7 research outputs found

    Seroprevalence and risk factors for Neospora caninum in small dairy farms in central Chile

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    Indexación: Scopus.Objetivos. Proveer información sobre la seroprevalencia y factores de riesgo asociados a la infección por Neospora caninum en bovinos en Chile central. Materiales y métodos. La población estudiada corresponde a pequeñas lecherías que son parte de un programa gubernamental de Asistencia Técnica (SAT), en la región de O´Higgins en Chile central. Muestras de suero fueron recolectadas desde vacas en lactancia y analizadas mediante un kit comercial ELISA. Además, se aplicó un cuestionario a los dueños de los animales para la identificación de factores de riesgo a través de regresión logística. Resultados. Se identificó una prevalencia a nivel de granja del 67%, mientras que dentro de las granjas positivas, esta fue en promedio de 55%. El historial de abortos (p= 0.037, OR=5.09), la fuente de alimentación de perros (p= 0.0429, OR=6), la fuente de agua de bebida de las vacas (p=0.034, OR=4.5) y el manejo de los abortos (p=0.017, OR=7.43) fueron identificados como factores de riesgo para la infección. Conclusiones. Se observa una alta seroprevalencia de N. caninum en pequeños productores lecheros pertenecientes al SAT en Chile central. Los resultados presentados resaltan la necesidad de mejorar las acciones de vigilancia de esta enfermedad y el desarrollo de medidas preventivas para evitar las pérdidas asociadas a esta enfermedad.Objective. To provide information about seroprevalence and risk factors of Neospora caninum infection in bovines of central Chile. Material and Methods. The study population are small dairy farms that are part of a Government Technical Support Service (SAT) in the O'Higgins region in central Chile. Sera samples were collected from milking cows and analyzed by a commercial ELISA kit. Additionally, a questionnaire was applied to farmers to identify risk factors through logistic regression. Results. The farm level prevalence was found to be 67%, and within farms seroprevalence 55%. Abortion history (p= 0.037, OR=5.09), dogs feed source (p= 0.0429, OR=6), cattle drinking water source (p=0.034, OR=4.5) and abortions management (p=0.017, OR=7.43) were found as significant risk factors for infection. Conclusion. There is a high N. caninum seroprevalence in small SAT's dairy farms in O'Higgins region. These results highlight the need of improving N. caninum surveillance, and the development of preventive measures to avoid losses related with this disease.http://revistas.unicordoba.edu.co/index.php/revistamvz/article/view/92

    Seroprevalence and risk factors for Neospora caninum in small dairy farms in central Chile

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    ABSTRACT Objective. To provide information about seroprevalence and risk factors of Neospora caninum infection in bovines of central Chile. Material and Methods. The study population are small dairy farms that are part of a Government Technical Support Service (SAT) in the O´Higgins region in central Chile. Sera samples were collected from milking cows and analyzed by a commercial ELISA kit. Additionally, a questionnaire was applied to farmers to identify risk factors through logistic regression. Results. The farm level prevalence was found to be 67%, and within farms seroprevalence 55%. Abortion history (p= 0.037, OR=5.09), dogs feed source (p= 0.0429, OR=6), cattle drinking water source (p=0.034, OR=4.5) and abortions management (p=0.017, OR=7.43) were found as significant risk factors for infection. Conclusion. There is a high N. caninum seroprevalence in small SAT´s dairy farms in O´Higgins region. These results highlight the need of improving N. caninum surveillance, and the development of preventive measures to avoid losses related with this disease.RESUMEN Objetivos. Proveer información sobre la seroprevalencia y factores de riesgo asociados a la infección por Neospora caninum en bovinos en Chile central. Materiales y métodos. La población estudiada corresponde a pequeñas lecherías que son parte de un programa gubernamental de Asistencia Técnica (SAT), en la región de O´Higgins en Chile central. Muestras de suero fueron recolectadas desde vacas en lactancia y analizadas mediante un kit comercial ELISA. Además, se aplicó un cuestionario a los dueños de los animales para la identificación de factores de riesgo a través de regresión logística. Resultados. Se identificó una prevalencia a nivel de granja del 67%, mientras que dentro de las granjas positivas, esta fue en promedio de 55%. El historial de abortos (p= 0.037, OR=5.09), la fuente de alimentación de perros (p= 0.0429, OR=6), la fuente de agua de bebida de las vacas (p=0.034, OR=4.5) y el manejo de los abortos (p=0.017, OR=7.43) fueron identificados como factores de riesgo para la infección. Conclusiones. Se observa una alta seroprevalencia de N. caninum en pequeños productores lecheros pertenecientes al SAT en Chile central. Los resultados presentados resaltan la necesidad de mejorar las acciones de vigilancia de esta enfermedad y el desarrollo de medidas preventivas para evitar las pérdidas asociadas a esta enfermedad

    Viral Infection of the Central Nervous System Exacerbates Interleukin-10 Receptor Deficiency-Mediated Colitis in SJL Mice.

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    Theiler´s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV)-infection is a widely used animal model for studying demyelinating disorders, including multiple sclerosis (MS). The immunosuppressive cytokine Interleukin (IL)-10 counteracts hyperactive immune responses and critically controls immune homeostasis in infectious and autoimmune disorders. In order to investigate the effect of signaling via Interleukin-10 receptor (IL-10R) in infectious neurological diseases, TMEV-infected SJL mice were treated with IL-10R blocking antibody (Ab) in the acute and chronic phase of the disease. The findings demonstrate that (i) Ab-mediated IL-10 neutralization leads to progressive colitis with a reduction in Foxp3+ regulatory T cells and increased numbers of CD8+CD44+ memory T cells as well as activated CD4+CD69+ and CD8+CD69+ T cells in uninfected mice. (ii) Concurrent acute TMEV-infection worsened enteric disease-mediated by IL-10R neutralization. Virus-triggered effects were associated with an enhanced activation of CD4+ T helper cells and CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes and augmented cytokine expression. By contrast, (iii) IL-10R neutralization during chronic TMEV-infection was not associated with enhanced peripheral immunopathology but an increased CD3+ T cell influx in the spinal cord. IL-10R neutralization causes a breakdown in peripheral immune tolerance in genetically predisposed mice, which leads to immune-mediated colitis, resembling inflammatory bowel disease. Hyperactive immune state following IL-10R blockade is enhanced by central nervous system-restricted viral infection in a disease phase-dependent manner

    Viral Infection of the Central Nervous System Exacerbates Interleukin-10 Receptor Deficiency-Mediated Colitis in SJL Mice

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