28 research outputs found

    Emprendimiento y migración: análisis del proceso y factores críticos

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    Hasta hace relativamente pocos años el viejo continente había sido criticado por su gran preocupación sobre los asuntos económicos. Esta preocupación era tan grande que aparentemente dejaba en un segundo lugar el resto de las cuestiones, incluida la inmigración. Sin embargo, la inmigración constituye hoy en día una realidad innegable. Los extranjeros que acceden al territorio de la Unión Europea (UE) constituyen parte de una realidad social inevitable y creciente. Europa comenzó a preocuparse en los años ochenta por el incremento del número de extranjeros deseosos de traspasar las fronteras europeas. Esta situación provocó un cambio en las prioridades y un giro en las agendas de los países miembros de la UE, ya que hasta ese momento, se consideraba la inmigración como una competencia de los estados soberanos. Durante la realización de esta tesis doctoral, se ha producido una de las mayores crisis económicas y financieras mundiales que se recuerdan, lo que ha cambiado otra vez las prioridades de Europa. La crisis se convierte en una cuestión fundamental para casi todos los Estados miembros y, por supuesto, para nuestro país. La desaceleración económica ha provocado cambios en el crecimiento económico de España. En este contexto, el interés por impulsar el dinamismo y el crecimiento de la economía a través de la creación de empresas ha ido en aumento. Esta situación ha convertido el emprendimiento en unos de los principales puntos de mira de la Administración Pública. Se produce una situación económica inestable, y por lo tanto, la escasez de recursos. La ciudadanía comienza a detectar sentimientos que habían sido olvidados. En todo este proceso de cambio, se han alzado algunas voces para transmitir el peligro y las repercusiones que supone la presencia de los inmigrantes en nuestro país y, además, la creación de empresas por parte de este colectivo. La ignorancia, el asombro y la desconfianza fueron señales de que estaba creándose una nueva etapa para la sociedad española. Se producen una serie de condicionantes de diferente índole que terminan uniéndose en lo que resulta un hecho indudable y demostrable: el impacto económico de la inmigración. La voluntad que se plasma en esta tesis doctoral, ha sido la de abordar algunas cuestiones económicas relativas a la inmigración. No hay que olvidar que los desacuerdos culturales que están en el fondo del rechazo ante este fenómeno se siguen manteniendo. Son factores muy difíciles de cuantificar y de diversa índole. No son políticamente correctos, así que la población tiende a esconderlos. En cualquier caso, la mezcla de efectos sociales, culturales, religiosos y económicos, dan como resultado el cuestionamiento de todo este fenómeno

    Estudio de la incursión de mujeres en el campo del emprendimiento

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    The aim of this study is to conduct a bibliographic revision based on empirical bibliometric details, from the systematic exploration of 521 articles taken from Web of Science and based on the use of the H-Index, H-Classics & H-Core. The results show aspects such as impact, authors with the highest productivity, the most about this topic and countries with the highest literary production, and identified the methodology applied by the most influential authors.El objetivo de este estudio es realizar una revisión bibliográfica basada en detalles bibliométricos empíricos, a partir de la exploración sistemática de 521 artículos tomados de Web of Science y basados en el uso del H-Index, H-Classics y H-Core. Los resultados muestran aspectos como el impacto de las publicaciones, autores con mayor productividad, los países con mayor producción literaria en esta temática, e identificación de la metodología aplicada por los autores más influyentes

    Behavioral Patterns That Influence the Financing Choice Models of Small Enterprises in Ecuador through Latent Class Analysis

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    The presence of small enterprises in developing countries makes new information on these enterprises substantially valuable for these countries. Governments have put forward numerous action plans and public policies to improve access to external credit. However, despite all technological advances, there are still situations linked to the theory of asymmetric information between lenders and borrowers, which influences the granting of financing. Under this premise, the present research uses latent classes to analyze the financing decision behavior patterns of 1033 business owners who faced the financing process and the constraints faced by lenders based on the asymmetric information theory. The results allowed the construction of a model that identified five profiles of trust in financial institutions among entrepreneurs that affected their financing decisions

    Analyzing the Job Demands-Control-Support Model in Work-Life Balance: A Study among Nurses in the European Context

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    The balance of personal life with professional life is a topical issue that is increasingly worrisome due to globalization, the rapid introduction of new technologies into all areas of human life, the overlap between time between work and family, new organizational systems, and changes in the nature of work. This problem is accentuated by professions subjected to intense labor demands, as is the case of nurses. Adopting the Job Demand–Control–Support model, the main purpose of this research is to analyze how these factors lead to a greater or lesser degree of work–life balance. The research proposes a logistic regression model, which was constructed with a sample of 991 nursing professionals from the V European Working Conditions Survey. The results obtained confirm, on the one hand, that there is a significant effect of physical demands (but not psychological demands) on work–life balance. On the other hand, the moderating effects of job control are partially confirmed for psychological demands, and those of supervisor support (but not co-worker support) are partially confirmed for physical demands. In conclusion, the present research shows that effective management of nurses’ work context can decisively contribute to finding the difficult balance between personal and professional time

    Analysis of Wellbeing in Nongovernmental Organizations’ Workplace in a Developed Area Context

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    An extremely useful theoretical approach to understanding the nature of work, health, and wellbeing is the job demand–control (JDC) model and the job demand–control–support (JDCS) model. In order for professional workers in the nongovernmental organization (NGO) sector to do their job, it is necessary for them to have a feeling of wellbeing. Despite this, in Europe, studies regarding the effects of the JDCS model in relation to workers’ wellbeing have not been carried out. This study is expected to fill this important gap in research by analyzing the relationship of wellbeing with work demands, work control, and social support. In order to corroborate the proposed hypotheses, an analysis of these constructs in employees in European nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) was developed and, using structural equation models, these relationships were tested. The results confirm the main hypothesis of the job demand–control–support (JDCS) model and the causal relationship among physical and psychological demands, work control, and support from supervisors and colleagues with the level of employee wellbeing

    Lessons from the First Wave of COVID-19. What Security Measures Do Women and Men Require from the Hotel Industry to Protect against the Pandemic?

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    The tourism sector in general and the hotel sector in particular face the challenge of managing appropriate security measures to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. In this sense, it is useful to know which measures are most demanded by the clientele. This research, through non-parametric statistics tests, concluded that women are more demanding than men in relation to the security measures to be taken in hotels. More specifically, this research concludes that women are more demanding than men in relation to a set of measures including ensuring good hygiene conditions, the use of disinfectants, the existence of health and information checks, adapting the establishment to WHO recommendations, obtaining quality certification, measuring temperature, the need to provide information on protocols and measures, and the elimination of physical contact between people. This, as a practical application, makes it possible to know more accurately about the safety requirements of sex-segmented customers in the face of future health crises, allowing tourist managers to offer safer destinations and the hotel sector better health conditions for their clients

    Problemas do empreendedor imigrante na Espanha: avaliação de políticas trabalhistas e sociais espanholas nos últimos cinco anos

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    This paper is a critical approach to the labor and social History of immigrant workers, who pretend to become « entrepreneurs » in Spain, during the last years. The paper studies the evolution of several immigrant entrepreneurs and it evaluates the public policies on the topic and the current risks and troubles (in legal, economical and sociological terms). Also, it pais attention on some violations of Spanish and European Union Law and Policy.Este trabajo es un estudio crítico de la historia social y laboral de trabajadores inmigrantes, que pretenden llegar a ser “emprendedores” en España, durante los últimos años. Este trabajo estudia la evolución de varios inmigrantes emprendedores y evalúa además las políticas públicas sobre el tema y sus problemas y riesgos actuales (en términos jurídicos, económicos y sociológicos). Incluso, se denuncian ciertas violaciones de Derecho y Política española y comunitaria.Este trabalho é um estudo crítico da história social e laboral dos trabalhadores imigrantes, que almejam tornar-se “empresários” na Espanha, durante os últimos anos. Este trabalho examina a evolução de vários imigrantes empresários e também avalia as políticas públicas sobre o assunto e seus problemas e riscos vigentes (em termos jurídicos, econômicos e sociológicos). Ademais, são relatadas certas violações da lei e da política espanhola e da Comunidade

    The reality of tourism in Manabí and the Circular economy (Ecuador) as a potential for tourism sustainability

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    Después del terremoto 2016 las provincias costeras de Manabí y Esmeraldas fueron azotadas por un fenómeno telúrico que afectó en gran proporción al sector turístico, lo que se ha ido acentuando hasta la actualidad por la presencia pandémica que ha puesto en serios riesgos la economía de este sector. El presente estudio analiza la operatividad de la Agenda de Reactivación (AR) propuesta por el Gobierno ecuatoriano a raíz del terremoto 2016, enfocando la economía circular como propuesta de sostenibilidad en los servicios complementarios del turismo, particularmente en hoteles y restaurantes. La metodología utilizada es el análisis comparativo de las metas propuestas en la AR y los logros alcanzados al 2019, además de la interpretación de la intervención de la economía circular como modelo de gestión en el marco de las investigaciones del Observatorio Ciudadano de Manabí y el uso de la economía circular como potencial de gestión para la reutilización de desechos sólidos en Portoviejo-Manabí. Como principales hallazgos se advierte que los alcances logrados en el sector turismo no se ajustan a lo planificado en la AR y que la ejecución de los proyectos no ha sido satisfactoria de acuerdo con las metas propuestas, además de la ausencia de articulación interinstitucional en la gestión de los mismos. Por otro lado, en la ciudad de Portoviejo se producen diariamente entre 50 y 100 kg de residuos sólidos en hoteles y restaurantes, de manera que la economía circular debería de considerarse como un mecanismo de sostenibilidad ambiental mediante la reutilización de los mismos, entre otras acciones.After the 2016 earthquake, the coastal provinces of Manabí and Esmeraldas were hit by a telluric phenomenon that greatly affected the tourism sector, currently accentuated by the pandemic presence that has put the economy of this sector at serious risk. This study analyzes the operation of the Reactivation Agenda (AR) proposed by the Ecuadorian Government as a result of the 2016 earthquake, focusing on the circular economy as a proposal for sustainability in complementary tourism services: hotels and restaurants. The methodology used is the comparative analysis of the goals proposed in the RA and the achievements obtained by 2019, in addition to interpreting the intervention of the circular economy as a management model within the framework of investigations of the Manabí Citizen Observatory and the use of the circular economy as a management potential for the reuse of solid waste in Portoviejo-Manabí. The main findings are that the achievements in the tourism sector do not conform to what was planned in the RA and that the execution of the projects has not been satisfactory to the proposed goals, in addition to the absence of inter-institutional coordination in the management thereof. On the other hand, in the city of Portoviejo (hotels and restaurants) between 50 and 100 kg of solid waste are produced daily, which could be considered within the circular economy, as a mechanism of environmental sustainability, the reuse of them

    An analysis of the state of tourism in Cordoba after the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic from the opinión and perceptions of the business offer

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    Este trabajo analiza las opiniones y percepciones de las empresas turísticas de Córdoba sobre su problemática y afecciones tras el confinamiento obligado como consecuencia de la Declaración del Estado de Alarma del Real Decreto 463/2020, de 14 de marzo, por el COVID-19 (BOE, n.º 67, de 14 de marzo de 2020), así como sobre sus perspectivas de recuperación pasado este periodo de confinamiento. El impacto de esta pandemia ha sido particularmente negativo en los destinos maduros de turismo urbano-patrimonial y de sol y playa, al menos en comparación con los destinos de turismo rural y de naturaleza, y, en este sentido, la ciudad de Córdoba no ha sido una excepción en relación con la provincia, si bien hasta la fecha no se habían realizado estudios sobre su situación turística desde el punto de vista de la oferta empresarial. Los datos fueron obtenidos a partir de una encuesta a 280 empresas y profesionales de Córdoba y provincia de prácticamente todos los subsectores de actividad turística. Los resultados mostraron que se ha sufrido una pérdida de empleo muy importante como consecuencia de la fuerte disminución de las visitas y pernoctaciones. El trabajo ha servido también para mostrar las preocupaciones del empresariado como también para conocer cuáles son sus necesidades en términos de acciones que hayan de acometerse para afrontar la recuperación. Los resultados de este estudio también servirán de ayuda y orientación a las administraciones públicas competentes en materia de turismo y al propio sector privado de cara a plantear estrategias de colaboración público-privada que avancen la resiliencia y capacidad de respuesta del destino ante una crisis de grandes proporciones como ésta.This work analyzes the opinions and perceptions of the tourist companies of Córdoba about their problems and conditions after forced confinement as a result of the Declaration of the State of Alarm in Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, by COVID-19 , No. 67, of March 14, 2020), also shows data on the prospect of recovery after this period of confinement. The im- pact of this pandemic has been particularly negative in mature urban-heritage tourism and sun and beach destinations, at least in comparison with rural and nature tourism destinations, and, in this sense, the city of Córdoba has not it has been an exception in relation to the province, although to date no studies have been carried out on its tourist situation from the point of view of business ofierings. The data were obtained from a survey of 280 companies and professionals in Córdoba and the province of practically all subsectors of tourism activity. The results showed that there has been a significant loss of employment as a result of the sharp decrease in visits and overnight stays. The work has also served to show the concerns of the business community as well as to find out what their needs are in terms of actions to be undertaken to face the recovery. The results of this study will also serve as help and guidance to the competent public administrations in the field of tourism and to the private sector itself in order to propose strategies for public-pri- vate collaboration that strengthen the resilience and response capacity of the destination in the face of a major crisis. proportions like this

    The Loyalty of Tourism in Synagogues: The Special Case of the Synagogue of Córdoba

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    Tourism in synagogues is an activity which is increasing in popularity due to the current interest in cultural and patrimonial heritage. The synagogue in Córdoba has become an irreplaceable Jewish tourist destination in Spain due to its origins, construction, conservation, and recognition by international organizations. This article analyzes the loyalty of tourism in synagogues using variables such as satisfaction, loyalty and the expected and perceived value of the destination and the historical monument using a structural research equations methodology. No previous studies on tourism at synagogues using structural equations have been made. The data was obtained by means of a survey given to 350 tourists visiting this cultural heritage site. The results showed that there is strong loyalty to the heritage site as well as the destination