1,993 research outputs found

    CHEM 244-043: Organic Chemistry II

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    The popularity of social networking sites on the World Wide Web has exploded during the past two decades. As more and more K-12 public school teachers choose to actively participate on social networking sites, school leaders and school boards face the increasingly difficult decision about whether or not to enact policies which will enable them to discipline teachers for their online behavior. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the development, interpretation, and significance of one such policy

    FDI in Space: Spatial Autoregressive Relationships in Foreign Direct Investment

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    Theoretical models of foreign direct investment (FDI) have only recently begun to model the role of third countries, and the empirical FDI literature has almost exclusively examined bilateral FDI data without recognizing the potential interdependence between FDI decisions to alternative host countries. This paper uses spatial econometric techniques to examine the spatial correlation between FDI to alternative (neighboring) regions. The sign of such correlations can provide evidence for or against alternative theories for FDI motivations. Using data on OECD countries from 1980-2000, we find evidence consistent with export platform FDI in Europe.

    Interference Effects Due to Commensurate Electron Trajectories and Topological Crossovers in (TMTSF)2ClO4

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    We report angle-dependent magnetoresistance measurements on (TMTSF)2ClO4 that provide strong support for a new macroscopic quantum phenomenon, the interference commensurate (IC) effect, in quasi-one dimensional metals. In addition to observing rich magnetoresistance oscillations, and fitting them with one-electron calculations, we observe a clear demarcation of field-dependent behavior at local resistance minima and maxima (versus field angle). Anticipated by a theoretical treatment of the IC effect in terms of Bragg reflections in the extended Brillouin zone, this behavior results from 1D-2D topological crossovers of electron wave functions as a function of field orientation.Comment: 14 page

    Architects of time: Labouring on digital futures

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    Drawing on critical analyses of the internet inspired by Gilles Deleuze and the Marxist autonomia movement, this paper suggests a way of understanding the impact of the internet and digital culture on identity and social forms through a consideration of the relationship between controls exercised through the internet, new subjectivities constituted through its use and new labour practices enabled by it. Following Castells, we can see that the distinction between user, consumer and producer is becoming blurred and free labour is being provided by users to corporations. The relationship between digital technologies and sense of community, through their relationship to the future, is considered for its dangers and potentials. It is proposed that the internet may be a useful tool for highlighting and enabling social connections if certain dangers can be traversed. Notably, current remedies for the lack of trust on the internet are questioned with an alternative, drawing on Zygmunt Bauman and Georg Simmel, proposed which is built on community through a vision of a ‘shared network’

    Big data and diabetes: the applications of big data for diabetes care now and in the future

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    Aims: Review the current applications of Big Data in diabetes care and consider the future potential. Methods: Scoping study of the academic literature on Big Data and diabetes care. Results: Healthcare data are being produced at ever-increasing rates, and this information has the potential to transform the provision of diabetes care. Big Data is beginning to have an impact on diabetes care through data research. The use of Big Data for routine clinical care is still a future application. Conclusions: Vast amounts of healthcare data are already being produced, and the key is harnessing these to produce actionable insights. Considerable development work is required to achieve these goals

    Diets of Young King and Spanish Mackerel Off the Southeast United States

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    The diet of larval and post-larval (n = 95 and 307), and juvenile (n = 489 and 508) king (Scomberomorus cavalia) and Spanish mackerel (S. maculatus) from the Gulf of Mexico and southeastern Atlantic coastal waters of the U.S. consisted principally of fishes. Carangids, clupeids, and engraulids occurred in 23, 7 and 9% of larval and post-larval king mackerel stomachs and in 20, 40 and 7% of larval and post-larval Spanish mackerel stomachs, respectively. Sciaenids were also common in king mackerel, occurring in 21% of the stomachs. Prey fishes included the genera Cynoscion, Caranx, and Anchoa, and the species Opisthonema oglinum. Invertebrates, principally small crustaceans and nudibranch larvae, occurred infrequently in the diets of both species, but more so in Spanish mackerel than king mackerel. The dominant prey items for juvenile mackerels from the Atlantic were engraulids, clupeids, balistids, and squids, collectively accounting for 73.3% by volume of the diet of king mackerel and 88.8% of Spanish mackerel. More invertebrates occurred in the diet of juvenile Spanish mackerel than king mackerel, but they accounted for a smaller volume, i.e., 2.1% as compared to 5.4% for the Atlantic fish. Chi-square tests indicated significant differences between the diets of juvenile mackerel from the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast

    China and the crisis : global power, domestic caution and local initiative

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    Even though the global crisis had a quick and dramatic impact on Chinese exports, the Chinese government responded with a range of policy responses that have helped maintain high rates of growth. This success has helped propel China to the centre of global politics, accelerating what many perceive to be a power shift from the West to China. But these gains were achieved by reversing policy in previous years designed to make a fundamental shift in China‟s mode of development, and have highlighted the problems associated with making such a transition. At the moment that many are looking at the Chinese "model" as a potential alternative to the Washington Consensus, one of the consequences of the crisis is to further question the long term efficacy of this "model" in China itself

    Efficient Replication of Over 180 Genetic Associations with Self-Reported Medical Data

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    While the cost and speed of generating genomic data have come down dramatically in recent years, the slow pace of collecting medical data for large cohorts continues to hamper genetic research. Here we evaluate a novel online framework for amassing large amounts of medical information in a recontactable cohort by assessing our ability to replicate genetic associations using these data. Using web-based questionnaires, we gathered self-reported data on 50 medical phenotypes from a generally unselected cohort of over 20,000 genotyped individuals. Of a list of genetic associations curated by NHGRI, we successfully replicated about 75% of the associations that we expected to (based on the number of cases in our cohort and reported odds ratios, and excluding a set of associations with contradictory published evidence). Altogether we replicated over 180 previously reported associations, including many for type 2 diabetes, prostate cancer, cholesterol levels, and multiple sclerosis. We found significant variation across categories of conditions in the percentage of expected associations that we were able to replicate, which may reflect systematic inflation of the effects in some initial reports, or differences across diseases in the likelihood of misdiagnosis or misreport. We also demonstrated that we could improve replication success by taking advantage of our recontactable cohort, offering more in-depth questions to refine self-reported diagnoses. Our data suggests that online collection of self-reported data in a recontactable cohort may be a viable method for both broad and deep phenotyping in large populations