454 research outputs found

    Solar flare neon and solar cosmic ray fluxes in the past using gas-rich meteorites

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    Methods were developed earlier to deduce the composition of solar flare neon and to determine the solar cosmic ray proton fluxes in the past using etched lunar samples and at present, these techniques are extended to gas rich meteorites. By considering high temperature Ne data points for Pantar, Fayetteville and other gas rich meteorites and by applying the three component Ne-decomposition methods, the solar cosmic ray and galactic cosmic ray produced spallation Ne components from the trapped SF-Ne was resolved. Using appropiate SCR and GCR production rates, in the case of Pantar, for example, a GCR exposure age of 2 m.y. was estimated for Pantar-Dark while Pantar-Light yielded a GCR age of approx. 3 m.y. However the SCR exposure age of Pantar-Dark is two orders of magnitude higher than the average surface exposure ages of lunar soils. The possibility of higher proton fluxes in the past is discussed

    The generalized gradient approximation kernel in time-dependent density functional theory

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    A complete understanding of a material requires both knowledge of the excited states as well as of the ground state. In particular, the low energy excitations are of utmost importance while studying the electronic, magnetic, dynamical, and thermodynamical properties of the material. Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT), within the linear regime, is a successful \textit{ab-initio} method to access the electronic charge and spin excitations. However, it requires an approximation to the exchange-correlation (XC) kernel which encapsulates the effect of electron-electron interactions in the many-body system. In this work we derive and implement the spin-polarized XC kernel for semi-local approximations such as the adiabatic Generalized Gradient Approximation (AGGA). This kernel has a quadratic dependence on the wavevector, {\bf q}, of the perturbation, however the impact of this on the electron energy loss spectra (EELS) is small. Although the GGA functional is good in predicting structural properties, it generality overestimates the exchange spin-splitting. This leads to higher magnon energies, as compared to both ALDA and experiment. In addition, interaction with the Stoner spin-flip continuum is enhanced by AGGA, which strongly suppresses the intensity of spin-waves.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Effect of moon light and lunar periodicity on the attraction of black cutworm Moth Agrotis Flammatara (Schiffer - Mueller) on light trap

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    The effect of moon light and lunar periodicty on the attraction of cutworm moth, Agrotis flammatra (Schiffer Mueller) was studied during active periods (rainy season) in 1997 and 1998 at Horticulture Research Block of Hill Campus, Ranichauri (1600m ASL). In the light trap, a mercury vapour electric bulb (160 Watt) was used as the source of light. The moths attracted to the light trap during the active period were collected and recorded daily. Number of moths trapped on the light trap was correlated with the degree of moon phase of different days of a lunar cycle. The results indicated that the number of moths attracted to light trap was consistently very low during moonlight nights around full moon. A highly significant inverse linear correlation between the degree of moon phase and light trap catches was observed. On the average, the attraction response of cutworm moths was stronger in descending phase as compared to ascending phase

    Feasibility of injectable Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate in a semi urban camp setting

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    Background: The contraceptive method mix in India has been dominated by female sterilization for a long time. Initiatives have been taken to make Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) available through the public sector of the country. Considering the privacy, safety and efficacy of this long acting method, the study was undertaken to evaluate the acceptance of DMPA in field camps amongst semi urban population.Methods: A cross sectional evaluation study was carried out with married women who accepted DMPA from the basket of contraceptives offered to them. Selection was facilitated by adequate counseling. After counseling, the clients were followed up during subsequent doses for a year for the acceptance and side effects. A checklist was filled comprising detailed history and other variables. The data was expressed in number and percentage and statistical analysis was done on SPSS -19.Results: The mean age of 45 eligible women who accepted DMPA was 26.5 years .Fifty one percent of women were primiparous and forty two percent were lactating during the study period. Majority (80%) were self-motivated to receive subsequent injections. There was no pregnancy in DMPA users. The commonest adverse effect was amenorrhea (49%) followed by irregular spotting (32%) and menorrhagia (14%). Fourteen subjects discontinued DMPA after one or two injections but 58.5% acceptors considered this a good method for birth spacing and wanted to continue it for a longer period.Conclusions: DMPA remains a valid, safe and confidential but neglected contraceptive in India. There is a need to create an awareness program for common people and also to build a supportive environment for users at all levels

    Внедрение финансовых технологий – пример индийских ММСП

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    Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) are the backbone of every economy. Financial inclusion of MSMEs is essential for any country aspiring to economic development. Innovative solutions offered by fintech companies can support the financial inclusion of MSMEs. Digital payments, alternative loans, insurance, investments, regulatory, and robo-advisory services are just a few of the services that fintech companies provide to MSMEs. The purpose of this studyis to examine the role of financial technology on registered micro, small, and medium enterprises in India. The objective of the study is to reveal the behaviour of MSMEs towards financial technology acceptance and show how various demographic variables of owners/managers influence the acceptance of financial technology in the case of MSMEs. The methodological basis of the study is a management survey of 117 MSMEs in India. The questionnaire had 25 questions; measurement items used in the questionnaire were derived from previous studies carried out in developing countries. The results were processed and tested for significance using modern econometric methods such as the Kruskal-Wallis H test, and the Mann-Whitney U test. The result of the study indicates that the financial technology acceptance rate among the MSME sector is high as maximum MSMEs consider themselves moderate financial technology adopters. MSMEs have a high understanding of different financial services provided by fintech companies. Prior Experience of the owner/manager, brand familiarity, government support, and behavioural variables such as perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, trust, and satisfaction was proved to be effective while adopting financial technology services whereas, demographic variables such as gender, age, education level of owner/manager was found to be ineffective. The study concludes that fintech companies are providing quality services by acting as a single window, supporting the financial needs of MSMEs at low interest rates, simplified processes and lower transaction costs. MSMEs are using fintech products and services as a key part of their financial management, with increasing adoption there is a growing opportunity for fintech companies, incumbents, and non-financial organisations. The result of the study contributes to the novel understanding of the acceptance and preference of the MSME sector towards financial technology.Микро-, малые и средние предприятия (ММСП) являются основой экономики. Финансовая интеграция ММСП необходима для любой страны, стремящейся к экономическому развитию. Инновационные решения, предлагаемые финтех-компаниями, могут поддержать финансовую интеграцию ММСП. Цифровые платежи, альтернативные кредиты, страхование, инвестиции, регулятивные и робо-консультационные услуги – это лишь некоторые из услуг, которые финтех-компании предоставляют ММСП. Цель данного исследования – определить роль финансовых технологий для зарегистрированных микро-, малых и средних предприятий Индии. Задача исследования – выявить отношение ММСП к внедрению финансовых технологий и показать, как на это влияют различные демографические параметры владельцев/менеджеров ММСБ. Методологической основой исследования является анкетирование руководителей 117 ММСП Индии. Анкета состояла из 25 вопросов, которые были взяты из предыдущих исследований, проведенных в развивающихся странах. Результаты были обработаны и проверены на значимость с помощью современных эконометрических методов, таких как H-тест Крускала-Уоллиса и U-тест Манна-Уитни. Результаты исследования показывают, что уровень принятия финансовых технологий в секторе ММСП высок, так как большинство ММСП считают себя умеренными приверженцами финансовых технологий. ММСП обладают высоким уровнем понимания различных финансовых услуг, предоставляемых финтех-компаниями. Предыдущий опыт владельца/руководителя, знакомство с брендом, государственная поддержка и поведенческие факторы, такие как воспринимаемая простота использования, воспринимаемая полезность, доверие и удовлетворенность, оказывали наиболее эффективное влияние при внедрении услуг финансовых технологий, в то время как демографические факторы, такие как пол, возраст, уровень образования владельца/руководителя, напротив, оказались неэффективными. Исследование пришло к выводу, что финтех-компании предоставляют качественные услуги, действуя как единое окно, поддерживая финансовые потребности ММСП по низким процентным ставкам, упрощенным процессам и при более низких транзакционных издержках. ММСП используют финтех-продукты и услуги как ключевую часть своего финансового менеджмента, и с ростом их внедрения открываются новые возможности для финтех-компаний, действующих предприятий и нефинансовых организаций. Результат исследования вносит вклад в новое понимание принятия и предпочтений сектора ММСП в отношении финансовых технологий

    Tachyon warm inflationary universe models

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    Warm inflationary universe models in a tachyon field theory are studied. General conditions required for these models to be realizable are derived and discussed. We describe scalar perturbations (in the longitudinal gauge) and tensor perturbations for these scenarios. We develop our models for a constant dissipation parameter Γ\Gamma in one case and one dependent on ϕ\phi in the other case. We have been successful in describing such of inflationary universe models. We use recent astronomical observations for constraining the parameters appearing in our model. Also, our results are compared with their analogous found in the cool inflationary case.Comment: 21 pages, Accepted by JCA

    WMAP Constraints On K-Inflation

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    We study the K-Inflation models where the inflaton field has non-canonical kinetic term. In particular, we consider the Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) form for the kinetic energy of the inflaton field. We consider quadratic and quartic potentials as well as the potential for the natural inflation. We use a modified version of the MODECODE (proposed by Mortonson et al.) to calculate the power spectrum of the primordial perturbations generated by the inflaton field and subsequently use the WMAP7 results to constrain the models. Interestingly with DBI type kinetic term, lesser gravity waves are produced as one approaches more towards scale invariance. This is true for all the potentials considered. Unlike the canonical case, this feature, in particular, helps the quartic (λϕ4\lambda\phi^4) potential with DBI type kinetic term to be consistent with WMAP data.Comment: 9 pages, 4 eps figures, 2 Tables, Latex Styl

    Can destination image be ascertained from social media? An examination of Twitter hashtags

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    The role of Twitter hashtags in creating destination images is under-researched, and there is limited understanding of their usefulness in destination promotion. This paper examines the destination image of Rishikesh, India, based on an analysis of relevant tweets during the decade 2009–2019. The hashtags of resident, domestic and international Twitter users (about Rishikesh, India) were compared with the images of Rishikesh promoted by the relevant Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO: Uttarakhand Tourism) to identify and analyse any similarities or differences in the destination image promotion. The findings suggest that ‘yoga’ and ‘Ganges’ were the most prominent images associated with Rishikesh. However, the efforts of the RTO regarding promoting Rishikesh also focus on hashtags featuring adventure. This adventure image is also used by Indian Twitter users, whereas the residents and international Twitter users were less likely to use adventure-related hashtags that much. However, though residents, Indian and international Twitter users used almost similar natural landscape-related hashtags, RTO uses them unsubstantially. The results emphasise the importance of, and potential for, selected experiential and interpersonal hashtags when promoting destination images via Twitter, thus maximising the potential for destination marketing through this platform. At last, a hashtag strategy for destination promotion is also proposed based on the findings of this paper for focused exposure and increased searchability

    Clues to multiple exposure history of some meteorites

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    The transcriptional co-factor RIP140 regulates mammary gland development by promoting the generation of key mitogenic signals

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    Nuclear receptor interacting protein (Nrip1), also known as RIP140, is a co-regulator for nuclear receptors that plays an essential role in ovulation by regulating the expression of the epidermal growth factor-like family of growth factors. Although several studies indicate a role for RIP140 in breast cancer, its role in the development of the mammary gland is unclear. By using RIP140-null and RIP140 transgenic mice, we demonstrate that RIP140 is an essential factor for normal mammary gland development and that it functions by mediating oestrogen signalling. RIP140-null mice exhibit minimal ductal elongation with no side-branching, whereas RIP140-overexpressing mice show increased cell proliferation and ductal branching with age. Tissue recombination experiments demonstrate that RIP140 expression is required in both the mammary epithelial and stromal compartments for ductal elongation during puberty and that loss of RIP140 leads to a catastrophic loss of the mammary epithelium, whereas RIP140 overexpression augments the mammary basal cell population and shifts the progenitor/differentiated cell balance within the luminal cell compartment towards the progenitors. For the first time, we present a genome-wide global view of oestrogen receptor-α (ERα) binding events in the developing mammary gland, which unravels 881 ERα binding sites. Unbiased evaluation of several ERα binding sites for RIP140 co-occupancy reveals selectivity and demonstrates that RIP140 acts as a co-regulator with ERα to regulate directly the expression of amphiregulin (Areg), the progesterone receptor (Pgr) and signal transducer and activator of transcription 5a (Stat5a), factors that influence key mitogenic pathways that regulate normal mammary gland development