25,280 research outputs found

    Symmetries in two-dimensional dilaton gravity with matter

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    The symmetries of generic 2D dilaton models of gravity with (and without) matter are studied in some detail. It is shown that δ2\delta_2, one of the symmetries of the matterless models, can be generalized to the case where matter fields of any kind are present. The general (classical) solution for some of these models, in particular those coupled to chiral matter, which generalizes the Vaidya solution of Einstein Gravity, is also given.Comment: Minor changes have been made; the references have been updated and some added; 11 pages. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    The cosmological origin of the Tully-Fisher relation

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    We use high-resolution cosmological simulations that include the effects of gasdynamics and star formation to investigate the origin of the Tully-Fisher relation in the standard Cold Dark Matter cosmogony. Luminosities are computed for each model galaxy using their full star formation histories and the latest spectrophotometric models. We find that at z=0 the stellar mass of model galaxies is proportional to the total baryonic mass within the virial radius of their surrounding halos. Circular velocity then correlates tightly with the total luminosity of the galaxy, reflecting the equivalence between mass and circular velocity of systems identified in a cosmological context. The slope of the relation steepens slightly from the red to the blue bandpasses, and is in fairly good agreement with observations. Its scatter is small, decreasing from \~0.45 mag in the U-band to ~0.34 mag in the K-band. The particular cosmological model we explore here seems unable to account for the zero-point of the correlation. Model galaxies are too faint at z=0 (by about two magnitudes) if the circular velocity at the edge of the luminous galaxy is used as an estimator of the rotation speed. The Tully-Fisher relation is brighter in the past, by about ~0.7 magnitudes in the B-band at z=1, at odds with recent observations of z~1 galaxies. We conclude that the slope and tightness of the Tully-Fisher relation can be naturally explained in hierarchical models but that its normalization and evolution depend strongly on the star formation algorithm chosen and on the cosmological parameters that determine the universal baryon fraction and the time of assembly of galaxies of different mass.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures included, submitted to ApJ (Letters

    Cationic ordering control of magnetization in Sr2FeMoO6 double perovskite

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    The role of the synthesis conditions on the cationic Fe/Mo ordering in Sr2FeMoO6 double perovskite is addressed. It is shown that this ordering can be controlled and varied systematically. The Fe/Mo ordering has a profound impact on the saturation magnetization of the material. Using the appropriate synthesis protocol a record value of 3.7muB/f.u. has been obtained. Mossbauer analysis reveals the existence of two distinguishable Fe sites in agreement with the P4/mmm symmetry and a charge density at the Fe(m+) ions significantly larger than (+3) suggesting a Fe contribution to the spin-down conduction band. The implications of these findings for the synthesis of Sr2FeMoO6 having optimal magnetoresistance response are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Simulations of galaxy formation in a Λ cold dark matter universe : I : dynamical and photometric properties of a simulated disk galaxy.

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    We present a detailed analysis of the dynamical and photometric properties of a disk galaxy simulated in the cold dark matter (CDM) cosmogony. The galaxy is assembled through a number of high-redshift mergers followed by a period of quiescent accretion after z1 that lead to the formation of two distinct dynamical components: a spheroid of mostly old stars and a rotationally supported disk of younger stars. The surface brightness profile is very well approximated by the superposition of an R1/4 spheroid and an exponential disk. Each photometric component contributes a similar fraction of the total luminosity of the system, although less than a quarter of the stars form after the last merger episode at z1. In the optical bands the surface brightness profile is remarkably similar to that of Sab galaxy UGC 615, but the simulated galaxy rotates significantly faster and has a declining rotation curve dominated by the spheroid near the center. The decline in circular velocity is at odds with observation and results from the high concentration of the dark matter and baryonic components, as well as from the relatively high mass-to-light ratio of the stars in the simulation. The simulated galaxy lies 1 mag off the I-band Tully-Fisher relation of late-type spirals but seems to be in reasonable agreement with Tully-Fisher data on S0 galaxies. In agreement with previous simulation work, the angular momentum of the luminous component is an order of magnitude lower than that of late-type spirals of similar rotation speed. This again reflects the dominance of the slowly rotating, dense spheroidal component, to which most discrepancies with observation may be traced. On its own, the disk component has properties rather similar to those of late-type spirals: its luminosity, its exponential scale length, and its colors are all comparable to those of galaxy disks of similar rotation speed. This suggests that a different form of feedback than adopted here is required to inhibit the efficient collapse and cooling of gas at high redshift that leads to the formation of the spheroid. Reconciling, without fine-tuning, the properties of disk galaxies with the early collapse and high merging rates characteristic of hierarchical scenarios such as CDM remains a challenging, yet so far elusive, proposition

    Correlations in Nuclear Matter

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    We analyze the nuclear matter correlation properties in terms of the pair correlation function. To this aim we systematically compare the results for the variational method in the Lowest Order Constrained Variational (LOCV) approximation and for the Bruekner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) scheme. A formal link between the Jastrow correlation factor of LOCV and the Defect Function (DF) of BHF is established and it is shown under which conditions and approximations the two approaches are equivalent. From the numerical comparison it turns out that the two correlation functions are quite close, which indicates in particular that the DF is approximately local and momentum independent. The Equations of State (EOS) of Nuclear Matter in the two approaches are also compared. It is found that once the three-body forces (TBF) are introduced the two EOS are fairly close, while the agreement between the correlation functions holds with or without TBF.Comment: 11 figure

    La evaluación de la capacidad de resolución de la atención primaria y su contribución a la efectividad del sistema de salud.La hospitalización por ambulatory care sensitive conditions como medida

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    La 'Hospitalización por Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSC)' es un indicador de medida indirecta de la capacidad de resolución de la Atención Primaria de Salud (APS). El indicador mide el volumen de hospitalizaciones potencialmente evitables mediante una APS óptima y ha sido propuesto por varios autores, tanto nacionales como internacionales, para evaluar la efectividad de la APS. Las ACSC son códigos de diagnóstico de alta hospitalaria clasificados según la CIE-9-CM (Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades, 9ª revisión) que se obtienen del sistema de información sanitaria hospitalario, el Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos de Alta Hospitalaria (CMBD-AH). Muchas cuestiones emergen de la propuesta de evaluar la APS mediante un indicador generado con datos hospitalarios, cuestiones relacionadas con los aspectos conceptuales, metodológicos, de interpretación de los resultados y sobre su aplicabilidad para el sistema de salud. Las respuestas breves a estas cuestiones constituyen los puntos clave para la lectura rápida del mismo