790 research outputs found

    Composite Tie Rod Research, Design and Testing For SAE Baja

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    Composite materials have become increasing popular in recent years. For the Baja SAE team, composites are typically only used for body panels. To grow as a team and to earn additional points in design competition, it was decided to explore composite use in mechanical applications, specifically for the tie rods. Research was conducted, looking into composite materials basics, types, and material properties. Additionally, manufacturing was explored, including a few projects separate from the tie rod application. 3D models were created after the materials were selected, and FEA analysis was conducted on the parts. Once theoretical testing was finished, the physical testing pieces were purchased and assembled, then tested. The most apparent issue with the design was the bond between the selected carbon fiber tubes and manufactured aluminum inserts. This bond, at most was measured at around 45 pounds of tensile force, which is much less than needed in this application, as the carbon fiber was calculated to withstand just over 2,000 pounds. Data was collected and recommendations for additional research and testing were made, including recommendations to attempt to yield better test results. The project, although initial testing yielded disappointing results, is not a lost cause. In the future, additional methods and designs should be explored

    An Examination of the Current Value Impact of a Leveraged Buyback Announcement

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    This research is aimed at studying the impact of a substantial share repurchase financed through debt (known as a Leveraged Buyback) on the value of the stock of a company. Prior research shows evidence of a positive average effect, but factors determining the magnitude of response for an individual company are not well understood. This study focuses on explaining variations in response to a leveraged buyback. The study suggested that shareholders like a LBB when the size of the LBB is small and the principle behind it is to supplement their dividend income. However, in cases when the company announces a substantial LBB the shareholders perceive it as bad news. This is because the shareholders feel that such a major restructuring of the capital structure at the hands of an untrustworthy management would put at risk not only their dividend income, but also their original investment

    Dominion Hardware Inc.

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    On Monday morning November 20, 2005 Peter Seitz, President of Dominion Hardware Inc. (DHI) headquartered in Windsor Ontario, wanted to start planning for the meeting with his two partners scheduled for December 11, 2005.  It had been two months since the trio had bought the company.  The purpose of the meeting was to find ways of financing the expansion of DHI over the next five years

    Thinking and Learning through Creative Movement in the Classroom

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    In the past decade, the American school system has come under scrutiny. American children are scoring lower than children from other countries on standardized tests. What can be done to ensure that American students are able to compete in the technological world of today? Many educators believe that in order for children to fulfill their potential, they must be given more than information and knowledge. They must be taught how to think, how to use the knowledge they learn in school. Researchers such as Robert H. Ennis (1987, 1993) and Matthew Lipman (1995) believe thinking must be advanced in the schools. It must be practiced. Teachers must challenge their students and provide them with opportunities to make decisions, solve problems and be creative. Other researchers such as Harvard University\u27s Howard Gardner believe students will learn better if all of their intelligences are nurtured. This theory advances the belief that there is more to intelligence than an inborn general intelligence factor. The Multiple Intelligence (MI) theory believes that human cognitive competence is better described in terms of a set of abilities, talents, or mental skills, which we call \u27intelligences (Gardner, 1993 p. 15). The seven identified are the musical, bodily-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial, interpersonal and intrapersonal. Gardner and his colleagues hold that students will benefit from instruction incorporating more than the verbal and logical intelligences. This thesis examines the aforementioned trends of teaching thinking skills and utilizing a multiple intelligence approach in the classroom. It then presents creative movement as a classroom activity which stimulates intelligences often overlooked in the classroom while also promoting critical and creative thinking skills in children. It has been shown in studies that movement can stimulate a child\u27s interest in school (Fowler, 1994). Creative movement stimulates decision making, problem solving and communication skills as well as the creative affinity needed to produce excellent thinkers. All of this research culminates in the development of a workshop for elementary school teachers. The workshop is designed to introduce teachers to creative movement so they have the knowledge and confidence to utilize creative movement as an educational tool within their own classrooms

    Determinants of Household Poverty: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan

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    The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) aim at halving the percentage of world population in 1990 with income less than US $ 1 a day and halving the share of people who suffer from hunger by 2015. Being a developing nation, poverty reduction should be our foremost obligation. An appreciable decline has occurred recently, headcount decreased from 34.46 percent in 2000-01 to 23.94 in 2004-05 [Pakistan (2006-07)]. However, seeing only the statistics and the trends in poverty we can just observe that what happened to poverty in different periods and also the decomposition of poverty in different years gives us a more appropriate picture of the incidence of poverty. This knowledge is useful because it informs us whether poverty is increasing or decreasing overtime. However, this information does not provide us the details of the causes of poverty. For instance, is poverty high due to low education attainment or large family size or due to any other reason? Here is a need of research about the determinants of poverty that are positively or negatively linked with the poverty status. This is the area where research can be most useful because firstly we have to understand the main determinants of poverty before designing the most efficient policy to reduce poverty in the country

    The Ingalls-Thomas Bijections

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    Given a finite acyclic quiver Q with path algebra kQ, Ingalls and Thomas have exhibited a bijection between the set of Morita equivalence classes of support-tilting modules and the set of thick subcategories of mod kQ and they have collected a large number of further bijections with these sets. We add some additional bijections and show that all these bijections hold for arbitrary hereditary artin algebras. The proofs presented here seem to be of interest also in the special case of the path algebra of a quiver.Comment: This is a modified version of an appendix which was written for the paper "The numbers of support-tilting modules for a Dynkin algebra" (see arXiv:1403.5827v1
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