fotorealistica. Inoltre, sono documentati alcuni casi studio relativi a diversi siti. I Manager e gli esperti di comunicazione sul patrimonio culturale, dovrebbero considerare la fotogrammetria uno strumento non solo per arricchire la conoscenza, per migliorare la comprensione e fornire registrazioni scientifiche, ma anche per facilitare la diffusione delle risorse del patrimonio.The authors woild lide to thank the support provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation to the project HAR2010-18620Lerma García, JL.; Cabrelles López, M.; Navarro Tarin, S.; Fabado Salvador, S. (2013). From Digital Photography to Photogrammetry for Cultural Heritage Documentation and Dissemination. DisegnareCon. 6(12):1-8. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1828-5961/3850S1861

    Algunos aprendizajes de la arquitectura popular e histórica del Ecuador

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    Dentro de esta investigación se ha establecido un listado de 5 Pisos Térmico Climáticos enfocados al estudio de la arquitectura, clasificación que hasta la fecha no existía con este enfoque; luego se ha visitado estos pisos para obtener fichas técnico constructivas de ejemplos de la arquitectura de cada uno de ellos, encontrando: Arquitectura Ancestral, Arquitectura Colonial, Arquitectura Popular y Arquitectura Contemporánea de dos tipos principalmente. Luego de establecer los respectivos climogramas basados en los datos de las estaciones meteorológicas ecuatorianas, se ha podido constatar cómo cada forma de arquitectura responde o no con sus estrategias bioclimáticas a las condiciones de cada uno de los pisos térmico climáticos. Esta constatación técnica, permite confirmar la sensación presencial en los diferentes ejemplos de arquitectura de cada sitio, resaltando por su sabiduría las estrategias bioclimáticas de las arquitecturas populares e históricas principalmente, logrando ventilación frente a la humedad y calor por ejemplo, sombra y ventilación cruzada, o paredes gruesas y cerradas frente al frio. Todo esto además con los materiales que la naturaleza ha puesto en el lugar, con ventajas en transporte, reciclaje, experiencia, sabiduría y enseñanzas de estas arquitecturas. De todos estos casos se estudian dos ejemplos: 1.-La casa de caña abierta que tiene ventilación total por su textura y que se eleva del suelo creando ventilación también por el piso y creando un espacio libre bajo la casa para los días de gran calor. Todo con la belleza de sus ambientes interiores y su potencialidad para aprender de ella y recuperarla hoy. 2.-Las ventanas levantables como pétalos de la casa Colonial de los climas cálidos, que permite sombra visión y ventilación manejadas en sus diferentes posiciones. Por fin a esto se suman los cálculos de su consumo energético y su producción de CO2, muy inferior a la arquitectura moderna. Esto dentro del proceso de encontrar los indicadores de la Herramienta Ecuatoriana, que entre muchas cosas debe premiar los aprendizajes de las enseñanzas vernaculares

    Evidencias del incremento en la movilidad de dunas costeras en el último medio siglo como respuesta a la intervención humana

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    Given the risk of two roads being buried by the sand of two highly mobile coastal dunes (Valdevaqueros and Bolonia, SW Spain), several measures have been taken over the last half century in order to stabilize them or at least slow their progress: installation of several rows of 1-m-high concrete structures, planting of species such as Pinus pinea, Retama monosperma and Ammophila arenaria, wicker and wooden fencing, and sand mining (only performed on the Valdevaqueros dunefield). The evolution of the two dunes was investigated through the interpretation of intensive topographical monitoring and aerial photography. Average migration rates of approximately 10 m yr–1 were detected and the burial of anthropic structures has eventually occurred. This process has caused a serious regional problem, making dune management of these areas a difficult challenge. The comparison of the evolution of these two dunes has been of great importance in assessing the effect of historical human intervention and has provided a new perspective for future dune management strategies. The results obtained show that management measures based on sand removal have been proven to be unsustainable. Moreover, the monitoring methodology presented herein has proven very useful in predicting dune advance rates. For instance, the Bolonia dune could reach the nearest road in approximately 12 years.Se han tomado diferentes medidas a lo largo del último medio siglo tratando de estabilizar o al menos ralentizar el progreso de dos dunas costeras de alta movilidad (Valdevaqueros y Bolonia, SW España) dado el riesgo de enterramiento de sendas carreteras: Entre las medidas tomadas cabe destacar la instalación de filas de estructuras de hormigón de 1 m de altura, la plantación de diferentes especies (como el Pinus pinea, la Retama monosperma o la Ammophila arenaria), vallas de madera y brezo, y la extracción de arena (sólo en la duna de Valdevaqueros). La evolución de ambas dunas se ha investigado a través de la comparación de levantamientos topográficos y fotografías aéreas. Se han detectado tasas medias de avance de aproximadamente 10 m/año hasta que, finalmente, se han enterrado estructuras antrópicas. Este proceso ha causado graves problemas convirtiendo en un difícil reto la gestión de dunas de estas áreas. La comparación de la evolución de estas dos dunas ha resultado de gran importancia a la hora de evaluar el efecto de la intervención humana, y ha proporcionado una nueva perspectiva para las futuras estrategias de gestión. Entre los resultados obtenidos, debería destacarse el que la gestión basada en la retirada de arena ha resultado insostenible. Además, la metodología de seguimiento aquí presentada ha probado ser de gran utilidad al predecir las tasas de avance de las dunas. Por ejemplo, la duna de Bolonia podría alcanzar la carretera próxima en unos 12 años

    Evidence of coastal dune mobility increases over the last half century in response to historical human intervention

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    Given the risk of two roads being buried by the sand of two highly mobile coastal dunes (Valdevaqueros and Bolonia, SW Spain), several measures have been taken over the last half century in order to stabilize them or at least slow their progress: installation of several rows of 1-m-high concrete structures, planting of species such as Pinus pinea, Retama monosperma and Ammophila arenaria, wicker and wooden fencing, and sand mining (only performed on the Valdevaqueros dunefield). The evolution of the two dunes was investigated through the interpretation of intensive topographical monitoring and aerial photography. Average migration rates of approximately 10 m yr–1 were detected and the burial of anthropic structures has eventually occurred. This process has caused a serious regional problem, making dune management of these areas a difficult challenge. The comparison of the evolution of these two dunes has been of great importance in assessing the effect of historical human intervention and has provided a new perspective for future dune management strategies. The results obtained show that management measures based on sand removal have been proven to be unsustainable. Moreover, the monitoring methodology presented herein has proven very useful in predicting dune advance rates. For instance, the Bolonia dune could reach the nearest road in approximately 12 years

    De novo Transcriptome Assembly and Comprehensive Annotation of Two Tree Tomato Cultivars (Solanum betaceum Cav.) with Different Fruit Color

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    [EN] The tree tomato (Solanum betaceum Cav.) is an underutilized fruit crop native to the Andean region and phylogenetically related to the tomato and potato. Tree tomato fruits have a high amount of nutrients and bioactive compounds. However, so far there are no studies at the genome or transcriptome level for this species. We performed a de novo assembly and transcriptome annotation for purple-fruited (A21) and an orange-fruited (A23) accessions. A total of 174,252 (A21) and 194,417 (A23) transcripts were assembled with an average length of 851 and 849 bp. A total of 34,636 (A21) and 36,224 (A23) transcripts showed a significant similarity to known proteins. Among the annotated unigenes, 22,096 (A21) and 23,095 (A23) were assigned to the Gene Ontology (GO) term and 14,035 (A21) and 14,540 (A23) were found to have Clusters of Orthologous Group (COG) term classifications. Furthermore, 22,096 (A21) and 23,095 (A23) transcripts were assigned to 155 and 161 (A23) KEGG pathways. The carotenoid biosynthetic process GO terms were significantly enriched in the purple-fruited accession A21. Finally, 68,647 intraspecific single-nucleotide variations (SNVs) and almost 2 million interspecific SNVs were identified. The results of this study provide a wealth of genomic data for the genetic improvement of the tree tomato.Pietro Gramazio is grateful to the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion for a Juan de laCierva-Formacion post-doctoral grant FJC2019-038921-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)Pacheco, J.; Vilanova Navarro, S.; Grillo-Risco, R.; García-García, F.; Prohens Tomás, J.; Gramazio, P. (2021). De novo Transcriptome Assembly and Comprehensive Annotation of Two Tree Tomato Cultivars (Solanum betaceum Cav.) with Different Fruit Color. Horticulturae. 7(11):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae7110431S11871

    An Evaluation of the Effectivity of the Green Leaves Biostimulant on Lettuce Growth, Nutritional Quality, and Mineral Element Efficiencies under Optimal Growth Conditions

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    The use of biostimulants is becoming a useful tool for increasing crop productivity while enhancing nutritional quality. However, new studies are necessary to confirm that the joint application of different types of biostimulants, together with bioactive compounds, is effective and not harmful to plants. This study examined the impact of applying the biostimulant Green Leaves, comprising Macrocystis algae extract and containing a mixture of amino acids, corn steep liquor extract, calcium, and the bioactive compound glycine betaine. The effect of applying two different doses (3 and 5 mL L−1) of this biostimulant was evaluated on lettuce plants, and growth and quality parameters were analyzed along with photosynthetic efficiency, nutritional status, and nutrient efficiency parameters. The application of Green Leaves improved plant weight (25%) and leaf area and enhanced the photosynthetic rate, the accumulation of soluble sugars and proteins, and the agronomic efficiency of all essential nutrients. The 3 mL L−1 dose improved the nutritional quality of lettuce plants, improving the concentration of phenolic compounds and ascorbate and the antioxidant capacity and reducing NO3− accumulation. The 5 mL L−1 dose improved the absorption of most nutrients, especially N, which reduced the need for fertilizers, thus reducing costs and environmental impact. In short, the Green Leaves product has been identified as a useful product for obtaining higher yield and better quality.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Screening of Suitable Plant Regeneration Protocols for Several Capsicum spp. through Direct Organogenesis

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    [EN] Peppers (Capsicum spp.) are recalcitrant to in vitro culture regeneration, making the application of in vitro-based breeding strategies difficult. We evaluated the impact of different combinations of auxins, cytokinins and micronutrients on the induction of direct organogenesis in cotyledon and hypocotyl explants of C. annuum, C. baccatum and C. chinense. We found variation in the regeneration response among species and type of explant. In this way, the average numbers of shoots per cotyledon and hypocotyl explant were, respectively, 1.44 and 0.28 for C. annuum, 4.17 and 3.20 for C. baccatum and 0.08 and 0.00 for C. chinense. Out of the six media, the best overall results were obtained with the medium Pep1, which contained 5 mg/L BAP (6-benzylaminopurine), 0.5 mg/L IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) and 0.47 mg/L CuSO4, followed by a subculture in the same medium supplemented with 10 mg/L AgNO3 (medium Pep1.2). The best result for the Pep1 + Pep1.2 medium was obtained for C. baccatum using cotyledon explants, with 8.87 shoots per explant. The explants grown in medium Pep1 + Pep1.2 were the ones with greener tissue, while overall the hypocotyl explants were greener than the cotyledon explants. Our results indicate that there is wide variation among Capsicum species in terms of regeneration. Our results suggest that the synergistic effect of copper and silver resulted in a higher regeneration rate of Capsicum explants. Explants with shoots were transferred to different media for elongation, rooting and acclimatization. Although acclimatized plantlets were obtained for C. baccatum and C. chinense, an improvement in these latter stages would be desirable for a high throughput regeneration pipeline. This work contributes to the improvement of Capsicum regeneration protocols using specific combinations of medium, explant and genotype, reaching the levels of efficiency required for genetic transformation and of gene editing technologies for other crops.This research was funded by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, research line 20200268.Martínez-López, M.; García-Pérez, A.; Gimeno -Páez, E.; Prohens Tomás, J.; Vilanova Navarro, S.; García-Fortea, E. (2021). Screening of Suitable Plant Regeneration Protocols for Several Capsicum spp. through Direct Organogenesis. Horticulturae. 7(9):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae7090261S1177