142 research outputs found

    Menggugat Pernikahan Dini

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    The Marriage Act No. 1 of 1974 Article 2 paragraph (1), regulates that a legal marriage is a marriage conducted according to each religious law and belief. It stressed the rules concerning the minimum age limit for someone to be able to enter into marriage. The marriage issue is closely related to the population problem; the rate of population growth, following derivatives issue; health, housing, food and employment, and so on. Until now, marriage at an early age (under age-limit marriage) are still rampant in this country. While the population is still adhering to the tradition, although the Marriage Act has long been firmly set. This law stipulates that a person who wants to marry must have reached the age of 19 years for men and 16 years for women, and if not yet reached that age should get dispensation from the court. The regulation is for the benefit of both prospective spouses. Fostering households need their biological and psychological readiness in order to realize a good, eternal, and happy marriage

    The Difference of Satisfaction Level in BPJS Health Insurance Patient and Non Insurance Patient Toward Health Service

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    National Health Insurance (JKN) developed in Indonesia is part of the National Social Insurance System (SJSN). One way to assess the services quality is to measure the patient satisfaction level. This research is a quantitative research with the cross sectional research design. The subjects of this research were the BPJS health insurance patients and non insurance patients with 200 people as the samples. The data was analyzed by the independent t-test, gap analysis, CSI (Customer satisfation index) and IPA (Importance performance analysis). The result showed that significant (ρ value >0,05) in all dimensions which mean that there is no difference of patient satisfaction level in Social Security Organizing Body (BPJS) participants and non insurance patients toward health services in Negara General Hospital. The biggest satisfaction in non insurance patients is on the Assurance variable (-1,002) and the smallest satisfaction is on the Tangibles variable (-1,357) and the biggest satisfaction of BPJS health insurance patients is on Assurance variable (-1,085) and their smallest satisfaction is on Responsiveness variable (-1,367). The non insurance patients gap is (-0,217) and the BPJS health insurance patients gap is (-1,206), both of them were classified into low satisfaction level. The result of Importance performance analysis value of non insurance patient showed Responsiveness attributes that should be prioritized and improved while in BPJS health patients showed Responsiveness and Reliability attributes that should be prioritized and improved by Negara General Hospital

    Kritik Atas Pandangan Theodor Noldeke Tentang Al-Hurûf Al-Muqatta‘ah Dalam Al-Qur'an

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    The Holy Book of Koran have secrets contained in the al-hurûf al-muqatta‘ah the letter opener. Not a few scholars who claim that al-hurûf al-muqatta‘ah including part of paragraph mutashâbihât meaning known only to God. However, many Muslim scholars or Orientalists who try to uncover secrets about the intentions of al-hurûf al-muqatta‘ah. Among orientalists who participated in the secrets behind al-hurûf al-muqatta‘ah is Theodor Noldeke. In his book, Geschichte des Qorans, Noldeke view that al-hurûf al-muqatta‘ah not part of the Koran. Noldeke assume that al-hurûf al-muqatta‘ah who are in the early surah is the initials of the names of the authors of the Koran. The initials have been used prior to the codification process in the future ‘Uthmân. the letter also as a symbol mushaf their disposal. For example Alif-Lâm-Râ are the initials of al-Zubayr, the letter Sâd for Hafsah, Kâf to Abû Bakr, and Nûn to ‘Uthmân. This paper will attempt to explore and criticize opinions Noldeke in more dept

    Developing Mathematics Teaching Devices in the Topic of Trigonometry Based on Guided Discovery Teaching Method

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    This research is categorized as Research and Development (R & D). As developed in this research is learning device that consists of lesson plan, student worksheet, and test. This research adopts ADDIE as a R & D model that stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The aim of this study are to describe the development process and to produce trigonometry learning device based on guided discovery method for students of grade XI Natural Science, as well as determine the effectiveness of trigonometry learning process using Guided Discovery method. To produce the trigonometry learning device based on guided discovery method for students of grade XI Natural Science, so it requires a validation from the experts and a trial to determine its practicability and effectiveness. According to the result of data analysis, it can be concluded: (1) trigonometry learning device based on guided discovery method for students of grade XI Natural Science fulfills criterion of valid, effective and practically, and (2) trigonometry learning process based on guided discovery method is effective

    Pandangan Al-ghazali Mengenai Pendidikan Akliah (Tinjauan Teoretis Dan Filosofis)

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    Bahasa Indonesia:Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pandangan Al-Ghazali mengenai pendidikan akliah dalam Islam. Dalam pandangannya, Islam memberikan penghargaan yang tinggi terhadap akal. Banyak dari ayat Al-Qur\u27an dan Hadits Nabi yang menganjurkan dan mendorong manusia untuk mempergunakan akalnya dan banyak berpikir guna mengembangkan intelektualnya. Merujuk kepada ayat-ayat Al-Qur\u27an yang di dalamnya terdapat berbagai kata seperti dabbara, naz{ara, faqiha, tafakkara, ‘aqala, Al-Ghazali mengkaitkan kegunaan akal dengan kekuatan daya pikirnya. Pendekatan yang digunakan berbasis teoritis dan filosofis, dengan merujuk kepada ayat Qur\u27an yang berkaitan dengan keunggulan akal dalam skala makro berpikir manusia, serta pendapat para tokoh. Hasil dari pembahasan didapatkan, bahwa akallah yang menemukan isyarat-isyarat ilmu pengetahuan yang dalam tahap selanjutnya dapat memperkokoh keimanan, keyakinan dan ketakwaan kepada Allah SWT. Akal adalah sumber ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan kebudayaan yang dipergunakan untuk menciptakan alat-alat yang berguna dan menghadapi problem-problem manusia. Al-Ghazali menghendaki perkembangan akal, disamping ingin menjauhkan manusia dari manusia yang individualis, materialis dan pragmatis. Beliau menghendaki adanya keseimbangan antara kemajuan akal dan penghayatan spiritual, keseimbangan antara kegunaan dan kebenaran, sehingga pendidikan yang dicapai tidak hanya memiliki, tetapi juga memuat azas tanggung jawab kepada Tuhan, pencipta akal.English:This article aims to describe the view of Al-Ghazali on the nonsensical education in Islam. Al-Ghazali argues that Islam gives high appreciation of reason. Many of the verse of the Qur\u27an and the Hadith of the Prophet who was advocate and encourage people to use their minds and a lot of thinking to develop intellectually. Referring to the verses of the Qur\u27an in which there are various words such as dabbara, naz{ara, faqiha, tafakkara, ‘aqala, Al-Ghazali linking USAbility sense with the power of thought. The approach based on the theoretical and philosophic, with reference to the Qur\u27anic verses related to the sense of excellence in the macro-scale human thought, and scholars opinion. The conclution of this article, intellect which find cues science in the later stage can strengthen faith, belief and devotion to God Almighty. Intellect is the source of science, technology and culture which are used to create tools that are useful and faced with the problems of man. Al-Ghazali requires the development of reason, in addition to want to keep people from the man individualist, materialist and pragmatic. He calls for a balance between progress and appreciation of spiritual sense, a balance between USAbility and truth, then education is achieved not only have, but also includes the principle of responsibility to God, the creator of sense

    Faktor-faktor Penyebab Kemenangan Pasangan Syamsuar-alfedri Di Kecamatan Tualang Dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Siak Tahun 2015

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    This study aimed to describe factors related to the cause of Victory pair Syamsuar-Alfedri in District Tualang in local elections Siak Year 2015. The figure Syamsuar-Alfedri considered a decent figure was boosted primarily in the District Tualang, proven leadership of one period of their own many programs running felt that touch directly to the public.The problem in this research is the causative factors Is Victory pair Syamsuar-Alfedri in District Tualang in Siak regency elections in 2015. The results of this study are Syamsuar-Alfedri the Regent Siak who served one year period ie 2011 to 2016 that is running very well the previous Government, namely intelligence, social relationships, motivation and encouragement of achievement. With his ability, he was able to bring Siak Regency was named the New Autonomous Region (DOB) best in Indonesia, factor underlying improvement in the economy has Syamsuar-Afedri regents victory in District Tualang. Starting from Revenue Per-Capita, tourism and culture, ivestasi, agriculture, plantations, farms, cooperatives, numbers Savings, and the Human Development Index, and Factor support Parties in Siak, especially in the district of Tualang for Syamsuar and Alfedri also merupan wrong one Important factors victory in District Tualang

    Analisis Pengumuman Pelaksanaan Employee Stock Options Program terhadap Average Abnormal Return dan Volume Perdagangan Saham di Indonesia (Study pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bei Periode Tahun 2011-2015)

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    This research is proposed to find out market reaction about Employee Stock Options Program (ESOP) implementation which is showed as significant differences on abnormal return and trading volume activity. Type of research used is comparative method with quantitative approach. This research is also belonged to event study, which is financial research technique using financial market data. Event study is used to test an event that can effected on corporate value, where showing by abnormal return and trading volume activity in the capital market. Time period is done during 11 days about 5 days before and after announcement of ESOP implementation, and a day (event date) when ESOP implementation was announced. The research samples are company listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2011-2015 period. There are 10 samples with 38 announcement date which have been implemented an announcement of ESOP price. The result is based on hypothesis test that showing there is no significant difference of average abnormal return and it was tended to increase after ESOP implementation. While there is significant difference for trading volume activity was tended to decrease after ESOP implementation

    Acara Petualangan Televisi Sebagai Media Pembentukan Karakter Pencinta Alam Bagi Pemuda Era Migrasi Penyiaran Digital

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    This study examines the level of relevance of television programs as a medium for supporting nature-loving character formation for youth in the era of digital broadcasting migration in the midst of an assessment that TV is actually considered damaging to character with the aim of knowing whether TV is still a relevant factor as a media supporting character formation. nature lovers for youth, as well as how to practice and apply the attitude of nature lovers after watching TV adventure programs in their daily lives. This research method uses qualitative-descriptive research methods with a phenomenological approach. The sample of this study amounted to 9 informants who met the criteria (purposive sampling). The results of the study, based on the Trend Dimensions of Factor X, show that there is still a strong level of relevance of TV with a percentage of 67% as a media to support the formation of nature lover characters for youth in the era of digital broadcasting migration through adventure programs, but in terms of duration, currently youth aged 17-33 watching TV adventure programs has decreased with a percentage of rarely watching 67%, in this digital era youths have turned to social media and digital platforms as supporting media for character building with a higher duration compared to watching TV, applying nature-loving attitudes and characters in life. Daily activities show that Actions for Caring & Conserving Nature with a percentage of 46% are the most common attitudes, followed by 25% Attitudes of Responsibility, Actions for Animal Cultivation 14%, Being an Activist in Nature 11%, and Caring for Humanity 4%.Keywords: TV Adventure Program, Nature Lover, Digital Broadcasting AbstrakPenelitian ini mengkaji tentang tingkat relevansi program acara televisi sebagai media pendukung pembentukan karakter pencinta alam bagi pemuda di era migrasi penyiaran digital di tengah-tengah penilaian bahwa TV justru dianggap merusak karakter dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui apakah TV masih menjadi faktor yang relevan sebagai media pendukung pembentukan karakter pencinta alam bagi pemuda, serta bagaimana praktek dan penerapan sikap karakter pencinta alam usai menonton program acara petualangan TV dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif-deskriptif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Hasil dari penelitian, berdasarkan Dimensi Tren Faktor X menunjukkan bahwa masih adanya relevansi TV tingkat kuat dengan persentase 67% sebagai media pendukung pembentukan karakter pencinta alam bagi pemuda di era migrasi penyiaran digital lewat program petualangannya, namun secara durasi, saat ini pemuda usia 17-33 sudah berkurang menonton program petualangan TV dengan persentase jarang menonton sebesar 67%, di era digital ini pemuda sudah beralih ke sosial media dan platform digital sebagai media pendukung pembentukan karakter dengan durasi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan menonton TV, penerapan sikap dan karakter pencinta alam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari menunjukkan bahwa Aksi Peduli & Melestarikan Alam dengan persentase 46% menjadi sikap terbanyak, selanjutnya 25% Sikap Tanggung Jawab, Aksi Budidaya Hewan 14%, Menjadi Seorang Penggiat Alam Bebas 11%, dan Peduli Sosial Kemanusiaan 4% persentase-nya.Kata Kunci: Program Petualangan TV; Karakter Pencinta Alam; Migrasi Penyiaran Digital

    Peranan Ilmu Forensik dalam Pengungkapan Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Fisik dalam Lingkup Rumah Tangga yang Dilakukan Istri terhadap Suami : (Studi Kasus Putusan No.1550/pid.sus/2015/pn.mks)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran ilmu forensik dalam mengungkap tindak pidana kekerasan fisik dalam lingkup rumah tangga yang dilakukan istri terhadap suami dan untuk mengetahui kendala-kendala dalam penerapan ilmu forensik tersebut sesuai putusan No.1550/Pid.Sus/2015/Pn.Mks. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ilmu forensik mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam perkara No.1550/Pid.Sus/2015/Pn.Mks sebagaimana penjatuhan saksi pidana Perundang-undangan yang diatur dalam Undang-undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga dengan mengacu pada hasil visum et repertum. Tidak terlepas pula kendala-kendala yang dihadapi berupa laporan administrasi dari hasil visum et repertum dan keterangan saksi yang berbelit-beli dan tidak hadirnya saksi dalam persidangan